The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, December 4, 2002 - 7
American a
WASHINGTON (AP) - American citizens working for
al-Qaida overseas can legally be targeted and killed by the
CIA under President Bush's rules for the war on terrorism,
U.S. officials say.
The authority to kill U.S. citizens is granted under a
secret finding signed by the president after the Sept. 11
attacks that directs the CIA to covertly attack al-Qaida any-
where in the world. The authority makes no exception for
Americans, so permission to strike them is understood
rather than specifically described, officials said.
These officials said the authority will be used only when
other options are unavailable. Military-like strikes will take
place only when law enforcement and internal security
efforts by allied foreign countries fail, the officials said.
-Qaida operatives could be targets
Capturing and questioning al-Qaida operatives is prefer-
able, even more so if an operative is a U.S. citizen, the offi-
cials said, speaking on the condition of anonymity. Any
decision to strike an American will be made at the highest
levels, perhaps by the president.
U.S. officials say few Americans are working with al-
Qaida but they have no specific estimates.
The CIA already has killed one American under this author-
ity, although U.S. officials maintain he wasn't the target.
On Nov. 3, a CIA-operated Predator drone fired a missile
that destroyed a carload of suspected al-Qaida operatives in
Yemen. The target of the attack, a Yemeni named Qaed
Salim Sinan al-Harethi, was the top al-Qaida operative in
that country. Efforts by Yemeni authorities to detain him had
previously failed.
The CIA didn't know a U.S. citizen, Yemeni-American
Kamal Derwish, was in the car. He died, along with al-
Harethi and four other Yemenis.
The Bush administration said the killing of an American
in this fashion was legal.
"I can assure you that no constitutional questions are
raised here. There are authorities that the president can
give to officials," said Condoleezza Rice, Bush's national
security adviser, after the attack. "He's well within the
balance of accepted practice and the letter of his constitu-
tional authority."
American authorities have alleged that Derwish was the
leader of an al-Qaida cell in suburban Buffalo, N.Y. Most of
the alleged members of the cell were arrested and charged
with supporting terrorists, but Derwish was not accused of
any crime in American courts.
Family members in Buffalo say they have yet to be con-
tacted by the U.S. government about Derwish's death, which
they learned about through media reports.
Mohamed Albanna, vice president of the American Mus-
lim Council's Buffalo chapter, urged federal authorities to
confirm the death.
"It's just a matter of common respect for the family here.
After all, they are U.S. citizens." He added that Derwish
"has not been tried and has not been found guilty, so, in that
sense, he's still an innocent American who was killed. That's
what the law states."
Continued from Page ±
going through a window, and with so many
people in the building, the police said you may
not hear a gunshot anyway. It could be muf-
fled," Ahmed said, adding that the powder find-
ings surprised him. "I was kind of in denial,
but after looking at the wound, it made much
more sense than glass."
AAPD Sgt. Angela Abrams said that, according
to the initial police reports, Ahmed had simply sus-
tained cuts on his arm from breaking the window.
Though Ahmed was bleeding heavily,
nobody seemed to think it was a serious injury,
Bhargava said.
"I didn't even know it was that bad. He was
bleeding, but I didn't realize how much until
after I got home and it was all over me," Bhar-
gava said. "He was calm and was just like,
'Let's go.' I didn't know what happened until I
saw him in the hospital."
' AAPD Detective William Tucker said wit-
nesses of the fight did not hear or see any
weapons while at the party, although he con-
firmed that it is possible the party was too loud
for shots to be heard.
Abrams said approximately 60 to 70 people
were present at the party when the fight occurred.
"No one there heard any shot. The question
is, how noisy was the party? I don't know,"
Tucker said, adding that police are still investi-
gating the incident. "There was evidence of
gunpowder in tht wound, but we do not know
that it is gunpowder because it was not tested."
Like Ahmed, other gunshot victims - includ-
ing Michigan cornerback Markus Curry - have
stated they did not realize they had been shot.
Curry was wounded in May after attending a
party with several of his teammates, including
linebacker Carl Diggs. The two were walking
home when a group of people, who had been
present at the party and were involved in an
earlier fight broken up by police officers, con-
fronted them. One member of the group pulled
out a gun and began shooting, hitting Curry in
the back and Diggs in the leg.
Both have since recovered from their injuries.
Meanwhile, Ahmed, who chose to withdraw
from classes for the rest of the semester after the
incident, is still recuperating and asking what
could have been done to avoid the incident.
He said he believes tighter security is needed
around campus apartment buildings including
the Forum in order to prevent more violence
from occurring.
"They should have some formal security, or
even just a person walking around. Just any-
thing, really," Ahmed said. "They should take
some responsibility."
But Prime Student Housing General Manager
Jim Sotiroff, who works for the realtor that owns
the Forum, said he believes this was an isolated
incident and that additional security measures
would not help the residents who live there.
"We have not hired security personnel for
our (properties) and I don't know of others who
have hired security- for theirs," Sotiroff said. "I
don't know if there is a need."
He added that if or when another incident
occurs, action would be taken in order to
ensure the safety of their tenants.
"We would have to look into what the caus-
es of some of these events are. If we find out
that there are just some bad tenants in the
building, we would have to take the proper
action to make sure all the other tenants are
safe," Sotiroff said. "We don't think that there
is problem, but we will keep our eyes and
ears open."
MichAgan will play infourth Outback Bowl
Continued from Page 1
Martin said.
While the Gators (6-2 SEC, 8-4 Overall)
have been one of the toughest teams to beat
during the past decade, it is questionable how
tough they are without coach Steve Spurrier,
now coach of the NFL's Washington Redskins.
First-year coach Ron Zook has had a forgettable
year in Gainesville, losing to SEC Western
Division opponents Louisiana State and Missis-
sippi as well as intrastate rivals Miami (Fla.)
and Florida State.
Michigan (6-2 Big Ten, 9-3) will be playing
in its fourth Outback Bowl (formerly known
as the Hall of Fame Bowl), and Florida will be
playing in its first. The game at Raymond
James Stadium, home of the NFL's Tampa
Bay Buccaneers, will mark the first time in
history that Florida and Michigan have faced
off on the gridiron.
Thanks to an unexpected confirmation that
Iowa will be in the Bowl Championship
Series mix, the Big Ten was able to officially
announce its secondary bowl lineup. Penn
State (5-3, 9-3) will play in the Capital One
Bowl (formerly the Florida Citrus Bowl)
against an SEC opponent, Wisconsin (2-6, 7-
6) will play a Big 12 team in the Alamo Bowl,
Minnesota (3-5, 7-5) will represent the Big
Ten at the Music City Bowl against an SEC
opponent, and Purdue (4-4, 6-6) will take on a
Pac-10 opponent at the Sun Bowl for the sec-
ond-straight season.
The Capital One Bowl was able to choose a
third-place Penn State team over second-place
Michigan because of a clause that says it has
the discretion to take a team with one less Big
Ten win than the Wolverines.
Michigan fans can begin ordering tickets for
the Outback Bowl today through the Michigan
Athletic Ticket Office's website,, or by calling the
office at 764-0247. Tickets for the game are
listed at $55.
"We want to make Raymond James Stadium
as maize and blue as possible," Martin said.
Continued from Page 1
fy an increase in harassment and that the LGBT
Office and other University departments are
ready to offer support for students who have
been the victim of hate.
"If someone has been victimized we offer
intervention services and work with Clinical
and Psychological Services, the Department of
Public Safety and other organizations to help
people find the support that they need. People
are definitely reporting more incidents which
means that victims are getting more support."
On campus, officials have taken special
precautions since the Sept. 11 attacks to pre-
vent this national trend from extending to the
University. DPS representatives said as a
result, incidents of harassment or intimidation
have been very rare.
"We try to reach out to the various student
groups to see if they're having any problems,
and if they are we do what we can to help them.
But we've had very few incidents on campus in
recent years," DPS Police Services Bureau
Cmdr. Joe Piersante said.
Many students believe that while the FBI's
numbers show an increase in hate crime, they
feel the campus is a generally secure environ-
ment. "I feel pretty safe," LSA freshman
Andres Carter said. "I don't feel like the Uni-
versity itself is protecting me, but I think that
the minority groups protect each other. I don't
view the majority as a threat."
But not all students believe the University
always provides a safe and diverse environ-
ment for all students.
"I don't see any programs at the University
that break down barriers or bring different
groups together," Engineering senior Roshan
Patel said. "There are student groups for many
minorities, but they only appeal to their own
culture. Most people don't set out to learn about
different groups; it's intimidating when you're
the only one who is different."
But even with the subtly persistent presence
of hate, officials at the American Civil Liberties
Union proudly assert that the state of Michigan.
has seen a relatively small number of hate relat-
ed crimes in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks.
"I think that the reason that there wasn't a
bigger backlash (against Muslims) in Michigan
is that a number of civil rights groups, law
enforcement agencies and people in the com-
munity took a stand early on against hate
crimes," Michigan ACLU Executive Director
Kary Moss said.
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Continued from Page 1
he said.
Peterson said the University has
received many offers of help from other
organizations, including higher educa-
tion facilities. In the last few years, the
Court has rejected similar cases from
universities in Texas and Washington.
Peterson and Alger said these universi-
ties might be interested in filing amicus
briefs in support of the University.
Peterson added that other organiza-
tions have offered to write op-ed pieces
in support of race-based admissions or
advise behind the scenes.
"We're receptive to the support, we
appreciate it and we're just looking to
see how we can channel (it)," she said.
In addition, the Coalition to Defend
Affirmative Action and Integration and
Fight For Equality By Any Means Nec-
essary is making plans for a million-per-
son march in Washington when the
Court hears the cases.
Alger said the Court will not set dates
for the arguments for another few weeks.
Continued from Page 1
year; 56 percent plan to spend the
same amount, while 19 percent will
spend more.
Many students say they have
already started holiday shopping and
will spend less money this year.
RC freshman Julia Malette said
she was pleased with the many holi-
day sales and has purchased books
as gifts for some friends and family.
"I'm excited about my sister's
present," Malette said.
LSA freshman Erin Pettypiece is
forgoing retail stores altogether to
find holiday presents.
"I don't have any money," Pettyp-
iece said. "I will be making presents
for friends and family this year. I'm
juft taking my sister out to dinner
because I know she won't like what-
ever I get her."
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Continued from Page 1
Sloppy play, poor shooting and lack-
luster ball-handling summed up Michi-
gan's first half. Freshman Daniel
Horton, who finished with a team-high
22 points, fumbled the ball numerous
times coming up the court, throwing the
offense out of sync and creating many
battles for loose balls. Michigan finished
with 10 first half turnovers, but with just
two in the second, its total of 12 was the
lowest of the season thus far.
The one bright spot was the play of
senior LaVell Blanchard, who shot 5-of-
7 from the field in the first half for 15
points. Blanchard finished with 21 for
the game.
Central Michigan also racked up 24
turnovers in all, but its high shooting
percentage allowed it to take a 39-33
lead into halftime. Manciel led all scor-
ers with 16 points going into the break.
"We certainly didn't aniticipate Man-
ciel making the kind of shots from the
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perimeter that he made:' Amaker, said.
In the second half, Michigan finally
began to generate offense, and it
seemed as though it was on its way to
ending the losing streak. With just
under 15 minutes to play, freshman
Lester Abram caught fire, scoring six
straight points and igniting his team-
mates. Sophomore Chuck Bailey added
four during the stretch, in which the
Wolverines went on a 12-2 run to erase
the six-point halftime deficit and take a
marginal lead.
But with 10 minutes remaining, the
momentum vanished into thin air, as
Kaman and Manciel led Central Michi-
gan back to regain a sizable lead.
"We had to do a better job of preserv-
ing the lead when we got it and taking
care of the basketball," Horton said.
Michigan was able to cut the lead to
three with less than a minute to play, but
their last ditch effort came up short.
Michigan will play No. 4 Duke this
Saturday, making it nearly impossible to
put an end to this streak this weekend.
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