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October 25, 2002 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-10-25

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The Michigan Daily - Friday,.

October 25, 2002 - 3A


Get ready for a Blue Out

RFK Jr. initiates
celebration of
Detroit River
Waterkeeper Alliance President
Robert Kennedy Jr. is kicking off the
"Detroit River Celebration," a two-day
event, with a press conference today at 1
p.m. in the Mi higan Union.
Kennedy w l also speak at the Chem-
istry Building auditorium at 4 p.m. and
will attend a reception at 5:30 p.m.
The Detroit Riverkeeper group is
among 90 other members of the
Waterkeeper Alliance.
After serving in the Hudson River
Foundation subsidiary as part of a 1984
community service sentence for heroine
possession, Kennedy has gradually risen
to power in the organization.
Kennedy's uncle, President John
F. Kennedy, founded the Peace
Corps more than four decades ago
on the steps of the Union.
French scholar to
discuss writing
Prof. Jean Hebrard, inspector
general for the French Ministry of
Education, will be speaking on
"Inventing the Material Basis for
the Early Modern Diary: The
Appropriation and Redeployment of
Elements from Scribal Culture and
School Culture," a lecture spon-
sored by the Institute for the
Humanities. Hebrard is from the
Center for Research on Contempo-
rary Brazil. The lecture begins at 4
p.m. today in the Pendleton Room
of the Michigan Union.
Chinese film shows
struggle of rural life
The Center for Chinese Studies is
sponsoring a screening of "Beijing
Bicycle," a film by Wang Xiashaui.
The movie explores a young rural
boy's struggle to work as a messen-
ger. When his bicycle is stolen, he
finds himself on an unexpected
journey. The film will be shown
with Mandarin subtitles tonight at
Angell Hall Auditorium A, 8 p.m..
Teenage prostitution
subject of film
Filmmaker Masato Harada's
renowned movie, "Bounce Ko-Gals"
is being shown tonight at Lorch Hall.
The Center for Japanese Studies is
sponsoring this film featuring
teenage girls working as escorts for
older men. They spend their income
on the latest fashions and technolo-
gies. The film begins at 7 p.m. and is
in Japanese with English subtitles.
features various a
Capella groups
The student a Capella group The
Dicks and Janes, is hosting Acap-
pellooza, a festival featuring 15
other co-ed University choruses.
Two groups from Indiana Universi-
ty, Ladies First, and the all-male
Straight No Chaser will also be fea-
tured at the event. The concert
begins at 8 p.m. Saturday and will
be held at the Michigan Theater.
Tickets cost $8.
Art lecture works
with paint, abstract
University of Illinois art history
Prof. Jonathan Fineberg will be
speaking at the Museum of Art. His
lecture, titled, "Thinking in Paint,"
begins at 3 p.m. on Sunday.

Fineberg's lecture is the Museum of
Art Doris Sloan Memorial lecture
and will include slide illustrations.
The event is in conjunction with the
museum's "The New York School
Abstract Expressionism" exhibit.
Forum discusses
social impact of
medical research
All students are invited to an
informal discussion of "Medical
Research on Vulnerable Populations
in the 21st century." Sponsored by
the Life Sciences, Values and Soci-
ety Program, this is intended to give
members of the University commu-
nity an open forum to discuss scien-
tific topics.
The forum, beginning Sunday at 4
p.m. is at Shaman Drum.
Ethics writer brings
common sense to 'U,
Randy Cohen, ethics columnist
for The New York Times Magazine,
will discuss business ethics in the
wake of the various accounting

Anti-war sentiment
growing slowly in
domestic opinion.

University President Mary Sue Coleman and students show their support for the
Blue Out scheduled for the Michigan football game against Michigan State on Nov. 2.
Studentsaddress ac of
Iminority bone marow

By Emily Kraack
Daily Staff Reporter
Bone marrow transplants save lives. This was the
message at the minority bone marrow drive held
Wednesday at the Michigan Union.
But these drives focus on more than just register-
ing potential bone marrow donors - they also
stressed the importance of finding minority bone
marrow donors.
"There's such a lack of minority bone marrow.
That's why we put this on," said Arpi Doshi, sec-
ond-year Medical student and president of United
Asian American Medical Student Association.
Recent drives have'tried to alleviate the shortage
of minority bone marrow, which can only be trans-
planted if a potential recipient can find a donor
with closely matched antigens (genetically-coded
proteins in the marrow).
Tomr Nelis, a marrow recruiter for the Michigan
Community Blood Centers, said about 80 percent
of whites can find potential matches outside of their
families. But because minority populations are
small and not everyone registers to be a bone mar-
row donor, it is much harder to find a match for
minority recipients.
"For non-Caucasians, the chances of finding a
match are very, very low," said Jennifer Huang, a
second-year Medical student and co-community
service chair for UAAMSA."For people of mixed
races it's very difficult. The antigens are very hard
to find. ... It makes a good reason why we should
get everyone registered (to donate)," Nelis said. He
also stressed the importance of bone marrow in
medical treatment for about 65 diseases. The most
frequent diseases requiring bone marrow trans-
plants include aplastic anemia and blood cancers

like leukemia and lymphomas.
Although the best bone marrow match usually
comes from within a person's family, sometimes a
marrow drive is necessary to find a match, but this
can be an expensive process.
Huang said the government will pay for antigen
matching for minorities and will frequently cover
the costs of minority bone marrow drives. The
drives on Wednesday were sponsored by the
MCBC, which supplies blood products to hospitals
throughout Michigan.
Nelis said that without a transplant, critically
ill patients will die. "Bone marrow is your last
A bone marrow drive is unlike a blood drive
in that people who show up for the bone mar-
row drive give only a little blood to be tested,
which is recorded in a national registry at the
National Marrow Donor Program. The NMDP,
which ran the campus bone marrow drives, has
performed over 15,000 bone marrow matches
since its inception in the late 1980s.
However, the odds that someone registered will
actually be called upon to donate marrow are small.
Nelis said that of the 37,000 people registered to
donate, only 200 were matched to a recipient.
Along with the NMDP, the drives were conduct-
ed by a number of Medical student groups, includ-
ing the UAAMSA, the Latin American and Native.
American Medical Association and the Black Med-
ical Association.
Undergraduate student groups Huaren, the Black
Student Union, the Chinese Student Association,
the Filipino American Student Association, the
Indian American Student Association and Lambda
Phi Epsilon also held a minority bone marrow drive
on Wednesday in the Union.

By Shabina S. Khatri
Daily Staff Reporter
As President Bush seeks to gain United
Nations support to oust Saddam Hussein, an
anti-war movement is gaining rapid momen-
tum across the country and on college cam-
puses. According to the latest polls from the
Princeton, N.J.-based Gallup Organization, a
growing number of Americans are against
U.S. ground troops invading Iraq.
Domestic support for the war was highest
near the one-year anniversary of the Sept. 11
But unlike the 56 percent of Americans cur-
rently supporting the potential war, the tragic
events of Sept. 11 have motivated one woman
to speak in favor of peace.
Rita Lasar is a founding member of Fami-
lies for Peaceful Tomorrows, an advocacy
organization founded by family members of
Sept. 11 victims.
Lasar said she received a wake-up call after
Bush's remembrance speech mentioning her
brother - who would not leave behind his
paraplegic co-worker in their World Trade
Center office - as a hero.
"My brother's death was going to be used
to justify the death of thousands of people in
Afghanistan who were as innocent as my
brother," Lasar said.
"Sometimes in my lighter moments, I think
that President Bush made a big mistake
because he unleashed me and now I'm dedi-
cated until I die from saving people from all
over ... from being killed," she added.
Lasar said she and other members of the
organization have traveled to countries all
over the world, including Afghanistan and
Japan, in hopes of spreading the message of
peace. She recently spent time in Ann Arbor
speaking against war in Iraq.
"What we need are peaceful resolutions.
We need to find ways to resolve conflict with-
out killing millions of people. (Invading Iraq)
will inflame the Middle East and there will be
such chaos," she said.
More than 100 students and Ann Arbor
community members met Wednesday night at
the first meeting of Anti-War Action, a newly
founded group designed to organize the anti-
war movement on campus.
LSA sophomore Matt Hollerbach, who said
he hopes to become actively involved in the
group, attended the planning meeting to see
what he could do about the impending war.
"The reason the Vietnam War did not have
the broad-based supportthe government
would have liked is because of college
activism," he said. "We can get the ball
rolling and other colleges will follow."

Hollerbach said the general consensus at
Wednesday's meeting was for the group "to
serve as an educational tool. Everyone wants
to get out there and educate people and edu-
cate ourselves so that we know what's going
on," he said.
Lasar said many Americans who are in favor of
invading Iraq are unaware of the real truth.
"What we've been doing in Iraq since the sanc-
tions is just unbelievably cruel and Americans don't
know. There are limbless children and adults
because of depleted uranium," she said. "Americans
have got to learn from what they say in church on
Sunday but don't believe. All human beings are
God's children."
Lasar cited the media as the major reason
for the public's ignorance on the issue of Iraq.
"The American press will not print what the
peace movement is saying, what the rest of
the world is saying," she said. "If America
doesn't know what's going on in the world, we
will not be able to stop our government. And
there will be many more terrorist attacks
against us."
Phillis Engelbert, a member of the Ann
Arbor Peace Events Committee that Lasar
spoke to, said her organization decided to
hold a rally this Saturday after receiving
numerous phone calls and e-mails calling for
mobilization against going to war.
"All these people are just coming out of the
woodwork saying, 'We want to march, we
want to march!' We hope to add our voices to
the chorus around the country of people say-
ing no to war," she said.
The rally, which is scheduled to take place
before the football game against Iowa, will
coincide with marches around the country
and across the world, including Washington,
San Francisco and London.
Hollerbach said Anti-War Action, which is
co-sponsoring the rally, is a great example of
"how broad-based the support for the anti-war
movement could be."
But LSA senior James Justin Wilson, a
member of Young Americans for Freedom,
said peace activists are operating without the
"The peaceniks don't have enough informa-
tion to say what they're saying. Of course
questioning your government is necessary and
that's healthy," he said. "But in a time of war
when American servicemen's lives are on the
line, it seems inappropriate and treasonous."
But to Lasar, those who think going to war
with Iraq is patriotic are mistaken.
"Peace is patriotic, trying to keep Ameri-
cans safe is patriotic. Violence begets vio-
lence. What (President Bush) is propagating
is revenge. Revenge won't bring my brother
back and the victims of Sept. 11," she said.

Local candidates
tackle shortage of

s " viewere
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loArormed by P num buddies hovie.


parking spaces

By Christopher Johnson
Daily Staff Reporter

Ann Arbor has often been criticized
for not having sufficient transportation
accessibility, and many students have
horror stories about problems with try-
ing to find parking.
"Everyone has their cars but
nowhere to take them because the size
of campus compared to kids is pretty
small," LSA junior Megan Stevenson
said. "I've paid my share of parking
tickets. I think I've paid more than any
other person at school."
LSA senior David Kamara said that
the city has towed his car three times. "I
got towed in my house because Iparked
in the visitor's lot," he said. "Somebody
else was in my spot. I got home late. I
didn't want to knock on people's doors.
But when I got up the next morning my
car was gone. Towing and everything
was over $100. And I could at that
moment have called a tow truck on the
car in my spot and parked there."
Candidates for positions in the city
government have heavily discussed the
reformation of parking accessibility, and
also promoting mass transportation as an
alternative to cars during this election.
Councilwoman Marcia Higgins, the
Republican candidate for mayor, said the
City Council should improve mass tran-
sit through a closer look at its Ann Arbor
Transportation Authority Board appoint-
ments and that the University should
provide greater opportunities for student
parking. "I don't think that (the Universi-
ty) has provided any new parking with
all of its increased construction. It's
deplorable," she said.
Republican council candidate Jeff
Hauptman, running in the 2nd Ward,
said merging the University's mass trans-
portation with the city's could provide a
mnI n nnA ricvctamNP T-c ca h,a

Michigan permit only," she said.
Although one direct solution to the
transportation problem would be the
construction of new parking structures
within the city, many candidates fear that
building new lots would exacerbate con-
gestion and the already heavy air pollu-
tion in Ann Arbor. "Ann Arbor does have
air pollution," said incumbent mayoral
candidate John Hieftje, a Democrat. "We
have 16 to 17 ozone action days each
summer. They are detrimental and can
really threaten your health."
Many candidates, including Hieftje,
proposed toconstruct a parking garage
outside of the city and to use the bus sys-
tem to bring people in town.
"There's no sense from an environ-
mental viewpoint to build more parking
structures in the city, he said. "We need
to provide enough transportation for
people so that they feel they don't need
their cars."
Republican Jeff DeBoer, running in
the 3rd Ward, had similar plans for park-
ing outside of Ann Arbor.
"You got to have parking if you want
people to come downtown to patronize
restaurants," he said. "Maybe there is a
lack of spaces, but I don't know where
you can put a new parking ramp. Maybe
we should build remote lots and bring
people in through AATA. Let's keep the
cars out of the city."
In addition to building a new structure
outside of town, Hieftje also said he
wants to increase accessibility for pedes-
trians and bikers. He said he is devising a
Pedestrian Bill of Rights similar to the
one in Milwaukee, Wis. that would pro-
vide more foliage and artistic sights
along streets and limit the width of roads
on the outer part of the city.
Democrat Kim Groome, running
unopposed in the 1st Ward, also said
she wanted the city to enhance pedes-
trian naprpccihilitii nonting to her


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