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October 24, 2002 - Image 1

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Octob 2, 2002
©2002 The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Vol. CXIII, No. 35

One-hundred-twelve years of editorialdfreedom

Partly cloudy in
the morning,
continuing into
the early after-
noon and

Tomo rrow-


ethics still
a concern
By Shabina S. Khatri
Daily Staff Reporter
Former interim University President B. Joseph White
received a standing ovation from a diverse array of students,
faculty and staff yesterday after his address on the importance
of corporate responsibility.
As part of the Business School's annual McInally Memorial
Lecture, White discussed current crises in American business
in his speech, titled "Post-Bubble, Post-Scandals: Restoring the
Credibility of American Business Leadership."
"In mid-September, a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll
reported that 70 percent of Americans don't trust the word of
brokers and corporations, White said. "A third said they have
'hardly any confidence' in big company executives, the highest
proportion in more than three decades."
White, who finished his term as dean of the Business
School in 2001 after serving for 10 years, cited several key
events that have shaken consumer confidence in the American
business system, including the terrorist attacks, the economic
downturn and the recent rash of corporate scandals.
"Terrorist activities and extreme market dynamics may very
well be beyond our control," he said. "But leadership and ethi-
cal behavior are definitely our beat here in a great university
business school."
In order to restore confidence in the system, as well as boost
America's tarnished prestige abroad, White offered several rec-
ommendations, emphasizing character building for corporate
executives as the most critical reform.
"Wrongdoers, especially the big fish and the egregiously
rapacious, need to be punished. ... Conflicts of interest in the
banking and financial services industry must be eliminated,"
he said. "Finally, we need a fundamental change in the values
and focus of the leadership of some American companies,
See LECTURE, Page 7A

Haddad says he
fears returning
to home count

By Jeremy Berkowitz
Daily Staff Reporter
DETROIT - Rabih Haddad, a local Muslim
community leader, expressed dread yesterday about
leaving the United States at the Immigration and
Naturalization Services court, as his attorneys
argued his plea to gain political asylum in the Unit-
ed States.
Haddad, clad in green prison coveralls, testified
to his fear of returning to his native Lebanon. He
claimed that al-Qaida opera-
tives are active in the country
and desire to retaliate against
him for speaking out against
the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
He also said the Lebanese
government could take actionP
against him in order to prove
to the United States govern-
ment that they are cracking
down on terrorism.
"Governments of these Haddad
countries would be eager to
please the U.S.," Haddad said. "I fear torture,
imprisonment and even death."
His brother Mazen Haddad also attested that his
brother's life could be in danger if he leaves the
United States. Referring to two visits he made to
Lebanon in the last year, he said his brother's case
was misrepresented and biased toward the U.S.
government in the Lebanese press. "The common
theme was negative," Mazen Haddad said, adding

that many media outlets alleged that his brother had
been charged, which was not true. "The newspapers
were claiming that my brother was a terrorist."
Mazen Haddad also noted the ramifications of a
recent incident in which the Lebanese government
closed a television station.
"People took to the streets and were demonstrat-
ing peacefully and were treated in a very harsh,
embarrassing manner," Mazen Haddad said.
Rabih Haddad and his attorneys said his case has
caused much publicity due to the secret nature in
the handling of certain aspects of his case.
"What makes this particular case unique (is) ...
we have had this case classified as a special interest
case," Haddad's attorney Noel Saleh said.
INS attorney Marsha Nettles said neither Rabih
Haddad nor his brother could bring forth actual
Lebanese newspapers that exhibited any negative
bias toward Rabih. Nettles inferred that Haddad's
requests for open hearings have endangered his life.
"He could have separately requested today to
have these proceedings closed," Nettles said.
The federal government arrested Haddad Dec.
14 on charges of a visa violation. He was detained
in Chicago until June, where he was waiting to be
called in front of a grand jury to be interrogated
about his charity, the Global Relief Foundation, and
its possible ties to terrorism. He had three closed
immigration hearings before a consortium consist-
ing of the Michigan chapter of the American Civil
Liberties Union, several Detroit newspapers and
U.S. Rep. John Conyers (D- Detroit) sued the feder-
See HADDAD Page 7A

Former interim University President B. Joseph White addresses an audience
yesterday on the importance of ethics in business.

Milroy hopes to unseat incumbent

By Jordan Schrader
Daily Staff Reporter

said he will event
versity alum was
Like Rep. Chri

Despite being fiscally conservative, many of John Mil- Nov. 5 election
roy's positions on social policies are more in line with those loosen drug laws
of his opponent than might be expected of a Republican top priority.
running against a liberal Democrat. Kolb advocateE
In the left-leaning 53rd District, comprising most of Ann Development Rig
Arbor, Milroy's platform could be a political asset as he cam- restrict how lan
paigns for a seat in the Michigan House of Representatives. areas. Milroy sai
"My views are in line with a lot of people in this town," he's wary of the s
he said in an interview with The Michigan Daily earlier "You try to pr
this week, but added that he's not sure voters will look some extent, wit
beyond party. build any more h
"I know it's an uphill battle against an incumbent who's Milroy said he
made politics his life," he said. supports the Leg
A newcomer to the political scene, Milroy sells advertis- Single Business
ing for George Milroy and Associates, a family firm that he "I'm not for r
Orange County 'impact'
Anthony Morcschi of the Orange County, Calif. band "Impact"
performs yesterday night at Mr. Muggs in Ypsilanti.
Prof. addresses
stereotypes of
Asian Americans

tually run. Before joining the firm, the Uni-
a criminal defense attorney.
is Kolb, the incumbent he will face in the
, Milroy said he is pro-choice, wants to
and considers environmental protection a
s directing more funding to the Purchase of
ghts programs, which allow communities to
d can be used in order to maintain rural
id agricultural preservation is important, but
tate halting development.
eserve an area around a city that's green to
thout actually telling people you can't ...
omes," he said.
e wants to lower tax burdens, although he
islature's decision to pause the repeal of the
aising taxes," he said. "I think we need to

look at across the board being more efficient with the pro-
grams we're running right now."
Lowering taxes will increase consumer spending and
encourage business growth, he said.
Small businesses with histories in Michigan should
receive the greatest tax relief, Milroy said. "I don't think we
should give tax breaks to big companies that move in here
(and) put it on the backs of people who are already here."
He said the University is not getting its fair share of state
funds, another view he shares with his opponent. Milroy
said recent tuition raises are extravagant and the Legislature
should help the University increase its endowment.
Prison overcrowding can be addressed by moving drug
penalties from incarceration to treatment, Milroy said.
He said he saw the injustices of drug sentencing first-
hand when he practiced law.
"They're locking up 18-year-old kids for life on first time
offenses," Milroy said.


Reform Party seeks
to represent issues

By Tomslav Ladika
Daily Staff Reporter
Ninety percent of the government's role should
be eliminated, said John Mangopoulos, the
Reform Party's candidate for Michigan's seat in
the U.S. Senate. "If it's called a program, it's
One of five "third parties" with candidates on
the Nov. 5 general election ballot in Michigan, the
Reform Party has received attention through can-
didates such as Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventu-

ra and 2000 Presidential
candidate Pat Buchanan.
The party also takes its
shots at the Republican and
Democrat parties, which
Mark Forton, chairman of
the party's Michigan chap-
ter, said are "like a govern-
ment in and of themselves.
"They both lead youI
down the same garden path
to a global government
where we won't be free."
The party's platform
accuses the U.S. govern-

because he says science has proven that life
begins at conception.
Federal government policies that fund public
education are socialist, he added, because the
Constitution clearly stipulates that education poli-
cies should be left in the states' control.
LSA senior Nick Waun, the Reform Party can-
didate for the University Board of Regents, said
to keep tuition costs down, the University should
continue to receive federal funding, but at the
same time begin producing income through
entrepreneurial enterprises.
He said rather than investing in companies, the
University should produce its own products, such
as its own version of the Oxford Dictionary or
other such reference books.
He also proposed reviewing construction costs,
placing a cap on administration salaries and cre-
ating a statewide lottery whose proceeds would
benefit higher education.
Holding more classes online would allow more
students to enroll at the University, thus reducing
the cost of each class per student, Waun said.
Mangopoulos, a self-employed businessman
from Okemos, said in addition to immediately
abolishing abortion, his platform proposes
removing all government health care subsidies,
including Medicare. Market-based medicine
would provide better quality prescription drugs at
lower prices, he said.
Health care access can also be expanded by
removing the income tax, which would provide
people with more income for the purchase of
drugs, Mangopoulos added.
The Reform Party platform opposes affirma-
tive action, but Waun said he supports diversity
through the development of charter schools and
outreach programs in areas where many minori-

LSA freshman Esther Ling has her blood drawn by Jamie Flick
at the Minority Bone Marrow Drive yesterday at the Michigan
Bone mar-row
dri*ve targets
By Andrew Kaplan
For the Daily
Students streamed into the Pond Room of the Michigan
Union yesterday to participate in this year's minority bone
marrow drive.
LSA senior Jessica Stallworth gave a sample of her blood
in hopes of becoming a donor, "because I knew that African-
Americans have a hard time finding matches."
Although the sponsors geared the drive toward minori-
ties, students of all ethnicities were welcome to become
potential donors.
"Every year about 30,000 people are diagnosed with
some form of blood disease, such as leukemia, lymphoma
and anemia," said Kim Barett, a medical worker for the
Michigan Community Blood Center. "Many of them will
need a marrow transplant in order to survive."
Unfortunately, telltale markers on a person's blood cells
make matching up a patient and a donor a difficult process
- especially for minorities. Of the thousands in need of a
transplant, "about 25 percent will find a match within their


By Erin Saylor
Daily Staff Reporter
Howard University Law Prof.
Frank Wu attacked racism and racist
stereotypes directed at Asian Pacific
gh Americans yesterday in a discussion

For Equality By Any Means Neces-
sary, Wu's lecture emphasized the
importance of affirmative action and
the benefits it gives to Asian Ameri-
can students.
"Issues of race come in two forms -
the hardcore bigotry of such groups as

ment of straying away from the Constitution by
taking an active role in education, implement-
ing an income tax, condoning abortion and
adopting the North American Free Trade
Agreement, Forton said.
"If we were in power, NAFTA would be over
with now, because it's unconstitutional," Forton
said. "What you really have with this global free
trade is a global free labor market."
The Reform Party also proposes instating
government tariffs or a flat tax to replace the

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