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December 03, 2002 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-12-03

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, December 3, 2002 - 5

City Council votes for anti-war resolution

By Christopher Johnson
Daily Staff Reporter
Voices arguing against the nation's movement toward war
found a sympathetic audience at the Ann Arbor City Council
meeting last night. Joining 21 other cities, including Washing-
ton and Detroit, the council voted 7-1 in favor of a resolution
against war with Iraq.
Councilwoman Heidi Cowing Herrell (D-3rd Ward)
pitched the proposed resolution as a means to support local
representatives in higher government who oppose the war.
"This is a question that concerns the whole nation," she
said. "If we go to war there will be economic impacts on our
community. There will be members of our community who
will serve in the armed forces."
The City Council received a large audience - a couple
hundred community members - for the vote. Attendees
filled every spot on the benches, parading signs of protest

against the progression toward war. Several participants pre-
sented arguments decrying the possibility of war, urging the
council to take action.
Stephen Boyce, an Ann Arbor resident who said he partici-
pated in the Vietnam War, the Persian Gulf War and the war
on drugs, described the senselessness of initiating a conflict
with Iraq. "I've come to the humble conclusion that the whole
foul lump is not worth the life of a single American citizen,"
he said. "There is nothing in this war that will help our people.
There is nothing in this war that will expand our democracy."
The new resolution presents several reasons for averting
war, such as the loss of life on both sides of the conflict, the
diversion of local tax money outside the community, the
potential change in national policy toward preemptive strikes
in other cases and the opposition presented by Ann Arbor's
elected officials in Congress.
"It is the people who are not in agreement at this time that
we are trying to convince and the majority of (those who

serve in) Congress that did not oppose unilateral action," Her-
rell said.
Most council members, including Margie Teall (D-4th
Ward), expressed an emphatic approval of the resolution.
"These are voices that need to be heard, and if we can be
that avenue, I encourage it and support it," she said.
Joan Lowenstein (D-2nd Ward) supported the proposal, but
cautioned against continued resolutions regarding national
policy. "I think the City Council can provide moral support in
resolution," she said. "But our power to use resolution should
be used sparingly."
Mike Reid (R-2nd Ward), who cast the lone dissenting vote
opposing the resolution, said Iraq presents too significant a
problem for the federal government to leave unchecked.
"We would be remiss if we expect actions in Iraq and the
export of terrorism has not affected our day-to-day lives;" he
said. "If we yield to the temptation of picking out one issue
here, we will fall into the problem of addressing all of them."

Ann Arbor resident Bill Thompson speaks in support of an anti-
war resolution yesterday at the City Council meeting. The
resolution was later passed.

Search committee for next
LSA dean in outreach stage


By Jeremy Berkowitz
Daily Staff Reporter

Almost eight months after former
LSA Dean Shirley Neuman announced
she was leaving the University of Michi-
gan to become provost of the University
of Toronto, a search committee chaired
by sociology Prof. James House contin-
ues to scourer the nation for Neuman's
House said the committee, comprised
of eight faculty members, two students
and one LSA staff member, has been
meeting since October and plans to con-
clude its work in the spring. He added its
goal is to have a new dean in place by
the beginning of the 2003-2004 academ-
ic year. The committee only has the
power to nominate candidates to Provost
Paul Courant, who will ultimately take
one final candidate to the University
Board of Regents for approval.
"Obviously, it is everyone's goal to
find a dean as quickly as possible, but
no one is willing to speed up the process
inappropriately," said chemistry Prof.
James Penner-Hahn, a member of the
search committee.

House said the committee is in the
process of laying out a position paper,
which examines the various qualifica-
tions it is looking for in a new dean. "We
are currently in the process of outreach;"
House said, adding the committee is
now meeting with students and faculty
members to gain their input in regard to
the search.
House said one of the current prob-
lems with the LSA dean's office is the
continuous turnover in the last five
years. Since former Dean Edie Golden-
berg stepped down in 1998, psychology
Prof. Patricia Gurin served as interim
dean for one year, Neuman had a three-
year tenure and history Prof. Terry
McDonald is currently serving as inter-
im dean.
Although House would not say
whether McDonald is being considered,
many faculty members said they think
very highly of him.
"He's doing a fine job within the con-
straints of the budget;' political science
Prof. Daniel Levine said. "He's a person
who many of us have confidence in."
One of the main objectives of the
search committee is to find someone

who is willing to devote a considerable
amount of time to the position, around
five or 10 years, House said.
"There is a clear desire to get some-
one who will be committed to the job
for a reasonable period of time," he said.
"If we were to continue to turn things
over at the rate of one every two or three
years, I think that's a little too fast."
House said he thought internal can-
didates tend to meet more of a criteri-
on for commitment. He noted that the
two LSA deans before Neuman, Edie
Goldenberg and Peter Steiner, were
previously professors at the University.
Goldenberg and Steiner each served
for approximately nine years. Neuman,
who held the position for only three
years, was previously a dean at the
University of British Columbia. He
added that Neuman was the first LSA
dean to come from outside of the Uni-
versity since the 1960s.
But House said the committee will
look at internal and external candi-
dates, and stability will not be the only
factor looked at. "We want to make
sure ... that we try to get the best pos-
sible person,"he said.

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" AIDS Awareness Week events
educate, offer free HIV testing
By Mmn Kyung Yoon"
Daily Staff Reporter"Am m raqulof4 00

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As AIDS Awareness Week kicked off on Sunday, Univer-
sity and student organizations are busy providing programs
and events to educate the campus community about HIV
and AIDS.
University Health Services, which regularly provides
HIV-related services to the University community, will be
organizing its second outreach event this week on Friday
from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Michigan Union with the help
of the Black Student Union, said Yolanda Campbell, associ-
ate director of health service at UHS.
"At the Health Promotion Department of the UHS, we
will be providing free HIV counseling and testing for every-
one and we will be using the Orasure Test, which involves
no needles or blood," Campbell said.
"UHS produces and distributes materials on AIDS educa-
tion and performs (more than) 1,000 tests each year," Camp-
bell added.
Other AIDS awareness events included a lecture and
slideshow put on by the Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual
and Transgender Affairs and the Museum of Art titled
"World AIDS Day - Day Without Art" on Sunday and a
poetry reading yesterday.
"The lecture and slideshow showed how people used art
to educate, make a political statement and a personal and
artistic response to AIDS," LGBT Affairs Program Coordi-
nator Kelly Garrett said.

panels with 84,000 names -
which 50 different countries
contributed a panel - was
present during the event....
The quilt is equivalent to 26
football fields."
- Debbie Swartz
University Museum of Art Education Program Manager
Local poets commemorated those who died of AIDS
by reading their own poems or works of others, said
Debbie Swartz, program manager of education at the
University Museum of Art.
"A memorial quilt of 44,000 panels with 84,000 names -
which 50 different countries contributed a panel - was
present during the event," Swartz said. "The quilt is equiva-
lent to 26 football fields."
Sean Ulmer, University curator for modern and contem-
porary art, and Pamela Reister, associate curator for educa-
tion at UMMA, organized the event.


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