November 5, 2002
@9002 The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Vol. CXIII, No. 43
One-hundred-twelve years of editorialfreedom
Evening show-
ers will roll in as
the afternoon
progresses and
will continue
:a 4
now -------------- 111111111110111111111
State fires
head coach
By Jae Smith
Daily Sports Editor
Michigan State football coach
Bobby Williams said after Saturday's
loss to Michigan he wasn't sure if he
lost his team.
But now he has lost his job.
Michigan State Director of Athletics
Ron Mason fired Williams after practice
yesterday, two days after the Spartans fell
to 3-6 with their worst loss in 55 years.
Offensive coordinator Morris Watts
was appointed interim coach, but said
he expects there to be a new coaching
staff next season.
Mason said it wasn't one incident that
sparked the termination, but rather a
multitude of aspects that led him to
believe the program was headed in the
wrong direction.
Mason said the "defining
moment" was when reporters asked
Williams after the Spartans' loss to
Michigan Saturday if he had lost
control of his team.
Williams answered, "I don't know."
"I felt if he wasn't sure, who was?"
Mason said, adding he will create a plan
to find a new coach, but there's no
Williams has been under fire for sev-
eral weeks, as fans have booed him
See WILLIAMS, Page 8
High court
won't fast
track '
By Megan Hayes
Daily Staff Reporter
The U.S. Supreme Court denied, a
petition filed by the intervenors in the
University's undergraduate admissions
case that requested the Court speed up
the legal process toward oral arguments.
The petition asked that the filing
deadline for parties responding to the
intervenors' cert petition be advanced
from Nov. 15 to Nov. 2.
Ted Shaw, attorney for the intervenors
in Gratz v. Bollinger, said. he filed the
petition in an attempt to keep the two
admissions '\
cases on asw
cose a track D sSOS
as possibleAL
so they could t
be ruled on
B kthey might
not grant the motion, but we were trying
anyway he said. "It's not a setback'
Shaw said he intervened in Gratz on
behalf of black and Hispanic students on
the side of the University in order to
raise issues not included in the Universi-
ty's argument.
He said the arguments made by the
intervenors are specific to the use of
race as a factor in admissions policies as
a means of remedying the effects of past
"If you show the context in which
affirmative action arose, it's a long histo-
ry of discrimination by the University
and others," Shaw said.
He said the intervenors will have an
opportunity to raise their remedial issues
in front of the Supreme Court regardless
of whether it grants their motion.
"Effectively, our concerns are going to
get the consideration they need to get,"
Shaw said.
But, he also said it would be signifi-
cant if the court decides in their favor.
"If our cert petition is granted, our
role in the Supreme Court is definite,"
Shaw said.
While the intervenors await a
response from the court, the University
already filed its brief in opposition to the
their petition.
"The cases are on their normal cycle,"
University spokesperson Julie Peterson
said. "It is only a minor impact on tim-
ing - if any."
t "It has no practical effect on the Uni-
OterS Ce
many coices
at poiis today
By Jordan Schrader
Daily Staff Reporter
New voti
lines upheld
The U.S. Supreme Court upheld
In an election that will fill many
positions in Michigan government
opened by term limits, a greater num-
ber of voters are expected to go to the
polls today than in any previous
gubernatorial election.
With polls open from 7 a.m. to 8
p.m., Secretary of State Candice
Miller expects 3.4 million voters
today, or half of all registered voters
in Michigan.
Competitive races, redistricting
and a slew of contentious proposals
should add to the high turnout, Miller
spokeswoman Elizabeth Boyd said.
But political analyst Bill Ballenger,
editor of the Inside Michigan Politics
newsletter, is not so optimistic. He said
apathy persists in the electorate despite
the huge stakes of the election.
Taking into account the lack of a
central issue in the forefront and the
mudslinging in the gubernatorial
campaign, he said a lower turnout of
about 44 percent is more likely.
The number of absentee ballots
returned indicate that 40 percent of Ann
Arbor voters will turn out, said Yvonne
Carl, assistant to the city clerk.
The race to succeed 12-year
Republican Gov. John Engler turned
negative soon after the August party
primaries, with Democrat Jennifer
Granholm charging that her oppo-
nent, Republican Lt. Gov. Dick
Posthumus, practices racial politics in
his campaigns. Posthumus countered
that Granholm will bring to state gov-
ernment a level of cronyism unprece-
dented in history.
While Posthumus and running
mate Loren Bennett will be cam-
paigning almost until polls close,
Granholm's last-minute 24-hour trip
around the state, including a 9:15
Michigan's new congressional boundaries yesterday, just
two days before voters were to pick occupants of the newly
drawn seats.
Democrats had challenged the plan, which favors Repub-
lican candidates. They claimed the plan scatters black vot-
ers, who tend to vote Democratic, throughout Republican
"Advances in political data-gathering and computer tech-
nology have made it increasingly easy for legislatures to ger-
rymander with surgical precision, excising and shifting just
a few politically undesirable voters at a time," their lawyer,
Paul Smith, had told the Supreme Court. "There has never
been a clearer need for some enforceable limit on the ability
of legislators to dilute the voting power of a class of citizens
based on their political viewpoint."
Political analysts expect the new districts to change
Michigan's congressional delegation from a nine-seven
Democratic majority to a nine-six GOP majority.
The districts were redrawn by the Republican-controlled
state Legislature to adjust for population shifts after the
2000 Census.
Michigan lost one congressional seat.
Polls will open
today at 7
a.m. and
close at 8
To find your
voting site,
zUU www.pub-
Read tomorrow's Daily for
full election coverage from
across the state.
a.m. stop yesterday at Zingerman's
Delicatessen on Detroit Street, was
expected to finish last night.
* "The message at every stop is it's
time for a change, and if people get
out and vote that change can hap-
pen," said state Sen. John Cherry Jr.,
Granholm's running mate. "That
change will put behind us that worn-
out politics of division and move us
forward on the issues that are impor-
tant to people - economic security,
jobs, access to healthcare and educa-
tional opportunities."
Posthumus spokesman Sage East-
man said the lieutenant governor is
more qualified to hold the state's top
The race "comes down to who
shares the values of working men and
women in this state and who's the
better leader for this state," Eastman
said. "And of course there's a big
push to get people out to vote."
In other races:
TOP: Attorney General Jennifer Granholm campaigns for governor
with fellow democrats U.S. Sen. Carl Levin (left) and Sen. Gary
Peters yesterday at Zingerman's Dell on Detroit Street.
BOTTOM: Michigan Republican gubernatorial candidate Dick
Posthumus reaches to a supporter yesterday at a rally at the
Capitol in Lansing.
ti1n o 1incidentsiSouth
Qua ma ave connecon
By Maria Sprow
Daily Staff Reporter
through the
No further d
The Department of Public Safety is investi- A suspec
gating a string of home invasions and thefts that tioning but
occurred in South Quad Residence Hall this DPS spokes
weekend. Officials said one of the incidents if the perso:
may be connected to two previous West Quad reported sto
Residence Hall home invasions. Quad rooms
Two South Quad residents reported that their Despite t
keys were stolen out of bathrooms while they larity amon
were taking showers Friday morning. In the first believe they
incident, which was reported around 9:30 a.m., "At thisI
an unknown person broke into the victim's room nected, but
and stole $20. In the second incident, reported those incid'
around 10:15 a.m. and occurring in a third floor investigatin
restroom, an unknown person stole keys from a thefts, one
hook near the showers and knocked on the vic- South Qua
tim's door, disappearing when the victim's room- DPS rele
mate answered. According to DPS reports, the who office
Martin next im
line for top
Olymupic post
By Steve Jackson
Daily Sports Editor
observed a darkly clothed male
peephole prior to opening the door.
description was given.
t was located and detained for ques-
later released in the first incident.
swoman Diane Brown could not say
n is still a suspect. Money was also
len from two other occupied South
s Friday.
he number of crimes and the simi-
ng them, Brown said she does not
are connected.
point, they don't appear to be con-
they are still investigating each of
ents," she said, adding that DPS is
g a connection in two other recent
which also occurred Friday in
eased a composite sketch of a man
rs believe entered a room in West
Quad Wednesday and demanded money from
the resident. After taking an unspecified amount
of money, the man left the room, entered another
unoccupied room down the hall and took a wal-
let, which he returned after being confronted by
its owner as he was leaving the room. He then
fled the scene on foot. Witnesses described the
man as being a 5-foot-10, 240-pound black male
in his mid-30s with medium complexion, a
scruffy goatee or beard and crooked teeth wear-
ing a black watch cap, red work-type coat, green
pants and black work boots.
Brown said the description also matches
another one given to officers about a man ask-
ing South Quad residents for donations to an
area homeless shelter. The man allegedly asked
two residents if he could use their phone and
one saw him thumbing through a wallet. The
suspect then left the area, without the wallet.
See CRIME, Page 2
Long distance
A homeless man was found dead yesterday night in front of In
and Out on East University Avenue.
M an found
dead on East
By Maria Sprow
Daily Staff Reporter
A shocking scene greeted students walking past In and Out
party store and Bella Napoli's Pizza and Italian Restaurant last
night, when a man was found dead on the sidewalk.
Ann Arbor Police Department officers said they believed
the man is homeless but would not release his identity until his
family is notified, which hadn't happened as of 11 p.m. last
night. Witnesses said the officers began arriving at the scene
between 9:15 and 9:20 p.m.
"I left the UGLi at about 9:20. The ambulances and every-
thing were still there and it looked like the police had just
arrived because they were just starting to string up the caution
tape," said Engineering senior Paul Miska. "I saw the body
covered by the sheet, his feet hanging out:'
The causes of death are unknown, but the death itself did
not come as a surprise to many area residents.
"We haven't been told who it was yet. Chances are we do
know him because a lot of the (homeless) come in here a lot,"
Ann Arbor resident and In and Out employee Jacob Howe
said. "I see most of them a lot and they don't treat themselves
Michigan Athletic Director Bill Martin will become
the next vice president-secretariat for the United States
Olympic Committee. Martin was the only candidate
nominated for the position by the USOC executive
committee on Friday.
He will formally take over the job after all 123 mem-
bers of the Board of Directors mail in their ballots. His
term lasts until 2004.
"I have accepted the position, it's just a formality now," Mar-
tin said.
Martin replaces Marty Mankamyer, who was elected USOC
president in August. Mankamyer replaced Sandra Baldwin,
who resigned in May after she admitted to lying about her aca-
Beverly Shulman (left) and Robbie Biederman speak on the