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December 02, 2002 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-12-02

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The Michigan Daily - SportsMonday - December 2, 2002 - 3B

Massachusetts (65)
Sneed 26 2-5 3-4 2-2 0 2 8
Smith 25 3-8 1-2 1-4 0 2 7
Butler 31 7-14 4-7 4-10 0 4 18
Nelson 34 1-13 1-2 1-1 7 1 4
Pegues 29 6-16 1-1 1-3 1 1 14
Zsedenyi 21 2-4 0-0 0-2 0 1 6
Maeweather 11 2-2 0-0 1-2 2 1 5
Govan 10 0-0 3-4 0-1 0 0 3
Foster 13 0-1 0-0 0-1 0 2 0
Totals 200 23-63 13-2013-31 10 14 65
FG%: .365. FT%: .650. 3-point FG: 6-23, .261
(Zsedenyi 2-4, Sneed 1-1, Maeweather 1-1, Pegues
1-6, Nelson 1-11). Blocks: 1 (Sneed). Steals: 4
(Smith 2, Sneed, Nelson). Turnovers: 10 (Pegues 4,
Nelson 2, Sneed, Smith, Butler, Foster). Technical
fouls: none.
Pool 24 7-9, 2-2 0-6 2 3 17
Smith 19 7-9 6-6 0-4 1 2 20
Bies 27 5.7 2-2 2-6 0 3 12
Reams 21 3-5 2-3 0.1 3 0 9
Burlin 13 1-2 0-0 1-2 5 0 2
Cortis 8 1-2 0-0 0-0 1 1 2
Andrews 19 3-5 3-4 0-1 2 0 9
Hauser-Price 12 0-2 1-2 0-1 0 2 1
Carney 10 0-3 0-0 1-2 1 1 0
Goodlow 18 5.8 0-0 3-5 2 1 11
Gandy 19 3-4 0-0 0-4 2 2 6
McPhilamy 10 1-5 0-0 1-2 0 0 2
Totals 200 36.61 16-19 9-39 19 15 91
FG%: .590. FT%:.842. 3-point FG: 3-12,.250 (Pool
1-1, Reams 1-2, Goodlow 1-1, Hauser-Price 0-2, Car-
ney 0.2, Burlin 0-1, Cortis 0-1, Andrews 0-1,
McPhilamy 0-1). Blocks: 4 (Bies 4)rSteals: 5 (Bies
2, Carney 2, Burlin). Turnovers: 8 (Pool 2, Reams 2,
Bies, Burlin, Andrews, Gandy). Technical Fouls:
Massachusetts ...........39 27 - 65
Michigan............55 36 -91
At: Crisler Arena
Attendance: 1,522
Detroit (63)
Wild 26 3-5 0-0 3-4 3 3 6
Anaejionu 15 8-14 0-0 1-3 0 4 16
Harakas 35 1-2 3-4 2-7 5 2 5
Goddard 29 4-9 1-2 0-1 4 2 10
Solner 31 5-6 0-0 0-0 0 2 10
McGee 2 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0
Jaskot 19 1-4 0-0 0-3 0 3 3
Krzyzek 3 0-2 0-0 0-0 0 0 0
Bortz 19 3-4 2-2 2-3 0 3 8
Crum 21 1-11 3-4 1-5 1 3 5
Totals 200 26.57 9-12 9-30 13 22 63
FG%:.456 FT%:.750. 3-point FG: 2-13, .154 (God-
dard 1-5, Jaskot 1-4, Crum 0-2, Harakas 0.1, Solner
0-1). Blocks: 3 (Goddard 2, Crum). Steals: 9 (Solner
3, Jaskot 3, Wild, Harakas, Bortz). Turnovers: 23
(Goddard 5, Solner 4, Wild 3, Harakas 3, Jaskot 3,
McGee, Krzyzek, Bortz, Crum). Technical fouls: none.



Queen aligns himself with
other Wolverines castoffs

Guard Rachael Carney (22) and center LeeAnne Bies (right) battle for possession in Michigan's 87-63 win over Detroit.
S-mi-th's 29 leads 'M' Cagers


By Brian Schick
Daily Sports Writer


Reams 20 1-3 2-2 1-1 4 2 5
Smith 29 11-14 7-8 2-9 1 2 29
Bies 16 4-7 3-5 2-3 1 4 11
Pool 26 7-12 0-0 4-11 2 1 15
Burlin 21 2-6 0-0 0-1 2 1 5
Cortis 4 1-1 0-2 1-1 0 0 2
Andrews 18 1-4 2-2 0-0 2 1 4
Hauser-Price 15 2-2 5-5 0-0 2 0 9
Carney 16 1-2 0-0 0-1 3 2 2
Goodlow 4 0-1 0-0 0-1 0 0 0
Gandy 27 1-8 0-1 2-5 4 0 2
McPhilamy 4 1-1 1-2 1-1 0 0 3
Totals 200 32-61 20-27 13-35 21 17 87
FG%: .525. FT%: .741. 3-point FG: 3-8375 (Reams
1-2, Burlin 1-2, Pool 1-3, Gandy 0-1). Blocks: 2
(Bies, Pool) Steals: 17 (Hauser-Price 5, Bies 3,
Reams 2, Gandy 2, Andrew 2, Smith, Burlin, Car-
ney). Tumovers: 17 (Smith 6, Pool 5, Burlin 2,
Gandy 2, Carney 2). Technical Fouls: none.
Detroit.................22 41 - 63
Michigan...................36 51 -87
At: Crisler Arena
Attendance: 1,401

When it comes to dominating in the post, Michigan
women's basketball forward Jennifer Smith has not disap-
pointed in the early stages of
this season. DETROIT 63
Smith scored a career-high 29
yesterday against Detroit and 20 MI:HR;AN 87
against Massachusetts, while
leading the Wolverines to a pair of wins. Michigan handed
Detroit a 87-63 loss yesterday, and ran away from Massa-
chusetts 91-65 on Friday. The Wolverines' 4-0 start is the
program's best since 1999, the year they started 7-0.
Smith finished last night 11-of-14 from the field and 7-
of-8 from the free throw line. Smith, who also grabbed 13
boards, benefited from numerous passes into the post and
her ability to shake off defenders.
"My focus today was to take it up strong," Smith said. "I
credit my teammates for giving me nice passes tonight."
Smith also helped her teammates, as she was often dou-
ble-teamed in the second half. When guard Niki Reams
passed the ball down to her, Smith waited until two players
were drawn in and kicked it back out to Reams for a jump
shot from the perimeter.
Smith missed just one shot inside the paint, and also
helped out her teammates on the defensive side. She limited
the Titans' center Sara Crum to just 1-of-11 shooting - 0-
of-7 in the first half - and just five boards.
Poor shooting in the first half was also exhibited by both
teams in the early minutes. Neither team could seem to buy
a basket in the opening five minutes, as they scored a com-
bined 12 points.
"For a while, we were getting good shots on the basket,

and they were falling," Michigan coach Sue Guevara said.
"But then I thought we got to a point where we were doing a
little one-on-one and being impatient against their zone."
One of the major factors that turned around the slow start
was Guevara's deep bench, which has been essential in all four
wins this season. Sophomore guard Sierra Hauser-Price came
in and gave the Wolverines a boost by adding four points
before the half expired, pacing an 8-2 run for the Wolverines.
Michigan's other two post players were also major con-
tributors against Detroit, each scoring in double figures.
Center LeeAnne Bies finished with 11 and forward Tabitha
t Pool added 15, also grabbing I1 boards.
"I was happy with the way that we controlled the tempo of
the game, and I thought that was due in large part to our post
players," Guevara said "We were able to do the things we
wanted to do on the block in order for us to be successful."
The frontcourt was largely responsible for the dramatic
turnaround in the second half shooting, as the Wolverines
shot 63 percent and accumulated 51 points.
The Wolverines saw the reverse in Friday's game against
Massachusetts, scoring 55 in the first half to pace an easy vic-
tory. The Minutewomen (2-1) attempted 23 3-point shots, but
sank just six of them. Michigan's lead reached as high as 34
before Guevara decided to play some of her bench players and
Massachusetts started a small rally at the end of the game.
Michigan couldn't seem to miss inside the arc on Friday,
as the Wolverines came out and made 20 of their 25 two-
point shots. Forward Raina Goodlow said the Wolverines
were actively seeking the ball and making the most of their
open shots.
"A lot of it had to do with hustle plays," Goodlow said. "A
lot of scoring wasn't necessarily off the offensive set. A lot
of times it was just picking up the loose ball and scoring. We
had a lot of really good heads-up plays."

Nvery Queen's recent dismissal
from the basketball team has led
any Michigan fans to start con-
spiracy theories on Internet message
boards. They say that this is just part of
coach Tommy Amaker's plan to slowly
rid his program of the "Ellerbe guys" so
he can replace them with his hand-
picked recruits.
The reality is that Amaker doesn't
make distinctions like that. Two
"Ellerbe guys" are co-captains, and they
get plenty of minutes and public praise
from Amaker.
Unlike Texas Tech coach Bobby
Knight, Amaker didn't come into his
new job with a plan to rid the program
of possibly problematic players. While
Knight dismissed three scholarship
players in his first seven days, Amaker
gave his problem children a chance to
buy into his message.
Amaker's agenda has Brian Elerb
always been to build a
classy program that scholarsl
wins consistently. Michigan in
I'll admit that I but only fly
expected Michigan to still on th
lose another player
before the start of next Tommy
season. But those feel-
ings were not based on any Amaker
conspiracy. That prediction was built on
the history of former coach Brian
Ellerbe's recruits, who have shown a
remarkable penchant for leaving the
program prematurely.
Ellerbe recruited 13 scholarship ath-
letes to Michigan in three years, but
only five of those (LaVell Blanchard,
Gavin Groninger, Bernard Robinson,
Dommanic Ingerson and Chuck Bailey)
are still on the roster.
Leland Anderson was the only player
to leave the program on his own. Ironi-
cally, he said he transferred to Provi-
dence because of a lack of playing time
in Ann Arbor.
Jaquan Hart and Kelly Whitney
never even qualified academically, and
Josh Moore fouled... I mean, failed out
of school. Before jumping to the pros
after his freshman campaign, ques-
tions about Jamal Crawford's amateur
status caused the NCAA to suspend
him two times for a total of 14 games.
Queen and Maurice Searight were
shown the door by Amaker for repeat-
edly violating team rules. But they -
were merely following in the footsteps
of Kevin Gaines, who finally earned
the boot from Ellerbe just before the
start of his sophomore season. Gaines'
final acts as a Wolverine were to drive
with a blood alcohol level of .17, then
wrestle on the side of the highway
with Queen and Robinson. Gaines
eventually got kicked off another
team, Houston, later in his college
These sorts of off-the-court problems
have helped to create the "losing cul-
ture" that Amaker said he must over-
come before the program turns the

'n t

While all that is publicly known
about Queen's dismissal is that he "vio-
lated team rules," it has been clear that
Queen has been consistently falling
short of Amaker's goals for behavior
when the cameras weren't watching.
Amaker started the hard-working and
gritty Mike Gotfredson 20 times last
year to help get that message across to
Queen, who was clearly the team's most
talented option at the point.
If losing his starting spot wasn't
enough to get his attention, Queen was
suspended twice for violating team
rules during his first two years at Michi-
gan and put on team probation for his
role in the highway wrestling incident.
All of this took place after he pled
guilty to disorderly intoxication and
being a minor in possession of alcohol
during the fall of his freshman year.
Indeed, the man who
recruited 13 was charged with
assault and battery for
athletes to allegedly hitting anoth-
three years, er high school student
of those are with a belt is no inno-
cent victim.
roster for But nevertheless,
4maker. Queen's play on the
court will be missed.
Queen was always supposed to be a
backup point guard, but early departures
forced him into more minutes over the
last few years. During his short stay
with the Wolverines, Queen worked
hard on the court in games.
He knew that he was the shortest
player in the Big Ten, not the most tal-
ented, and he played within himself -
handling the ball well and making open
shots when needed. Despite his limita-
tions (listing him at 5-foot-7 was gener-
ous), Queen found ways to get after
rebounds and loose balls. With nothing
other than strength and heart, Queen led
the Wolverines in rebounds (six) last
year in a victory over Penn State.
Queen averaged 4.3 points, 2.2
rebounds and 3.7 assists in 26.8 minutes
of action per game during his three sea-
sons at Michigan.
Amaker knew that dismissing Queen
would make his bad basketball team
even worse. This was not addition by
subtraction in the short term, and this
Saturday's ugly offensive performance
against Western Michigan is testament
to that fact.
Amaker didn't want Queen gone, or
he would never have suited him up this
season. Amaker, no matter what you
think of his personnel decisions, is here
to win basketball games and build this
program up from ashes.
Amaker gave Queen every opportuni-
ty to buy into his philosophy, but even-
tually by ignoring that message, Queen
became an active part of that losing cul-
That is when he had to go.


Player G
Smith 4
* Pool 4
Bies 4
Gandy 4
Andrews 4
Reams 4
Goodlow 4
Hauser-Price 3
McPhillamy 2
Burlin 4
Cortis 2
Carney 3





Team rebounding big factor in perfect start

Steve Jackson can be reached at

By Brian Schick
Daily Sports Writer

One of the goals for the Michigan
women's basketball team is to outre-
bound its opponent
each night. So far, BASKETBALL
the Wolverines
have to be pleased Notebook
that they are meet-
ing one of their major goals.
"We want that characteristic of
being relentless (on the glass)," Michi-
gan coach Sue Guevara said.
Through four games this season, the
Wolverines have dominated the glass,
pulling in 160 boards to their opponents'
121. Guevara stresses rebounding in her
practices, and spends a large amount of
time teaching her players to anticipate
where the ball will go after the shot.
"It starts with going after the ball,
reading its bounce. We want to make
contact and go get it," Guevara said.
"You have to be aggressive, tough and
you have to really want it. We talk
about how defense wins games and
rebounding wins championships."
A large portion of the rebounding has
come on the offensive glass, as 52
boards have come on offense. This num-
ber might be larger had the Wolverines
not shot 73 percent in the first half
against Massachusetts. Only seven shots
missed, but three were pulled down for
the offensive boards regardless.
What may be most impressive is that
post players are not the only ones
rebounding. The guards have done
their share of pulling down shots, as
two Wolverines guards average more
than two per game. Forward Raina
Goodlow said that by keeping oppo-
nents from getting second chances, it

makes rebounding easier.
"Part of our job is to keep (opponents)
off the boards," Goodlow said. "That is a
big focus coming into each game."
SHARE THE WEALTH: This season has
seen Guevara use her bench to rotate
players throughout the game. Over the
weekend, all 12 Wolverines saw action
in both games. But more than playing
all her players, Guevara allows them to
stay in the game and accumulate signifi-
cant minutes - against Massachusetts,
11 played double-digit minutes.
Not only are all the players getting

into the game, they are all are scoring
too. Both weekend games saw seven
players with five points or more.
"Everyone got solid minutes
(against Massachusetts)," Guevara
said. "I love the fact that we have a
strong bench, and our bench play will
help us down the line. I think this is
strongest team we've had in that time.
Our depth is young, but we're getting
them experience early."
FAST START: The Wolverines are 4-0
this season, the best start since the
1999-2000 season, when Michigan

started 7-0, the best in program history.
Last year saw the Wolverines start 0-1,
before winning straight.
Despite the early success of this
year's team, Guevara doesn't want to
be compared to last year's team, as
after starting 10-1, the Wolverines fin-
ished the next 18 games 7-11.
"We don't really talk about last year
a whole lot," Guevara said.



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Forward Jennifer Smith and Michigan have outrebounded all opponents this season.





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