©2002 The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 48 TODAY One-hundred-twelve years ofeditorialfreedom Rain storms are expected in the morning. Skies are expected to clear by the afternoon. 46 Tomorrow, www.mkchigandailycom Iraq leaders denounce U.N. resolution BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - Iraqi lawmak- ers denounced a tough, new U.N. resolution on weapons inspections yesterday as dis- honest, provocative and worthy of rejection - despite the risk of war. But parliament said it ultimately will trust whatever Presi- dent Saddam Hussein decides. One after the other, senior lawmakers rejected the resolution, the latest in a long effort to ensure Iraq scraps its weapons of mass destruction. This time, however, the United States and Britain have made clear they will attack Iraq if it does not fully comply. Parliament speaker Saadoun Hamadi said the resolution was stacked with "ill inten- tions," "falsehood," "lies" and "dishonesty." Salim al-Koubaisi, head of parliament's for- eign relations committee, recommended rejecting the resolution but also advised deferring to the "wise Iraqi leadership" to act as it sees fit to defend Iraq's people and dignity. "The committee advises ... the rejection of Security Council Resolution 1441, and to not agree to it in response to the opin- ions of our people, who put their trust in us," al-Koubaisi told fellow lawmakers. Saddam has used parliament's action as cover for difficult decisions in the past, and harsh rhetoric does not necessarily mean parliament will reject the proposal. Saddam ordered parliament to recommend a formal response, and lawmakers were expected to vote on recommendations for the Iraqi lead- ership today. According to the 'resolution, Iraq has until Friday to accept or reject the resolution, approved unanimously last week by the U.N. Security Council. U.N. spokesman Fred Eckhard said there are numerous interpretations for the dead- line - the minute the resolution was adopt- ed, the minute Iraq was notified, the end of business Friday, or midnight on Friday. It is up to the Security Council to interpret its own resolution, Eckhard said. Anne Power, a spokeswoman with the British mission at the United Nations, said Britain interpreted the deadline to be seven 24-hour periods from the minute the resolution was adopted. That would mean that Iraq has until 10:17 a.m. EST Friday, Nov. 15 to respond. Other Security Council members could have different interpretations however. Chinese deputy ambassador Zhang Yishan, the current council president, said he was checking on the exact deadline. If Saddam fails to follow through, a Pentagon See IRAQ, Page 7 I I Academic integrity still plagues campus By Dan Trudeau Daily Staff Reporter demic dishonesty' at universities acr "Atmost any re Cheating, plagiarism and dishon- on this topic mak esty on campus will be the focus of fact that academi a town hall meeting, which will seek in this country.C to clarify what constitutes as aca- assume, at the v demic dishonesty. opportunity to 1 The meeting, which will take place greater today tha tomorrow in 3222 Angell Hall from 4 Louis Rice, coord to 5 p.m., is being held in response to Academic Judicia growing concern over incidents of aca- Student observa RHA ban on smoking awaits OK By Soolung Chang Daily Staff Reporter both on campus and oss the country. search you might do kes references to the c incidents-are rising One could probably very least, that the be dishonest is far an in the past," said inator of the College. ry Committee. ations of cheating on campus support Rice's view that cheat- ing is prevalent at the University. "I think a lot of times it happens in social studies and language classes where you have more of an opportu- nity to cheat because the class is interactive," an LSA freshman said who wished to remain anonymous. "I think everyone (has) cheated once in their life, intentionally or uninten- tionally. As human beings, it is See INTEGRITY, Page 7 JONATHON TRIEST/Daily Rackham student Maria Gomez takes a study break to laugh with her five-year old daughter, Daniela Pulido. Gomez is one of many students with a child on campus. Students juggle school, wn parenthood By Samantha Won Daily Staff Reporter In an environment where balancing classes, activities, friends, exercise and a budget proves to be disastrous for most students, some manage the above while also caring for other individuals - children. Some student-parents at the University said being a full- time parent while also attending classes has advantages as well as disadvantages, with the many programs and services offered on the one hand and unpredictable complications and misunderstandings on the other. "The benefit of being a parent and being a student is that you have a much more flexible schedule than you would if you worked from 9 to 5," said Maria Tucker, a SNRE graduate student, adding that she is able to form a relationship with her son's teachers because she does not have class on Friday and can go to school with her son. But the disadvantages, such as balancing her energies between her son, schoolwork and the demands of parenting, prove being a student-parent to be a very challenging com- bination. "In addition to your normal things, you also have this whole other person that you are in charge of," Rackham stu- dent Marla Gomez said, adding that although it takes a lot of energy, it is definitely "do-able." Time constraints are one conflict that student-par- ents must resolve. Tucker and others must design their class schedules so they will be home when their children arrive from school. Since Tucker's son is involved in a range of activities - soccer, music, Boy Scouts and basketball - times vary depending on the day of the week. But the University offers a range of services to help parents. Family Housing Program Coordinator Patty Griffin said about 80 percent of the apartments in Family Housing are occupied by students with dependents. Programs offered include a single parent network, a resident-managed support group, outreach services See PARENTHOOD, Page 7 A proposal to ban smoking in all University residence halls was recently passed by the Residence Hall Association and is pending approval from the University Housing department. RHA voted at its meeting last Thursday on two proposals about smoking in the residence halls. The first was designed to control smoking by requesting that all smoking rooms be des- ignated in the top floor of every dorm. It failed in favor of the second proposal to ban smoking completely in all residence halls. Smoking would only be allowed in Northwood Family Housing on North Campus. In addition, the proposal calls for a ban of smoking within a 10-foot radius of all residence halls. If passed by the housing department, the ban will go into effect in the fall of 2003. "RHA has been trying to get this passed since last year," said West Quad Residence Hall RHA representative Pragav Jain, an LSA sophomore. He said a similar proposal came up last year but failed to make the two-thirds majority needed to pass by one vote. This year, RHA found out they would need only a 50 percent majority for the proposal to pass. Jain said even though residence halls are public facili- ties, RHA wanted to create a less toxic environment for students. Although the rights of smokers was a concern, it was decided that the detrimental effects of second-hand smoke infringes upon the rights of non-smokers because of the danger to their health. Although only about 450 of the University's 9,500 residence See SMOKING, Page 3 U' alum victorious in race for Maine House Keep on rocking In an effort to steer college students from binge drinking, new websites are being developed to educate students on the dangers of excessive alcohol intake. Ne w websites offer students alcohol inflo By MarIa Sprow Daily Staff Reporter After years of telling college-aged students to just say no to alcohol, several interactive websites are trying to.send a new message - be responsible. Websites like mystudentbody.com and AlcoholEdu.com are becoming popular tools at colleges nationwide as meth- ods to deter alcohol use and binge drinking on campuses. "We're still always trying to find better ways in which to educate students about alcohol use and helping them to make better choices about that," said Gwyn Hulswit, associ- ate director of the Office of Student Conflict Resolution, which has started requiring some first- and second-time stu- dent alcohol offenders to use AlcoholEdu.com "We've been very, very impressed with the AlcoholEdu course and the feedback that we've received has been very positive," she added. Neither site is currently available to all University stu- dents, but Hulswit said visiting AlcoholEdu.com is mandato- ry for students at several other colleges. Though more than 100 institutions - including Duke University and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst - are using the website, students here said they did not know how effective it could be. "Students know about the effects of alcohol and choose to drink anyway," LSA junior Joe Bates said. "A website is not going to change their minds." A dozen University students have completed the course so far, Hulswit said. Each student is required to pay the $20 fee charged to the University by the website. Like MyStudentBody.com - which is undergoing pre- liminary testing at 26 universities nationwide, including By Whitney Meredith Daily StaffReporter Recent University alum Jeremy Fischer upset long-time Republican incumbent Richard Dun- can in the race for representative in the state House of Maine last Tuesday. The 22-year-old Democrat said he will greatly contrast the 70- year-old Duncan in his representation of his hometown of Presque Isle, the 145th district of Maine. Graduating just this past spring from the Uni- versity of Michigan, Fischer majored in political science and was a semi-finalist for the Rhodes Scholarship Trust. While he was never involved in student government at the University, he said he always planned to run as a state representa- tive. The variety of perspectives he encountered and opportunities he experienced at the Univer- sity influenced the approach he will take as rep- resentative, he said. Fischer spent summers working in Washing- ton, where he established a connection with the current governor of Maine, Angus Spring, on vacation, Fischer went home to pursue his campaign. "I went to every door twice. It was a lot of houses and a lot of time, but I met lots of people and it was a great opportunity," he said. Going to more than 6,000 houses in five months, Fischer attributes his victory to hard work. "Voters liked my energy and my work effort," Fischer said. He said that by interacting with the people in his district he not only increased his popularity, but he also increased his awareness of issues rel- evant to his district. As a result, he gained a powerful perspective on their problems. "I had some idea of their problems, but didn't have a personal side to it. When a person tells you that they must choose between heating oil, food and prescription drugs, you get a perspec- tive you don't have when simply leading a nor- mal life," Fischer said. Moreover, the young Democrat is one of the youngest representatives in the history of the Maine House and the legislation he plans to JONATHON TRIEST/Daily During the 54th night of their God Loves Ugly tour, the Opus I I i