2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 20, 2002
U.N. inspectors tell Baghdad to NEWS IN BRIEF
release u weapons inventory Party says theater rescue was botched
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - The chief U.N. weapons
inspectors, wrapping up a critical two-day visit,
urged Iraqi officials yesterday to look again in their
nuclear, chemical and biological "stocks and stores"
to ensure they have no weapons-making to report.
Iraq's position that it has no weapons of mass
destruction "must be convincingly shown by docu-
mentation, by evidence," said Hans Blix, head of the
U.N. weapons-hunting team.
"We don't think that has yet been convincing-
ly done."
Blix and chief U.N. nuclear watchdog Mohamed
ElBaradei spoke with reporters after Iraqi officials
confirmed they would meet a U.N. deadline and file
by Dec. 8 a comprehensive list of nuclear, chemical
and biological programs, including any meant to
develop weapons.
The two U.N. officials offered a "light at the end
of the tunnel" for Iraq, however, saying that if the
Baghdad government cooperates fully with their
inspections, they might be able to report in about one
year that it has complied with Security Council
requirements and U.N. economic sanctions on Iraq
should be lifted.
Blix and ElBaradei, who depart today, led advance
teams of about two dozen U.N. officials who returned
to Baghdad on Monday to resume the weapons
inspection program that ended abruptly four years ago.
Additional inspectors arrive next Monday, and their
first field operations are expected by Nov. 27.
The latest Security Council resolution calls the
inspections a "final opportunity" for Iraq to meet its
post-Gulf War obligations to give up any weapons of
mass destruction. President Bush has threatened mil-
itary action if the Iraqis don't disarm.
A seven-year inspection regime in the 1990s dis-
mantled Iraq's nuclear program before it could build
a bomb, and destroyed large amounts of chemical
and biological weapons and longer-range missiles
forbidden by postwar U.N. resolutions.
But some chemical weapons in particular were
believed never destroyed, and U.S. intelligence
reports suggest the Iraqis may have rebuilt some
weapons programs since the inspectors pulled out
in 1998.
The new Security Council resolution gives the
U.N. teams greater powers to inspect Iraqi sites any-
where at any time.
The most senior official on the Blix-ElBaradei
schedule of meetings here was Foreign Minister Naji
Sabri. After that session late yesterday, ElBaradei,
director general of the International Atomic Energy
Agency, told reporters, "I think we heard from the
Iraqi side they will do everything humanly possible
to cooperate."
Blix said the Iraqis had agreed in their discus-
sions to open a U.N. inspectors office in the north-
ern city of Mosul, and to expand their Baghdad
office to accommodate the hundreds of interna-
tional weapons experts who will come and go in
coming months.
The Swedish ex-diplomat, chairman of the U.N.
Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commis-
sion, reaffirmed the importance of Iraq's upcom-
ing Dec. 8 list. It is the standard by which the
international community will judge whether Presi-
dent Saddam Hussein's government is lying or
telling the truth about its interest in the most
advanced weapons.
A Russian political party said yesterday that its investigation into last month's
deadly hostage crisis revealed officials in charge of the rescue acted negligently.
Almost all of the 128 hostages who died in the crisis were killed by an opiate
gas used to knock out the gunmen before Russian special forces troops raided the
building. Many human rights groups and liberal lawmakers criticized the govern-
ment because it didn't tell doctors about the gas quickly enough and didn't organ-
ize timely treatment of victims.
"Negligence on the part of officials in charge ... was the chief cause of the
numerous deaths," said lawmaker Eduard Vorobyov, who led the liberal Union of
Right Forces' probe, according to the Interfax news agency.
The government has said it had to release the gas to avoid more casualties
among the 800 people in the audience. Officials have also said more than 1,000
doses of antidote were prepared to help victims.
Vorobyov said the party interviewed 11 experts, including people who took part
in the events. In remarks on NTV television, he quoted one expert as saying that
saving people was not the authorities' first priority.
"The primary task was liquidating the terrorists. What would happen to the
people - that was secondary," he quoted the expert as saying.
Britain considers revising sex offense laws
Prime Minister Tony Blair's government yesterday proposed an overhaul of
Britain's Victorian-era sex offense laws, urging Parliament to crack down on sexu-
al predators and to repeal remaining laws against gay male sex.
"The law on sexual offenses is archaic and incoherent," Home Secretary David
Blunkett told the House of Commons, saying that the last major sex offense act,
passed 46 years ago, was mostly a consolidation of 19th-century law.
"Our proposals for reform reflect changes in society and social attitudes, and
most importantly will better protect the public, particularly children and the vul-
nerable," said Blunkett, the minister responsible for law and order.
Proposed new statutes would prohibit buying the sexual services of a child,
causing or encouraging children to be sexually exploited and facilitating the com-
mercial sexual exploitation of a child. The legislation would cover victims up to
the age of 18.
Blunkett also suggested creating a new offense against "grooming" children for
sexual exploitation which would apply to adults who meet a child - in person or
on the Internet - with the intention of taking sexual advantage.
Israeli army kills
Palestinian teen,
militia member
NABLUS, West Bank (AP) -
Five Palestinians died yesterday
when Israeli soldiers swept through
the West Bank town of Tulkarem,
one a leading militant and another a
teenager who had climbed on top of
an Israeli armored vehicle, Palestini-
ans said.
Mideast violence that has persisted
for two years shows no signs of abat-
ing, despite efforts by the United
States, Europe and others to mediate a
Soldiers tried to arrest Tarek
Zaghal, a leader of the Al Aqsa Mar-
tyrs' Brigade militia, wounding him
as he tried to escape. He later died
of his wounds, Palestinians said.
The Al Aqsa group is linked to
Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's
Fatah movement.
Near Tulkarem, two Palestinians
were killed when their car crashed
after running an Israeli army road-
block, the Israeli military said. The
military statement said soldiers
opened fire after the car tried to run
them over.
Israel is maintaining control of
most of the main West Bank popula-
tion centers after an incursion in mid-
June, a response to Palestinian
suicide bomb attacks inside Israel.
Curfews are in force much of the
time, confining hundreds of thou-
sands of people to their homes.
Palestinians said a 15-year-old boy
was shot and killed yesterday when he
climbed on top of an Israeli armored
vehicle in the center of Tulkarem. The
military said soldiers shot at a Palestin-
ian who threw a firebomb at a tank,
endangering soldiers.
Another Palestinian, a night watch-
man, was shot dead at his post in front
of a building, Palestinians said.
An Israeli settler tends to her baby yesterday in a settlement
expansion outpost in the West Bank town of Hebron.
Police cars become
newest spot for ads
Cash-strapped police departments
around the country are considering sell-
ing advertising space on their patrol
cars - an idea that has some officers
worried they will get stuck driving
around with a really embarrassing ad.
"I don't want my officers driving
around in a car that says, 'Trojan:
Ribbed for extra pleasure,"' said Louis
Napoletano, public safety director of
Long Branch. "We've come a long way
to be perceived as professional, and this
would set us way back."
Government Acquisitions LLC, a
company in Charlotte N.C., started sell-
ing the ads about two months ago.
The deal works like this: A police
department agrees to put ads on its
patrol cars, usually on the hoods or on
the side and rear. In return, Government
Acquisitions provides new patrol cars
to the department for $1, and replaces
them every three years. The company
keeps the ad revenue.
PRAGUE, Czech Republic
NATO meets as war
in Iraq looms ahead
President Bush urged NATO allies to
"come with us" and help disarm Sad-
dam Hussein, even as summit diplo-
mats said yesterday the alliance will not
take up arms collectively against Iraq.
Bush, arriving first among 19
NATO leaders for a two-day gather-
ing shadowed by intense security,
said alliance nations can find ways
individually to support his campaign
against Saddam.
"Everybody can contribute some-
thing;' he told Czech TV as the White
House sought to lower expectations for
a major NATO statement on Iraq.
"It all has got to be done within the
strategy of the true threats we face in
the 21st century, which is global terror-
ism. That's the biggest threat to free-
dom right now," he said.
EL CAJON, Calif.
Men paid homeless
to fight, lawyers say
Prosecutors brought new charges
yesterday against four men accused of
paying the homeless to fight for a
videotape, saying the defendants
induced some of the brawls by offering
beer and doughnuts.
The men were charged with battery,
illegal fight promotion and conspiracy
in connection with the "Bumfights: A
Cause for Concern" videotape sold
over the Internet. They were already
charged with soliciting an assault with
deadly force.
All four entered innocent pleas and
said through their attorneys they plan to
challenge the charges. Defense lawyers
have said much of the action on the tape
was staged and contend the charges are
vague and legally inadequate.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.
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by end of day November 26 with the
time of the session you will attend.
Continued from Page 1
22 agencies with combined budgets of
about $40 billion and employ 170,000
workers - the most grandiose federal
reorganization since the Defense
Department's birth in 1947.
Even so, it will take months for the
new agency to get fully off the ground.
And a budget stalemate continues to
block most of the extra money for
domestic security enhancements both
sides want for the federal fiscal year
that began Oct. 1.
The House overwhelmingly
approved the bill on Nov. 13, so the
Senate vote was the crucial, final test.
Because of technical changes the Sen-
ate made, however, the House is
expected to provide final congressional
approval Friday with an anticlimactic
voice vote.
Senators cleared the way for the
final vote by rejecting, 52-47, a Demo-
cratic bid to block provisions that will
aid vaccine producers and other indus-
tries. That vote came after Republican
leaders made last-minute concessions
that ensured support from four moder-
ate senators.
"This bill still needs work," said
Senate Majority Leader Tom
Daschle (D-S.D.) voicing the mis-
givings of Democrats who opposed
the pro-industry provisions. But he
said he supported the legislation
because of "the tremendous chal-
lenge facing the country" to combat
As Congress neared adjournment
for the year, the Senate sent Bush a
bill making the government the
insurer of last resort for terrorist
attacks, with a maximum annual tab
to taxpayers of $90 billion. The vote
was 86-11.
Senators voted 55-44 to approve,
U.S. District Court Judge Dennis
Shedd to be an appeals court judge, a
Bush nominee who sparked a fight
with Democrats over civil rights.
They also readied a measure keeping
federal agencies open through Jan.
11, needed due to unfinished spend-
ing bills.
The work came in the final hours of
the 107th Congress, which has seen the
world change around it during a tumul-
tuous two-year run.
Bush won a $1.35 trillion, 10-year
tax cut but saw a vibrant economy stall
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VQD r R TH JG'r,
Jane Fonda is known among Vietnam Vets as "Hanoi Jane" for her
actions during the Vietnam War. They included a friendly visit
to North Vietnam, where she made radio broadcasts encouraging the
enemy to hold out against us. Here she is seen posing on an anti-air-
craft gun, where she gave encouragement to the gunners who shot at
our aircraft. In a 1999 TV special, Jane Fonda was named by Barbara
Walters as one of the 100 Women of the Century. Several other honors
followed, including the "Speaking Out for Justice" award from Pied-
mont College. Fonda is known for donating to liberal institutions.
PHOTO David Katz, Edit
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aY 7 /\G 7 7 71Mrr' Jc c "a uLll vuan aa i wnwg
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