Rumeatbe Wednesday November 27, 2002 @2002 The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 58 One-hundred-twelve years of editorilfreedom TODAY: "hunderstorms T in the morning, partly cloudy becoming clear by evening. fl:84 xP .57 Tomorrow- www~michigandaily corn M ==Mmww mmffmm llll gillillilleimmmommi - - i I - ---- Haddad to appeal denial of asylum DETROIT (AP) - The attorney for the detained co-founder of an Islamic charity says he plans to appeal a judge's ruling denying the man politi- cal asylum. An immigration judge on Friday denied political asylum for Rabih Had- dad, his wife and three of their children, saying the family had given no evidence they will be persecuted if they leave the country. The judge ordered the family removed from the United States. Judge Robert Newberry also said Haddad was a danger to the country, citing his links to the Global Relief Foundation, the suburban Chicago- based charity Haddad co-founded. The government has accused the group of funneling money to al-Qaida. Yesterday, Haddad's attorney criti- cized Newberry's ruling, calling it biased. Ashraf Nubani said an appeal was planned, but that Haddad had 30 days to decide. His family, meanwhile, had no plans to leave the country without him. The couple's fourth child was born in the United States. "The family is trying to cope with the decision, understanding that not all Americans are like that," Nubani said. "It makes them stronger." Nubani also said even if Haddad decided not to appeal the immigration judge's decision, the U.S. attorney's office or the FBI could keep detain him further as part of a criminal inves- tigation. Justice Department spokesman Charles Miller said he couldn't com- ment on whether that could happen. He said a deportation time likely would be 'et once the 30-day window for appeal has closed, near the Christmas holiday. Neither Haddad, a 42-year-old Ann Arbor resident and Lebanese citizen, nor Global Relief have been charged with a terrorism-related crime. The federal government says Global Relief has received substantial funding from a suspected financier of al-Qaida's worldwide efforts. - -------- - U, economists predict heavy job gains in '04 By Shabina S. Khatri Daily Staff Reporter Though an estimated 35,000 jobs will be cut in Michigan this year, Uni- versity economists are promising a brighter employment outlook as early as 2004. In their annual forecast of the Michigan economy, economists George Fulton, Joan Crary and Saul Hymans predicted the state will regain 28,000 jobs in 2003 and then more than triple next year's gains with 88,000 jobs in 2004. "After slogging through two years of employment declines, the Michigan economy appears headed toward a year of transition in 2003, as near- term backsliding is followed by grad- ual improvement," Fulton said in his forecast on Friday. "A year from now, the outlook should be much brighter with widespread robust gains project- ed for 2004." Crary said the present unemploy- ment rate in Michigan - which has hit a 10-year high at 6.1 percent - will continue to rise slightly in 2003 because the growth in labor force will exceed job gains. "We will be gaining jobs but not fast enough to keep up with labor force growth," she said. "Subse- quently, when the national economy picks up the state economy follows along." Crary attributed the growth in labor force to several variable economic factors. "Labor force growth is a combina- tion of population growth and peo- ple's judgments of how likely they are to find a job when they go looking," she said. Students looking for summer jobs, for example, may get discouraged if they hear it's a really awful year and not bother, she added. The forecast also predicted a corre- sponding increase in real disposable income and interest rates. "You have more people working and they're working longer hours," Crary said. "Both of those things combine for wage growth. "Interest rates will be going up mostly in 2004, contributing to income growth (because) people put savings in things that earn interest," she said. Fulton summed up the economic forecast for Michigan on an opti- mistic note. "The broader the perspective, the more encouraging the story. "In all, the pessimistic view of our outlook is that 2002 turns out to be another year of net job loss for Michi- gan, followed by a year of only modest job growth," he said. "The optimistic view is that the job loss during 2002 is only a third of what we saw during 2001, to be followed by a significant recovery that creates jobs in 2004 at a pace as vigorous as the rate prior to the current downturn." Jacques Baute of the U.N. nuclear agency shows members of the media some of the tools to be used by weapons Inspectors as they are displayed at the UN headquarters before a news conference in Baghdad yesterday. U.N. inspectors begin Iraqi wea pons search BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - Inter- national arms inspectors, "fully conscious" of their responsibility, are ready to fan out over Iraq with the latest detection gear in search of mobile labs, underground facto- ries or other signs the Iraqis are still committed to the deadliest of weapons, top inspectors said yes- terday. The U.N. team mounts its first field missions today in what is expected to be months of difficult, detailed inspections of hundreds of Iraqi sites. Its first targets will be installations inspected and "neutral- ized" in the 1990s. The future of peace in the Mid- dle East may hinge on the outcome "6f'lhe search. The United States, steadily reinforcing its military in the region, has warned it will dis- arm Iraq by force if the inspec- tions fail. In Washington, White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said Presi- dent Bush "hopes the inspectors will take their responsibilities very seri- ously, and he knows they will, to find out whether Iraq has indeed dis- armed. And the president thinks this is a healthy process." If Iraq does not cooperate, Fleis- cher said, "the president has said he has a policy of zero tolerance, and See WEAPONS, Page 7 II i Lab safety reviewed after chemical thefts By Maria Sprow Daily Staff Reporter Though laboratory safety and secu- rity measures were tightened after the bioterrorism scare that followed the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, a recent incident has caused some to worry about whether chemicals stored at the University are actually secure. A non-University affiliate is being held in Washtenaw County Jail on three counts of larceny after allegedly asking researchers working in the Medical Science Unit II Building for various chemicals. Claiming to be a researcher working in the building, Ann Arbor resident Daniel Lexington, 45, asked multiple people in the building for various chemicals, including magnesium sul- fate, zinc sulfate, bisulfite, ammonium nitrate and potassium permanganate. Lexington was arrested late Thurs- day night and arraigned in 15th Dis- trict Court Saturday for committing larceny under false pretenses and tres- passing, Department of Public Safety spokeswoman Diane Brown said. He is also charged for committing two previ- ous and unrelated misdemeanors, including another trespass charge. He was arraigned in Washtenaw County Circuit Court with three counts of committing larceny from a building. He could receive four years in jail for the larceny counts, which are felonies, Brown said. Workers refused to give Lexington the ammonium nitrate, which can be used as an explosive, and potassium perman- ganate. He was given small amounts of the others, Brown said. The chemicals were valued at less than $200. "They are not rare, and he got very, very small quantities, which were returned," Brown said. She said she could not comment about the man's reasoning for wanting the chemicals. See LABS, Page 7 FRANK PAYNE/Daily Rackham student Jeff Anker displays an award-winning microscope he invented. Anker is one of six winners of the 12th Collegiate inventors Competition. Probe wins for student inventor FRANK PAYNE/Daily A secure lab In the Chemistry Building warns entrants of what substances a person can encounter. Harvard Law considers sp By Elizabeth Anderson Daily Staff Reporter First Amendment arguments abound at Harvard Law School, but the law school's administration is currently considering a policy that would limit offen- sive and discriminatory speech. Traditionally, Harvard has maintained a strong advocacy for free speech. Lately, a series of racial- ly-charged incidents speared the formation of a dean's committee on diversity. This committee in turn formed two separate committees, one explor- ing multicultural affairs and one evaluating harass- ment policies. The discriminatory incidences include a profes- sor's repeated use of offensive language during a lec- ture, an anonymous mailing sent to all law students including anti-Semitic language and the online post- Law Students Association and a third-year law stu- dent, said the BLSA is calling for a discrimination harassment policy because of repeated racial inci- dents that have persisted for a period of several years. After staging a silent protest last year, members of the BLSA contacted alumni, encouraging them to write letters to faculty and administration. "The school shouldn't be silent on issues of intol- erance and harassment," Bloodworth said. Bloodworth repeatedly said the policy the BLSA envisions is not a ban on free speech. "If you do nothing, you foster a society that allows harassment to go unchecked," he said. "Context and intentions are very important." Bloodworth believes the policy will be successful if implemented because of a similar policy developed in the 1990s detailing limits on language of a sexual harassment nature. eech policy Freedom of Speech and Artistic Expression." The University Civil Liberties Board authored the poli- cy in 1988. "The University of Michigan strives to create an environment in which diverse opinions can be expressed and heard. It is a fundamental value of our University that all members of the community and their invited guests have a right to express their views and opinions," wrote E. Royster Harper, vice presi- dent for student affairs, in a preface for the statement in 2000. First-year University of Michigan Law student Morgan Kirley said he thought the Law School would not implement such a policy as Harvard's due, to their emphasis on arguing. "I don't see the benefit of allowing racial slurs but I wouldn't want to encroach on the first amendment," Kirley said. By Jennifer Misthal Daily Staff Reporter After spending more than three- years in a University laboratory, Rackham student Jeffrey Ankey is now proud to say that he finally accomplished his childhood dream of becoming an inventor, an ambi- tion he once gave up on. Currently studying applied physics in the Chemistry Depart- ment, Anker is one of six winners of the 12th Collegiate Inventors Com- petition for his invention of the Magnetically Modulated Optical Nanoprobe. "To even be awarded such a pres- tigious award means I can start to call myself an inventor again," he said. "I invented a way to improve chemical sensing. (MagMOON looks) for small quantities of specif- ic molecules from specific diseases - proteins from HIV or anthrax." This will determine what disease a person is suffering from with more accuracy and lead to earlier disease detection. a color change when (molecules) are on a surface. There are lots of mole- cules in a sample that will be fluo- rescent in some way," Anker said. "What I've done is come up with a way of making fluorescents blink in a magnetic field like a lighthouse against city lights of a plane against the stars." To explain the function of Mag- MOON, Anker uses a tennis ball, half-black, half-yellow, to represent the spoon. Tossing the ball into the air demonstrates the microscopic sensory procedure of MagMOON, Anker said. Part of the tennis ball is opaque, capped with aluminum, allowing only the north side of the ball to emit light. Understanding how a cell works can assist basic biology research and is one of two of MagMOON's major applications, Anker said.,'The other, he added, is derived from studying the effects of different diseases and potential drugs on cells, facilitating the advancement of drug research. Along with prizes from Hewlett- Packard and Goodyear Tire and Rub-