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November 08, 2002 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-11-08

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, November 8, 2002


U.S., France agree on Iraq draft NEWS I BRIEF


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UNITED NATIONS (AP) - The United States French diplomat, on condition of anonymity.
and France reached agreement yesterday on a new Russia, like France, also appeared to be softening
Security Council resolution on Iraq, removing a key its position in favor of the American draft.
hurdle toward passage of the U.S.-drafted plan for The latest American text, a product of eight weeks
tough new weapons inspections. of intense lobbying by the Bush administration, sig-
French diplomats said the compromise was naled significant progress and included major con-
reached through negotiations at the United Nations cessions to Security Council members concerned
and in telephone calls between President Bush and about setting off another war in Iraq.
French President Jacques Chirac over the last day. Bush said he wanted a vote today although Syria
According to French diplomats, the United States wanted it postponed because of an Arab League
agreed to change wording in a key provision that meeting this weekend in Egypt.
would declare Iraq in "material breach" of its U.N. The president also spoke by telephone with Russ-
obligations. ian President Vladimir Putin yesterday as lobbying
The change addresses French and Russian con- intensified a day before Washington planned to push
cerns that the original wording would have let the for a vote on the resolution.
United States determine on its own whether Iraq had "He's a real threat," Bush said of Saddam, "and
committed an infraction. Such a determination, it's now time for the world to come together and
France and Russia feared, would have triggered an disarm him."
attack on Saddam Hussein's Iraq. Security Council members were expecting U.S.
"The Security Council will now be the ones to and British diplomats to circulate a revised text
decide whether Iraq is in material breach," said a later yesterday with the new wording agreed upon
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earlier in the day.
Russian Ambassador Sergey Lavrov told The
Associated Press a vote was possible today if the
United States and Britain come up with a few
more concessions. U.S. and British diplomats said
a new version could be ready by the end of the day
The U.S. draft resolution includes a greater role for
the Security Council but still frees the United States
to take military action against Iraq if inspectors say it
isn't complying.
In Iraq, the government-controlled media called
the draft resolution a pretext for war and urged the
Security Council not to bow to American
"America wants to use this resolution as a pretext
and a cover for its aggression on Iraq and the whole
Arab nation," the ruling Baath Party newspaper Al-
Thawra said yesterday. "The Security Council should
not give (the Americans) a pretext and a cover for the
coming aggression."
it dismissed

Sharon, Netanyahu disagree on proposal
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his new foreign minister, Benjamin
Netanyahu, had their first dispute, arguing over a U.S.-backed peace proposal on
the eve of the arrival of an American envoy.
In a speech to business leaders yesterday, Sharon alluded to the issue when he
stressed he would do nothing to endanger "the deep strategic understandings with
the United States and the special relationship that has been woven with the Amer-
ican government."
Netanyahu has suggested he considered the so-called "roadmap" to peace irrel-
evant as long as U.S. military action in Iraq is pending. Aides said the two met
Wednesday night to resolve their differences on policy and the timing of
Likud Party primaries, and the Yediot Ahronot daily and radio stations said
Sharon complained about Netanyahu's dismissal of a U.S.-backed plan for a
provisional Palestinian state by next year and full independence by 2005.
Sharon himself has expressed serious reservations about the plan, but has been
more diplomatic than Netanyahu, saying Israel would study it carefully and pres-
ent its response at the appropriate time.
Netanyahu, who will battle Sharon for the Likud leadership in primaries to be held
within the next few weeks, was formally sworn in as foreign minister on Wednesday
JAKARTA, Indonesia
Bali nightclub bombing suspect in custody
In the first major break in the inquiry into the Bali nightclub bombings, Indonesia's
police chief said yesterday that a suspect in custody has admitted to taking part in the
attack that killed nearly 200 people. Police said they were looking into possible con-
nections between the suspect and a regional terror group with links to al-Qaida.
The announcement came as President Megawati Sukarnoputri submitted a draft
bill to parliament intended to replace an emergency anti-terrorist decree issued
immediately after the Oct. 12 attack.
In another sign that her administration - criticized for its lenient treatment of
Islamic militants - is getting tough with extremists, a notorious gang of religious
vigilantes unexpectedly announced yesterday that it would disband.
The developments appeared to signal that the investigation was gaining
momentum and offered hope the world's largest Muslim nation is making head-
way in its fight against terrorism.
Gen. Da'i Bachtiar, the national police commander, said the suspect, an Indone-
sian man identified only as Amrozi, owned the L300 Mitsubishi minivan laden with
at least 110 pounds of explosives that blew up outside a packed nightclub on Bali.


FAIRFAX, Va. (AP) - With
another set of state indictments
returned against the sniper suspects,
officials dismissed a federal criminal
complaint yesterday against John
A statement by federal prosecutors
in Greenbelt, Md., didn't make clear
why they took the action, including

whether that means they were defer-
ring to state prosecutors.
Dismissal of the charges does not
mean the federal government
believes it has a weak case. A Justice
Department official, speaking on
condition of anonymity, said the
move clears the way for a possible
federal indictment to supersede the

criminal complaint or the possible
transfer of Muhammad and John Lee
Malvo to state authorities for trial on
murder charges.
The official would not confirm
whether either possibility was immi-
nent but said an announcement on
the developments was expected later
Continued from Page 1
"We need as much as possible," Gupta
said, adding it only takes two teaspoons
of blood to see if someone is a possible
match. "It's all blood related. That's a
huge reason why it is part of the blood
drive," she said.
USAC hopes to get at least 500 stu-
dents registered during the event,
encouraging all students to come out and
save a life, Gupta said.
USAC President Janice Liao said all
University students are invited to help
save a life. Minority students are espe-
cially encouraged to donate because
their marrow reserves are often low,
she added.
Members of the American Red Cross
and the local Alpha Phi Omega service
fraternity are responsible for the Blood
Battle in 24 campus donation locations
over 11 days. This year, the University
hopes to claim victory with more than
2,000 collected pints of blood, APO
President and Engineering senior Sean
Meyers said. Meyers said he hopes
results are better than last year's, when
the University defeated Ohio State with
1,679 donated pints of blood - beating
Ohio State by 271 pints.
APO publicized the two-week event
with postings on the Diag and storefront
windows, bus signs and banners, he said.
"APO members do everything - vol-
unteering at the drives ... and booking
residence hall rooms are probably the
largest acts,"Meyers said.
With everyone donating blood and
showing support, Meyer said it would be
nice to beat Ohio State again and take
home the "Blood Drop Trophy."
* 1002 PONTIAC TR. U
Ann Arbor Campus Chapel
1236 Washtenaw Ct.
Academic Ministries Sunday
November 10, 2002
11:30 a.m. Service of Worship
Rev. Dr. Rolf Bouma, peaching
Pastor for Academic Ministries
Dr. Stephen J. Rush, music
Associate Professor
U-M School of Music
Light Lunch following
2:00 p.m. Lecture
Creation & Gospel at the University
ofMichigan: Science, Ethics,
& Praxis
Dr. Calvin B. DeWitt
Directo,AuSable Institute

Professor of Env. Studies
University of Wisconsin-Madison

China's communist
party modifies ideas
Preparing for a landmark congress
that is expected to install a new genera-
tion of leaders, China's communist party
pledged yesterday to modernize its ide-
ology to keep pace with a fast-changing,
increasingly capitalist society.
"China has entered into a new phase
of development, in which we are to build
a well-to-do society," said Ji Bingxuan,
spokesman for the party's 16th National
Congress, which opens today in Bei-
jing's Great Hall of the People.
In keeping with the secrecy surround-
ing the event, Ji gave no details of the
personnel changes planned at the con-
gress, where President Jiang Zemin, 76,
is expected to hand over the title of party
leader to his 59-year-old vice president,
Hu Jintao. But Ji indicated that a key
theme would be Jiang's personal cam-
paign - known awkwardly as the
"Three Represents" - to bring entrepre-
neurs into the party and to amend its
constitution to give them a formal role.
Bush makes security
Republican priority"
President Bush, charting an agenda for
the new Republican Congress, said yes-
terday that homeland security comes first
and an economic-recovery plan with new
tax cuts will wait until next year.
"There's going to be a huge laundry
list of things people want to get done

and my job is to set priorities and get
them done," the president said in a
jovial 45-minute news conference, his
first appearance after Tuesday's elec-
tion, when his GOP captured control of
both the House and Senate. Bush's
insistence that the Senate deliver him a
Department of Homeland Security in its
postelection session put him awkwardly
at odds with newly empowered Senate
Republican leader Trent Lott, who said
Wednesday he doesn't intend to resolve
the homeland security fight in the "lame-
duck" session convening next week.
Catholics name top
FBI official to office
The U.S. Roman Catholic bishops
yesterday named the FBI's No. 3 offi-
cial to monitor the church's new policy
on clerical sex abuse and help prevent
future scandals.
Kathleen McChesney will be the
first executive director of the church's
Office for Child and Youth Protec-
tion, a critical post as the bishops
seek to re-establish their credibility
after a year in which at least 300 of
the 46,000 American priests have
been removed because of allegations
of molestation.
"Even one case of child abuse is
intolerable. Our churches need to be
safe havens for everyone," McChes-
ney told a news conference at the
bishops' headquarters, where she
begins work Dec. 2.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.


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