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November 15, 2002 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-11-15

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November 15, 2002
@2002 The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Vol. CXIII, No. 51

One-hundred-twelve years ofeditorialfreedom

in the morning
with skies partly ; 38
cloudy in theLW:2
afternoon, LO.2
becoming clear Tomorrow:
by evening. ?2i26

Webber rep
asks judge to
drop charges

By Steve Jackson
Daily Sports Editor

Chris Webber's attorney, Steven
Fishman, accused prosecutors Wednes-
day of "vindictiveness" and requested
that a federal judge dismiss the charges
against the Sacramento Kings star.
Webber, a for-
mer Michigan bas-
ketball star, was
indicted Sept. 9
along with his
father and aunt on
charges of obstruc-
tion of justice and
giving false testi-
mony in front of
the grand jury.
Webber's allegedly Webber
false statements,
given on Aug. 2, 2000, were in refer-
ence to his dealings with former Michi-
gan booster Ed Martin, who was under
federal investigation for running an ille-
gal gambling ring in Detroit. Martin
claimed that he loaned Webber
$280,000 before the star became a pro-
fessional, a charge Webber has repeat-
edly denied.
"The government was unable to spec-
ify even one answer in the indictment as

being allegedly false," Fishman said in
his written motion to dismiss.
Fishman also claimed that Webber
was unprepared and that prosecutors
badgered him on the stand, interrupting
his requests with further lines of ques-
tioning. "It quickly became apparent
that regardless of his conversations with
his agent, Mr. Webber was unsure as to
the nature and purpose of a grand jury
Grand jury witnesses that are not tar-
gets of the investigation frequently meet
with prosecutors and their own lawyers
to go over areas that are to be introduced
during questioning. But that didn't hap-
pen in Webber's case. He was represent-
ed by his agent Fallasha Erwin, an
attorney who specializes in sports con-
tracts rather than criminal law.
"Neither Mr. Webber nor his agent
received any documents of any type to
refresh his recollection about anything,"
Fishman wrote.
In the partial transcripts that have
been made public, Webber often
appears confused and disoriented. So
much so that at one point, he was
unable to recall the specific years he
attended the University (August 1991
through May 1993).
See WEBBER, Page 7A

While many students feel the University is a comfortable place for dating persons of other races, parental pressure sometimes prevents long-term relationships from
developing into marriages.
Open environment attitudes make
inerca relationships easier

By Andrew Kaplan
Daily Staff Reporter
As students seek out relationships in the diverse, lib-
eral atmosphere of Ann Arbor, they find the general
vibe conducive to fostering intimate unions with per-
sons of other races.
"I think there's encouragement to date outside
your race," Engineering junior Al Boggess said. "A
lot of social pressures are off here, as opposed to
high school where there's a lot more pressure to stay
with..your race."
RC freshman Molly Raynor said interactions during
her childhood in Ann Arbor most likely contributed to
hdr willingness to date interracially. Raynor, who is
Jewish, has had three relationships in which her partner
was either black or biracial.

"I guess it would be different if I came from a small-
er city or town, but because I was here all along, and
because people are very receptive here, I feel like I've
had few bad experiences," she said.
Ann Arbor's demographic variety entices many stu-
dents to enroll in the University in the first place. For
some, Michigan is an optimal setting for students of
different backgrounds to meet and date.
When it comes to dating, students look past skin
tone. Raynor added that while interracial relationships
can be eye-opening, they do not exist simply for the
appeal of dating someone of another racial group.
"The way I got into all the relationships was defi-
nitely based on character," she added. "I don't go out
looking for a guy based on race. Once in the relation-
ship, I felt that there was something new, that I could
learn from the experience more."

Richard Gates, a black Engineering freshman whose
girlfriend is Hispanic, agreed that while interracial
relationships are different from same-race relation-
ships, race does not affect whom he chooses to date.
"I say it's a little different because, first of all, there
are cultural differences. But I guess once you look past
that, love is love."
However, Gates said, "Most of the relationships on
this campus are not for love purposes. I guess the inter-
racial thing in college is just an experiment."
If there exists a fundamental difference between dat-
ing in college and in high school, it is the prospect of
marriage in college relationships. Students in college
who have dated outside their race have often run afoul
with more conservative family members.
"Your parents, and perhaps your friends, say it's OK
See DATING, Page 3A

Judge upholds
verdict in 'U'
harassment ca se

By Jeremy Berkowitz
Daily Staff Reporter

State budget woes
could reduce 'U' funds

By Megan Hayes
and Jordan Schrader
Daily Staff Reporters

Engineering sophomore Shahrizat Ismail appreciates the
aroma of the food during the Ramadan dinner yesterday
evening In West Quad Residence Hall's Wedge Room.
Ramdan eas
observes end of
fasting penod
By Autumn Brown
Daily Staff Reporter

In spite of their request yesterday for a 4 percent
increase in funding from the state government,
University officials expect state budget allocations
to remain the same or even drop.
The last fiscal year reflected no increase in
state funding, which administrators said created
the need for this year's unusually large 7.9 per-
cent tuition increase.
The budget request for the 2004 fiscal year,
approved by the University Board of Regents at its
monthly meeting yesterday, tempered the request
for more money with acknowledgement that in a
poor budget year, the University is unlikely to
receive any additional funds.
University President Mary Sue Coleman said
she does not expect to receive anything close to
the $14.5 million increase requested. "I would be
very pleased if we got the same budget as this
year," she said.
While an increase is essential for continuous
growth and improvement, Coleman said, it is
unrealistic in light of the state's forecasted
budget deficit.
The request reflects practical needs during a nor-

mal economic year, she said.
"We tried to be honest about what the needs
are," she said. "Clearly we don't want Michigan
to slip in quality."
Student fees could increase again to support the
University's ongoing needs.
"Ultimately, what the state decides will impact
tuition," Regent Rebecca McGowan (D-Ann
Arbor) said. "If the state can't help the University
maintain the (current) level of education, tuition
will definitely be at play."
While it will seek to find new sources of
funding, the University is also likely to make
spending cuts.
Postponing searches for new faculty members
as positions open up is one of the easiest ways for
the University to save money, Provost Paul
Courant said.
A decrease in faculty would mean an increase in
class sizes, but Courant said the impact would not
be severe.
Faculty should be involved in making decisions
that could cut their numbers, said Prof. Charles
Koopman, chairman of the Senate Advisory Com-
mittee on University Affairs. But educators are
willing to bear part of the University's financial
burden, he said.
See REGENTS, Page 3A

A decision made this week may
have put some finality on the first
sexual harassment case against a
higher educational facility in the state
of Michigan. Washtenaw County Cir-
cuit Court Judge Melinda Morris
upheld an April verdict in a lawsuit
against the University in which for-
mer Music student Maureen Johnson
was awarded $250,000.
Johnson alleged visiting Prof.
Pier Calabria made several sexual
advances and comments toward her
regarding her appearance and
clothes during the fall of 1997.
Johnson played the oboe in the Uni-
versity Philharmonia Orchestra
conducted by Calabria.
"I can't believe you're wearing this
sexy leopard shirt," Calabria allegedly
said to Johnson one day at her work-
study job, according to a brief prepared
by Johnson's attorney, Miranda Massie.
Johnson brought her complaints to
University officials, but she said
they proved to be unhelpful in her
After finding out that former Music
School Dean Paul Boylan reneged on
his alleged promise to terminate Cal-
abria' s contract at the end of the
school year, Johnson withdrew from
the University in 1998.
She filed the lawsuit against the
University and Boylan in 1999 on
claims of sexual harassment, retali-

ation, discrimination and race dis-
Last month, the University filed a
motion asking the jury to overturn
the verdict or grant a new trial. It
claimed Johnson's attorneys had
provided insufficient evidence and
failed to release certain medical
records regarding a visit to a mari-
tal counselor.
"The evidence submitted at trial is
insufficient as a matter of law to sup-
port the jury's verdict," University
attorneys wrote in a brief.
"Moreover, Plaintiff is barred from
recovering emotional distress dam-
ages because she prevented discovery
regarding her medical condition."
But Massie said last month that
almost all records were turned over
by trial. The only documents not
disclosed to University attorneys
were notes from Johnson and her
husband, or solely her husband, in
meeting with the marital counselor.
Massie said she thought they were
irrelevant to the case.
"They were frantically looking
for an excuse to undermine our
case," she said.
Massie yesterday refused to comment
on Wednesday's decision.
University spokeswoman Julie Peter-
son said last night she was unaware if
the University would appeal the verdict.
A plaintiff's motion was also dis-
cussed Wednesday regarding an award
See JOHNSON, Page 7A

A day of tolerance and an observance of fasting during
the Muslim holiday, Ramadan offered many Muslim and
non-Muslim students a chance to gather together and par-
take in a celebratory dinner to break the fast.
The dinner, held in the Wedge Room in West Quad Resi-
dence Hall, featured speeches by Rabbi Shena Potter of Hil-
lel, Minister Roger Pohl of the Ecumenical Center and
International Residence and Ibrahim Ozdemir, a faculty
member at Hartford Seminary in Hartford, Conn.
During his speech, Ozdemir focused on the importance of
interfaith tolerance and charity on an international level as a
function of the observance of Ramadan.
"Ramadan is a time for inner reflection, devotion to God,
altruism and self-control. We Muslims think of it as kind of
a tune-up for our spiritual and physical well-being," he said.
"The emphasis of fasting is on self-restraint more than any-
thing else."
Ozdemir said that over 2 billion Muslims observe

Iraq expects conflicts
with U.S. to continue




1 12:05 p.m. I michigan

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - A day
after accepting a tough new U.N. res-
olution, Iraq yesterday predicted
more trouble ahead with the United
States as it prepares to receive the
first weapons inspectors in nearly
four years.
British Prime Minister Tony Blair,
meanwhile, combined a renewed
threat of force with an assurance to

Babil newspaper, owned by Sad-
dam's son Odai, called on Iraq's tra-
ditional Security Council allies -
Russia, France and China - to
remain vigilant about America's true
"Our problem and crisis with the
United States is not over yet and may
have just begun," the influential
newspaper said in a front-page edito-

Wisconsin returns sidelined starters Anthony Davis
and Brooks Bollinger this week.
The Wolverines dominated Minnesota 41-24 last
week and kept the Little Brown Jug
Despite being stabbed in the leg two weeks ago,
Wironnin running hack Anthonv Davis will



I. 11

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