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September 26, 2002 - Image 15

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-09-26

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10B - The Michigan Daily - Weekend Magazine - Thursday, September 26, 2002
Fad diets not healthy way to lose weight

The Michigan Daily - Weekend Magazine -

By Megan Murray
For the Daily

Steaks drenched in butter sauce,
three cheese omelets with bacon
and a side of pork chops ... are
these foods really the most effective
way toward weight loss? Or is the
best way to eliminate these fatty
foods and dine solely on fruits, veg-
etables and beans? The nutritional
debate between low-carbohydrate
versus low-calorie versus low-fat
diets is nothing new in the world of
dieting, but rather just part of an
alternating cycle of fad diets.
From Atkins to Ornish to the
Zone, each stresses its benefits
through limiting specific parts of
your nutrition or altogether elimi-
nating certain food groups.
Currentlv. many dieters are fol-

lowing the low-carbohydrate diet
made famous by Dr. Robert Atkins.
His approach allows unlimited pro-
tein and fats such as cheeses,
meats, eggs and butter in combina-
tion with very limited intake of all
types of carbohydrates from breads
to fruits. By eliminating carbs, the
body is forced to switch its metabo-
lism from carb-burning to fat-burn-
ing and results in relatively quick
weight loss. In reality, Atkins has
been around for over three decades
but has dipped in and out of favor
every few years due to skepticism
from nutritionists.
"Dieting is not something I
believe in; being healthy is about
eating a variety of natural foods and
exercising regularly. Diets are too
restrictive, hard to adhere to and
often uinhealthv" said Jill Cook.

Kinesiology senior.
On the other end of the dieting
spectrum is Dr. Dean Ornish, who
advocates a low-fat approach. This
diet advises no more than 10 per-
cent of daily calories from fat, thus
eliminating excessive saturated fats
found in foods like steak and butter.
Grains, beans, fruits and vegetables
are the staples of this plan.
How does it make sense that one
diet recommends exactly what the
other prohibits? Both approaches
fail to incorporate all portions
included in the food guide pyramid,
which are considered to be the fun-
damentals of a healthy diet.
The Institute of Medicine
released a study earlier this month
that concluded both high fat and
low fat diets can be extremely
The Institute introduced new guide-
lines for healthy eating that offer Amer-
icans more flexibility for balancing
fats, carbohydrates and protein.
The new guidelines recommend
getting 45 to 65 percent of calories
from carbohydrates, rather than the
previous 50 percent. They also stip-
ulate that 20 to 35 percent of calo-
ries should be from fat and 10 to 35
percent should be from protein. The
Institute also doubled the previous-
ly recommended amount of exercise
to maintain a healthy weight for
adults from 30 minutes to one hour.
"People are not as active anymore
and it shows in their weight. I con-
stantly see non-handicap people use
the button to automatically open the
door. That's profound - it's getting
out of control and we need to adapt
our habits towards a healthy
lifestyle," said University Health
Services Nutritionist Marilyn
"The new U.S. guidelines give us
more flexibility in our lifestyles and

Continued from Page 3B
at least one surgery in which an implant
was removed or replaced. Of the 303
women who reported needing additional
surgeries, 171 said that at least one of
their implants was found to be ruptured
or leaking.
Even with the publication of such
studies, the ASAPS found that the num-
ber of breast augmentation surgeries
performed in 2001 rose by 114-percent
from 1997. Rhinoplasties rose by only
21 percent.
Wilkins said that although some pro-
cedures are becoming more popular, the
chances of complications still exist and
make it ciucial to find the right surgeon.
"If you've thfought it through and feel
it's what you want to do, choosing a rep-
utable institution and surgeon are very
important," he said.
While Ellie said she found her sur-
geon through word of mouth, Winfield
said students interested in aesthetic sur-
gery can go to UHS for recommenda-
Students "can come here to find out
the names of people in the community
who do these things or if they want, to
talk about the pros and cons," Winfield
Katie said she found her surgeon
through her family doctor.
"He said if it would make me feel
comfortable and happy with myself, I
should go ahead and do it," she said.
"His daughter had had breast reduction
and he recommended (the surgeon)."
Wilkins also said students could go to
a local hospital to find information on
locating competent surgeons.
"You want to go to a surgeon who is
board certified in plastic surgery. There

is a separate board for facial aesthetic
surgery and that's OK too," Wilkins said.
The ASAPS also offers a referral
service that students can access at
Wilkins stressed that finding a sur-
geon that you completely trust is one of
the most important aspects of aesthetic
"Go talk to the surgeon and really do
your homework," he said.
"If you buy a car and it's a lemon you
can sell it. If you buy a rhinoplasty and
it's a lemon, you're wearing it."
Even students who make it as far as
finding a surgeon are often deterred
from actually having the surgery once
they find out the cost of their proce-
"If a woman has large breasts and it's
causing neck and shoulder pain, most
insurance will cover it," Winfield said.
"A nose job, corrective ear surgery or
liposuction - those won't be covered
by insurance, and the person has to fig-
ure out how to pay for it."
While some surgeons have payment
plans to help students afford the cost,
many demand full payment prior to sur-
gery. At $3,000 to $4,000 for a rhino-
plasty, students may want to think about
saving up prior to their procedures.
Katie, who paid about $5,500 for her
surgery, said although expensive, her
surgery was well worth it. "The way I
feel about myself and my confidence -
it's priceless."
Wilkins said the high price of cosmet-
ic surgeries makes it even more impor-
tant that patients really know what they
are getting themselves into.
"If you've researched the operation,
the surgeon and you're going to a quali-
fied place to qualified people, then its
fine," he said.
......-- - - -.- .

"If you had plastic surgery, what
would you do?"
My ears, because one is actu-
ally smaller than the other. I'd
have to get them evened out."
-- LSA junior Aliya Chowdhri
"Ears tucked, because I have
gigantic ears.
- LSA sophomore Aaron Sonnenberg
"Great question ... my
- LSA freshman Brandon Shimko

Compiled by Graham Kelly

The only way to actually lose weight is by eating healthy foods and exercising.

allows choice and variety in our
diet, rather than limiting choices,"
she added.
The fad diets' claims to success
also come with negative ramifica-
tions. The initial weight loss on the
Atkins diet is due to loss of water,
not loss of body fat. Also, diets are
just temporary fixes. Even Atkins
admits that when you return to a

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high carb diet, the pounds come
back. The serious issue presented
by nutritionists is the correlation
between diets high in saturated fat
and increased heart disease risk.
"Studies haven't followed the
subjects to see if they maintained
their weight loss or looked at the
long term health implications. The
Atkins diet encourages consump-
tion of meats and discourages con-
sumption of grains, fruits and
vegetables, and this type of diet is
definitely implicated in an
increased risk of several cancers,"
said Ruth Blackburn, a University
nutrition specialist.
"After a few weeks on these diets,
when you are used to eating bagels
or Subway, you miss these foods,
come back and eat more. Instead,
just eat in moderation with more
See DIETS, Page 16B
The myth is that WWII
vets lined up to volun-
teer, while those in Viet-
nam were draftees serv-
ing against their will.
Department of Defense sta-
tistics show that 69% of
those in Vietnam were vol-
unteers, while only 26% of
those in WWII volunteered.

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