4 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, September 4, 2002 OP/ED t lquinii AN N ARBOR, MI 48109 letters@michigandaily.com EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SINCE 1890 JON SCHWARTZ Editor in Chief JOHANNA HANINK Editorial Page Editor Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily refect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. NOTABLE QUOTABLE ((The Japanese once practiced suicide bombing. Now they make computer games." - Newsweek International editor and columnist Fareed Zakaria, in yesterday's Washington Post. Zakaria argued that if the many problems in the Middle East are addressed, its residents, like the Japanese, will find alternatives to extremism and violence. SAM BUTLER THE SOPBOX We."uS+ 11 be. ded',co.4 -- i'IOR- o as~ Radical chic and the state of student activism ZAC PESKOWITZ TE LtOLWR FREQUENCIES April 17, 1969 - The American Council on Education publishes its "Declaration on Cam- pus Unrest" criticizing student activists as "a minute group of destroyers who have abandoned hope in today's society, in today's university and in the processes of orderly discussion and negotiation to secure significant change." University Presi- dent Robben Fleming and the heads of 19 other major institutions sign the document, creating one of the most scathing and coordinated attacks on campus activism to date. In the next several months President Fleming's relation- ship with activists will become increasingly antagonistic as activists stage massive demonstrations over the failure of the Uni- versity Board of Regents to implement a stu- dent-run discount bookstore and the ROTC's presence at the University. Juxtapose that image with one of the latest pieces of University propaganda coming out of the Office of the President. In a welcome video, available at http://www.umich.edu/pres/welcome- rm.html, University President Mary Sue Cole- man urges new students to take part in the University's storied history of activism. "Whatever way you decide to contribute, you will be carrying on one of the great Michi- gan traditions - the tradition of student activism." Within approximately 30 years, student activism has been attenuated from a force that gripped the hearts of the University administra- tion with fear to a force so powerless that the administration is now able to cheerlead for its resurgence without caution. Either Coleman and her scriptwriters are victims of stupefying naivet, who believe stu- dent activism will mesh with their interests or they are evil geniuses, prepared to exploit one of the University's untapped sources of possi- ble prestige. It's easy to imagine future brochures appealing to the sentimentalities of the echo boomers. Right next to the seating capacity of Michi- gan Stadium and the average starting salary of a B-School graduate, envision an infographic on the history of Students for a Democratic Society and Ann Arbor's radical past. Color sidebars giving wide-eyed high schoolers the possibility of becoming the next Tom Hayden, starting the revolution, ending oppression, etc., etc. The crass subtext of Coleman's message is that the spirit of student activism is a commodi- ty to generate excitement, a sense of involve- ment and the feeling of community. In this world, student activism exists for its own ends and is praised by society as a trendy good. Coleman's little welcome video illuminates the crisis at the center of student activism. Why do students become activists? Are their motiva- tions often misguided? Prof. Donald Kagan of Yale and others have criticized many activists as the children of the privileged who seek an escape from the banality of their lives with the sound and fury of sit-ins, protests and marches. As students at this University have occa- sionally shown, Kagan's vision of activism as decadent escape fails to recognize the real good arises from their work. However, the criticisms of the culture warriors remain rele- vant. Activism, of both the left and right, is often corrupted by individual motives, At the University it can be a means for students to stand out from their peers and achieve a sem- blance of recognition in an often faceless environment. In its current state, activism has the difficult task of rooting out the glorymon- gers in its ranks and rejecting any perception that activism is stylish. The indulgent tenden- cies of student activism provide activism's critics with their most potent ammunition and encourage individuals with questionable goals to devote their existences to goal X. The worst excesses of student activism on campuses can be attributed to these conditions. This academic year will give University students the opportunity to show Coleman wrong. Students can combat the University on the vital, but unglamorous, work of disman- tling the Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities, formerly the Code of Student Conduct. Drafting position papers, arguing over clauses in the Code or attending Michi- gan Student Assembly meetings will never be as invigorating as a siege of the Fleming Administration Building, but these are the necessities that will propel students' efforts to success. It's time to embrace the pedestrian, the tedious and the drudging. Zac Peskowitz can be reached atzpeskowi@umich.edu. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Kiblawi's viewpoint 'appalling,' 'revolting,' proves he is 'delusional' TO THE DAILY: I am writing in response to Fadi Kiblawi's commentary piece in the New Student Edition, Activist Manifesto: Divest from Israeli Apartheid. It is clear from reading that article that not only is Kiblawi delusional, but he is simply wrong in the majority of his arguments. As a result, one might brand him a supporter of anti-Jewish racism based on some of his comments. Kiblawi claims that "Jews dominate Pales- tinians." First, Kiblawi uses the word "Jews" when he should have used the word Israelis." I find this appalling. Surely, Kiblawi, the leader of several Palestinian movements on campus, knows the difference between the two. Similarly, I find it interesting that Kiblawi says the Palestinians have been suffering for 54 years, which would bring us to 1948: The cre- ation of the State of Israel. I wonder why he doesn't mention the oppression of the Arab people by the Jordanians or Syrians, the sup- posed "brethren" of the Palestinian people? Is he arguing for the sake of the Palestinian peo- ple or for the sole purpose of the destruction of Israel? I think the answer is obvious. Moreover, for Kiblawi to deny that Israel is fighting a waragainst terrorism is absurd. The goal of the Israeli Defense Forces is obviously to root out homicide bombers and the places and people that harbor them. Unfortunately, there are civilian casualties as a result of some military actions: All of which the IDF has apologized for. Organiza- tions like the Palestinian Authority, Hamas and Hizbullah on the other hand, rejoice to no end when the news of the death of an Israeli child hits home. I find Kiblawi's dishonesty revolting. BRAD SUGAR LSA sophomore Daily should 'consider publishing the truth' if it wants to be credible TO THE DAILY: Fadi Kiblawi wrote in the New Student Edition: "To ensure a demographic majority within the voting citizenry, Israel allows only the immigration of Jews to the state, excluding even the ethnically cleansed indigenous popu- lation from reentering." All I have to say about this statement is that the Daily should really consider publishing the truth if it wants to be considered a legitimate newspaper and a valuable resource for the stu- dents, as well as the community at large. Noth- ing about this statement even resembles the truth, nor does it support any fact. SHAINA KATZOFF LSA sophomore LETTERS POLICY The Michigan Daily welcomes letters from all of its readers. Letters from University students, faculty, staff and administrators will be given priority over others. Letters should include the writer's name, college and school year or other University affiliation. The Daily will not pAnt any letter containing statements that cannot be verified, Letters should be kept to approximately 300 words. The Michigan Daily reserves the right to edit for length, clarity and accuracy. Longer "viewpoints" may be arranged with an editor. Let- ters will be run according to order received and the amount of space available. Letters should be sent over e-mail to letters@michigandaily.com or mailed to the Daily at 420 Maynard Sr. Editors can be reached via e- mail at editpage.editors@umich.edu. Letters e- mailed to the Daily will be given priority over those dropped off in person or sent via the U.S. Postal Service. Laying blame won't help ailing environment WAYNE .tA ROM THE 'N VERSIY WIRE N othing is going to happen here. All we developed countries in Johannesburg requested can do is pray that others will one day last week that the phrase be renegotiated. listen. Every country must agree to the language The second United Nations World Summit produced by Agenda 21. Thus, its statements on Sustainable Development concludes tomor- have a tendency to serve to the lowest common row with 190 of its member countries present. denominator, further limiting their potential The United Nations hopes that members will effectiveness. agree to universal goals in the areas of health, Environmental activists blame governments biodiversity, agriculture, water and energy. The and multinational corporations. Governments 20,000 registered attendees include 6,000 and businesses blame consumers. Consumers members of major groups, more than 7,000 don't 4ppear to blame anyone. Agreements government delegates, 104 heads of state and made from these summits will never be real- 3,000 members of the press. ized as long as Although the United States is THE DAILY ILLINI consumers in rich considered to be the worst offend- UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS countries are apa- er of environmental pollution, thetic to nature. President George W. Bush did not attend. The world population is expected to rise The first summit was held 10 years ago in another 2 billion by 2025. By then, in order for Rio de Janeiro. There, governments made mas- all of us. to lead the lifestyles of developing sive gains in calling for a global reduction of countries, we will need four times the amount pollution and an increase in the conservation of the earth can give us. our natural resources. The document produced Currently, 2 billion of the world's 6.1 bil- at the sumnit was called Agenda 21 and target- lion people lack access to nutritious food, with ed the year 2000 as the deadline for implemen- 800 million considered malnourished. About tation. 1.1 billion people are without safe drinking Since 1992, progress has been minimal, water. Another 2.5 billion lack access to elec- leading many critics to believe that this year's tricity. summit is a show for the cameras more than Eleven thousand species of animals and anything else. In fact, the gains made in Rio are plants are in danger of becoming extinct. In the now in danger of being reversed. next hundred years, fuel emissions will cause One of the greatest achievements produced the world's climate to rise between four and in Agenda 21 was the implementation of "com- eight degrees. Americans, the earth's largest mon but differentiated responsibilities," requir- consumers and polluters, are too busy living ing rich countries, which were recognized as their own lives to care about any of these statis- the world's biggest polluters, to play a much tics. larger role in protecting the environment. Hop- Last year, the Kyoto protocol was intro- ing to reduce the implications of this statement, duced in the United Nations, calling for a 5.2 percent global reduction of greenhouse gases by 2012. In order for it to be effective, the pro- tocol needed the ratification of 55 countries including developed countries. The United States produces more greenhouse gases than any other country, almost 25 percent of all global emissions. But, to protect American industry, we refused to ratify Kyoto, causing an international outcry. Even last week, the Bush administration gave a gift to logging companies by allowing them access to previoitsly protected forest pre- serves. The logic: You can't have dangerous wildfires if you have fewer forests. Bush was able to skip the summit because there was no public pressure from Americans. Environmental activism is unpopular in our country. Awareness and acceptance of environ- mental problems is a crucial step toward saving the planet. However, making it attractive to consumers proves to be the biggest hurdle. Today, corporations keep the cost of prod- ucts down by placing manufacturing plants in countries with fewer environmental restric- tions. Fossil fuels are dramatically cheaper than clean alternatives such as solar, water and wind. All of our natural resources are consumed faster than the earth can replenish them. None of us are willing to sacrifice our way of life to protect the environment. A sweeping consciousness must occur around the globe before progress can begin. The urgency of the situation needs to be recognized. Unless we lower our standards of living and habits of con- sumption, efforts made in Johannesburg will be futile. IHE bOONDOCKS A N M ' I SNOOP STOPS SMOKiNs, WHAT IMPACT WHAT RHYMES I wsWEED P? Will IT HAVE ON HISMU1 I T'S SUCH A SHORTSTOP? s CRITKAL ELEMENT OF HISs tRCALCONTENT. ET's S r YOU'RE RIGHT ma MAYBE HE'LL REPLACE THE MARIJUANA SHORTSTOP N EAP BO0P D0ESN'T LOOK GOOD. REFERENGS WITH FAMIY-ORIENTED C ARROT TOP .., STUFF - Kt ata. tsEAGE clai. i me athis etial . ns s E5'ttl~a