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October 25, 2002 - Image 13

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-10-25

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10B - The Michigan Daily - FOOTBALL SATURDAY - October 26, 2002
Students aim for 'Blue Out' in Big House next week

The Michigan Daily - FooTBALLS

D-line disappointed with season

2002 low

No. Name

Pos. Ht. Wt.

By Christopher Anderson
For the Daily
It is time to break out the blue coats,
sweatshirts, T-shirts - even body paint
- to create a unified blue backdrop at
Michigan Stadium. In an effort to create
unity in the student section and among
fans at the Big House, three students are
creating the first annual Blue Out for
the November 2nd game against Michi-
gan State.
The idea for a Blue Out began when
LSA senior Melissa Roach visited a
university in the South earlier in the
year. Inspired by the unification of the
school's student section, Roach talked
with LSA senior Maggie Malone and
they decided to create unity in the Big
House by starting a simple tradition.
"I can just imagine how great it
would feel to see my fellow classmates
and Wolverine fans dressed all in Blue
to show support for a common goal ...
'U'asks ju
By Jeremy Berkowitz
Daily Staff Reporter
The University filed a motion Fri-
day in Washtenaw County Circuit
Court asking to overturn the verdict
or grant a new trial in the Maureen
Johnson sexual harassment lawsuit
against the University. The motion
will be discussed in court Nov. 13.
The University is. asking the for-
mer presiding judge to void the
jury's verdict or grant a new trial due
to a lack of sufficient evidence and

to beat Michigan State," Roach said.
LSA senior Rebeca Feferman joined
this team of organizers and set out to
show support to the team and provide,
what the event's statement calls an,
by send-
ing the
S p ar -
tans to
in a sea
of blue."
With the help of various members of
the Athletic Department, Michigan Stu-
dent Assembly, the Alumni Association
and other students who shared similar
visions, the three seniors said they
decided Blue Out could be done.
Similar to Michigan Marching
Band Drum Major Matt Cavanaugh's

idea of a Maize Out against Penn
State, the organizers chose blue for a
few reasons.
First, the game is in November,
which means cold weather in Michi-
gan. More people are likely to own a
blue jacket than a maize or yellow
"We don't want anyone to feel like
they have to buy something," Feferman
said. The second and more obvious rea-
son is the color blue fits well with the
"Go Blue" motto. The blue shirts also
show unification with the team's blue
"I think it is a great way to get many
of the students here involved and show
school spirit during the game," LSA
freshman Kristen Anderlite said.
Members of the football team said
they are also excited about the idea of a
blue sea of fans, including coach Lloyd
"I hope you will support the Blue

Out," Carr said. "It is a positive way to logo on the front with the date of the
energize and inspire our team. It is also game. The back will read, "Go Blue!
a reminder to our opponent that they are Beat MSU!" and will be available in
in Michigan Stadium." front of the Michigan Union, on the
The excitement carries over to the Diag and in front of Touchdown Cafe
bench, players said. on South University Street. Sales begin
"Running out onto the field come today from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
game day and seeing the Blue Out in Students have noticed the same trend
full effect will be exhilarating to the at other university stadiums.
whole team, and everyone will know "When I saw the Nebraska game and
the fans definitely got our back," senior saw the sea of red, I wondered if we
co-captain Bennie Joppru said. could pull it off," LSA sophomore
There will be commemorative long- Jason Bartle said. "It would be sweet to
sleeved T-shirts available for all fans look around and see blue everywhere. It
that wish to Go Blue. Because the Blue is definitely about time we did some-
Out is student organized and intended thing like that."
simply to unite and energize the fans Blue Out organizers are hoping to
and players, the T-shirts are available for start a tradition, but this year they just
just $10. want to get the word out.
The T-shirts are available at this price "The important thing to us this year
because the organizers do not intend to is to be sure the students are unified,"
make a profit - they simply want a Feferman said. "If nothing else, if sec-
unified spirit at the football games. tions 25-31 are in blue, we will have
The T-shirts will have the Blue Out succeeded."
1 harassment verdict

By Joe Smith
Daily Sports Editor

edge to overturn sexua

Even as an oddsmaker, Grant Bow-
man isn't the type to let his biases get
in the way.
"It's a pivotal game," Bowman
said. "Iowa is playing as well as any
team in the Big Ten. If you look at
what they've done statistically and
their record, they definitely should be
the favorites. Their offense is putting
up some amazing numbers."
As if the Wolverines battling the
Hawkeyes for first place and keeping
their Rose Bowl hopes alive isn't
motivation enough for Michigan's
defensive line, Bowman and the
highly-touted front four now also
have a chance to prove that some of
the preseason accolades given to
them by several analysts were
And they'll have to do it against
arguably the best offensive line in
college football.
"It's the type of challenge you live
for," said fellow defensive lineman
Shawn Lazarus.
Coming into the season, most pub-
lications wrote that Michigan would
live or die by the performance of its
"vaunted" defense. Analysts com-
pared the defense to the 1997 group
that carried the Wolverines to a
national title. And Michigan's defen-
sive line, with two All-Big Ten cal-
iber defensive ends in Dan Rumishek
and Shantee Orr, was a main reason
But seven games into the season,
Bowman and Lazarus admit they are
disappointed that the line has "under-
achieved at times," has not put suffi-
cient pressure on the quarterback and
has given up more rushing yards than
last year.

Former Michigan running back Anthony Thomas rushed 35 times for 171 yards
against Penn State the last time the two teams met in the Big House in 2000.

failure to release certain medical
records regarding Johnson's psycho-
logical state.
"The evidence submitted at trial is
insufficient as a matter of law to
support the jury's verdict on the hos-
tile environment sexual harassment
claim," the University's attorneys
said in a brief. "Defendants have no
way of knowing what discovery
regarding Plaintiff's medical treat-
ment might have yielded; Defen-
dants were denied the opportunity to
find out."

Johnson, a former Music student, son. "I can't believe you're wearing
filed a lawsuit in 1999 against the this sexy leopard shirt," Calabria
University and former Music Dean allegedly said to Johnson one day at
Paul Boylan on claims of sexual her work-study job.
harassment, retaliation, race dis- After complaining to Calabria,
crimination and discrimination. In Johnson said she was demoted in
the claim, she alleged she was sexu- his orchestra. When she went to
ally harassed by former Music University officials, like Dean Boy-
School Prof. Pier Calabria during lan, she said they were unrespon-
the 1997-1998 academic year. sive to her situation. Johnson
According to a brief written by withdrew from the University in
Johnson's attorney, Miranda Massie, 1998. Last April, Johnson's case
Calabria repeatedly made sexual was tried in Washtenaw County Cir-
advances and remarks toward John- cuit Court. The jury awarded John-
New Ashelter

son $250,000 in damages.
University spokeswoman Julie
Peterson said this brief was filed
because the University disagreed
with the jury's verdict.
"We've said pretty firmly that the
University does not tolerate sexual
harassment and the idea of having an
environment free from sexual harass-
ment is very important to us," Peter-
son said. "But in this particular case,
we believe the University did every-
thing it should have done and we
believe the verdict was incorrect."

"Coming into the season we were
expected to be the rock of the team,
not just the defense but also the
defensive line," Bowman said. "And
so we had really high expectations as
a group and as individuals. I don't
know if we have played bad, but we
haven't at times excelled the way we
wanted to in stopping the run some-
Currently the Wolverines are
fourth in the conference in rush
defense - allowing more than 130
yards per game on the ground - and
seventh in the Big Ten in total
defense. Michigan is also tied for last
in red zone defense, as opponents are
7-for-7 inside the 20-yard line.
Such numbers aren't too conducive
to shutting down an Iowa offense that
not only averages more than 38
points per game, but also has
achieved nearly perfect balance. The
Hawkeyes have rushed for 1,748

1 Kyle Schlicher PK
2 Fred Russell RB
3 Benny Sapp DB
4 Scott Boleyn DB
4 Clinton Solomon QB
5 D.J. Johnson DB
5 David Raih QB
7 Brad Banks QB
7 Jermire Roberts DB
8 C.J. Jones WR
9 Maurice Brown WR
10 Nathan Chandler QB
12 Marqueas McLaurin WR
12 Cy Phillips QB
13 Ramon Ochoa WR
14 Dan Katt QB
15 Miguel Merrick WR
16 Jason Manson QB

yards and 15 touchdowns while pass-
ing for 1,703 yards and 15 touch-
downs. With a scrambling
quarterback inBrad Banks and an
elusive tailback in Fred Russell, the
assignment of containing the
Hawkeyes' offense may seem just as
inviting as a root canal.
"I'm not looking forward to it,"
Bowman said. "There is nothing
worse than having to chase a guy
sideline to sideline, getting tired, and
then huddling up for the next play.
Running quarterbacks are really hard
to play against. You can have great
coverage, get a great rush then they
side-step somebody and still run for
10 yards, even though you executed
defense perfectly. It's an extra dimen-
sion that is really tough to defend
And it's a dimension that Michigan
has had problems with all season, as
See D-LINE, Page 5B


Aramis Haralson DB
Chirs Smith DB
Justise Hairston RB
Calvin Davis WR
Derek Pagel DB
Jovon Johnson DB
Edmond Miles LB
David Bradley P
Jermelle Lewis RB
Ryan Majerus LB
Matt Roth LB
Bob Sanders DB
Aaron Greving RB
Erik Jensen TE
Chigozie Ejiasi DB
Sean Considine DB
Marcus Paschal DB
Edgar Cervantes FB
Richey Williams DB
Grant Steen LB
Aaron Mickens FB
Dallas Clark TE
Jonathan Babineaux DL
Mike Mangan FB
Eric Zilisch LB
Howard Hodges DL
George Lewis LB

5-9 175
5-8 185
6-4 190
6-5 197
6-1 200
6-2 210
6-0 195
6-2 212
6-7 250
5-8 170
6-6 228
6-2 219
6-0 190
6-1 185
6-3 201
6-0 205
6-1 180
6-1 207
5-9 165
6-1 200
6-2 205
6-3 210
6-4 245
5-8 200
6-3 259
6-0 200
6-0 197
6-0 175
6-3 240
6-3 238
5-10 235
6-4 244
6-2 262
6-0 223
6-5 230
6-2 250
6-2 236


in the works
By ChristopherJonso
Daily Staff Reporter
The Shelter Association of Washtenaw County staffs three
facilities to support the homeless looking for shelter in Ann
Arbor. One building sits in the middle of a flood plane while
another was condemned before it became a shelter. The wait-
ing list for a bed exceeds 100 names, and those who sleep in
the barracks-like facilities must travel six blocks to receive
food at the day-shelter, which attempts to feed 125 people for
lunch each day with a kitchen about the size of a cooking area
in a studio apartment. The day-shelter, formerly a warehouse,
also features health care facilities, in which dirt crumbles from
the ceiling as doctors consult their patients.
"Our current facilities are in very bad shape," said Democrat
John Hieftje, the incumbent mayor running for re-election.
"They're dilapidated buildings not suited for our purpose. The
idea is providing a continuum of care to help people move
from homelessness to self-sufficiency."
Rectifying the problems in helping the homeless has often
sparked heated discussions among city officials. To provide
better care for the homeless in Ann Arbor, the city, in conjunc-
tion with Washtenaw County, will construct a new state-of-the-
art shelter on Huron Street, projected for completion next
November. While the county will oversee the construction of
the facility, the city has donated large sums of money to sup-
plement the project.
One homeless person, who wished to remain anonymous,
said that although he knew the city offered facilities, he had
substantial difficulty in registering for a bed.
"They're so hard to deal with it's a waste of time "he said. "I
have a disability and a drug problem. If you're not completely
clean when you go in, they won't take you."

Ferentz leads Hawkeye return

By Jeff Phillips
Daily Sports Editor
For Iowa coach Kirk Ferentz, improve-
ment begins in the trenches with the
offensive and defensive lines. After con-
sulting Ferentz's credentials, it is easy to
see why.
Before becoming the Hawkeyes' head
coach, Ferentz worked as offensive line
coach for the Cleveland Browns/Balti-
more Ravens organization from 1993 to
1998, working with All-Pro lineman
Jonathan Ogden and Orlando Brown.
Before that, he worked as offensive line
coach under Iowa legend Hayden Fry
from 1981 to 1989.
Ferentz had an immediate impact with
the Hawkeyes, who went to their first
Rose Bowl since 1958 in Ferentz's first
season as an assistant.
"I don't think you can win consistently
at any level - high school, college or the
NFL - without good line play on both
sides," Ferentz said. "We were a little
deficient in that era when I got here. I
think that anybody going into any new
situation you just try to improve your
weaknesses and try play to your
strengths, and I think we have done that

like anybody would. But the biggest
thing is that we didn't look for any Band-
Aid approach to improve our football
In Ferentz's first season as head coach,
the Hawkeyes were abysmal. They fin-
ished dead last in the Big Ten and did not
win a conference game. But Iowa rapidly
improved under Ferentz's guidance by
winning three Big Ten games in 2000
and four last season to finish fourth in
the Big Ten at 4-4 and 7-5 overall. The
Hawkeyes also ended their four-season
bowl game drought with a 19-16 win
over Texas Tech in the 2001 Alamo
"He has done a great job," Michigan
coach Lloyd Carr said. "I thought two
years ago, when we were getting ready to
play him and I looked at what he did
what that team, I could not believe it was
the same team I had seen the year before.
Last year going into the season, I felt
they would be the most improved team.
They are a program that is where they
want to be and he has done a tremendous
Now in his fourth season as head
coach, Ferentz has his Hawkeyes seeking
an end to another drought: The team's

10-year span without a Big Ten title.
Last season, Iowa led the Big Ten in
scoring offense and was third in scoring
defense. This season, the Hawkeyes are
again on top of the Big Ten in scoring
offense, averaging 38.3 points per game.
A big part of that has been the play of the
offensive line, which gives plenty of pro-
tection Iowa's talented quaterback Brad
Banks and running back Fred Russell.
"Well, I know that their offensive line
is tremendous," Michigan defensive line-
man Grant Bowman said. "They're really
big and physical, I can remember from
playing them last year. They are probably
as good as any front in the Big Ten, and I
haven't been able to watch a lot of film
on them yet."
The play of the lines is nothing new
according to Ferentz, who pointed to the
rich history and work ethic of Iowa play-
"The players have a tradition of play-
ing hard and playing tough, and I just
think that is a traditional thing here at our
place," Ferentz said.
Should Iowa's lines continue to
improve, Ferentz will be able to put
another credential on his resume - Big
Ten champion.

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Washington at Pearl


To combat the homelessness problem in Ann Arbor, the city
council has plans to build a new shelter.

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