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October 18, 2002 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-10-18

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 18, 2002


U.S. backs away from resolution NEWS IN BRIEFj
UNITED NATIONS (AP) - Facing strong oppo-
sition from dozens of nations, the United States has "We believe that there and favorable conditins now to 70 ILSMd.

backed down from its demand that a new U.N. reso-
lution must authorize military force if Baghdad fails
to cooperate with weapons inspectors, diplomats told
The Associated Press yesterday.
Instead, the United States is now floating a com-
promise which would give inspectors a chance to
test Iraq's will to cooperate on the ground. If Iraq
then failed to disarm, the Bush administration
would agree to return to the Security Council for
further debate and possibly another resolution
authorizing action.
Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov said he
believes there are now "favorable conditions" for
council agreement on a resolution that will lead to
the quick return of inspectors.
The new compromise also drops tough wording
explicitly threatening Iraq upfront, although the
diplomats, who spoke on condition of anonymity,
said a threat of consequences will be implied.
The diplomats said France, which has been the
main stumbling block for the United States, was
studying the new offer amid a flurry of diplomatic
activity aimed at solving an impasse among the
Security Council powers on Iraq.

preserve the unity of the global community and ensure Witness gave fake story about sniper, weapon

the return of international inspectors and their efficient
work in Iraq."
- Colin Powell
U.S. Secretary of State

During an open Security Council debate on
Iraq, which started Wednesday and continued
yesterday, more than two dozen nations -
including Iraq's closest neighbors and key U.S.
allies - refused to endorse the Bush administra-
tion's demand for an authorization of military
force if Baghdad fails to cooperate with U.N.
weapons inspections.
They said Iraq must be given a chance to com-
pletely disarm without the imminent threat of mili-
tary action.
Ambassador Jeremy Greenstock of Britain,
whose country is supporting the U.S. position, said
the emphasis was on reaching a deal that all sides

could accept. "We're looking for unity in the coun-
cil," he said.
Many U.N. members favor the two-resolution
approach proposed by France and backed by Rus-
sia and China. Ivanov said yesterday that U.S.
Secretary of State Colin Powell told him the new
U.S. and British proposals will take Russia's opin-
ion into account, and will be submitted in the next
day or two.
"We believe that there are favorable conditions
now to preserve the unity of the global community
and ensure the return of international inspectors and
their efficient work in Iraq," he said. "We are looking
forward to seeing this document."

A witness who says he saw the Washington-area sniper fire with an assault rifle
and flee in a cream-colored van gave a phony story, investigators said Thursday in
a setback that casts doubt on much of what the public thought it knew about the
roving killer.
Prosecutors are investigating the witness, whose name wasn't released, to deter-
mine whether he should be charged with filing a false statement.
Fairfax County police Lt. Amy Lubas said the inaccurate account didn't match
that of other witnesses to Monday night's killing of an FBI cyberterrorism analyst
in a crowded Virginia parking lot outside a Home Depot. It was the only shooting
so far that people actually saw.
Asked if the witness intentionally misled investigators with his description of a
cream-colored van and a burned-out rear taillight, Montgomery County Police
Chief Charles Moose, who is heading the investigation, said simply, "Yes."
Investigators were optimistic Ifter the latest attack seemed to yield the best
details yet about the killer. But that gave way to anger yesterday.
While Moose did not give the witness' exact description of the shooter, he
chastised reporters for running reports that variously described the gunman as
dark-skinned, olive-skinned, Middle Eastern or Hispanic.
Korea asked to surrender nuclear weapons
The United States and South Korea, stung by North Korea's admission that it
has a secret nuclear weapons program, are calling on Pyongyang to reverse course
and abide by promises to renounce development of these armaments.
President Bush characterized the announcement as "troubling, sobering
news," a spokesman said yesterday.
The startling disclosure, revealed Wednesday night by the White House,
changed the political landscape in East Asia, setting back hopes that North Korea
was on the road to becoming a more benign presence in the region.
Talking to reporters who accompanied Bush on a trip to the South yesterday,
spokesman Scott McClellan said yesterday that the president planned to bring up
the issue in talks here next week with Chinese President Jiang Zemin.
But McClellan drew a clear distinction between Pyongyang and Iraq. "Clearly,
North Korea is oppressive, has starved people, but these are different regions, dif-
ferent circumstances," he said.
McClellan said that Bush decided to address the issue through diplomatic chan-
nels. "We seek a peaceful solution," he said.



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to be act
of terror
ZAMBOANGA, Philippines (AP)
- Two bombs exploded at midday
yesterday in downtown Zamboanga in
the violence-wracked southern Philip-
pines, killing six people and injuring at
least 144 others, officials said.
Police also blew up five suspicious
packages and were checking whether
they contained bombs that failed to
There was no claim of responsibility
for the attacks, but a military
spokesman said the initial suspect in
the bombings was the Muslim guerril-
la group Abu Sayyaf. The group had
threatened attacks days earlier in retal-
iation for an ongoing military offen-
sive against it.
Lt. Col. Danilo Servando also said
there were similarities between yester-
day's bombings and an Oct. 2 explo-
sion in Zamboanga which killed four
people, including an American Green
Beret. Officials blamed the earlier
blast on Abu Sayyaf.
TNT apparently was used in both
Servando said suspicion fell on an
Abu Sayyaf faction headed by
Khaddafy Janjalani, one of five group
leaders indicted by Washington for a
mass kidnapping last year that left 18
hostages dead, including a Kansas
"There is no solid basis to pin the
blame on Janjalani's group but it's one
of the groups that has been sowing ter-
ror in the south," Servando said.
Ten people were brought in for
questioning after yesterday's explo-
sions, police said.
President Gloria Macapagal
Arroyo immediately condemned the
latest terrorist strike to hit her
impoverished country.
National Security Adviser Roilo
Golez said officials considered the
Zamboanga attack "a local con-
cern" that did not require a state of
"The public has nothing to worry
about," Golez said.
The first blast occurred at 11:30
a.m. at the five-story Shop-o-Rama
department store, and was followed a
half-hour later by a second blast at an
adjacent store. Police Chief Mario
Yanga said the bombs were left at
counters where shoppers leave pack-
ages as they enter.
Mayor Maria Clara Lobregat said
the Zamboanga City Medical Center
received three dead victims and 50
The usual noontime bustle of Zam-
boanga's downtown area became a
gory scene of scattered debris, blood
and chaos.
"The ground shook and pandemoni-
um broke out. People bathed in blood
were all screaming and running away
from the smoke," said Ofelia Fernan-
dez, who was across the street from
the Shop-o-Rama.
Television footage showed victims
being hauled out of the bombed build-
ings' lobbies on stretchers. A bloodied
man staggered out with the help of a
Firefighters poured water onto
wreckage as medical workers rushed
people on gurneys to waiting ambu-
lances. Police cars and pickup trucks
also were used to ferry victims from
the area. None of the victims were

believed to be foreigners.
A truckload of soldiers arrived to
secure the area, and military canine

RAFAH, Gaza Strip
Israeli forces fire on
Palestinian houses
Israeli tanks fired on several Pales-
tinian houses yesterday after the army
said soldiers building an embankment,
were attacked by rockets. At least six
Palestinians were killed, including two
The army said the tanks targeted the
houses because the rockets were fired
from inside them.
Palestinians said the army shot ran-
domly into the crowded neighborhood
in this southern Gaza town near the
Egyptian border.
The violence erupted as Israeli
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon finished
talks in Washington with President
Bush and others about Israel-Palestin-
ian violence and preparations for a
U.S. attack on Iraq.
During a visit to- Congress, Sharon
referred to the Rafah clash. "The
Israeli army is the most moral in the
world and tries its best not to harm
civilians," he said.
Vatican rejects parts
of new abuse policy
The Vatican has rejected some ele-
ments of the U.S. Catholic Church's
new sex abuse policy and cautioned the
American bishops from going ahead
with them, Church sources familiar
with the response said yesterday.
In particular, the Vatican expressed
concern over elements of the proposed
policy that would violate the individual

rights of accused clerics now protected
under universal church law, the sources
The response will be made public
today, a day after Bishop Wilton Gre-
gory, the head of the U.S. Conference
of Catholic Bishops, and other Ameri-
can prelates met with Pope John Paul
II to discuss the scandal that has
rocked the American Church.
All along, Vatican officials and U.S.
church lawyers have raised objections
to the proposals, arguing that they may
violate the due process rights of priests.
ZAMBOANGA, Philippines
Plppines explosion
believed act of terror
Two bombs exploded at midday yes-
terday in downtown Zamboanga in the
violence-wracked southern Philippines,
killing six people and injuring at least
144 others, officials said.
Police also blew up five suspi-
cious packages and were checking
whether they had bombs that failed
to detonate. There was no claim of
responsibility for the attacks, but a mili-
tary spokesman said the initial suspect in
the bombings was the Muslim guerrilla
group Abu Sayyaf. The group had threat-
ened attacks days earlier in retaliation for
an ongoing military offensive against it.
Lt. Col. Danilo Servando also said
there were similarities between yester-
day's bombings and an Oct. 2 explosion
in Zamb anga which killed four peo-
ple, including an American Green
Beret. Officials blamed the earlier blast
on Abu Sayyaf.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.


Gail Bruner
Aaron Goldmuntz
Johanna Lichtman
George Matthew
Carolyn Wineland

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