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October 30, 2002 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-10-30

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 30, 2002 - -NATION/WORLD
Sper faces federal charges NEWS IN BRIEF
GREENBELT, Md. (AP) - The left a note demanding $I0 million at pTant is " just a charging document that father," Wyde said. "He was an Amneri- UNITEDNAIN

government filed its first charges
against sniper suspect John Allen
Muhammad yesterday, accusing
him of a deadly extortion plot in a
complaint that could carry a death
The 20-count complaint charges
Muhammad, 41, with discharging a
firearm as part of an extortion scheme
in the deaths of seven people in Mary-
land and the wounding of three others,
in Maryland and Virginia.
U.S. Attorney Paul McNulty of Vir-
ginia said if a firearm is used to carry
out violence in an extortion scheme,
the crime is punishable by the federal
death penalty. Police believe the sniper

the scene of a Virginia shooting.
The complaint did not name the
other suspect, 17-year-old John Lee
Malvo, because he is not an adult.
A juvenile can be charged with a
federal capital offense but cannot
be executed.
Malvo and Muhammad already
face murder charges in Virginia and
Maryland in the attacks that killed 10
people and wounded three. Alabama
has charged them in a killing outside
a liquor store last month in Mont-
The question of whether there will
be federal indictments remains unde-
cided, McNulty said. He said a com-

has the effect of further holding the
"But that charging document today
would lay out some of the grounds for
a federal case," McNulty said.
It is also unknown whether a federal
prosecution would begin before or
after state prosecutions.
During a brief hearing, Muhammad
said he understood the charges against
him and another court appearance was
scheduled for Nov. 5.
Outside court, James Wyde, the
chief federal public defender in Mary-
land, urged the public to withhold
judgment until evidence is heard.
"Mr. Muhammad is a 41-year-old

can who served in the Persian Gulf. He
was honorably discharged. He has
never been convicted of another crime
at any time, anywhere."
He said Muhammad is accused "of
an incomprehensible crime, one that
had a profound impact on our commu-
nity and has destroyed the lives of the
victims and their families."
"What I'm asking you to do at this
point is to wait for the process to
work," Wyde said.
The affidavit details evidence found
in the 1990 Chevrolet Caprice in
which Muhammad and Malvo were
sleeping when they were arrested at a
Maryland rest stop last week.

Parliament app roves Arafat Cabinet

Weapons inspectors support warning
Giving some needed support to the United States, top weapons inspectors
backed the delivery of a tough U.N. warning to Saddam Hussein, but insisted it
was up to the Security Council to decide on war or peace in Iraq.
At a Security Council meeting on Monday, the inspectors also made clear
they'd like some changes in the new inspection regime envisioned by the United
States. But the key issue remains the dispute in the council over whether a new
U.S. draft resolution gives a green light for the use of force against Iraq.
Diplomats said talks were continuing yesterday - especially between Paris
and Washington. The Security Council also scheduled discussions on the U.S.
draft resolution late yesterday.
The Rev. Jesse Jackson, a staunch opponent of a war against Iraq, discussed anti-
war efforts yesterday with Iraqi Ambassador Mohammed Al-Douri, a source said,
speaking on condition of anonymity.
The Iraqi Mission would not confirm the meeting.
In Washington, the Bush administration signaled its willingness to com-
promise to meet the needs of other countries, particularly France -
although a senior U.S. official made clear the United States will not back
down on core issues.
Russian hostages of 58-hour standoff buried
Weeping relatives bent over the uniformed body of Col. Konstantin Litvinov
and threw handfuls of dirt onto his coffin yesterday as Russians began to bury the
hostages killed during a 58-hour standoff with Chechen rebels.
A senior Russian official, meanwhile, issued the Kremlin's strongest defense
yet of the decision to fill the Moscow theater with a secret gas before special
forces raided it early Saturday, rescuing hundreds and killing 50 of their captors.
The incapacitating gas was intended to prevent the hostage-takers from trigger-
ing explosives strapped to their waists and rigged around the theater. It worked but
it also knocked out most of the hostages, killing 116.
Interior Minister Boris Gryzlov told the ITAR-Tass news agency that several
dozen people had been detained in Moscow on suspicion of helping organize the
takeover. They included a group of Chechens picked up in a minibus that allegedly
had traces of TNT, the Interfax news agency reported.
As of Tuesday, 245 rescued hostages remained hospitalized, 16 listed in serious
condition, Interfax reported. A total of 418 patients have been released. Among
the dead were nine foreigners, including one American.

RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) --- The Palestinian
parliament approved Yasser Arafat's new Cabinet
yesterday, effectively ending a challenge to the Pales-
tinian leader that began last month with demands he
share power.
The 56-18 vote came as Israeli Prime Minister Ariel
Sharon faced the most serious political crisis of his 20
months in power, with the moderate Labor party poised
4o quit his coalition. A senior legislator allied with
Sharon said yesterday he believed snap elections were
inevitable. Naming a new Cabinet was a key reform
measure expected of the Palestinians in a new U.S.-
backed peace plan. During a debate before the vote
yesterday, Arafat critics provoked Arafat's anger by say-

ing that there are not enough new faces in the 19-mem-
ber Cabinet, and that some of those suspected of cor-
ruption remain in their posts.
"I don't think this Cabinet can lead the Palestini-
ans out of the crisis," said legislator Ziad Abu Amr.
Arafat tried to silence him, shouting: "You are not
allowed to talk about the members of the executive
committee, you are not allowed."
However, after a solid majority of legislators voted
in support of the Cabinet, Arafat said he was proud
of what he called a display of Palestinian democracy.
Palestinian state TV. which had broadcast part of the
proceedings live, did not show the heated debate
before the vote.

The new Cabinet presented by Arafat includes
only four new ministers. The most important
appointment was that of a new interior minister, Hani
al-H assan, a senior member of Arafat's Fatah move-
ment. The interior minister will oversee the Palestin-
ian security services.
Last month, rebellious legislators from Arafat's
Fatah movement forced Arafat's Cabinet to resign in
what was seen as the most serious challenge in his
eight years at the helm of the Palestinian Authority.
Palestinian lawmakers demanding reforms said
they suffered a setback because of Israel's 10-day
siege of Arafat's headquarters - launched after a
deadly Oct. 21 suicide bombing in Israel.

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Five Stories Falling One Too Many

Testimony Fall Of The Plastic


poignant eulogies and furious rallying
cries - and nearly as much laughter as
tears - some 20,000 friends of Paul
Wellstone bade the late senator a bois-
terous farewell yesterday.
The first eulogies were tender
remembrances. But when it was time
to recall Wellstone, who was locked in
a tough re-election fight when he died,
his friend and former student Rick
Kahn adopted the late senator's fiery
speaking style.
He chopped the air with his
hands, as Wellstone often did, and
exhorted the crowd to keep Well-
stone's dream alive.
"A week from today, Paul Well-
stone's name will not be on the ballot,"
Kahn said. "But there will be a choice
just the same ... either keep his legacy
alive, or bring it forever to an end!"
As the crowd erupted in a loud
"No!" Kahn continued:
"If Paul Wellstone's legacy in the
Senate comes to an end just days after
this unspeakable tragedy, our spirits
will be crushed, and we will drown in a
river of tears. We are begging you, do
not let this happen."
David Wellstone, the senator's old-
est son, talked of next week's elec-
tion and "looking forward to digging
in" in his father's name. But most of
his remarks were devoted to happy
memories of his father, mother and
sister, learning values rooted in
social justice.
An overflow crowd of thousands
gathered nearby to watch on giant
video screens, and multitudes more
watched and listened on statewide TV
and radio to the ceremony for Well-
stone; his wife Sheila, 58; his daugh-
ter Marcia Wellstone Markuson, 33;
and campaign staffers Mary McEvoy,
49, Tom Lapic, 49, and Will
McLaughlin, 23.
All six were killed in a plane crash
Friday in northern Minnesota. The
plane's two pilots, Richard Conry, 55,
and Michael Guess, 30, also died.
The service was packed with nation-
al political figures. Former President
Clinton and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clin-
ton's arrival drew a huge cheer from
the crowd. They were followed by for-
mer Vice President Al Gore, Sen. Tom
Daschle (D-S.D.), Sen. Ted Kennedy
(D-Mass.), Sen. Trent Lott (R-Miss.)
and many others.
The crowd watched a photo and
video collage of Wellstone and the
other victims, set to Bob Dylan's "For-
ever Young."
David McLau ghlin, brother of Will
McLaughlin, recalled several of his
brother's adventures as Wellstone's per-
sonal assistant and driver.
"Will and Paul really did work well
together," McLaughlin said. "I really
do believe that's why they became such
good friends. Both wanted to do things
their way and they wouldn't do what
people told them."

Jordanian officials detained
dozens of Muslim militants for ques-
tioning yesterday but dismissed
claims by a little - known group
that it was responsible for the killing
of American diplomat Laurence
The group, calling itself Shurafaa'
al-Urdun, or the Honorables of Jor-
dan, sent a statement to the London-
based Arabic daily Al-Quds Ai-Arabi
Monday saying Foley was killed to
protest U.S. support for Israel and
the "bloodshed in Iraq and
Foley, a 60-year-old administrator
at the U.S. Agency for International
Development, was walking to his car
Monday when a gunman opened fire,
police said. The gunman escaped.
Jordanian authorities stepped up
security in the capital in the wake of
the assassination, the first killing of
an American diplomat in decades.
KABUL, Afghanistan
Released Afghans
speak on detainment
Three Afghans released after months
of captivity at a U.S. military base in
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba said yesterday
they were chained up and denied con-
tact with their families but were not
otherwise mistreated by their American
captors. One freed detainee said they
were kept in cages "like animals."

The men - two of whom appeared
to be in their late 70s - are the first for-
mer detainees to speak about their arrest
and detainment. They spoke to The
Associated Press at a military hospital
in Kabul where they are convalescing,
still under the watch of Afghan security
guards. The men arrived in Afghanistan
on Sunday, and yesterday were handed
to Interior Ministry officials.
A fourth man, identified as 60-year-
old Pakistani Mohammed Saghir, was
returned to Pakistan, where he was being
questioned by authorities in Islamabad.
Bush signs legislation
to fix voting errors
One week before Election Day, Presi-
dent Bush signed legislation yesterday
revamping the nation's voting system
and guarding against the kinds of errors
that threw his own election into dispute
two years ago. "When problems arise in
the administration of elections, we have
a responsibility to fix them," Bush said
as he gathered several Democratic and
Republican lawmakers behind him at a
signing desk.
"Every registered voter deserves to
have confidence that the system is fair
and elections are honest, that every vote
is recorded and that the rules are consis-
tently applied. The legislation that I sign
today will add to the nation's confi-
dence," Bush said. The ceremony, staged
in a White House office-building audito-
rium, began Bush's two-day respite from
campaigning for Republicans.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.

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