December 2, 2002
02002 The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Vol. CXIII, No. 59
One-hundred-twelve years of editorialfreedom
Light snow
throughout the
morning with
clouds into the
evening hours.
i 29
LOWT: 14
Bombing evidence won't be shared
MOMBASA, Kenya (AP) - Kenya will not heed Israeli
demands to turn over some evidence in the attacks on an
Israeli-owned hotel and an Israeli jetliner, saying yesterday it
would conduct the probe alone. The Israeli defense minister
said al-Qaida was the main suspect in the attacks.
The dispute threatened to delay the investigation into the
suicide bombing Thursday of an Israeli-owned hotel, which
killed 15 people, and the failed downing of an Israeli charter
r.,jet moments earlier. American and Israeli leaders both ques-
" tioned Kenya's ability to conduct a thorough probe.
Kenyan police officials said Israeli authorities want to
take pieces from a four-wheel-drive Mitsubishi Pajero that
exploded outside the hotel on Thursday, killing 10 Kenyans,
three Israelis and the bombers inside. Israel also wants the
launchers and missile casings from shoulder-launched rock-
ets believed used in the failed attempt to shoot down the
Israeli charter plane.
"None of this evidence is going back to Israel. This evi-
dence is our responsibility," Kenyan bomb specialist
Charles Jamu said.
Raanan Gissin, spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Ariel
Sharon, said from Jerusalem that Kenya had been cooperating
"up to now," but that the Kenyans weren't prepared for the
"They were not geared to this kind of a threat or they don't
have the necessary resources or technological capabilities that
would enable them to deal with that," Gissin said.
Israel and the United States have pushed for a rigorous
investigation in part because they believe it may have been
orchestrated by Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida terror network.
AP PHOTo During an Israeli Cabinet meeting yesterday, Defense Min-
Women in the Kenyan village of Mawemi yesterday mourn at the funeral of three traditional dancers killed Thursday during a suicide bombing attack ister Shaul Mofaz said he suspected al-Qaida was responsible
that targeted Israelis. See INVESTIGATION, Page 3A
City Council to consider
resolution opposing war
By Andrew McCormack
Daily Staff Reporter
The Ann Arbor City Council is
expected to vote today on whether it will
join San Francisco, Detroit and 19 other
U.S. cities in passing a formal resolution
opposing possible military action in
"The council needs to be convinced
that this is a move
that is popular with City Council
the members of the meeting tonight,
community," said 7:30 p.m., City
Phillis Engelbert, Hall, 100 N. Fifth
spokeswoman for Ave.
the Ann Arbor
Committee for Peace, which drafted the
original resolution. "For someone who
has been out and about in the communi-
ty for a year it is apparent that Ann
Arbor is an anti-war community."
The resolution, which has been spon-
sored by Councilwomen Kim Groome
(D-1st Ward) and Heidi Herrell (D-3rd
Ward), is intended to show support for
U.S. Rep. Lynn Rivers (D-Ann Arbor)
and Sen. Carl Levin (D-Detroit), who
have opposed war with Iraq since the
issue came up, Groome said.
"Peaceful efforts are always an
uphill battle," said Councilwoman
Wendy Woods (D-5th Ward), who sup-
ports the resolution. "It is important
for (Rivers and Levin) to know that
they have the backing of their local
-community. Feedback is the way we
know whether or not ... we are doing
something the people want."
Groome added that while Ann Arbor
is not a metropolis, it is important for
the population to join the many cities
that have passed similar resolutions.
"As that number grows, I think the
federal legislature will pay attention,"
Groome said. "It's important that Ann
Arbor adds its voice."
The resolution- is popular both in the
city and the state Legislature, council
members said, and is enjoying support
from many different areas of the public
sector. Lyn Kelley, owner of the Com-
mon Language Bookstore on South
Fourth Avenue, said she supports the
proposition not only for political rea-
sons, but economic ones as well.
"As a business owner, I'm concerned
about the economy ... my business is
down since the quarter after Sept. 11,"
she said. "I won't be the only store that
can't weather another year of dimin-
ished sales."
"Businesses are another contingency
to be heard from," she added. "The busi-
ness community, I think, is expected to
be somewhat conservative."
But some community members are not
convinced the resolution is a good idea.
"For them to take a stance denounc-
ing the position of the federal govern-
ment is fairly irresponsible," said Matt
Nolan, a member of the College Repub-
licans. "It's not that the Ann Arbor City
Council shouldn't voice an opinion, it's
just that you have to have some degree
of trust in your elected officials."
Others express doubts as to the tangi-
Campus ads decried as propaganda
By Kyle Brouwer
For the Daily
College newspapers across the nation are being
accused of becoming forums for anti-Palestinian prop-
aganda this fall due to ads for Campustruth.org. The
ad claims to be spreading the truth about Israeli-Pales-
tinian relations, but students are finding the ads to be
nothing more than a biased outlook intended to gener-
ate hard feelings against Palestinians.
Pete Beatty, editor in chief of The Chicago Maroon
at the University of Chicago, said he does not see a
purpose in the advertisement. "The text.itself is a dan-
gerous generalization."
The Maroon ran the ad despite reluctance from the
editorial staff, Beatty said, and it was discontinued two
issues later after angered students called, e-mailed and
visited The Maroon to express their objections to the
One version of the ad, which ran in student newspa-
pers for the universities of Chicago, Illinois and Mary-
land, as well as The Michigan Daily showed Israelis
mourning on Sept. 11 while armed Palestinians cele-
brated. Another widely-run version showed an Israeli
athlete regarded as a hero to Jewish children, and a sui-
cide bomber as the hero of Palestinian children.
Marcella Rosen, president of Campustruth.org,
defends the nature of the ads. "It's powerful advertis-
ing. You see something quickly and it's intended to
make you think," Rosen said.
College campuses provide a responsive atmosphere
for advertising like this to make an impact, she added.
Rosen said the advertising campaign is in defense of
the Israeli nation. "The Palestinians started this battle
on campus. We were forced to respond," she said.
College campuses have been the site of both Israeli
and Palestinian demonstrations in the past. In April, 79
students were arrested at the University of California at
Berkeley when a Palestinian rally turned into a verbal
clash with hundreds of students supporting Israel.
The conflict as it exists on campus is one of words,
Rosen said, "It's awful but it's going on."
Beatty said intention of the ad is to upset people. He
added that the staff of The Maroon expected to receive
some criticism for the ad, but "Those who say that our
running the ad is an implicit approval on our part of the
ads' content are breaking through the wall between a
See ADS, Page 3A
Officials in Washington light the National Chanukah Menorah yesterday on
the grounds of the White House.
Students enjYoy this
years close holidays
By Christopher Johnson
Daily Staff Reporter
CU' prevails in annual
battle to collect blood
Ready to roll
By Min Kyung Yoon
Daily Staff Reporter
With its 1 1th win in the 21-year history of the
Blood Battle, the University of Michigan defeated
Ohio State University with a final score of 1,984
pints to 1,474 pints. Support from the campus com-
munity, local businesses and leaders and organizers
helped to not only defeat a rival, but also to save
Though the University of Michigan trailed going
into the second week, the Michigan Union drives
were instrumental in the eventual success of the
Blood Battle, according to LSA junior Kate Papaz-
ian, a co-chair of the Alpha Phi Omega Blood
Drive. The University dominated the last week of
Among the things LSA sophomore
Rachel Robbins said she was thankful
for this holiday was the proximity of
Thanksgiving on the calendar to
"It was really good that it fell on
Thanksgiving Break," she said. "It's
better for it to fall on some break
rather than no break."
Instead of cooking latkes and light-
ing the menorah on their own, some
students this year could celebrate
Hanukkah with their families because
Thanksgiving break fell on the first
two days of the Jewish holiday.
LSA senior Michael Simon
expressed similar appreciation for the
close dates of both holidays.
"It was the first time since I've
been in college that I've been able to
celebrate Hanukkah with my family,"
he said. "It was nice to be home and
celebrate two holidays back-to-back."
lence of the Israeli-Palestinian con-
flict tinged the holiday festivities with
a somber tone.
"The story of Hanukkah is really
about a small group of people over-
coming adversity to survive' he said.
"We're thankful that the violence has-
n't hit our family, but we're concerned
for the families on both sides that.it
has hit."
Hanukkah commemorates the vic-
tory of the Jewish Maccabees over the
Greek Syrians. After the triumphant
battle, the Maccabees reclaimed their
temple the Syrians had occupied. The
Maccabees needed to rededicate their
temple by lighting the candles of the
menorah, but had only enough sacra-
mental oil to burn for one day.
According to Jewish scripture, the oil
miraculously lasted for eight days,
hence the eight-day celebration of the
"The idea of Hanukkah is victory
of the positive over the negative," said
Rabbi Alter Goldstein, director of
our goal almost every day."
For the first time in the history of the Blood Bat-
tle, the bone marrow drive, sponsored by University
Students Against Cancer, was incorporated into the
blood drive and proved to be a success, said LSA
senior Anita Gupta, a USAC senior advisor.
Gupta said 531, people joined the bone marrow
registry. With a shortage of minority bone marrow,
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