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October 02, 2002 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-10-02

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 2, 2002


Iraq agrees to inspectors'


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VIENNA, Austria (AP) - Iraq agreed yesterday
to a plan for the return of U.N. weapons inspectors
for the first time in nearly four years, but the deal
ignores U.S. demands for access to Saddam Hus-
sein's palaces and other contested sites.
Chief U.N. inspector Hans Blix said an advance
team of inspectors could be in Iraq in two weeks if it
gets the go-ahead from the U.N. Security Council.
But U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell, clashing
with Blix, said hours later that the search for hidden
arsenals in Iraq should be held up until the Security
Council adopts tough new rules.
Powell said in Washington that sending inspectors
back to Iraq now after a lapse of nearly four years
would risk further deception by Saddam.
Blix said the agreement on logistics, hammered
out in two days of talks in Vienna, called for
"immediate, unconditional and unrestricted access"
to most suspect sites. But, he said, eight presidential
sites - 12 square miles of territory - would
remain off-limits to surprise inspections unless the
U.N. Security Council bends to U.S. demands that
all sites be subject to unannounced visits. Besides
the palaces, also declared off-limits were several
government ministries, including defense and inte-

rior, as well as the headquarters of Saddam's elite
Republican Guard.
Under a 1998 deal worked out between U.N. Sec-
retary-General Kofi Annan and Baghdad, the inspec-
tors are not allowed to visit the presidential sites
unannounced and must be accompanied by a team of
international diplomats when they do.
The chief Iraqi negotiator, Gen. Amir al-Sadi,
sought to deflect attention from the presidential sites.
"Quite honestly, I don't understand why it is so
critical," al-Sadi said, adding that on the whole,
Baghdad was "happy with this agreement." He and
Blix agreed that the issue of presidential sites had not
been on the Vienna agenda.
"We have come to a very practical arrangement
and we anticipate every inspection to go to a sensi-
tive site," al-Sadi said.
The United States, meanwhile, moved negotia-
tions on its tough new proposal for Iraq to the Unit-
ed Nations yesterday, meeting with permanent
members of the Security Council opposed to
authorizing force against Saddam before testing his
willingness to cooperate.
At the meeting, ambassadors from the United
States, Britain, Russia, France and China discussed

the resolution's so-called "or else" clause which
warns Saddam to cooperate or face military action
from member states.
The draft resolution would also give member
states the right to give military support to
France and Russia vehemently oppose the U.S.
position, with Paris floating its own proposal for a
two-phased approach which would only authorize
force if Iraq failed to cooperate with inspectors.
But a senior U.S. official in Washington told The
Associated Press that all five veto-holding members
agreed that a new system of inspections - after a
four year absence - must be worked out to/ open
Saddam's palaces.-
The United States and Britain have drafted a new
plan that would give Iraq seven days after adoption
of the resolution to declare whether it would com-
ply, and then 23 days to list all sites where weapons
are stored, said the official, speaking on condition
of anonymity.
Also, the resolution contains a provision giving
inspectors the authority to declare "no-fly" and "no-
drive" zones that would keep out Iraqi officials while
the inspections proceed.

Palestinians denounce U.S. legislation
Palestinian officials reacted in anger yesterday to U.S. legislation that encour-
aged recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, warning that it would complicate
peace efforts and could cost lives.
Israel posted troops on buildings overlooking Yasser Arafat's headquarters and
set up checkpoints, watching for militants it says are still holed up with the Pales-
tinian leader in the largely demolished compound in the West Bank town of
Ramallah. Israel lifted a 10-day siege of the compound on Sunday but still seeks
the militants' handover.
President Bush signed a spending bill on Monday that urges his administration
to shift the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which both the Palestinian
and Israelis consider their capital.
Bush said he would treat the clauses on Jerusalem as a recommendation rather
than an order and insisted that policy toward Jerusalem has not changed.
Saeb Erekat, a member of the Palestinian Cabinet, said Bush's signing of the
bill "undermines all efforts being exerted to revive the peace process and put it
back on track."
He called it "a flagrant violation" of agreements signed by the United States
and Israel to negotiate the permanent status of Jerusalem.


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Continued from Page 1.
also showed large shipping boxes dis-
playing the GRF banner.
No criminal charges have been
filed against the organization,
which had its assets frozen by the
government Dec. 14.
The government has also linked
Haddad to al-Qaida, alleging that he
was observed in locations that sup-
ported terrorist networks in the 1980s
and 1990s. It has also said Haddad
was illegally employed in the United
States by GRF, bringing his source of
income into question.
In a statement released Sunday,
Haddad said he hoped the new hear-
ing would help clear up some of the
allegations against him and his
As to the first allegation, Haddad
said "the truth is quite simply that I left
the region in mid-1992 when there was
no such thing as al-Qaida."
"Since the first hearing upon my
arrest, the INS and the judge chose to
ignore the overwhelming evidence of
my strong ties to the community," he
added. ,
Unlike many of Haddad's previous
hearings and testimonies, which took
place without media and public pres-
ence because of an order by Attorney
General John Ashcroft in respect to
special interest cases, the majority of
yesterday's testimony was open to the
Thy Just'e Department announced,
last week that it would seek to close
part of the hearing if sensitive informa-
tion that could be valuable to terrorists
was discussed.
- The Associated Press
contributed to this report.
Continued from Page 1.
"It may help provide a fuller pic-
ture," he said, adding that the evi-
dence in both cases is complementary.
"Obviously we care deeply about this
and believe diversity is necessary to
our core mission."
"There are educational benefits to
diversity in both stages of education,"
he said. "Whether it is in the Supreme
Court or in the 6th Circuit, we think
we'll win."
Robert Sedler, a constitutional law
professor at Wayne State University,
said under Rule 10, one of the rules
governing Supreme Court standards
of judicial review, the Court may
grant a petition to hear a case still
under review and awaiting judgment
in the court of appeals. He said peti-
tions of this nature are extremely rare.
The last time it has done so was in
Brown v. Board of Education in 1954.
Sedler said there are many possible
ways for the Supreme Court to act,
the most likely of which would be to
grant CIR's request or to wait to rule
on it until it made its decision in the
Law School case.
"When time is of the essence in a
case, the parties may ask the Supreme
Court to take the case and bypass the
6th Circuit," Georgetown University
Prof. Susan Bloch said.
She said a petition of this nature is
not asked for or granted often by the
Supreme Court.
Levy said the case holds a national
importance, which creates a need for
it to keep moving forward to the
Supreme Court.
Continued from Page 1.
so it was a great way to get involved in
the school and to get to know a faculty
member,"Vardaman said.
LSA senior Tiffany Buckley, who
has been in the UROP program for

four years, said that although she
intends to pursue work in a non-sci-
ence career field, her study of circa-

Dems replace Torricelli with Lautenberg
Desperate to keep their single-seat majority in the Senate, Democrats chose for-
mer Sen. Frank Lautenberg yesterday to replace scandal-tainted Sen. Robert Torri-
celli on the November ballot.
The decision was announced yesterday evening by Gov. James McGreevey after a
full day of meetings among top state Democrats.
Earlier in the day, the 78-year-old Lautenberg indicated he was ready to run.
"I was there (in the Senate) 18 years, and I enjoyed virtually every day,"
Lautenberg said in a telephone interview from his car as he headed to the
governor's mansion for meetings with top state Democrats. "I didn't-like
raising the money, but I'm not going to mind it as much this time, because
it's kind of fresh start."
Whether Lautenberg's name will actually appear the ballot with Republican Dou-
glas Forrester will be decided in court. Republicans say it is too late to replace Torri-
celli, who dropped out Monday as his poll numbers continued to fall amid questions
about his ethics.
The New Jersey Supreme Court will hear arguments on the case today.


Officials learned of
embassy bombing
U.S. counterterrorism officials believe
the operations chief of an al-Qaida affili-
ate in Southeast Asia played a key role in
a failed plot to bomb at least one Ameri-
can embassy in the region to mark the
anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks. Ham-
bali, an Indonesian cleric whose real
name is Riduan Isamuddin, is one of the
top two leaders of Jemaah Islamiyah, a
regional Islamic extremist network with
cells in Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia,
the Philippines, Myanmar and Thailand,
according to U.S. officials, speaking on
the condition of anonymity.
Counterterrorism officials learned of
the bombing plot when a suspected al-
Qaida leader now in U.S. custody gave
up the plan. His threats led to the closure
of embassies in Indonesia, Malaysia,
Cambodia and Vietnam. On Sept. 11, the
Philippine government released a letter
from the U.S. warning that al-Qaida
members were prepared to launch truck
bomb attacks in Southeast Asia.
Study: Breast cancer
not reduced by exam
Women examining their breasts are
unable to detect tumors early enough
to reduce their risk of dying from
breast cancer, suggests a decade-long
study of more than 260,000 women
in Shanghai.
David Thomas, lead author of the
study, said women should not stop
examining their breasts but should
have realistic expectations about the
value of the exams.

"She's got to do a very good job,
and she's got to realize it is unproven,"
said Thomas.
He said self-examination should not
be a substitute for mammography.
The finding was the latest in the
confusing, often contradictory infor-
mation women have been given over
the past year related to breast cancer
and early detection.
A study earlier this year ques-
tioned the value of mammograms in
detecting breast cancers and saving
QWest execs testify
to company finances
Global Crossing Chairman Gary
Winnick told lawmakers yesterday he
had no inkling of the fiber-optic com-
pany's deteriorating finances until
shortly after he sold a large chunk of
stock last year.
Winnick said he talked almost every
day to the company's chief executive,
Thomas Casey, who was part of man-
agement discussions about revenue
shortfalls and issued warnings to other
But Winnick said he did not learn of
looming problems in the company he
founded until June 2001, from Global
Crossing's top lawyer, James Gorton,
who was advising the chairman that
executives no longer would be able to
sell company stock because of a chang-
ing financial picture. Winnick had sold
$123 million in stock in late May.
"I was upset," Winnick told a sub-
committee of the House Energy and
Commerce Committee.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.


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