V U U V V U V w v w -Apr 7W w -W w I 2B - The Michigan Daily - Weekend Magatie - Thursday, November 14, 2002 Random bel"ieves Reagan, Bambi worst villains The Michigan Daily - Weekend Magazine - Saturday Art Students League First Exhibition. Through Nov. 22. Art Lounge, Michigan Union. ASLPrez@umich.edu. By Neal Pals Daily Arts Writer The Michigan Daily: Hey, is Vikram there? Random: This is Carlos. TMD: Hi, this is Neal from The Michigan Daily. You've been ran- domly selected to participate in the Weekend Magazine's Random Student Interview. After a little hiatus, the Interview is finally back ... you must be more excited than George W. at a "snow party." R: Ooh, a snow party! So, how come I'm the lucky one? TMD: As just implied, you were selected randomly. R: Well, this is just a joke, but yeah, I'll do it. TMD: Good. So, I just turned 21 a couple of days ago; I'm total- ly lit right now. Ha ha, just kid- ding; that would obstruct my journalistic integrity. What's been up with you lately? Anything exciting in your life? R: Not on this campus. TMD: Did you vote last week? R: Of course not. I hate politi- cians. TMD: So political punditry doesn't make you excited? R: Definitely not. TMD: What do you think of the tense political situation on cam- pus? R: It makes me want to cry. TMD: What aspect of American culture truly disturbs you? R: Fast food. TMD: Have you ever defecated on someone's visage? R: Can't say that I have. TMD: Then has your counte- nance ever been tainted with fecal matter? R: What the hell is "counte- nance?" TMD: Never mind - not important. Do you know what the spice of life is? R: The Spice Girls. TMD: Have you ever been in the doghouse? R: In the doghouse? Um, no. TMD: Have you ever been inside a penal colony? R: No, no, I haven't. TMD: Do you have any penile dysfunctions? R: Nah. TMD: Who is your favorite political villain? R: Does that include people from the past? TMD: Yeah, sure. R: Hmm, who was the worst Republican? I say Reagan. TMD: Favorite Disney villain? R: Uh, Bambi. TMD: Bambi? But he was so sweet and cute. Why him? R: Because he should have unselfishly given himself to the hunters for food. TMD: Have you ever had the opportunity to freebase anything? R: What does "freebase" mean? TMD: It's probably better that you don't know. Do you have hair on the palms of your hands? R: What causes that? TMD: You're an inquisitive one. R: Yes, I am. TMD: A bit uniformed, though. But that's OK. When was the last time you wanted to rage against a machine? R: At the ATM. TMD: Do you know any good tofu recipes? R: No, I only eat flesh. TMD: Briefly explain, to the best of your ability, the notion of moral relativism. R: Oh man, I'm totally lost. TMD: Do you ever hitch rides on passing bandwagons? R: Nope. TMD: Do you worship multiple gods? R: No, just Vishnu. TMD: Is it better to be a martyr or a cynic? R: Martyr. TMD: What is one thing you hope to accomplish before middle age? R: I'd like to be on a profession- al bowling team. TMD: Where do you think we go after the long, strange trip? R: To where? TMD: You know, like ... uh, I dunno. OK, scrap that one. How do you pick yourself up when you're feeling down? R: I turn my frowns upside down. TMD: Ha. Witty, too. Do you get pissed when your unmentionables itch in public? R: For sure. TMD: In closing, tell me what you think groups on campus should do to enjoy harmony with one another. R: Listen to good music and roast Marshmallows. BOOKS Jewish Book Fair Today: reception at 7 p.m. Local writers Esther Hurwitz, Helen Weingarten, Ken Wachsberger and Amy Rose read from their recent works. 7 p.m. Jewish Community Center, 2935 Birch Hollow. Free. 971-0990. CAMPUS CINEMA Bowling for Columbine See Thursday. State Theater 2, 4:30, 7, 9:30 & 11:45 p.m. Frida See Thursday. Michigan Theater 5, 7:30 & 10 p.m. Merci Pour le Chocolat You are very welcome. Would you like some more?5Michigan Theater 4:45, 7:15 & 9:45 p.m. Roger Dodger See Friday. State Theater 2:30, 5, 7:15 & 9:15 p.m. Run Lola Run Is she still running? I thought the twenty minutes were up when she appeared in "Blow." State Theater Midnight. MUSIC Ramona Collins Here's some more scatting: Bip Boppedy'bip bip dippy doo. Oh yeeaaaaah! Bird of Paradise, 312 S. Main St., 9 p.m. $10 ($7 stu). 662-8310. Total Disregard, The Athletic Mic League Leopold Bros. 523 S. Main St. 10 p.m. $6. 747-9806 The Supersuckers Blind Pig, 208 S. First St., 10 p.m. $12. 996-8588. THEA TER The Cunning Little Vixen See Thursday. John and Jen See Thursday, 7 p.m. Sunday BOOKS Jewish Book Fair Today: Family Chanukah program and local authors fair, 1-3 p.m. 6:30pm: Larry Tye ("Homelands"); 8 p.m.: Joe Berger ("Displaced Persons"). Jewish Community Center, 2935 Birch Hollow. Free. 971-0990. Feed the Poets A monthly poetry ireading with open mic readers. This month, Detroiters Gerri Stone and Mindy LePere present. 2 p.m. Del Rio Bar, 122 W. Washington. Free. 761-2530. Unveiling E.B.B. Artist and scholar Barbara Neri lectures, presenting secrets of the life and work of poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning. 2 p.m. Ann Arbor District Library, 343 S. Fifth Ave. Free. 327-4200. Geri Larkin Presentation & Book Signing Geri Larkin, author and founder of "Still Point Zen Buddhist Temple," signs copies of her new book. 4:30 p.m. In Season Cafe (formerly Sunflower Cafe), 211E. Washington. Free. 747- 9810. CAMPUS CINEMA Bowling for Columbine See Thursday. State Theater 2, 4:30, 7 & 9:30 p.m. "Half Past Dead": Best title ever. Buddy and Julie Miller Sounds like the nice couple who live next to my grandparents' condo in Del Boca Vista. The Ark, 36 S. Main St. 7:30 p.m. $15. 761-1451. Bird Jazz Jam Session We're gonna prove Mr. Simpson innocent, but first I'd like to play some jazz trum- pet for ya honor. Bird of Paradise, 312 S. Main St., 9 p.m. $5. 662- 8310. Frida See Thursday. Theater 3, 5:30 & 8 p.m. Michigan Merci Pour le Chocolat See Saturday. Michigan Theater 2:45, 5:15 & 7:45 p.m. Roger Dodger See Friday. State Theater 2:30, 5, 7:15 & 9:15 p.m. M-9 THEA TER The Cunning Little Vixen Thursday, 2 p.m. See Geoff Eley Sylvia L. Thrupp Collegiate Professor of Comparative History MUSIC A LTERNA TIVES A LTERNA T/ VES Art Students League First Exhibition. Through Nov. 22. Art Lounge, Michigan Union. ASLPrez@umich.edu. Monday BOOKS Jewish Book Fair Today: Lunch and Learn (lunch at 11:30, program at noon): Professor Sidney Bolkosky ("Searching for Meaning in the Holocaust"). 6:30 p.m.: Bryan Mark Rigg ("Hitler's Jewish Soldiers"). 8 p.m.: Jane Leavy ("Sandy Koufax: A Lefty's Legacy"). Jewish Community Center, 2935 Birch Hollow. $5 for lunch. 971-0990. CAMPUS CINEMA Bowling for Columbine See Thursday. State Theater 7 & 9:30 p.m. Frida See Thursday. Michigan Theater 7 & 9:30 p.m. Roger Dodger See Friday. State Theater 7:15 & 9:30 p.m. MUSIC Bryan Ferry Brian Eno won't be there and even if he were I wouldn't pay that much. Michigan Theater 603 E. Liberty St., 7:30 p.m. $59.50- $89.50 (No seri- ously). 468-1010. Mark Kieswetter and Ron Brooks The first three people to show up to the Bird will also be the last three people there. Bird of Paradise, 312 S. Main St., 8 p.m. $3. 662-8310. ALTERNATIVES Art Students League First Exhibition. Through Nov. 22. Art Lounge, Michigar Union. ASLPrez@umich.edu. Tuesday BOOKS Jewish Book Fair Today: Poet Laurea of the International Pushkin Socie Boris Gaskin reads, in Russian, from h new book of poems, "Magical Role 7:30 p.m. Jewish Community Cente 2935 Birch Hollow. Free. 971-0990. Natalie Angier Reads Angier reads frc "The Best American Science Writin 2002," which she edited. 8 p.r Shaman Drum Bookshop, 315 S. Stat Free. 662-7407. CAMPUS CINEMA Bowling for Columbine See Thursda State Theater 7 & 9:30 p.m. Cinema Slam Only 4$. With Shaq hurt take my slams anywhere I can get the Michigan Theater 7 p.m. Fdda See Thursday. Michigan Theat 6:45 & 9:15 p.m. Merci Pour le Chocolat See Saturda Michigan Theater 9:30 p.m. Roger Dodger See Friday. State Theab 7:15 & 9:30 p.m. MUSIC Blind Pig Showcase Night Your shit band's name here. Blind Pig, 208 S. Fi St., 10 p.m. free($2 under 21). 99 8588. The University of Michigan College of Literature, Science and the Arts presents a public lecture and reception Monday, November 18, 2002 4:30 pm Hussey Room, Michigan League LSQA Courtesy of Artisan Elizabeth Berkley and Jennifer Beals fall for the squirt on the right. It could happen.