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November 22, 2002 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-11-22

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November 22, 2002
.2002 The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Vol. CXIII, No. 56

One-hundred-twelve years ofeditorialfreedom


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Ohio State
lags in final
day of battle
By Erin Saylor
Daily Staff Reporter
Every drop of blood counts as the annual Blood Battle
enters its final hours today. On the last day of the com-
petition, it's down to the wire with the University lead-
ing Ohio State University by only 200 pints. If the
University wins, it will be the fourth victory in the last
13 years.
Donations can still be made today from 2 p.m. to 8
p.m. in East Hall.
Former Red Cross Regional Representative Cornelia
Fry spoke against Ohio State's Blood Battle etiquette.
"Everyone knows that Ohio State cheats because
they hold five blood drives on the last day," she said.
The University of Michigan traditionally holds one
blood drive on the final day.
The winner of the battle will be awarded the Blood
Drop Trophy during Saturday's game against Ohio State.
The goal of the Blood Battle, sponsored by the com-
munity service fraternity Alpha Phi Omega and the Red
Cross, was to collect about 2,000 pints of blood com-
bined between the two schools.
So far Michigan has collected about 1,300 pints and
Ohio State has about 1,100 pints.
"We have been very happy with the way things have
gone this year," said Joseph Nevin, a regional represen-
tative for the Red Cross. "But I think we could have
done better in the (residence halls)."
The numbers are down in comparison to last year. On
Sept. 13, 2001, the Red Cross collected more than 298
pints in one day and took more than 1,600 names for
For the first time in two years, blood donors can reg-
ister to give bone marrow, which is being sponsored by
University Students Against Cancer.
"The bone marrow registration has been a terrific suc-
cess," Nevin said. "The process of donating marrow has
become quicker and easier."
The Blood Battle that began in 1981 was Fry's brainchild.
"I was sitting in my office one day and wondered what
I could do to get students involved in the Blood Drive,"
Fry said.
"There was a football game going on and I thought, 'I
wonder if we could challenge Ohio State - and so it
She said she realized quickly that students give where
they live, and so she brought the blood battle into the
residence halls.
"It's great to provide a service to the community, but
it's a lot more fun when we're competing," said LSA
senior Libby Walker, a member of APO.
Win or lose, Nevin said that at the end of the day
everyone is winning because the blood is going to help

tone prevails
at conference

Michael Boyd, artistic director of the Royal Shakespeare Company, discusses Shakespeare's language
and the upcoming productions of Shakespeare's works at the University.
Shakespeare director
preps city flor plays

By Ted Borden
and Shabina S. Khatrl
Daily Staff Reporters
Several distinguished economists
spoke with cautious optimism yester-
day about the future of the U.S. econo-
my at the 50th Anniversary Economic
Outlook Conference.
The conference, which was attended
by more than 100 business profession-
als, featured two renowned speakers
who discussed the national economic
forecast and predictions based on con-
sumer outlook.
Saul Hymans, director of the
Research Seminar in Quantitative Eco-
nomics, began his lecture on the U.S.
forecast by addressing previous overly
pessimistic predictions.
"Consistent with our under-predic-
tion of output growth, our forecasts of
real disposable income, after-tax cor-
porate profits and the unemployment
rate were all too bearish," he said.
Though forecasts about the govern-
ment budget and unemployment rates
in 2003 are slightly negative, Hymans
predicted greater relief in 2004 for
both categories.
"The deficit is expected to hit $286
billion in 2003," he said. "Still, current
deficits fall well short of those seen in
the early '90s. Unemployment will rise
in 2003 to 6 percent, (but will) fall in
2004 to 5 and a half percent."
Richard Curtin, director of the Uni-
versity of Michigan Survey of Con-
sumers, highlighted the impact of
optimistic consumer expectations on
the market.
"Consumers say they're fairly opti-
mistic (because) inflation has been
low for a long time," he said. "Only
one in 10 consumers expect condi-
tions to worsen, while 40 percent
expect improvement. It's about as
good as you get."
Curtin said consumer expectations
of a permanently lower inflation rate
will have a unique effect on buying
conditions in 2003 and 2004.
"Consumers are going to spend

"only one in 10
consumers expect
conditions to
worsen, while 40
percent expect
improvement. It's
about as good as
you get"
- Richard Curtin
Director, University of Michigan
Survey of Consumers
more and save more. The problem is
that during 2003 the increase in
spending will be smaller and the
increase in saving will be larger than
in 2002," he said. "Just as consumer
spending has tempered the recent
economic downturn, trends in con-
sumer spending will also temper the
upturn during the year ahead."
Both speakers discussed several eco-
nomic risk factors, including the poten-
tial war in Iraq.
"This Iraq war raises gross domestic
product by $46 billion next year. If
resources are available, the war
expands the economy (and) would
cause a temporary spike in oil prices,"
Hymans said.
"A recession economy could occur,
but we have little basis on which to
judge the economic dimensions."
Curtin said the future of the econo-
my ultimately rests with the success of
the nation's business sector.
"We can expect more of the mid-
dling or muddling along during the
year ahead," he said. "(But) whether
we see an economy that will be limp-
ing along or be robust depends on the
pace of business spending, not con-
sumer spending."

By Christopher Johnson
Daily Staff Reporter
With preparations underway for the Royal
Shakespeare Company's return to Ann Arbor, both
University officials and English professors have
placed considerable effort in promoting the RSC's
upcoming productions of "Coriolanus," "The
Merry Wives of Windsor" and the national pre-
miere of Salman Rushdie's "Midnight's Children."
Among the means of promotion was an early
glimpse at the workings behind the troupe last night
as Michael Boyd, the newly appointed artistic
director of the RSC, presented a lecture at the Ann
Arbor District Library. Boyd discussed the power
of Shakespeare's plays and demonstrated the vivac-

ity of Shakespeare's language in several passages
that he said he found most unusual in the play-
wright's work.
"It is a use of language that connects the lungs
to the heart and mind," he said. "There is a vigor
and movement in his work that has a boldness of
Boyd emphasized the duality of discourse in
Shakespeare's writing, citing the agonizing deliber-
ation in Hamlet's monologues and the construction
of Shakespeare's sonnets as a proposition followed
by a counter-proposition. Boyd argued that Shake-
speare inherited this sense of duality from his expe-
rience in Renaissance England, which forced him
to reconcile notions of the upper class and the lower
See RSC, Page 7

Plaque honors Native

American git to.


By Maria Sprow
Daily Staff Reporter

Two of the mysterious Guerrilla Girls came to the University yesterday evening to
spread their message of fighting discrimination and sexism in the art world.
uerillas attack

There is no time like the present to make up for
the past.
That was the message the University wanted to send
yesterday as it dedicated a plaque honoring the gift
given to it by three Native American tribes almost 200
years ago.
As part of the Treaty of Fort Meigs, the Ojibwa,
Odawa and Bodewadimi Native American tribes donat-
ed approximately 1,900 acres of land in 1817 to the
University of Michigania in Detroit. Their hope was
that future generations of Native Americans would
become educated through the University.
The words of the treaty are inscribed on the plaque
placed between the Chemistry Building and the School
of Natural Resources and Environment Dana Building.
It is one of nine other plaques around campus com-
memorating the University's history.

"Believing they may wish some of their children
hereafter educated, (they) do grant to the rector of the
Catholic church of St. Anne of Detroit ... , and to the
corporation of the college at Detroit, for the use of
the said college, to be retained or sold, as the rector
and corporation may judge expedient," the inscrip-
tion states.
The University of Michigania chose to sell the land.
The money became part of the endowment that helped
its 1837 move from Detroit to Ann Arbor.
The University did not officially recognize the gift
until yesterday's noon dedication, in which Regent
Kathy White (D-Ann Arbor) and President Mary Sue
Coleman participated.
"As a historian, I am often asked by students, 'Why
does history seem to change so much? After all, isn't
the past simply the past?"' said history of medicine
Prof. Howard Markel, acting chair of the University
History and Traditions Committee. "In 1937, we cele-
See PLAQUE, Page 7

Former Native American tribal chief Frank Ettawageshik
speaks yesterday at a plaque dedication on ingalls Mall.

By Andrew McCormack
Daily Staff Reporter

Students packed into the Taub-
man School of Art and Architec-
ture's lecture hall yesterday to
welcome SoHo's famous Guerrilla
Girls, who gave a presentation on
their 18-year fight against discrimi-
nation in the visual arts.
Traveling to the event in rubber
gorilla masks and using pseudo-
nyms taken from deceased female
artists, the Guerrilla Girls have
managed to maintain complete
anonymity since their organization's
As the self-proclaimed "Con-
scious of the Art World," they have
been producing a myriad of posters,
books and public advertisements
er+tniana imi+;+iennc lik-t- the Met-

they feel underrepresent women and
"All our research shows that 'cul-
ture' lags behind social change,"
said one Guerrilla Girl, who called
herself Frida Kahlo. "Forget avant-
guard, it's all derriere.''
But the women stressed that they
are not "Quota Queens." They only
attack publications, galleries and
museums with drastically low rep-
resentations of women, like H.W.
Janson's book,
"History of Art," which men-
tioned no women in its original
print and in its first revision only
commented on 19 women out of the
2,300 discussed in the book, the
women said.
Carol Jacobsen, an organizer of the
event and self-described feminist, said
neonle agt tired Af hearino her tlk. hut

Forces retaliate
afiter bus blast
BETHLEHEM, West Bank (AP) - Israeli forces entered
Bethlehem early today, retaliating against the hometown of a
Palestinian suicide bomber who blew up a Jerusalem bus,
killing 11 and wounding dozens.
The first Israeli forces entered the West Bank town from
the south, witnesses said, and surrounded the Dheisheh
refugee camp next to the town.
Other soldiers headed for the Church of the Nativity, said
Israeli military spokesman Doron Spielman. He said the
object was to prevent gunmen from seeking refuge in the
In April, dozens of gunmen fled into the church ahead of
indineI Traeli tronns ettin off a tense 39-dav standoff It

tomorrow 112:15 p.m. I ohio stadium I abc

Ohio State is undefeated and, with a win over
Michigan, will play for the national title.
Michigan held on to beat Wisconsin, 21-14. Ohio
State knocked off Illinois in overtime, 23-16.
The ability of both teams to run the football
will determine the outcome. If the Buckeyes
get Maurice Clarett going, watch out.



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