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November 21, 2002 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-11-21

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, November 21, 2002


U.S. tries to rally allies at summit NEWS IN BRIEF
PRAGUE, Czech Republic (AP) "The world needs the nations of this force were to arise, I believe NATO Robertson added.

- President Bush warned European
allies yesterday that NATO coun-
tries face threats from terrorism in
this century as dangerous as those
from German armies in the past,
imploring member nations to stand
together against Iraq's Saddam Hus-
Resistant nations such as Germany
will have to make their own decisions
as to "how, if, and when they want to
participate," Bush said.

continent to be active in the defense of
freedom; not inward-looking or isolat-
ed by indifference," he said.
On the eve of a NATO gathering
guarded by American warplanes
overhead and overshadowed by the
Iraq crisis, summit host Vaclav
Havel, the Czech president, said his
people prefer that Saddam Hussein
peacefully surrender his weapons of
mass destruction.
"If, however, the need to use

should give honest and speedy con-
sideration to its engagement as an
alliance," he said.
NATO Secretary-General George
Robertson, previewing a gathering to
expand and modernize the alliance,
predicted there will also be "total
unity of the heads of state and gov-
ernments on support for the U.N.
Security Council resolution" on Iraq.
But it's too early to say what that
support would mean for NATO,

"Even in this beautiful city, I don't
think it is wise to cross bridges before
you come to them," .he said.
On the cobblestones of picturesque
Old Town square, several hundred
demonstrators - thousands fewer than
were threatened -protested the sum-
mit that convenes today.
Among them were about three
dozen leftists whose banners read, "No
war in the name of democracy" and
"Don't drop bombs! Drop Bush!"

Homeland Security begins work

WASHINGTON (AP) - The biggest government
reorganization in half a century is starting with the
mundane - like finding office space and deciding
who gets new digs - in an effort the White House
says will take a year to complete.
Nearly two-dozen agencies with tasks as diverse as
protecting America's borders and gathering intelligence
will be merged into the new Homeland Security
A few weeks after President Bush signs the legisla-
tion, the administration will disclose to Congress the
timing for each agency to enter the new department,

said Gordon Johndroe, the spokesman for Homeland
Security Director Tom Ridge.
The doors open officially 60 days after Bush signs
the bill.
Dealing with all the early problems is the transition
planning office under Ridge and personnel director
Clay Johnson.
"One goal is getting everyone on the same e-mail
system during the transition period of 60 to 90 days,"
Johndroe said.
"We've been working with all these people on how
to transition in and integrate it while allowing absolute-

ly no gaps in security."
In Washington, where proximity is power, one
question is where the new department will be
"I've heard Crystal City, Pentagon City, across the
river, over hill, over dale, but if I were secretary I'd urge
that the department be downtown," said Paul Light,
senior fellow at The Brookings Institution.
"It sounds mundane but all of the little things that
give you an identity in this town are important: sta-
tionery, a flag, a logo and they'd better have a Web site
open pretty soon," Light said.

CAION, Spain
Spain works to clean up oil off its coast
Winds reaching 60 mph and high waves hindered shoreline cleanup and seafood
farmers scrambled to salvage the cockle, mussel and clam harvest yesterday, a day
after the tanker Prestige and its cargo of fuel oil sank off Spain.
Yet the high winds, which pushed waves to 26 feet, helped break up a large oil
slick off Portugal as Spanish authorities worried the storm was shoving a second fuel
oil slick closer to the coast.
Seeking to ease fears of an Exxon Valdez-style catastrophe, Spain's Interior Min-
istry said no fuel had spilled since the single-hulled vessel broke apart and sank
about 150 miles off the Spanish coast Tuesday, six days after it ruptured in a storm.
Officials said they hoped the oil would solidify two miles down in frigid water, limit-
ing damage in the short-term.
The Prestige has spilled about 1.6 million of its 20-million gallon load of heavy
fuel oil, a total twice the size of the Exxon Valdez crude-oil spill off Alaska in 1989.
Spain said yesterday it had spotted four oil slicks, including one 10 miles long and
3 miles wide, near the wreckage about 150 miles off the Galician coast.
Two smaller slicks are about 40 miles west of Cape Finisterre, and a third is just
off the coast at the Muros inlet, Spanish officials said. Portugal said a large slick it
was monitoring Tuesday apparently dispersed in rough seas.
Plans for 7 World Trade Center unveiled
A 750-foot glass-and-steel office tower - with better fireproofing and wider
stairs for quick evacuation - will be built on the site of one of the smaller buildings
to collapse at the World Trade Center complex. The plans, unveiled yesterday, repre-
sent the first major rebuilding project at the World Trade Center to be announced.
The 52-story building at 7 World Trade Center - across the street from the main
trade center site - will be sleeker and five stories taller than its predecessor, which
collapsed in a raging fire several hours after the twin 110-story towers were
destroyed in the Sept. 11 attack.
"The fact that this building is going up now and going up here, right on the site of
the old No. 7, says that we will not be intimidated by the terrorists," Mayor Michael
Bloomberg said.
Architects are still laboring to create designs for the larger trade center site.
Although those plans will not be made final until next year, developer Larry Silver-
stein and his architect, David Childs of Skidmore Owings & Merrill, said their
design for 7 World Trade would serve as a model.

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team sets
tone, rules
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - "Busi-
ness-like" talks with Iraqi officials
have set the stage for a decisive new
round of weapons inspections starting
next week, including possible unan-
nounced drop-ins on President Sad-
dam Hussein's palaces, the chief U.N.
inspectors said yesterday.
"The world and the Security Coun-
cil want assurances that Iraq has no
more weapons of mass destruction,"
the chief of the U.N. inspection team,
Hans Blix, said on a stopover in
Cyprus after wrapping up two days of
talks in Baghdad.
An Iraqi vice president said the
Baghdad government will cooperate
fully with the inspectors, but he
warned the Americans against insert-
ing spies into the inspection teams.
In the Czech Republic, where he
was attending a NATO summit, Presi-
dent Bush also struck a combative
note on Iraq, playing down the impor-
tance of the inspectors' return to
Baghdad, and again threatening mili-
tary action if inspections don't work.
"People tend to focus on the inspec-
tors as if the inspectors are the end,"
Bush told reporters. What's important,
he said, is eliminating any weapons of
mass destruction in Iraq. "He's going
to disarm," he said of Saddam, "one
way or the other."
British and Australian officials said
they were engaged in contingency
planning with the Americans for a
possible eventual attack on Iraq.
In the southern no-fly zone, mean-
while, U.S. warplanes bombed three
air defense sites yesterday after the
Iraqis fired missiles and anti-aircraft
guns at U.S. and British planes, the
U.S. military said. An unidentified
Iraqi officer said the strikes were
against "civilian installations," the
Iraq News Agency reported.
It was the sixth such encounter in
the past seven days.
The U.N. teams are returning to
Baghdad under a new U.N. Security
Council resolution describing the
inspections as a "final opportunity"
for Iraq to meet its post-Gulf War
obligations to give up any chemical,
biological or nuclear weapons.
As the chief inspectors left, 20 U.N.
staff members got down to basics:
Floors were washed and telephone
lines connected as they readied the
inspectors' former offices for their
return after a four-year absence. A
"hotline" phone link to key Iraqi offi-
cials was in the works.
"Everything's being done in a
rush," U.N. spokesman Hiro Ueki
The staff doubled with the arrival
yesterday of more technical support
crew. The first main contingent of
weapons inspectors arrives Monday,
and the first field inspections are
expected two days later.
A dispute over Saddam's "presiden-
tial sites" contributed to the break-
down in the U.N. inspections regime
in December 1998. The Iraqis had
obstructed visits to a few compounds
they designated sensitive, until a com-
promise arrangement allowed inspec-
tions with notification and a

White House to
celebrate past pets
At the White House, Christmas this
year will go to the dogs. And cats.
Even an alligator.
First lady Laura Bush announced
yesterday that holiday decorations at
the White House will celebrate the pets
who have lived in the executive man-
sion over the years.
Workers in the White House resi-
dence have toiled since July on 25
replicas of various first family pets
that will adorn the State Floor during
the upcoming holidays.
"Our pets have been such a
source of comfort and entertain-
ment to us," Mrs. Bush said in a
written statement released while she
was in Europe with the president.
"This holiday season I thought it
would be fun and interesting to
learn about the animals that
belonged to other presidents over
the years, and there are some very
interesting ones."
Trials determine new
cancer drug effective
A new drug designed to stop cancer
by cutting off its blood supply has sur-
prised experts by showing a tumor
shrinkage rate unprecedented for a drug
so early in its development.
In the first human trials, involving 23
people with terminal cancer, the tumors

of one-quarter of the patients shrank by
half or more.
Similar drugs have proved disappoint-
ing - prompting no dramatic tumor
shrinkage in early tests. Scientists say
the latest results, presented yesterday at a
meeting in Frankfurt, will likely revive
flagging enthusiasm for the approach.
"Any activity in this situation is very
promising since everything else has
failed. But we did not expect to see such
a high number of responses in a range of
cancers," said the study's leader, Eric
Raymond, head of the early drug testing
unit at the Gustave-Roussy Institute in
Villejuif, France.
Wheelchair that can
climb stairs endorsed
Stairs soon may no longer be insur-
mountable obstacles for some of the
nation's'2million wheelchair users:
The first wheelchair that can climb
stairs - plus shift into four-wheel drive
to scoot up a grassy hill and even elevate
its occupant for eye-level conversation
- took a major step toward the market
yesterday, as advisers to the Food and
Drug Administration unanimously rec-
ommended it be allowed to sell.
But the panel backed a few limitations
on the Independence iBOT 3000 Mobili-
ty System - which uses sensors and
gyroscopes to balance on two wheels
and navigate stairs - including that it
sell only with a doctor's prescription.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.


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