December 9, 2002
@2002 The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan
One-hundred-twelve years of editorialfreedom
winds from the
Southwest and
clear skies in
the evening.
r din28
Vol. CXIII, No. 64
U.N. inspectors still looking for weapons
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - Iraq challenged
the United States yesterday to produce evi-
dence it still has weapons of mass destruction.
"Why play a game?" a top adviser to President
Saddam Hussein asked.
As the huge collection of documents on
Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological pro-
grams was being flown to U.N. headquarters,
Lt. Gen. Amer Al-Saadi said the declaration
demanded by the United Nations is accurate
and complete.
Al-Saadi told reporters that the report con-
tains no new Iraqi evidence to answer lingering
questions inspectors have about crucial parts of
Baghdad's chemical and, biological weapons
programs. Baghdad has previously presented
"first-class evidence" that was ignored for
political reasons, he said.
A U.N. inspector brought a copy of the part
of the report dealing with Iraq's nuclear pro-
gram to Vienna yesterday and handed it over to
the International Atomic Energy Agency, the
U.N. agency overseeing nuclear inspections in
Iraq. IAEA experts were to begin examining the
documents Saturday night, a spokeswoman said.
Two more copies of the report - which in its
complete form totals more than 12,000 pages -
were on their way to New York, one for the Secu-
rity Council and the other for the U.N. Monitor-
ing, Verification and Inspection Commission.
The U.N. resolution requiring the declaration
be filed yesterday also called on Iraq to declare
any stocks or programs in chemical, biological
or nuclear weapons. The Baghdad government
says it has none.
Bush administration officials reject such Iraqi
denials and threaten war if, in their view, Bagh-
dad does not meet U.N. arms control demands.
They say they have "solid evidence" Iraq retains
weapons of mass destruction, but U.N. inspectors
indicate they have seen no conclusive evidence
thus far from U.S. or other sources.
Al-Saadi, a British-educated, former chief of
military production for Iraq, toldreporters the
Iraqi declaration was "accurate" and "truthful."
Then he added:
"If they have anything to the contrary, let them
forthwith come up with it, give it to (the U.N.
inspectors). They are here. Why play a game?"
Al-Saadi said the report "will embarrass
some nations and companies" cited as having
assisted in Iraq's pre-1991 efforts to build
weapons of mass destruction, which Baghdad
insists it no longer holds.
Al-Saadi said the document was so complete
that if the council makes it all public, "this
means that the Security Council is participating
in the proliferation of materials" relating to pro-
hibited weapons. He said the council already
was discussing how to handle the report during
a meeting in New York on Tuesday.
He complained that the U.S. administration,
even before reading the dossiers filed Saturday,
had ridiculed the mass of Iraqi documents as a
See IRAQ, Page 7A
Legislators tie
higher ed. funds
to districting bill
AirBus continues
providing airport.
rides at low rates
By Jordan Schrader
Daily Staff Reporter
After Gov. John Engler's budget-trim-
ming executive order cut higher educa-
tion funding, some Michigan lawmakers
are hoping they can use the state's sup-
plemental budget to direct more money
to colleges and universities..
But when the state Senate consid-
ers the budget this week, an amend-
ment attached by the House of
Representatives that changes the
way university boards are elected
could poison the bill.
The amendment, proposed by
Rep. James Koetje (R-Walker),
makes the funding in the supple-
mental bill dependent on passage of
Koetje's bill that regionalizes the
University of Michigan Board of
Regents, Michigan State University
Board of Trustees and Wayne State
University Board of Governors.
Now, voters choose the board
members in statewide elections.
Koetje's bill would divide the
boards' constituents into four dis-
tricts using the state Court of
Appeals district boundaries.
"The Senate plans to take that
amendment off," Sen. John Schwarz
(R-Battle Creek) said. Adding an
unrelated measure to a budget bill
is inappropriate, he said.
The main focus of the supple-
mental budget is to make added
cuts still needed after Engler's order
repaired most of the $460 million
budget deficit.
Included in the bill, however, is a
provision that would transfer nearly
$11 million from surplus Michigan
Merit Award money to higher edu-
Its practical effect will be to cush-
ion the executive order's cuts, reduc-
ing them from 2.5 to 2 percent.
Schwarz said the University of
Michigan would receive $1.8 million
in supplemental funds.
The Senate approved the supple-
mental budget in its original form. If
it refuses to accept the attached
amendment, the bill will likely go to
conference committee, where the
House and Senate will attempt to
resolve differences.
Emily Gerkin, spokeswoman for
House Speaker Rick Johnson of
LeRoy, said while House Republi-
cans support added funding for uni-
versities, "we're also very
interested in getting the Koetje bill
approved, and we think they go
hand in hand together."
"Our new proposal brings more
local representation from around
the state to the university boards,"
she said.
Of the 24 members of the boards
next year, 17 hail from Washtenaw,
Wayne or Oakland counties, a pro-
portion that would be drastically
altered by the new system.
But Regent-elect Andrew Richner
(R-Grosse Pointe Park) said the cur-
rent system gives everyone in the
state an equal vote in choosing all
the members that represent them.
"I am opposed to the concept of
districts because I think it will lead
to decisions being made on a
parochial basis, rather than on the
basis of what is good for the Uni-
versity, the students and the people
of the state of Michigan," he said.
The amendment is a purely politi-
cal action, House Democratic
spokesman Dennis Denno said.
"It's nothing but a power grab by
Republicans who have failed miser-
ably at winning education boards,"
he said.
By Carmen Johnson
Daily Staff Reporter
After a successful trial run of airBus
during Thanksgiving weekend, the
service has been tripled to accommo-
date more students flying home for
Winter Break. AirBus, a Michigan Stu-
dent Assembly-sponsored service, is
touted as a way for cash-strapped stu-
dents to get to Detroit Metropolitan
Airport without worrying about hefty
taxi fares.
AirBus will make 17 trips to Metro
Airport from Dec. 17 to 20 and 13
trips from the airport to Ann Arbor
Jan. 4 to 5, the weekend before classes
resume. Prices will remain at $14
roundtrip with reservations. Without a
reservation, the fee is $10 for a one-
way trip.
Reservations can be made starting
today through Wednesday in Angell
Hall near the auditoriums from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m. or at the MSA office in the
Michigan Union.
AirBus exceeded expectations during
Thanksgiving Break when it sold every
seat, MSA President Sarah Boot said.
"We weren't expecting to break even
but the airBus service during Thanks-
giving was very successful," Boot said.
"Now we can put the money back into
the service and hopefully sell seats
cheaper for Spring Break."
Feedback from the 300 customers
who used the service during Thanks-
giving has been overwhelmingly posi-
tive, Neil Greenberg, service planning
and project coordinator, said.
"It made my heart flutter when I got
See AIRBUS, Page 7A
Head Libranians
join GEG to .raise
bargaining power
Don't forget your hat
R t
Martha Cook residents mingle with University faculty and alumnae during the 57th
Annual Messiah Dinner Saturday.
57th Messiah Dinner
bringS performers,
alumnae together
By Mona Rafeeq
For the Daily
Amid festive holiday decorations and lively piano accompaniment, resi-
dents and alumnae gathered with special guests at the Martha Cook Build-
ing's 57th annual Messiah Dinner, held Saturday night.
The evening began with a receiving line that included members from the
board of governors of the Martha Cook Building, Marion Scher, coordina-
tor of the event, and Nancy Short, a resident of the residence hall and the
Messiah Dinner chair.
Short said that about 50 to 60 of the 140 students who live in Martha
Cook attend the Messiah Dinner each year. "The residents play a major
role in planning the dinner. There are a variety of talents that are needed
and the residents help with everything from the decorations and invitations
to the piano music and the coat check," she said.
A mingling hour before dinner gave the residents a chance to speak with
See DINNER, Page 7A
Rivers recieves honor
from student groups
as term comes to end
By Soojung Chang
Daily Staff Reporter
The Head Librarians of the Universi-
ty's 12-Residence Hall Libraries recently
voted to join the Graduate Employee
Organization more than a year after they
first approached GEO about becoming
members. GEO is a legal bargaining unit
whose members include University
graduate student instructors and gradu-
ate student staff assistants.
"HLs approached GEO in Septem-
ber 2001, however, we were unable to
complete the membership process dur-
ing last year's negotiations. In October,
the University recognized GEO as our
bargaining representative," HLs and
Rackham students Rebecca Yoo, Erin
Muladore and Gretchen Andry said in
a written statement.
GEO President and Rackham stu-
dent Daniel Shoup said although GEO
has represented GSSAs who work in
the academic libraries, they were not
always aware of the extensive services
that HLs provide to the residence halls.
In addition to a variety of adminis-
trative duties, the head librarians main-
tain and develop library collections,
supervise staff and program education-
al events for undergraduate students.
They work an average of 30 hours a
week in addition to being graduate stu-
dents in the School of Information.
Because of their role in developing
educational programs in the residence
halls, the HLs say their role is similar
to that of GSIs and GSSAs.
Shoup said although HLs are differ-
ent from GSIs in that their job includes
administrative, supervisory and pur-
chasing duties, and they are the only
workers they represent employed by
housing rather than an academic unit,
they still work in education.
"Like everyone else, they deserve
fair compensation, a say about their
working conditions, and the ability to
get fair redress if problems arise,"
Shoup said.
In a written statement, the HLs
said they feel very positive about
joining GEO.
"This is something that we have
worked on for over a year, and it feels
very good to have accomplished this
step. The University's recognition of us
as GEO members validates the signifi-
cance of the work HLs accomplish
through the RHL program."
The HLs said they will benefit
greatly from GEO's expertise during
By Louie Melzlish
Daily Staff Reporter
For the first time in 18 years,
Lynn Rivers will not be serving
Ann Arbor as an elected official as
of Jan. 1.
Since losing the Aug. 6 Democra-
tic primary in a reconfigured 15th
Congressional District against fel-
low U.S. Rep. John Dingell, Rivers
has remained mum on her plans as a
for the causes she has championed
in the House.
Receiving the Congressional Leg-
islator of the Year award by the
campus chapters of College Democ-
rats and Students for Choice, Rivers
said abortion rights supporters have
a lot of work to do if they want
women to continue to be able to --,
have abortions. There are abortion k, -
rights-opposing majorities in both
houses of Congress and in a majori- DANNY MOLOSHOK/Daily