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October 23, 2002 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-10-23

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 23, 2002 - 3

a Oct. 23, 1909
Fear mounted that University
women were losing the equity battle.
Citing the fact that no women were
enrolled in engineering and only three
women were to be enrolled in the Den-
tal School, women activists wondered
if the "general uproar among the weak-
er sex had been for naught."
Oct. 23, 1964
The State Court of Appeals ruled that
persons accused of marijuana posses-
sion can be convicted even if no physi-
cal evidence of the substance involved
is produced by the prosecution.
Oct. 23, 1968
The Pro Black Organization
informed the University Activities
Center it would not recognize UAC's
choice for the 1968 homecoming
queen, charging that the contest was
discriminatory. The judges had picked
the queen from among five white can-
Oct. 23, 1970
A crowd of 1,000 gathered on the
Diag to begin a half-day moratorium to
express support for 25 Kent State Uni-
versity students indicted for protesting
against U.S. involvement in Cambodia
in May. Three Kent State students
spoke at the rally and noted "increasing
signs of repression," citing laws forbid-
ding demonstrations, parading, leaflet-
ing and outside speakers.
Oct. 24, 1961
The Inter-,Quadrangle Council was
preparing to vote on a motion that
would allow female students of at least
sophomore standing to visit men's
rooms from noon until 30 minutes
before their curfew. The resolution
Oct. 24, 1975
After the Athletic Department over-
sold tickets for the Michigan-Ohio State
football game and returned money to
9,000 ticket holders, two University law
students sued claiming that there had
been a breach of contract and that by not
attending the game they would suffer
"irreparable damage for which there
(could) no longer be adequate relief"
Oct. 25, 1920
The University Athletic Associa-
tion and Ann Arbor Police joined
forces to stop football ticket scalping
"once and for all." Their only arrest
of the day was the 60-year-old presi-
dent of Adrian Ice Company, who
was caught selling a single ticket to
the Illinois game for $20.
Oct. 25, 1970
Sen. George McGovern, speaking at
Hill Auditorium, charged President
Nixon with failing to eliminate "the
real obscenities of American life."
McGovern was referring to Nixon's
attack on pornography, saying the pres-
ident should concentrate on ending the
Indo-Chinese war.
Oct. 26, 1970
The office of Student Services
called on University administrators not
to prevent the Gay Liberations Front
and Radical Lesbians from holding a
Midwest conference on homosexuality

at the University.
Oct. 27, 1917
The Student Government Council
voted not to recognize the School of
Medicine's class of 1917 after it declined
to hold class elections. They were
banned from all campus activities until
they conformed to campus regulations.
Oct. 27, 1947
House mothers at the Michigan
League threatened to let their con-
tracts lapse if a proposal to give per-
mission for upper class women to stay
out late was approved. The new rule
would have allowed junior and senior
women to stay out until 11:30 p.m.
four nights a week, instead of only
weekend evenings.
Oct. 28, 1939
The 1939 Miss America spent a day
touring University fraternities and
attending the Michigan-Yale football
game. At the end of the day, she said,
"Michigan men are cordial, handsome,
clever, fine football players, original
gentlemen and much nicer than any
Yale man I've ever met."
Oct. 28. 1982

Green Party criticizes corporate influence

By Jordan Schrader
Daily Staff Reporter
Members of the Green Party say to under-
stand Michigan government, you've got to fol-
low the money.
Fueling Republican and Democratic politics,
state party chair Marc Reichardt said, is cash from
corporations that pollutes the political process.
One of the party's main goals, as it looks to the
Nov. 5 election, is to replace big business with indi-
viduals as the foundation of Michigan elections.
The Green Party is fielding 35 Michigan candi-
dates from its state headquarters in Ann Arbor, in
an attempt to defeat what many members consider
to be rule by a Democratic-Republican coalition.
"We have one party in this country - it just
has two different names," U.S. Senate candidate
Eric Borregard said.
Borregard said no substantial differences exist
between his major-party opponents, incumbent
Democrat Carl Levin and Republican Andrew

Both are all too willing to condone military
aggression against Iraq when the United States
should instead be lifting economic sanctions and
no-fly zone regulations, he said.
"I'm running against
two Republicans," he
said. "I'm the only liber-
al in the race."
Levin voted no on a
successful resolution
earlier this month that
authorized President
Bush to use military MICHIGAN
force against Iraq. He
supported another reso- ELECTIO
lution that would have
made the authorizationU
conditional on U.N. sup-
port.Oil companies are dictating defense policy
in the Middle East, and the United States must
encourage the use of alternate energy such as bio-
fuel and wind power to break that stranglehold,
Borregard said. The government should also

compete with energy companies by producing
electrical power itself, he added.
To even the playing field that disparities in
money have created, Greens want public funds to
finance political campaigns, Reichardt said.
Campaign finance reform should be paralleled by
election reform that strengthens third parties and
eliminates the stigma of "spoiler" often attached
to them, he said.
The Green solution is instant runoff voting,
which gives voters the option to rank candidates
instead of picking one. It would allow "people to
vote for who they really want rather than who
they dislike least," Reichard said.
Priorities are skewed in Lansing, Reichard said.
Despite budget shortfalls that are straining the state
economy, he said funding must increase for many
areas including environmental protection, welfare,
public schools and higher education.
He said protection of an aquifer in Big Rapids is
one of the Greens' top priorities. Perrier's attempts
to drain water for bottling under its Ice Mountain
brand will damage the watershed, he said. i

Public universities like the University of
Michigan are becoming too focused on research
and development and must return to their original
educational mission, Reichard said.
He said the state should also prohibit tuition
from rising faster than inflation.
Rackham student Ryan Jonna, a member of both
the Student Greens at the University and the Huron
Valley Greens, said the party is dedicated to student
involvement in higher education. Its candidates for
the University Board of Regents, Susan Fawcett
and Matt Petering, are University students.
Corporate influence determines much of what
the University researches, Jonna said.
He said the breakup of the Biology Department
into two disciplines, Ecology and Evolutionary
Biology and Molecular, Cellular and Develop-
mental Biology, has led to an increasing focus on
corporation-approved projects by MCDB.
The new department does not pay enough
attention to ecological goals in its research,
and spends its time working to obtain patents,
he said.

New library service helps
students find resources

By Victoria Edwards
For the Daily
In addition to sending an instant
message to your friends and family
while online, you can also now IM
University librarians.
Besides reference services allowing
students to either e-mail, call or come
in to ask librarians for help, the Univer-
sity has added an instant messaging
service for students to access librarians,
said Barbara MacAdam, Harlan Hatch-
er Graduate Library reference and
instruction head.
"The service provides not only
immediate help for basic questions, but
it will help connect faculty and stu-
dents with other information that we
provide," MacAdam said.
Service is available Sunday through
Thursday from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. and
Fridays and Saturdays from 1 p.m. to 5
p.m., she added.
"The Graduate Library answers,
between questions asked at the desk
and the telephone and e-mail reference,
roughly between 5,000-6,000 questions

a month," MacAdam said. "So if our
experience here is typical of other aca-
demic libraries that started this addi-
tional kind of service, we would expect
to have a traffic of possibly 500 ques-
tions a month"
The user can access the instant mes-
sage service through the library home
page using any computer.
"When you click on the button you
are told how many people are ahead of
you in the queue and wait until the
librarian contacts you," MacAdam said.
"Then in a moment or two you get a
message from the librarian that says
'Welcome how can I help you today?"'
The number of messages the
librarian can answer simultaneously
depends on the type of question he
or she is being asked, MacAdam
"We've had relatively few situations
with several people at one time trying
to use the service," MacAdam said.
"However, when it happens the librari-
an gets a warning saying there is a new
person in the queue. As a patron, the
system will tell the user there is one or

two people ahead of them."
When a student logs in they are
asked to provide an e-mail address so
after they are done a transcript of the
interchange is sent to them automati-
cally, MacAdam said.
She added that the questions asked
of the instant messenger service fall
into four different categories: students
trying to find a particular electronic
resource, a particular book, citation
verification and general questions, like
library hours.
LSA freshman Sean Dailey said he
would definitely use the service
because he doesn't know how the
library works.
"I think the service is a great idea. It
makes it easier for students to get infor-
mation about using the library and dif-
ferent resources in the library," Dailey
said. But other students said they think
the service is unnecessary.
"It seems kind of unnecessary
because either you're in the library and
can look for books or you're in your
room and you can use Mirlyn," LSA
sophomore Jason Taylor said.

Linda TerHaar, head of the Shapiro Undergraduate Library, demonstrates the new
instant messenging feature improving communication between students and
librarians yesterday.

Conservationists ask 'U' to change paper pollcy

By Dan Trudeau
Daily Staff Reporter

The American Lands Alliance held a pres-
entation in the CC Little Building last night to
raise student awareness of specific environ-
mental issues on campus.
The presentation centered around a contract
between the University and Boise Paper Prod-
ucts, a lumber company and paper producer
known for large logging operations in old-
growth forests in the Pacific Northwest, and
in endangered forests in other parts of the
The ALA is a national organization that
works with grassroots environmental agencies
to educate citizens on issues unique to their
local communities in addition to lobbying
Congressmen to vote in favor of pro-environ-
ment legislation.

"We're trying to use economic forces to
shift large institutions, such as the University,
toward alternative means (of paper produc-
tion)," ALA Midwest organizer Joshua Mar-
tin said.
"We want to shift the wood and paper mar-
ket away from old growth and virgin forests
and toward alternative methods, such as recy-
Martin also said that students can help meet
these goals by pressuring University officials
to cancel their contract with Boise Paper and
to seek paper companies more interested in
distributing recycled products.
This in turn would cause companies like
Boise Paper to seek new methods of produc-
tion to meet the demands of the changing
paper market.
Representatives from Boise Paper said that
they are taking these environmental concerns

into account in their current logging policies.
"Boise currently derives an extremely small
amount of our wood supply from old-growth
forests - less than 1 percent in 2001,"
according to a statement on Boise Paper's
"Given the direction of federal forest man-
agement policy, we expect that percentage to
continue gradually to decline. We intend,
therefore, to phase out harvesting from old-
growth forests by 2004."
In spite of these assertions, the ALA and
other environmental organizations are not sat-
isfied with the company's commitment to the
environment, citing the company's sustained
old-growth operations in Oregon as evidence
of their insincerity.
Aside from using the presentation to edu-
cate students on this issue, Martin offered
advice on how to mount a potential public

campaign and encouraged students to- seek
involvement in the ALA National Day of
Action Oct. 29.
"Students have a ton of power and can
change the world," Martin said.
Many students present at the presentation
enthusiastically supported Martin's assertions.
"I believe that the University community is
highly influential in this campaign because it
is so large, and I think that we definitely need
to reconsider out paper supply," said RC
Sophomore and Public Interest Research
Group In Michigan member Carolyn Hwang.
Some students also praised the presentation
and reinforced its importance to the commu-
"I thought this was a very informative pres-
entation. I believe a lot of other students
would have found it interesting," SNRE soph-
omore Brianna Knoppow said.

University energy use
increases as global
warming heats planet

By Lauren Kadwell
For the Daily

Though analysts say natural sources
of energy may be diminishing, Univer-
sity consumption continues to rise.
Following a 9 percent increase in the
campus population in the past decade,
University energy consumption grew
11 percent between 1990 and 2000,
according to the Center for Sustainable
System's Sustainability Report. Con-
versely, in a presentation earlier this
month, analysts said the amount of
cheap oil and environmental resources
used globally is decreasing.
"As summers in Washington, D.C.
get hotter and wetter, (global warming)
will get the attention of policy makers,"
Harvard Director of the Program of
Science, Technology and Public Policy
John Holdren said at a seminar series.
He added that politicians will feel pres-
sure from constituents complaining
about effects of global warming, like
their coastal property being submerged
due to rising sea levels and increasing
outbreaks of diseases such as the West
Nile virus, malaria and cholera.
"It seems like things are coming to a
point where (climate change) matters,"

"It took 600 million years to get all
the fossil fuels we'll get," Walter said.
All supplies will be exhausted by 2600
if people continue to use them at the
current rate, she added.
To promote the fight against global
warming, Holdren said students can
"start harassing (their) representatives
in Congress" and work for election
"I would encourage students to real-
ize that they are not powerless," he
sa'id, advising them to buy energy-effi-
cient windows, insulation and to not
drive sport utility vehicles.
Each year, the United States avoids
emitting half a gigaton of carbon
dioxide emissions due to the use of
nuclear fuel, Walter said. This helps
to reduce the greenhouse effect, but
current levels of nuclear usage are
not enough.
"I think nuclear power has been a
good thing," said Richard Garwin, a
senior fellow of science and technolo-
gy at the Council on Foreign Relations
in New York City. "But it has saved
only a tiny tiny bit of carbon from
going into the atmosphere," he said.
Nuclear power is the cleanest, surest
and most efficient way to provide ener-


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