October 23, 2002
©2002 The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Vol. CXIII, No. 34
One-hundred-twelve years of editorialfreedom
Mostly or partly
cloudy all day
today with a
chance of rain
showers that
continue into
the night.
..OW: 32
Students to
'Blue Out'
Big House
BgBy Christopher Anderson
For the Daily
It is time to break out the blue coats, sweatshirts, T-shirts
- even body paint - to create a unified blue backdrop at
Michigan Stadium. In an effort to create unity in the student
section and among fans at the Big House, three students are
creating the first annual Blue Out for the November 2nd
game against Michigan State.
The idea for a Blue Out began when LSA senior
Melissa Roach visited a university in the South earlier
in the year. Inspired by the unification of the school's
student section, Roach talked with LSA senior Maggie
Malone and they decided to create unity in the Big
House by starting a simple tradition.
"I can just imagine how great it would feel to see my
fellow classmates and Wolverine fans dressed all in
Blue to show support for a common goal ... to beat
Michigan State," Roach said.
LSA senior Rebeca Fefer-
man joined this team of
organizers and set out to
show support to the team and
provide, what the event's
statement calls an, "unparal-
leled intimidation by sending
the Spartans to drown in a
sea of blue."
With the help of various
members of the Athletic Department, Michigan Student
Assembly, the Alumni Association and other students who
shared similar visions, the three seniors said they decided
Blue Out could be done.
Similar to Michigan Marching Band Drum Major Matt
Cavanaugh's idea of a Maize Out against Penn State, the
organizers chose blue for a few reasons.
First, the game is in November, which means cold weath-
er in Michigan. More people are likely to own a blue jacket
than a maize or yellow jacket.
"We don't want anyone to feel like they have to buy
something," Feferman said. The second and more obvi-
ous reason is the color blue fits well with the "Go Blue"
motto. The blue shirts also show unification with the
team's blue jerseys.
"I think it is a great way to get many of the students here
involved and show school spirit during the game," LSA
freshman Kristen Anderlite said.
Members of the football team said they are also excit-
ed about the idea of a blue sea of fans, including coach
Lloyd Carr.
"I hope you will support the Blue Out," Carr said. "It
is a positive way to energize and inspire our team. It is
also a reminder to our opponent that they are in Michi-
gan Stadium."
The excitement carries over to the bench, players said.
"Running out onto the field come game day and seeing
See BLUE OUT, Page 7.
returns for
By Ted Borden
Daily Staff Reporter
Former Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright is visiting cam-
pus this week. A distinguished
scholar at the Business School's
William Davidson Institute,
Albright gave opening remarks yes-
terday at a panel discussion on the
Argentine debt crisis and will give a
keynote address to Business School
alums on the situation in Iraq on
Since her term began in Septem-
ber 2001, Albright has been praised
by those affiliated with her work on
"It's been an unqualified success,"
said Brent Chite, managing director of
the William Davidson Institute, of
Albright's term thus far. "We've been
very pleased with the outcome. We are
grateful ... to have her talents and
energy at the institute."
Chite credited Business Prof. B.
Joseph White, former interim Universi-
ty President and Business School dean,
with helping bring Albright on board
last year. Negotiations over the specifics
of the position "took several months. It
was back-and-forth. Generally for
something that was new to both of us
... (the negotiations) really weren't
overly complex or difficult," Chite said.
Officials at the institute hope to
extend her term, which is due to
expire next year. Jan Svejnar, exec-
utive director of the institute,
explained that Albright is required
to visit Ann Arbor three times a year
during her term.
"It really is a very good fit for both
of us. We've had a great relationship
with her," Chite said.
Aside from the institute, Albright
has no ties to the University. She was
asked to take a position because, as
Svejnar noted, "she is complementa-
ry to us. She has strength in policy
and political aspects."
The Business School's William
Davidson Institute was established in
1992 and is named after a 1947 Busi-
ness School alum. It was founded after
the fill of the Beflin Wall with a $30
million donation from Davidson, with
an aim to focus on the transition
economies of the former Soviet Union
and its successor states.
Davidson made his endowment
because "he wanted to increase the
understanding of transition of former
See SCHOLAR, Page 7
-N A YNE/Daiy
Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, a distinguished scholar at the Business School's William
Davidson Institute, speaks on the Argentine debt crises yesterday at Hale Auditorium.
Alums give Engrneening $1OM
By Min Kyung Yoon
Daily Staff Reporter
With a total of $10 million in donations from alums Jerry
Levin and Kevin O'Connor last week, along with proposals
for the new construction on North Campus, the College of
Engineering is on a fast track for vast improvements.
Brad Canale, executive director of college relations, said
these donations will significantly advance the quality of the
school with new equipment and laboratories.
"The gift will help toward new programs, new instructional
equipment and laboratories. It will work across the entire col-
lege," Canale said.
Considered one of the top engineering programs in the
nation, the college will benefit from enhanced academic pro-
grams and student resources. The donations will also con-
tribute to a new computer science building on North Campus.
Stephen Director, dean of engineering, emphasized a
growing awareness in engineering due to increased inter-
est in the areas of health care, life sciences and war on
terrorism in today's society.
"The momentum that the College of Engineering has
achieved over the past decade, and the leadership role it
enjoys, could not have occurred at a better time," Direc-
tor said in a written statement. "Given the global situa-
tion, it is likely that we will see an ever-increasing
interest in engineering."
Projects for a new Computer Science and Engineering
building, a new building for Cellular and Molecular Biotech-
nology Engineering and a renovated and expanded Solid
State Electronics Lab are the three major components of the
reconstruction program, Director said.
"This plan as a whole achieves important benefits from
the physical adjacency of related activities," Director
said. "Creating spaces for these critical faculty and stu-
dent groups to work together will offer synergies that we
have not been able to capture while the groups have been
dispersed in multiple locations."
While these plans for North Campus met with high praise,
Christopher Coronado, an Engineering senior, expressed con-
cems about limited availability of space and the impacts of
increased traffic caused by the reconstruction.
"Growth is good, but there is no space'for a building. The
only viable spaces are the forest behind the GG Brown Build-
Posthumus talks
about campaign
Rep. Chris Kolb (D-Ann Arbor) wants to keep his 53rd District seat in the Michigan
House of Representatives but must first defeat Republican John Milroy Nov. 5.
Koib pushes green
policies in election
By Tomislav Ladika
Daily StaffReporter
Repubican gubernatorial candidate
Dick Posthumus called the Michigan
Education Savings Plan, which allows
parents to save college money in a tax-
free 401-K, "absolutely critical" for
combating rising tuition rates at Michi-
gan's universities.
Posthumus, currently lieutenant gov-
ernor under Gov. John Engler, discussed
higher education funding and mental
health policies yesterday with The
Michigan Daily prior to attending a
fundraiser in Barton Hills.
Posthumus, of Kent County's Alto, is
running against Democrat Jennifer
Granholm, the state attorney general, in
the Nov. 5 general election.
Income that parents save in an MESP
account can be use to pay for their chil-
dren's higher education, in which case it
is exempt from federal and state taxes.
Posthumus said storing money in MESP
accounts is advantageous because "most
working families can only put away a
little (money) at a time."
In addition to the MESP, the second
idea Posthumus outlined for higher
education is fully funding Michigan's
public universities through the state
legislature. Posthumus proposed that
the "appropriations to universities be
tied to whether they increase tuition at
the rate of inflation or not."
Posthumus also credited Engler for
shutting down aging mental health insti-
tutions and appropriating more state
mental health funds to community
health centers. The centers are compara-
ble to outpatient clinics - they provide
patients with needed treatment, but the
patients can reside with their families
instead of living in the care centers.
"Families did not want to put them in
a prison-like institution," Posthumus
said. "It's important that the families be
part of (the process)."
Turning to property taxes, Posthumus
criticized Granholm for recently decid-
By Jordan Schrader
Daily Staff Reporter
Rep. Chris Kolb's background in
environmental consulting is key to his
vision for Michigan's future.
The Democrat is stressing the impor-
tance of green policies - both on a
global scale and in the Ann Arbor area
- as he campaigns to keep his 53rd
District seat in the Michigan House of
Representatives. Kolb will face Republi-
can John Milroy in the Nov. 5 election.
Steps must be taken locally and
statewide to curb pollution, preserve
rural land and promote alternative
energy sources, Kolb said in an
Kolb said urban sprawl springing up
around Ann Arbor is a problem faced by
many Michigan cities. The result is
increased pollution, caused by traffic
backups and power plants that fill the air
with smog and chemical runoff that con-
taminates ground water, he said.
"You have a lot of people moving
closer and closer to Ann Arbor because
it is such a vibrant city," he said.
"You have the potential to lose the
very nature of the community."
He said he spent much of his first
term in the House developing legisla-
tion to address these issues aided by
his experience in the private sector. He
also served on the Ann Arbor City
Republican gubernatorial candidate Dick Posthumus is making savings for college
and property taxes important items on his platform.
MSA joins boycott against Daily
MSA passes a resolution to join
more than 30 organizations already
boycotting The Michigan Daily
By Carmen Johnson
Daily Staff Reporter
The Michigan Student Assembly debated into
the early morning hours at last night's meeting
decided to support the boycott after changing the
original text of the resolution.
Although members were gridlocked for most
of the debate, once the proposal was amended by
one of the sponsors, Minority Affairs Commis-
sion Co-Chair Ed McDonald, to not include the
section "encourages all students to boycott the
newspaper," the amendment was finally passed
with a 20 to 9 vote.
Some members said they did not feel MSA had
"We cannot tell students not to read the paper.
It's a personal choice," Rackham student Ryan
Robinson said. Robinson added that he under-
stood the boycott's demands.
"What's next, burning papers?" Rackham stu-
dent and MSA rep. Konstantinos Ghirtis said.
"You can't tell students what to do."
Many members said they did not want to be
quoted with regard to their stance on the boycott,
but McDonald said he agreed with the boycott
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