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September 05, 2002 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-09-05

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September 5, 22
@2002 The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan

One-hundred-eleven years of editorialfreedom

Mostly sunny
with no precipi-
tation expected. H 80
Mostly clear LOW: 59
and slightly
windy at night. Tomorrow:

Vol. CXIII, No. 3

Security overhaul planned for res halls

New plans include card
entry to showers, security
cameras at all entrances
By Megan Hayes
Daily Staff Reporter
Lack of student participa.tion in preserving
residence hall safety has forced University offi-
cials to implement new security measures this
semester, including video cameras, dorm room
lock-in systems, and educational material.
Andrew Tan, an Engineering sophomore and
West Quad resident, said students must do their
part for these new security measures to be
effective. He said locking your door is the first

conscious step in creating a safe environment.
"We do have to sacrifice some convenience
in order to gain some security," Tan said.
Video cameras and new lock-in systems are
just some of the security measures University
Housing plans to implement later this semester.
Ian Steinman, associate director of Universi-
ty Housing, said new security measures will
expand upon security methods already in place.
University Housing has created fliers and dis-
tributed letters informing students of general
safety tips and preventative measures.
Steinman said it is necessary to provide more
comprehensive information to the community
in order for the increase in physical security to
have an effect on residence hall safety. "Our
core goal is to develop a security-conscious

community," he said.
An equipment-based initiative, which has yet
to begin, will provide video cameras on all resi-
dence hall entrances and require students to use
a personalized card to enter their rooms and
residence hall bathrooms.
The new security equipment represents an
increase in actual security which will be more
effective than steps taken last year, South Quad
resident advisor Brie Statham said.
"I'd rather have them watching then not
watch and have something bad happen," LSA
sophomore Statham said in reference to
installing security cameras.
The security measures are a response to an
increase in Peeping Tom incidents and dorm
room invasions that occurred last year, Stein-

man said.
University Housing Director Bill Zeller
said the increase in those categories "made
us think how we were managing access into
the buildings."
Last year, entrances to residence halls were
locked 24 hours a day and the University
increased residence hall patrols.
While the University can take an active role
in creating a safe living environment for resi-
dents, Zeller said some responsibility lies on
the students.
"One propped door jeopardizes the safety of
the entire community," he said. For this reason,
Zeller emphasized the importance of educating
students on how to maintain a safe environment.
"The best measure we can take is to build a

responsible community," he said. "That is the
ultimate goal we're striving for."
Steinman said there is also a committee
actively working on creating contacts with resi-
dents and developing crime analysis with the
Department of Public Safety to pinpoint crime
in residence halls.
"It's not only a security ,issue, but also a
community issue," Steinman said. Students
have the ability to greatly reduce the potential
for future incidents of crime, he added.
Nursing sophomore and South Quad resident
Jill McCarty said stepping up security in the
residence halls is a positive step.
The need for the new security measures
makes "me feel more concerned, but I'm glad
they're doing something," McCarty said.

Ban lifted'
for planes
flying over
By Jordan Schrader
Daily Staff Reporter

Greeks intensify
social events policy

By Jennifer Misthal
Daily Staff Reporter

Messages in the sky above Michigan
Stadium are a unique and useful way
for many businesses to advertise to
thousands of people at once.
But University officials say they are
a threat to the safety of the crowd.
Football fans saw airplanes towing
banners across the sky again at Satur-
day's football game, a result of the fed-
eral government's decision to allow
regulated air traffic above major sport-
ing events.
The ban on fly-overs was imposed
after last September's terrorist attacks James Jackson, di
and required planes to remain at least the Umoja Black S
3,000 feet high when within 3.5 miles President Mary Si
of restricted events.
Since early this year, companies
have been able to apply to the Trans-
portation Security Administration for
waivers and be airborne again after
complying with regulations.
With the help of other athletic
groups around the country, the Uni-
versity's athletic department is lobby-
ing the government to reinstate the
Athletic Director Bill Martin said By Jennifer Misth
permitting the planes to fly goes Daily Staff Reporter
against common sense.
"We check everything coming in (to Prominent me
the stadium) and then you have flying welcomed incomi
fuel tanks, flying around above sity's first-ever U
111,000 people," Bill Martin said. tion at the Lydia
The University, along with the Divi- Michigan League
sion I Athletic Directors Association, In his closing rei
the National Football League and Afro-American ax
Major League Baseball are pressing son said he looks
government officials to change the pol- 2006 at the black
icy, he said. "We must stri
The owner of the company that flew environment," Ja
five banner-towing planes over Michi- needs to be aware
gan Stadium on Saturday said the Uni- ty of Michigan."
versity's concerns are unfounded. Plans for the c
"We fulfilled the security require- events originated
ments (and more)," Jim Miller, owner leaders came tog
of Air America Aerial Ads, said. Jarvis Williams, c
See PLANES, Page 7A Engineering se
Ethics, not
education key
to scandals

New policies for Greek social events are being
enforced during the first month of classes as the
Office of Greek Life tries to make its events as
safe as possible.
"Any time one of our fraternities open their
doors, they place themselves under enormous risk
both as a fraternity and by themselves," Interfra-
ternity Council President Joel Winston said.
IFC resolutions stipulate that all fraternities
must register their social events in advance with
Office of Greek Life.
Fraternities receive two different colored wrist-
bands, one for each of two guest lists allowed. A
total of 300 guests - excluding freshmen- can
be listed on a pre-typed list, while an additional
75 guests can be admitted at the discretion of the
three door monitors.
"Once the wristbands are gone, no one can
come in - they control the size of the party,"
Winston said.
In addition to th guests' wristbands, each fra-
ternity must have six sober monitors wearing
neon armbands. Three must be stationed at the
house entrance.
While the changes were made in the interest of

"Our mentality is that 15
weeks of social probation
is preferable to possibly
15 years in jail."
- Joel Winston
President, Interfraternity Council
women's safety; it was still a "big blow to the Greek
system," Winston said. Sororities can no longer co-
sponsor social events at fraternity houses.
If fraternities fail to meet these requirements,
they can face up to 15 weeks of social probation.
Probation can also result from the presence of
kegs, cups or hard alcohol.
"Our mentality is that 15 weeks of social pro-
bation is preferable to possibly 15 years in jail
from trouble arising," Winston said.
After trying to fight the resolution, IFC final-
ly passed a series of resolutions in April
designed specifically for events held from Aug.
25 to Sept. 21 this year. Winston said the rules
attempt to create a safe environment for Greek
See GREEK, Page 7A

irector of the Center for Afro-American and American Studies, speaks to students at
Student Convocation last night as Senior Vice Provost Lester Monts and University
ue Coleman look on.
ck Convocationl

mbers of the black community
ing black students at the Univer-
Umoja Black Student Convoca-
a Mendelssohn Theatre in the
last night.
emarks, Director of the Center for
nd American Studies James Jack-
forward to seeing the audience in
graduation ceremony.
de toward providing a positive
ckson said. "The incoming class
if the resources at the Universi-
convocation and Welcome Week
last spring when black student
gether during the Ujima retreat,
convocation coordinator said.
enior Jamal Daniel, one of the

event's planners said he was happy with the out-
come of the night.
"When we were planning it, I saw a few things
that needed improvement and planning, but they
still worked out nicely in the program and hope-
fully we'll make them better next year," Daniel
said. Faculty members were "more than willing to
speak," he added.
With support from upperclassmen, the night
aimed to provide incoming students with a sense
of community and unity at the University.
"It's our desire that the students come out feel-
ing they are part of both the University communi-
ty and the black community," Williams said.
"Basically we want students to realize it's only
through coming together that we will succeed."
LSA freshman Danielle Richards said the
keynote address from Reverend Norman K. Miles
was "very striking" because it made her aware of
her status as a minority student.

Chillin' in the sun

Former Kent County Clerk Terri Land says her experiences as a county clerk makes her the most
qualified candidate for secretary of state.
Land discusses bi
for secretary of state

By Louie Melzlish
Daily Staff Reporter

By Ted Borden
Daily Staff Reporter
From the collapse of Arthur Andersen, one of the
nation's largest auditors, to the bogus accounting prac-
tices highlighted at such firms as Global Crossing, the
accounting industry has been plagued by a torrent of
bad news. But faculty members in the University's
accounting department, while surprised by the news, are
quick to point out that education is not the root of the
recent problems.
"I don't think the recent accounting scandals are a failure
of education," Accounting Prof. Russell Lundholm said. "I
don't think that a little extra 'ethics education' - a system-
atic way to think about ethical issues - was all that what
was missing. All that the players in these scandals needed to
know about ethics is what every mother teaches her chil-
dren. These guys knew right from wrong, they just didn't
choose to do the right thing."
Acomunting Prof noua Skinner aid that while there

After serving two four-year terms as clerk
of Kent County, Terri Land said she knew it
would take a bigger office to improve the
administration of elections and drivers' regis-
tration in Michigan.
She did not seek to enlarge the clerk's
office but stepped down from that post and is
now the Republican nominee to head the
largest clerk's office in the state - the Michi-
gan Department of State.
After fulfilling her promise to serve only
two terms as county clerk, she said yesterday
during an interview with The Michigan Daily,
"I knew any changes made would have to be
done through the secretary of state's office."
Land was one of two Republican nominees
for a seat on the State Board of Education in
2000. After losing that, she decided entered
the fray for the Republican secretary of state

It was a difficult task from the beginning,
involving numerous stops at local party meet-
ings in order to shore up votes from delegates
to the Republican State Convention.
Gubernatorial nominee Dick Posthumus'
decision to name her one-time opponent, state
Sen. Loren Bennett, as his running mate,
cleared her path for the nomination she want-
ed to succeed term-limited Secretary of State
Candice Miller.
Land spoke of the advantages new technol-
ogy can bring in making the department more
As of now, registered voters must vote in
their respective precincts, but Land says that
with computers that will not be necessary
anymore. In other words, students could vote
for their hometown's elected officials from
Ann Arbor voting precincts using ballots
printed when they, show their identification.
As for the main differences between herself
and her Democratic opponent, Detroit elec-

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