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November 01, 2002 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-11-01

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November 1, 2002
@2002 The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Vol. CXIII, No. 41

One-hundred-twelve years of editorialfreedom

The morning
will begin with
snow showers, a 42
going into the,7
afternoon and
clearing for Tomorrow:
Saturday. 44/a1

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to plague
West Quad
By Jeremy Bekowltz
Daily Staff Reporter
Only days after LSA freshman Garth
Wisdom turned himself over to campus
police in connection with several rob-
beries in West Quad Residence Hall, it
appears crime problems in the hall have
not ceased.
Another home invasion occurred
Wednesday night when a man entered a
West Quad resident's room and demand-
ed money, according to a crime alert
issued by the Department of Public
Safety yesterday. After the resident com-
plied, the man went to another room
down the hall and took a wallet, but
returned the wallet to its place once the
resident entered the room. The suspect
then fled the hall.
The suspect was described as a 5-
foot-10, 240-pound black man in his
mid-30s, with a scruffy goatee and
crooked teeth. He was wearing a black
cap, a red coat, green pants and black
work boots.
"We were able to develop a pretty spe-
cific description from witness accounts,"
Department of Public Safety Lieutenant
Robert Neuman said.
Neuman added the suspect did not
have a weapon.
"There have been no arrests yet. We
continue to investigate leads," he said.
This is the second crime alert issued
for a home invasion this semester. On
the morning of Oct. 4, a man entered a
room in Mary Markley Residence Hall
and tampered with the television set. He
left the room when the resident woke up.
The resident described the 18-
year-old suspect as a 5-foot-8, 150-
pound white man. He was thin with
See ROBBERY, Page 7A

runS high
fior game
By Kara DeBoer
Daily Staff Reporter
Added to last year's controversial loss and "Blue Out"
this year, the suspension of two Michigan State football
players will make Saturday's in-state rivalry one of the
most anticipated games ever, students said.
LSA senior Dustin Gress remembers the final seconds
of last year's game well.
"It used to be that the home team hired the timekeeper,
but (after last year) a member of the officiating crew sits
in the press box."
Gress said he believes the Spartans' dubious 26-24 win
last year will encourage the game's competitive nature.
"It's almost a good thing that they beat us," he said. "It
makes for an even greater rivalry."
The rivalry will also feature the first-annual "Blue Out,"
which organizer Rebecca Feferman said has had strong
"We've already sold 2,000 shirts and have 2,000 more
to go. ... The shirts are selling quicker every day."
Feferman added that the reaction to the shirts has been
better than expected, and that out-of-state fans are even
purchasing the shirts online.
"The original idea was to unite the student section, but
we've gotten a huge response from people other than stu-
dents. But we will still be outside the stadium to get any-
one not wearing blue as they go in," she said.
At $10 each, the shirts read "Blue Out" on the front and
"Go Blue, Beat MSU" on the back. LSA seniors Melissa
Roach, Maggie Malone and Feferman conceived "Blue
Out" when they witnessed a southern university fan sec-
tion use a similar tradition.
Conversely, a different tradition - planes towing adver-
tisements over the stadium - appeared to be defunct
according to attendees of last weekend's game.
When the government declared the nation on a high
"orange" security level last Sept. 13, banner-towing
planes were restricted from flying over large open-air

LSA sophomore Michael Canete, a member of Pi Kappa Alpha, spray paints a van that the fraternity is preparing for tomorrow's football game
against Michigan State University. For a donation, attendees will be able to strike the car with a baseball bat or sledge hammer.
Cell -phone cmaie"e
extensive use o aedy

By Margaret Engoren
Daily Staff Reporter
Cell phone use increases so drastically on
Football Saturdays in Ann Arbor that Verizon
Wireless can track people driving to Michigan
Stadium by monitoring the use of its network.
"Lots of alumni come from all over Michi-
gan - and we can see the routes they take to

get here," said Michelle Gilbert, public rela-
tions manager for Verizon Wireless.
Cell phone use increases 60 to 75 per-
cent on game days in Ann Arbor, Gilbert
said. "Network traffic was 70 percent high-
er Oct. 12 - the day of the Penn State
game - than it is on a regular day,"
Gilbert said. "And network use doubled
during the hour after the game."

Verizon Wireless anticipates increased cell
phone calls during this Saturday's home game
against Michigan State as well.
"We are anticipating heavy traffic on our
network this Saturday because a lot of people
will be in Ann Arbor for the Michigan State
game," Gilbert said. "We measure cell phone
use in all of Ann Arbor - we could narrow it
See CALLS, Page 7A

New committee,
to look at e-mail
policy, security

By Chdstopher Johnson
Daily Staff Reporter
In response to the continuing
onslaught of forged anti-Semitic e-mails
being delivered to campus mailboxes,
University Provost Paul Courant
announced yesterday the establishment
of dfcommittee to review the Universi-
ty's policy regarding fraudulent electron-
ic correspondence.
"I'm very concerned that we have a
coherent campus-wide response to what
seems to me to be forgery," he said.
"The events of the last few weeks led me
to think that we should make changes in
(e-mail) policy."
Courant said the committee will
examine the University's practices
regarding forged e-mail messages,
adding that its tasks include investi-
gating possibilities for new e-mail
regulations and responses to fraudu-
lent correspondence. The committee
plans to prepare a report by the end of
r this year.
"Basically, this committee is to
engage the campus community in dis-

cussion and make some recommenda-
tions to the provost," University spokes-
woman Julie Peterson said.
"The spoofs that were sent clearly
violate policies we already have. The
feelings were there had to be judgment
of the appropriate follow-up," she
The creation of the committee comes
in response to forged e-mails allegedly
sent from student accounts urging vio-
lence against both Israelis and Palestini-
ans, such as one allegedly sent by
Students Allied for Freedom and Equali-
ty member and LSA senior Fadi
"We can bring down the Zionist coun-
try, and thereby rid the world of another
racist country, just as we (the academic
community) rid the world of apartheid
South Africa only 20 years ago," the
spoofed e-mail stated.
Offensive e-mails have been appear-
ing in student accounts since late Sep-
Following a brief investigation, Peter-
son said the University determined these
See COURANT, Page 7A

Ann Arbor resident Rich Jamison and Public Health doctoral student Tim Hale take a break from
their daily lives, including writing a thesis, at Ashley's Pub on State Street yesterday.
Granhoim mlea ing polls as
Election Day moves closer

Award to
By Victoria Edwards
For the Daily
For LSA junior Emily Swan, the
Golden Apple Award is a wonderful
way to recognize outstanding teach-
ers who have made a difference to
students the professors instructed in
their subjects.
"I've nominated someone for a
Golden Apple Award," Swan said. "I've
also had some professors who were
Golden Apple winners, and they were
Today begins nominations for the
13th Annual Golden Apple Award.
This is the one opportunity students
have to honor professors who give
each lecture like it's their last, and
in this way inspire, excite and
engage, said Students Honoring
Outstanding University Teaching
Golden Apple Award Chairman
Brian Netter.
"This award was inspired by Jew-
ish Rabbi Eliezer ben Hurkanos
who taught 1,900 years ago. His
philosophy was to get your affairs
in order the day before you die.
However, since no one knows when
they die, its important to live each
day like their last," Netter said.
LSA sophomore Vincent
Paviglianiti said, "This award is
good encouragement for teachers to
go beyond the basic curriculum to
find an interesting way to get mate-
rial out to students."
"A lot of things in this country that get
awarded for are not nearly as important
as teaching. Athletes, especially, are con-
stantly being recognized, but teachers are
the backbone of the country, LSA sen-
ior Eric DeBoer, said.
Students can nominate faculty by
accessing the SHOUT website at
minate.html. Students can enter
their professors name and write a
nar Yranh on why they are deserv-

tomorrow I 12:05 p.m. I michigan stadium I espn2
The Spartans have dropped three
straight and lost five of their last six.
The Wolverines were crushed by
Iowa 34-9 at in the Homecoming.
game at Michigan Stadium.
The Wolverines' Marlin Jackson and the
Spartans' Charles Rogers should present

LANSING (AP) - Democratic
Attorney General Jennifer
Granholm maintained her lead over
Republican Lt. Gov. Dick Posthu-
mus in the governor's race in two
polls released yesterday.
Granholm received 54 percent to
Posthumus' 41 percent in a Detroit
Free Press/WXYZ-TV poll of 513
likely voters. Five percent were
undecided. The statewide poll,
designed and directed by the Free
Press, had a margin of error of plus
or minus 4.5 percentage points and
was conducted Sunday through
Green Party candidate Douglas
Campbell and United Taxpayers
Party candidate Joseph Pilchak also

EPIC/MRA and Saginaw station
WNEM had Granholm leading 51
percent to 37 percent for Posthu-
mus, with 12 percent undecided.
Campbell got 2 percent in that poll,
while Pilchak got 1 percent. That
poll had a margin of plus or minus
4 percentage points.
A poll released last Friday that
was conducted by East Lansing-
based Mitchell Research & Com-
munications for The Detroit News
showed Granholm with 47 percent
to Posthumus' 39 percent. Campbell
and Pilchak each received 1 per-
cent, while 12 percent were unde-
cided. That poll of 400 likely voters
had a margin of error of plus or
minus 5 percentage points.
In the re ePrpeS/WYV7 nAil 7 ner-

Lansing-based EPIC/MRA,
Granholm led Posthumus 50 per-
cent to 39 percent. Campbell got 3
percent while Pilchak got 1 percent,
with 7 percent undecided. The sur-
vey of 500 likely voters was con-
ducted Monday through Wednesday
and n dn mnrain o frrsr nf nhn ar



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