Weather Friday , November 8, 2002 ©2002 The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 46 One-hundred-twelve years ofeditorialfreedom Partly cloudy and warm throughout the day, becoming mostly cloudy into the evening hours. 63 OW 6 Tomorrow. -------- - ------------ ; ;I: : ;I I i 1: : IiIII ill I ill I ::: ; 1:1 NI 111 gli; iii :: : :: 1 1111 1 1 g. m i: :l! I w vritin .1St r3 = m University institutes sel -imposed sanctions; Fab Five's g ory erased By Steve Jackson Daily Sports Editor m Ma Fighting back tears, Michigan Athletic Director Bill Martin told reporters he had just ordered the removal of four champi- onship banners from Crisler Arena. "It was like a dagger in my heart," Martin said. While this may have been the TH11E most symbolic and emotional action ED MARTIN that Martin and University Presi- dent Mary Sue Coleman took FA I 1 U.against the basketball program yes- terday, it was just one small part of a shamefully sad yet relieving day for the University. In a morning press conference, Coleman announced that Michigan had agreed to sanction itself for $616,000 of improper loans given by former booster Ed Martin to four former basketball players - Chris Webber, Robert Traylor, Maurice Taylor and Louis Bullock. In addition to dropping the championship banners and removing all other references to the relevant players and teams, Michigan chose to forfeit games won while those four players were on the team, including two trips to the Final Four in 1992 and 1993. The Athletic Department will also use $450,000 from its discretionary fund to pay back the money received for postseason play during that time. The current program will face a two-year period of proba- tion and will be banned from this year's postseason play - the 2003 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Championship Tour- nament and the 2003 National Invitational Tournament. Michi- gan will still take part in the Big Ten Tournament because it is a regularly scheduled part of the conference slate. "There is no excuse for what happened," Coleman said. "It was wrong, plain and simple. We have let down all who believe that the University of Michigan should stand for the best in college athletics. We have disappointed our students, our facul- ty, our alumni and our fans." Martin sympathized with the players, who will no longer have the option of playing-in-the postseason this year. "Even though this is the right thing to do, I want to personal- ly apologize to our three basketball players who are graduating seniors," Martin said. "These students had nothing to do with what happened, and I am sorry that they have to pay the price." Michigan submitted a report to the NCAA yesterday with the self-imposed sanctions, the detailed findings of its joint investigation with the NCAA, and an outline of all corrective actions the University has already taken, including: Banning Martin from the program, making major coaching changes, limiting access to the tunnel area of Crisler and hiring new staff to oversee compliance. This came in direct response to an official NCAA letter of inquiry, dated Oct. 25, 2002, which requested information about the extra benefits that Martin, a retired autoworker from Detroit, gave to Michigan players. Once the NCAA has finished reviewing Michigan's submis- sion, the next step will be for University officials to meet with the NCAA Infractions Committee. At that point, the NCAA will present its final decision in this case, which could include new sanctions such as the loss of recruiting visits, television time or basketball scholarships. Sanctions that were self- DAVID KATZ/Daily University President Mary Sue Coleman stands behind Athletic Director Bill Martin as he fought back tears while addressing a curious press corps. Amaker rcreofidoptz~ si ic aboult season unposed coula also oe strengnenea at mat time. "We don't know what the NCAA will do," Coleman said. "We certainly hope they will (accept these sanctions) because we believe that these are consistent with their practice in the past as well as consistent with what went wrong here at Michigan." The NCAA letter of inquiry said that the Committee on Infractions anticipates hearing Michigan's case during its Feb. 14 meeting, but there is also a "remote possibility" that it could be discussed at the Dec. 13 meeting. After six years and three investigations, the University was finally able to uncover the facts of the case this summer dur- ing an interview with Ed Martin's lawyers, which took place July 26. The meeting was made possible through cooperation with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the U.S. Justice Department, which were investigating Martin on charges of conspiracy, money laundering and running an illegal gam- bling ring. "Because of the government's subpoena powers, we finally uncovered all the facts," Martin said. "And once we had the facts we acted as soon as possible." The entire athletic department will meet today to discuss these issues and answer specific questions from coaches and student-athletes. "I'm very relieved to finally be putting this behind us," Mar- tin said. "This is not the last page of this story, but it is the first page of the final chapter." By Charles Paradis Daily Sports Writer Tommy Amaker came to Michigan to build a bas- ketball program. Yesterday, when Michigan announced its self-imposed sanctions as a result of theEd Martin scandal, his job become a little harder. But amid the disappointment and the frustration resulting from the sanctions, Amaker is ready to move on. Wednesday night, Amaker called his players togeth- er for a team meeting, and informed them of the sanc- tions that would be placed on the team this season. No one outside that room will know what went on in the meeting, but Amaker's players came together and affirmed their commitment to Michigan. "Our kids were very strong in their conviction of wanting to do something very positive with this opportunity," Amaker said. "And certainly we look at See AMAKER, Page 7 [New heights Courant: 'She calls them as she sees them' 1 J 7 ;r . S4 t Sif _ ' .i' ' 1 .i '; k . By Megan Hayes Daily Staff Reporter Today marks Mary Sue Coleman's 100th day as University president, and members of the University's administration agree she has brought an invaluable set of qualities to the position. "She has, first and foremost, a passion for higher education,"Vice President for Govern- ment Relations Cynthia Wilbanks said, adding that Coleman is not at all shy about sharing that passion with everyone she meets. Wilbanks also said Coleman's understand- ing of the role the University plays in the community and across the state has prompted her to leave the boundaries of the campus in her meetings with community leaders. She said Coleman is very interested in meeting, with constituencies and has brought a unique perspective and approach to the presidency. "I think the president is off to a fabulous start at Michigan," Wilbanks said. "She calls them as she sees them," said Paul Courant, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs, regarding Coleman's straightforward approach. He said her knowledge and experience as a scientist has made an enormous difference in her work with the Life Science Institute. Courant, recently appointed provost by Coleman, said she is not only fun to work with, but that she also has a nice sense of humor. "Her ease with people from all over the University is an extraordinary asset," he said. Courant said he expects she will improve upon what she has accomplished thus far. See COLEMAN, Page 7 "She has really jumped in with enthusiasm and a lot of energy in all aspects of work," she said. First bone marrow drive debuting at Blood Battle By Jennifer Misthal Daily Staff Reporter Michigan and Ohio State football players are not the only ones preparing for a competitive face off in a bloody intrastate rivalry this year. Monday marks the beginning of the 21st annual University of Michigan vs. Ohio State University Blood Battle. After claiming victory for the past two years, University students are hoping to continue their winning streak with an 11th overall win. The University is also adding a new component Battle, E. Royster Harper, vice president for student affairs said. "This year, for the first time, you also can regis- ter at the Michigan Union location to give bone marrow, which benefits those with certain blood disorders, such as leukemia and aplastic anemia, as well as certain immune system and genetic disor- ders," Harper said. The bone marrow drive is sponsored by Univer- sity Students Against Cancer. USAC senior advisor and LSA senior Anita Gupta said the bone marrow register is extremely S ANo.11 MICHIGAN VS.MINNESOTA tomorrow 1 7:45 p.m. I metrodome I espn THE OPPONENT Minnesota is one of the Big Ten's surprises and enters the game with a 7-2 record. LAST WEEK The Wolverines embarrassed Michigan State at the Big House, 49-3. OUTLOOK The Minnesota running game will test a Michigan defensive line that has been .I 11 1 1 ALYSSA WOOD/Daily Workers clean the windows at the top of Tower i i F 11 11