Weather Thursday October 17, 2002 @2002 The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 31 One-hundred-twelve years ofeditorialfreedom TODAY: Partly cloudy in the morning with cloud cover steadily increasing and thunderstorms in the evening and night. s h48 LOW 36 Tomorrow: 35 www.michigandailycom Ar . , _"-' ~ ' Bush gains bipartisan backing Plan to attack Iraq lacks support of ternational allies WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush gained important new Democratic support for his war resolution yesterday, bolstering his expected margin of victory in Congress for broad authority to use force against Iraq. But the administration was having less suc- cess on the international front. A 25-minute phone call between Bush and French President Jacques Chirac failed to produce a breakthrough over wording of a new U.N. Security Council resolution to dis- arm Saddam Hussein. "This is intricate diplomacy and we are continuing our con- sultations," said White House spokesman Sean McCormack. He cited a "mutual desire" to find common ground. Both the Republican-led House and the Democratic-ruled Senate forged ahead with debate on a resolution giving Bush authority to use U.S. force against Iraq - with or without U.N. participation. The White House cited a new CIA assess- ment - suggesting Saddam might launch terrorist attacks if he concluded a U.S. mili- tary attack was inevitable - as further justi- fication for strengthening the president's hand. Opponents used the same document to argue against a U.S. first strike. But more Democrats closed ranks with the president and leaders of both parties were predicting passage by wide margins by week's end. Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada, the Senate's No. 2 Democrat, announced he would vote with the president, while cautioning Bush to use the power with discretion. "As president of the United States, you are the leader of the free world, not its ruler," Reid said. Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) a decorated Vietnam war veteran who had been in the go-slow camp, said he too would support the resolution "because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruc- tion in (Saddam's) hands is a real and grave threat to our security and that of our allies in the Persian Gulf region." In what may have been a sign of votes to come, the Senate turned back, 88-10, an amendment by Sen. Bob Griham (D- Fla.) to expand Bush's authority for pre- emptive military action to include five terror organizations. Graham, chairman of the Senate Intelli- gence Committee, said focusing solely on Iraq could distract from the war on terrorism and "increase the risk at home." But adminis- tration allies said it would complicate matters. All 10 votes for Graham's proposal came from Democrats, while 39 Democrats joined Republicans in voting to block it. Kelly Clchy, director of the Secual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center, describes services offered by SAPAC. Awareness of violence addressed By Rahwa Ghebre-Ab Daily Staff Reporter One in four American women will report a domestic vio- lence incident by a partner at least once in their lifetime. This is just one of many facts revealed to more than 200 people in attendance at the 3rd annual Tamara Williams Memorial Lecture held yesterday at East Hall. The lecture was held in honor of University senior Tamara Williams who was stabbed to death by her boyfriend on the night of Sept. 23, 1997. The featured speaker for the evening was Oliver Williams, executive director of the Institute on Domestic Violence in the African-American Community at the University of Min- nesota. Oliver Williams bears no relation to Tamara Williams but grew up in the same area. Regents debate. North Campus construction Flint meeting as the last before Nov. 5 elections By Tyler Boersen Daily Staff Reporter ' "There are all types of abuse and no matter what kind it is, you've got to do something about i t. " - Carolyn Peterman Victim of domestic abuse Williams stressed the importance of recognizing a problem even before it surfaces in the form of abuse. "The issue of being proactive instead of remaining reactive is one of extreme importance," Williams said. "If you are going to create change, you've got to have the will to do it ... communication, education and prevention are key." Williams' lecture marked the first time a man had spoken at the memorial lecture, as well The University Board of Regents will hold its monthly meeting at the University's Flint campus today to learn about opportunities at the satel- lite school. They will also discuss a series of proposals from College of Engineering Dean Stephen Director to improve engineering facilities on North Campus. Proposals include a new 100,000 square-foot computer science center which would unite the faculties cur- rently occupying several different buildings. Also included are a facility to unite cellular and molecular biotech- nology research, and renovation and expansion of the solid state electronics lab. Director said more faculty and graduate students are now studying these areas at the University. "We have had significant growth in research, especially in areas we have 'targeted such as biomedical engineer- ing, information technology and microsystems and nanosciences engi- neering'" Director said. - "They will provide not only for fac- ulty but for students, both graduate and undergraduate ... and will help us to be well positioned for the future." Director said the facilities will com- plement other University priorities, such as the life sciences initiative, and will include new laboratories and classrooms to help enhance the under- graduate programs. Director said the entire $88 million facilities will be funded entirely by pri- vate sources. One of those will be $25 million dollar gift from philanthropist Ann Lurie, the largest gift ever given to the College. Lurie has donated more than $45 million to the University and is the namesake along with her late husband, a College of Engineering alum, of the Ann and Robert Lurie Bell Tower on North Campus. Regent Larry Deitch (D-Bingham Farms) said he was supportive of the proposals. "I am very supportive of Dean Director and I would look forward to the continued development of the engi- neering school. It is one of the jewels of the University," he said. Regent Andrea Fischer Newman (R- Ann Arbor) also said she feels good about the proposals, but expressed the importance of discussing the plans at the meeting. She also said she is looking forward to meeting on the Flint campus. "We will be seeing what is going on (at the Flint campus), and meeting with the community and student leaders. That is a very important aspect of the meeting since we only get up there once a year," she said. The meeting today is the last before statewide elections are held Nov. 5. Newman is seeking another eight-year term, while Regent Daniel Horning (R- Grand Haven) has declined to run again. The other candidates for regent seats include Democrat Ismael Ahmed of See REGENTS, Page 7A as the first time the issue of domestic violence in the African-American community was raised. "More than Dr. Williams being a male, what's significant is that his talk was directed at the African-American com- munity both on campus and in a larger context, and that's important," said Alan Levy, Director of Public Affairs and Information in University Housing. University Housing has closely followed the Tamara Williams Lecture and been a large part of it, mainly because Williams' murder took place on Family Housing property. "We had felt for some time after Tamara died that we needed to figure out a way that we could give some ongoing meaning to her life as well as ongoing meaning to her death;" Levy said. Though the lecture was targeted toward the African- American community, the message spoke to a number of students. "The lecture was something that everyone needed to hear because no matter who it was directed toward, these issues affect everybody, regardless of ethnicity," LSA sophomore Lindsay Jolley said. See LECTURE, Page 7A DAVID KATZ/Daily Surgical oncologist Michael Sabel is one of the few doctors in the country who performs cryosurgery to treat patients in early stages of breast cancer. Cryosurgery aids fight against breast cancer By Kylene Kiang Daily Staff Reporter Strengthening the arsenal in the fight against breast cancer, doctors at the University's Com- prehensive Cancer Center are using a promis- ing new treatment to destroy the disease in its early stages. Cryosurgery, a minimally-invasive technique which is currently under study, combats the dis- ease by freezing and killing cancer cells. "Cryosurgery is not new. It has been used suc- cessfully to treat tumors in the liver, skin and other areas," said Michael Sabel, a surgical oncologist at the Comprehensive Cancer Center. "Originally, it was used with cases of very advanced cancers to palliate (the patient). It has only been recently that we have used this method to treat early cancers." Through a tiny incision in the breast, a metal probe finds its way to the center of a tumor where it becomes very cold, forming a ball of ice around the tissue. See CRYOSURGERY, Page 7A False degrees not' an easy way out of educational gnnd Sewer improvement a proposal for voters By Loule Melzlsh Daily Staff Reporter Are improving sewer systems in Michigan worth $1.6 billion? That is a question state voters will have to answer Nov. 5 when they decide whether to approve Proposal 02-2, which authorizes the state to bring upon itself that amount of debt to fund sewer improvements in many Michigan communities. pipe for both untreated sewage and for clean stormwater runoff - mak- ing it more likely for polluted water to spill into lakes after heavy rains when sewers overflow. "One of the most MICHIGAN significant sources of ELECTIONS pollution of Michi- gan rivers and streams is sewage By Samantha Woll Daily Staff Reporter While some students spend years at universities studying and renouncing sleep, it is now possible to sit in fancy office with a degree on the wall for a mere $50. The Internet - usually accredited for providing a wealth of information at the touch of a button - is now a tool for fraudulent individuals to boost their resumes. Websites such as and supply paying members with false diplomas. Defending this concept, employees of the companies explain that they award these to people who are otherwise unable to receive them due to lack of opportunity. "In order to receive them, one must company even goes though applicants' references in order to ensure that they are truly qualified. Additionally, these companies also carry the stipulation that these are for entertainment only. "We produce online novelty certifi- cates to be used for fun, gags or fooling friends," the disclaimer on fakede- reads. When asked about possible abuse of their product, Bridges said that if people choose to abuse them, then "we tell them that they can't be used." The "Frequently Asked" Questions" webpage of this company supports Bridges' above statement. Some responses to questions on using these certificates for a resume or job are, "Absolutely not. Our Certificates are for novelty only," and "We do not take ~w'"C' jrri'R T7 rk 1, i