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October 21, 2002 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-10-21

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The Michigan Daily - SportsMonday - October 21,_2002 - 3B

Merrimack 1
igan 4
Merrimack 1
Michigan 5
Michigan 4, Merrimack 1

Continued from Page 1lB
defender's legs, and ripped it across the ice to a streaking
Kaleniecki, who redirected it into the open net.
The Livonia native added his second goal of the game
early in the second period to make it 3-0.
"He didn't play his best (Friday), but he came up with a
better game, like a lot of our players," Berenson said of
Kaleniecki. "I thought to a man, that we had to play better
and harder and smarter. And I thought for the most part we
did that tonight."
Despite the Wolverines 4-1 win on Friday, Berenson was
frustrated by his team's inability to take advantage of Merri-
mack's 48 penalty minutes. On Saturday, the Wolverines scored
two powerplay goals on 13 whistles against the Warriors. ed
Both scores were tallied by freshmen, and on the weekend,
the newcomers came up with six of the team's nine goals.
Their play did not go unnoticed by Berenson. He let the
freshmen lead the team in "The Victors" after the game in
honor of their strong performance.
Defenseman Danny Richmond, who scored the first goal
of his Michigan career to make it 4-0 on Saturday, was"
happy to oblige Berenson's request. TONY DING/Dail
"That's the first time we got to do it," Richmond said. "It's Freshman defenseman Danny Richmond added a goal and an
a great song. I'll never get sick of hearing that one." assist to the Wolverines' 5-1 assault of Merrimack on Saturday.
enalties leave Warriors at a loss


Like Cheddar, the Rally
Monkey makes it better


0 0 1 -1
2 1 1 -4

First period- 1, MICH, Jeff Tambellini 3 (Brandon
Rogers, Jed Ortmeyer) 3:33 (pp); 2, MICH Jeff Tam-
bellini 4 (Dwight Helminen, Eric Nystrom) 14:27.
Penalties - David Moss, MICH (hooking) 1:39;
Steve Crusco, MER (diving) 1:39; Rob LaLonde,
MER (tripping) 2:30; David Moss, MICH (tripping)
Second period - 3, MICH, Eric Nystrom 2 (Michael
Woodford, Nick Martens) 16:34 (pp). Penalties -
Tony Johnson, MER (tripping) 2:37; Nick Cammara-
ta, MER (checking from behind) 5:39; Nick Cam-
marata, MER (game misconduct) 5:39; Tony
Johnson, MER (checking from behind) 12:07; Tony
Johnson, MER (hooking) 15:08; Cam DeYoung, MER
(checking from behind) 15:32: Cam DeYoung, MER
(game misconduct) 15:32; Brandon Rogers, MICH
(tripping) 17:30.
Third period - MER, Steve Crusco 1 (Nick Torretti,
Tim Reidy) 8:52; MICH, Mike Roemensky 1 (unasist-
d) 18:47 (empty net). Penalties - Andrew Ebbett,
MICH (slashing) 6:19; Lucas Smith, MER (high
sticking) 9:39; Brandon Rogers, MICH (tripping)
11:31; Eric Werner,MICH (hit after whistle) 12:38;
Nick Martens, MICH (hit after whistle) 12:38;
Marco Rosa, MER (hit after whistle) 12:38; Bryan
Schmidt, MER (tripping) 13:43; Joe Kautz, MICH
(hit after whistle) 17:28; Alex Sikatchev, MER (hit
after whistle) 17:28.
Shots on goa: MER 3-9-1123; MICH 14-6-7 27. Power
plays: MER 0 of 4; MICH 2 of 8.
Saves -MER, Exter 0-1-1-23; MICH, Montoya 2-
1-0 - 22.
At: Yost Ice Arena. Attendance: 6,415.
MichIgan 5, Merimack 1
Merrimack 00 1-1
Michigan 2 3 0 -5
First period - 1, MICH, Dwight Helminen 1 (Jeff
Tambellin) 3:37; 2, MICH, Brandon Kaleniecki 1
(David Moss) 14:03. Penalties - Derek Kilduff,
MER (tripping) 6:53; Ryan Cordeiro, MER (holding)
9:23; Jed Ortmeyer, MICH (tripping) 10:01; Rob
LaLonde, MER (cross-checking) 15:06; Ryan
Cordeiro, MER (tripping) 18:07; TEAM, MER
(unsportsmanlike conduct) 20:00.
Second period - 3, MICH, Brandon Kaleniecki 2
(David Moss, Danny Richmond) 1:41 (pp); 4, MICH,
Danny Richmond 1 (ErichWerner) 4:05 (pp); 5 MICH,
Andrew Ebbett 1(Eric Werner) 6:40. Penalties -
Nick Pomponio, MER (high sticking) 2:12; Michael
Woodford, MICH (roughing) 7:35; Ryan Cordeiro,
MER (roughting) 7:35; Michael Woodford, MICH
(roughing) 7:35: Tim Reidy, MER (roughing) 9:43;
Brndon Clark, MER (slashing) 16:18; Michael
Woodford, MICH (roughing) 19:26.
Third period - 6, MER, Derek Kilduff 2 (Unassisted)
6:35. Penalties - Danny Richmond, MICH (hit after
whistle) 3:12; Nick Toretti, MER (hit after whistle)
3:12; Derek Kilduff, MER (tripping) 9:14; Brandon
Kaleniecki, MICH (high sticking) 9:34; Nick Martens,
MICH (tripping) 14:28; Eric Werner, MICH (hit after
whistle)17:42; Eric Werner, MICH (hit after whistle
17:42: Lucas Smith, MER (hit after whistle) 17:42;
Lucas Smith, MER (hit after whistle) 17:42; Mark
Mink, MICH (roughing) 19:56..
Shots on gal - MER , 35-12 -20; MICH,13-15-8-36.
Power Plays - MER 0 of 6; MICH, 2 of 9.
Saves- MER, Exter 0-2-1 -31; MICH, Ruden -
8; MICH, Montoya 3-1-0 -11.
At: Yost Ice Arena. Attendance: 6,430.
No.1 Mnunesota (111) tied No. 3 New Hamp-
shire 5-5, lost to No.3 New Hampshire 3.
No. 2 Denver (3-1-0) def. Northeastern
3-1, lost to No. 7 Boston College 4-2.
No. 3 New Hampshire (2-0-1) tied No. 1
Minnesota 5-5, de No. 1 Minnesota 3-1.
No. 4 Boston University (2-0-1)tied Ver-
mont 1-1.
No. 5 Maine (2-1-0) ost to No. 11 Colorado
College 3-0, def. Alaska-Anchorage 4-2. I
No. 6 Michigan (3-1-0) def. Merrimack
4-1, def. Merrimack 5-1.
No. 7 Boston College (2-1-0) def. No. 2
Denver 4-2. vs. Vermont.
No. 8 Cornell (0-0-0) did not play
No.9 North Dakota (2-0-0) did not play
No. 10 Michigan State (1-1-0) lost to
Northern Michigan 10-4, def. No. 14
Northern Michigan 3-1.
No. 11 Colorado College (1-1-0) def.
Maine 3-0, def. lona 5-0.
No. 12 St. Cloud (1-1-0) did not play.
No. 13 Harvard (0-0-0) did not play
No.14 Northern Michigan (1-1-1) def. No.
10 Michigan State 104, lost to No. 10
Michigan State 3-1.
No. 15 Providence (2-0-0) def MSU-
Mankato 5-1, def. MSU-Mankato 5-3.
Friday's gans
FERRIS STATE 10, Bowling Green 1
LAKE SUPERIOR 3, Meryhurst 2
MiMMcANi4, Merrimack 1
NORTHERN MICHIGAN 10, Michigan State 4

Saturday's games:
MiciiiN5, Menimack1
Michigan State 3, NORTHERN MICHIGAN 1
FERRIS STATE 5, Bowling Green 1
LAKE SUPERIOR 3, Mercyhurst 1

ll across the country, baseball
fans are feeling increasingly
lienated by their respective
franchises. In response, the Anaheim
Angels' management team reached
deep into its bag of Disney magic to
find a gimmick so randomly stupid and
powerful, that it could take apathetic
Southern California sports fans and
inspire them to become dynamic and
excited supporters of the Angels.
That magical gimmick, of course,
was the Rally Monkey,
For those of you living in a hole, the
Rally Monkey (who also moonlighted
as Marcel on NBC's Friends) appears
on the scoreboard wearing an Angels
jersey when the home team is tied or
behind after the sixth inning. It then
proceeds to jump up and down, while
the fans do the same. Then, in theory,

Monkey came out during the seventh
inning of a 0-0 tie. Anaheim promptly
took a 2-0 lead, then put Minnesota
away with a five-run eighth inning.
In Game 5, the Twins were winning
5-3 in the seventh. Enter the Rally Mon-
key - before Minnesota knew what hit
them, the Angels had scored 10 runs
and earned a spot in the World Series.
In addition to those two wins, the
Rally Monkey is believed to be respon-
sible for the 42 other comeback wins
that the Angels had earlier this season.
I tried to repress my memories of
watching the classic Disney movie
"Angels in the Outfield," but the Rally
Monkey magic has been so ridiculous
as to make that impossible.
I keep expecting Christopher Lloyd,
Danny Glover and Tony Danza to get the
fans to wave their arms like the mindless

By Bob Hunt
Daily Sports Writer

It might not have been the most tal-
ented team on the ice this weekend, but
all Merrimack wanted was a chance to
compete. But with all the time the
Warriors spent in the penalty box, it
was hard to say they even got that.
Merrimack amassed 74 penalty min-
utes in two games,
leaving Michigan HOCKEY
on the powerplay Notebook
for over 32 min-_
utes. The worst point came in the sec-
ond period of Friday night's affair, when
the Warriors' Nick Cammarata and
Cam DeYoung both were given game
misconducts for checking from behind.
In that period, new CCHA referee
John Murphy called seven penalties on
Merrimack for a whopping 36 minutes
before he gave Michigan's first penalty
of the period to sophomore Brandon
Rodgers with two-and-a-half minutes
left. This gave Michigan at least one
extra skater for nearly eight minutes.
While Merrimack coach Chris Seri-
no admitted that Michigan was the bet-
ter team, he did not have many

compliments for Murphy's debut.
"I'm not going to say penalties lost
the game for us," Serino said. "But
they didn't give us a chance."
After a first period on Saturday
night in which the Warriors had four
penalties called on them compared to
only one for Michigan, Serino had
enough. He let his feelings be known
to Murphy up close, and it cost his
team a two-minute bench minor for
unsportsmanlike conduct.
"I had just had it," Serino said.
"What can you do? Nothing. But I just
wanted to voice my opinion."
After watching the tape from Friday
night's game, Serino felt that it was fine
that Murphy called a tight game, but
that he was much more stringent on the
Warriors than on the Wolverines.
"All the penalties he called could
have been called," Serino said. "But he
could have called eight or nine more
on them."
Despite being a man down almost all
weekend, Merrimack held strong. The
Warriors actually outshot the Wolver-
ines 9-6 in the second period of Friday's
game. Michigan was only able to
muster four shots during its four power-

plays totaling almost 12 minutes.
Michigan did fare somewhat better on
Saturday night, outshooting Merrimack
28-8, during the first two periods in
which Merrimack had five more penal-
"(Friday) was pretty ugly out there
in the second period," Richmond said.
"But we cam out with a lot more inten-
sity (on Saturday). We wanted the puck
more than they did, and it showed."
While the Warriors feel that they
were treated unfairly, Serino had noth-.
ing bad to say about the hospitality of
Yost even though the student section
spent much of Saturday night hound-
ing junior goalie Joe Exter and the
Merrimack parents.
"It's a great atmosphere," Serino
said. "What better way to have a kid
grow up?"
may have a number of freshmen, but it
was tough to tell this weekend. Michi-
gan newcomers accounted for six of
the team's nine goals, with Jeff Tam-
bellini scoring twice on Friday and
Brandon Kaleniecki added two on Sat-
urday. Danny Richmond and Andrew
Ebbett also notched their first goals of
the season. Unlike early last season, all
of the Michigan freshmen got into this
weekend's games, including backup
goalie Noah Ruden who replaced fel-
low freshman Al Montoya halfway
through Saturday's third period.
Jason Ryznar did not play in either of
this weekend's games because of a
shoulder injury suffered last Saturday
against North Dakota, the sophomore
will be able to return for this week-
end's CCHA opener against Alaska-
Fairbanks. Berenson said that Ryznar
could have played in Saturday night's
game, but that he would rather make
sure Ryznar is 100 percent for the start
of league play.

the Angels come back
and win the game.
This practice began on
June 6,2000; ironically,
the monkey's first
appearance accompanied
a come-from-behind win
in interleague play over
the San Francisco
Giants, whom Anaheim is

"I ain't worried about no
monkey," Giants' skipper
Dpsty Baker said. "If it
were a gorilla, it would be
different. I was scared of
King Kong."

sheep they really are.
After random celebrity
appearances at the World
Series by David Has-
selfhoff and Tim "The
Toolman" Allen, they
would fit in perfectly.
But no matter how
much the marketing-
created Anaheim fans

fighting for the World Series title.
The Rally Monkey (actually a female
Ka'apor capuchin monkey named Katie)
failed Saturday in Game 1, as the Angels
lost 4-3. But it was still up to its usual
monkey business. It showed up on the
JumboTron when Anaheim was trailing
4-1, hoping to ignite the crowd and
spark another Angels comeback. Troy
Glaus promptly tagged his second
homer of the night immediately after the
pesky primate's first World Series
appearance. Shortly thereafter, Brad
Fullmer drove in Adam Kennedy to cut
the lead to one, and the Angels' fans
went crazy. But they were banging their
stupid ThunderStix in vain, because
Robb Nen and the rest of the Giants shut
the door.
"I ain't worried about no monkey,"
Giants skipper Dusty Baker told The
San Francisco Chronicle. "If it was a
gorilla, it would be different. I was
scared of King Kong."
Like most people, I think the Rally
Monkey is completely absurd, but its
growing throng of believers is passion-
ate because of this year's American
League Championship Series against
the Minnesota Twins.
In Game 4 of the ALCS, the Rally

resemble a Hollywood script, the
Angels still lost Game 1, and that does-
n't sit to well with the Rally Monkey,
who writes a column on the Angels'
team website called "Primate Report."
"All I know is, I was working my tail
off out there, catching air like Tony
Hawk, waving my 'Rally Time!!!' sign,
the whole thing," Rally Monkey said.
"But, hey, I'm only the cheerleader,
right? I had nothing to do with those 42
come-from-behind wins this season.
Pure coincidence."
Despite the monkey's complaints,
there was no rally, but that didn't stop
him from using his column space to
guarantee a victory in Game 2.
Quoth the monkey: "Look, I tell you
one thing, I'm not much into guaran-
tees, but let me make one thing clear:
Barry Bonds will wash Jeff Kent's truck
while wearing a Tommy Lasorda jersey
before those Giants win two straight in
my house."
Any mammal can see how well that
predictioif'Worked out - Angels 11,
Giants 10.

Steve Jackson can be reached at

ri ii


The University of Michigan
Department of Recreational Sports
Intramural Sports Program


Newcomer Danny Richmond scored his first goal of the season this weekend
against Merrimack as Michigan's freshman class had a productive weekend.




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Entry Fee:
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Manager's Meeting:
Wed, 10/23
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Play begins:
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