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November 07, 2002 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-11-07

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November 7, 2002
©2002 The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Vol. CXIII, No. 45

One-hundred-twelve years of editorlfreedom

Cloudy in the
morning with
skies partially
throughout the

LoW- 39

www.mnichigandaily. corn

Race for
Newman wins second term, unclea
while fellow Republican Richner is would1
leading for the second open seat Rep
state r
By Megan Hayes was h(
Daily StaffReporter place f

' '

regents still


With some election results still too clo
call, at least one thing was clear - Andrea
cher Newman will be returning to the Univ
Board of Regents.
Although garnering first place in the rac
two seats with 26 percent of the vote, it
'U' sees
lfuture for

less tha
lion ca
seats c

ar whether the Ann Arbor Republican
be joined on the board by another fellow
lican or a Democrat.
ublican Andrew Richner, an outgoing
epresentative from Grosse Pointe Park,
olding onto second place, leading third
finisher Greg Stephens, a Democrat, by
ian 9,000 votes out of more than 5.43 mil-
ast. The state Bureau of Elections was
g to post returns from some precincts in
tee and the heavily-Democratic Wayne
ublicans were hoping to hold onto the
currently held by Newman and Regent

Daniel Horning (R-Grand Haven,) who declined
to seek another eight-year term this year.
The board is currently made up of five
Democrats and three Republicans.
Dearborn Democrat Ismael Ahmed pulled
fourth, securing 20 percent of the vote. In addi-
tion to the four major party candidates, six third
party candidates were also listed on the ballot.
Newman said she is thrilled to be re-elected
and to be given the opportunity to continue to
serve the University community.
"It takes a while to really understand the Uni-
versity and get into different things," she said,
adding that she has developed a better under-

standing and looks forward to building upon
that foundation during her next term.
When she campaigned to be a regent eight
years ago, Newman's main issue was tuition fees
and keeping the University affordable for stu-
dents. She said while the University has a fabu-
lous financial aid program, it continues to be too
expensive for many students.
"I don't feel we've been successful keeping
costs down the way we should have," Newman
said. She said she plans to use her re-election as
an opportunity to continue to work on finding a
resolution to this issue.
See REGENTS, Page 7A

Writing on the wall

t /


Cox inches past
Peters overnight,
still contested



- ,,

By Megan Hayes
Daily Staff Reporter
As University President Mary Sue
Coleman's 100th day in office nears,.stu-
dents and faculty are not only pleased
with her performance thus far but are
optimistic about her future success.
"She's terrific," Life Science Institute
Director Alan Saltiel said. "She has been
engaged and supportive, and most
importantly understanding of the kind of
challenges we face."
He said these qualities are derived
from her experience as a scientist and
an administrator. Saltiel also said her
focus on education and opportunities
for students has provided them a
means to find their academic pas-
Of equal value, he said, is the warmth
she gives off to the University and the
surrounding community.
"She has an infectious enthusiasm for
Michigan," Saltiel said.
Interim LSA Dean Terrence McDon-
ald said Coleman has set a tone for the
entire University in the accessible and
straightforward way she has approached
her position.
," He said the fact that she is coming
from an outside perspective makes her
ability to initiate things so quickly upon
arrival even more significant.
"I've been impressed by how fast
she's gotten familiar with every aspect of
the University," he said.
Former Michigan Student Assembly
President Matt Nolan said he was one of
the members on the committee responsi-
ble for Coleman's selection as University
president, and that he continues to stand
by the decision.
"I evaluated all the candidates based
on what they could bring to the Univer-
sity," he said. "Through the process, we
found Mary Sue was the best candidate."
Nolan said this conclusion was based
on Coleman's ability to work with stu-
dents and her level of openness, both of
which she demonstrated in her role as
president of the University of Iowa.
He also said Coleman could improve
in her role as president by increasing her
interaction with students. Nolan suggest-
ed she could bridge the gap between her-
self and the University community by
sending more campus-wide e-mails and
holding more student receptions.
"Student government people at
Iowa had nothing but good things to
say," he said.
He added although her visibility on
campus has been less than he would
have expected, he feels people have
taken a liking to her.
"I am still very confident in our deci-
sion and our selection," Nolan said. "I
would give her positive ratings"
Coleman said in an earlier interview
with The Michigan Daily that she hopes
to build off the positive response she has
received and continue to forge the bond
between the University of Michigan
community and herself
"Sometimes coming from a different

By Jordan Schrader
Daily Staff Reporter
For more than 12 hours after Michigan
Attorney General Jennifer Granholm
announced she had won the governor's race,
neither of the two men running to replace her
would confirm victory or defeat.
At noon yesterday, Mike Cox declared him-
self the winner. But his opponent was not so
willing to call the election over.
In the closest race in Michigan's executive
branch this year, the Livonia Republican led
state Sen. Gary Peters (D-Bloomfield Twp.)
by 4,915 votes after the last precincts' ballots
came in.
The candidates took different views on the
finality of those numbers. Irregularities in
counting, including problems in Washtenaw
County, could change the outcome before the
results are officially certified, Peters
spokesman Mark Fisk said yesterday.
Election officials in Washtenaw had to
copy some absentee ballots by hand because
of printing errors, county Election Adminis-
trator Melanie Weidmeyer said.
"It's very premature for any candidate to


declare victory; isk saidi. we're going to
wait until all the precincts report and all the
votes are counted properly."
Cox spokesman. Stu Sandler said no doubt
remains about voting results and it is time for
Peters to concede defeat.
"Even with two good candidates, someone
wins and someone loses," he said.
"Mike Cox won and Mike Cox is the attor-
ney general-elect, and we hope that Mr.
Peters will respect the decision of Michigan
Fisk said while the Peters campaign has not
ruled out the possibility that a recount will be
necessary, it is waiting for the results of the
See COX, Page 7A


' -
:3 ..

Hollowell concedes,-
other late results in


Delbert Duncan, an employee of Windy C's Car Wash on 8 Mile Rd. In Detroit waits
for cars to enter the wash yesterday.

Campus conducive to
developing creativity

By Tomislav Ladika
and Louie MeIzilsh
Daily Staff Reporters

By Emily Kraack
Daily Staff Reporter
Scan the bathroom walls in the Modern
Languages Building and you'll see neon
posters for a cappella concerts, glee club con-
certs, Shakespeare plays and dance perform-
ances. Performing arts play a large part in the
lives of many students, and the University

provides an environment for them to flourish.
A recent New York Times article specifical-
ly cited the University as an "angel of the
arts" for its role in fostering artistic works
such as the University's alliance with the
Royal Shakespeare Company. The Royal
Shakespeare Company, Columbia University
and the University of Michigan are working
See ARTS, Page 7A

Some Election Day events occurred too late
for The Michigan Daily to report in yesterday's
paper. Following is a short summary:
Melvin Butch Hollowell, the Democratic
candidate for secretary of state, was optimistic
throughout his campaign that he would defeat
Republican opponent Terri Land, and he
remained hopeful yesterday despite prelimi-
nary indications that Land had won.
But at 3 a.m. yesterday, Hollowell finally
conceded the race was over and congratulated
Land on becoming Michigan's next secretary

of state.
Earlier in the evening, only exit poll numbers
were available and Hollowell did not want to
concede, spokesman Chris Trebilcock said.
"We didn't have any hard numbers from the
big turnout counties," he said.
Land, a former Kent County Clerk from
Byron Center, did not feel the outcome was in
doubt because the exit polls had her leading
Hollowell by a large margin, her spokeswoman,
Eileen McNulty, said. Land was up by around
12 percent at 1:30 a.m., and she won by about
the same margin.
McNulty said Land was thrilled to win and
would begin her term by working on the leg-
islative issues behind consolidating elections
and using driver's licenses to register to vote.
See ROUND-UP, Page 7A

Ramadan begins period of reflection for Muslims

By Rahwa Ghebre-Ab
Daily Staff Reporter
Yesterday marked the beginning of Ramadan,
the ninth month of the Muslim calendar.
It is during this month that Muslims will begin
the month-long fast, which requires abstention
from food, drink and other sensual pleasures from
sunrise to sunset.
In a Hadith, a narration of the Prophet Muham-
mad's life, the Prophet said to fast if you have
seen the crescent moon and to break the fast once
the crescent moon reappears, said Near Eastern
studies graduate student, Muhammad Aziz.
The dates of Ramadan are not set for exactly the
same time every year, instead, the beginning and
end of Ramadan depend on precise astronomical
calculations. In the United States, the dates are
decided by the Islamic Society of America.
The month of Ramadan alters the way of life
for many Muslims but the change is welcome and
proves to strengthen religious grounding.
"Ramadan is significant because it causes you

Mariam Muzaffar said.
LSA freshman Zeenah Khader said she wakes u
early to eat but her life goes until sundown before
eating again.
"I get up before sunrise, around 5 a.m. to eat,
then I pray the first prayer of five of the day,
called the Fajr. You go the whole day without
food or water while continuing prayer throughout
the day, and at the end of day, after sunset, you
break the fast with a date and move to prayer
again.... The time set for the breaking of the fast
is 5:22 p.m.," Khader said.
When students are away at school, Ramadan is
quite a different experience from being at home
with family.
"At home we gathered around the table and
about five minutes prior to breaking fast ... we
would pray together and break fast together,"
Khader said.
Things may be different when a student comes
to the University due to one's surroundings and
the sudden increase in freedom.
"It was my first day but it went really well.

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