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September 03, 2002 - Image 31

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-09-03

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The Michigan Daily - New Student Edition - 7B

And now


word from


Daily picture did more to advertise for Nike
than SOLE's golf balls
I have been asked numerous times, "what was up with the golf balls" - in reference to The Daily's
ditorial Feb. 12, SOLE Sporting Nike? which commented on the factthat Students Organizing for Labor
and Economic Equality used Nike golf balls Feb. 11 on the Diag. The answer to that question is both
incredibly simple and much more involved.
The easy answer is this: Those are the golf balls that friends of people in SOLE had and therefore
those are the golf balls we used so that we didn't have to buy new golf balls. If we had bought new golf
balls, perhaps The Daily couldn't have commented on them, but I would bet anyone that they too would be
made in sweatshops.
The longer answer to the question, "what was up with the golf balls," is that today in this country
corporations have so saturated our daily lives that no one can avoid tacitly supporting a brutal global
economy, not even SOLE. We can only work daily to change the system that currently dominates. The
Daily stated that we are not anti-Nike; this is true, we do not oppose any one corporation. I and SOLE
collectively do stand in opposition to a global economic system that allows large multinational corpora-
tions to encourage and campaign for a race to the bottom that exploits people in the United States and
What was lost on the Daily's editorial page were the workers in sweatshops around the world. Specifi-
cally, it was the 215 women and men currently walking the picket-line in Derby, New York; people who
can tell you the intricacies of stitching the Michigan 'M' while they explain to you that they simply cannot
feed their children on the salaries being offered them. They will laugh about stories of rush orders after we
win large sporting events while chronicling grotesque numbers of needle punctures - not pricks, but
punctures -that go straight through to their bones.
It is the global reality that sweatshops are so pervasive it will be years before we can all truly be sweat-
shop-free. The fact that The Daily chose to run a photo that so prominently displayed the Nike logo on the
front page of its newspaper represents an editorial decision that did much more to advertise for Nike than
a few golf balls scuttling across the Diag. This University has an opportunity and responsibility to be apart
of the change that is to come, as does this editorial page.
LSA junior
Bray is a member of Students Organizing for Labor and Economic Equality and the United StudentsAgainst Sweat-
shops Coordinating Committee.
'I like myself' mentality leads overweight
people to 'Loser Denial Syndrome'
I would like to comment on Aubrey Henretty's column, Food for Thought (2/12/02).
Making fun of someone because they are fat is more (I strongly stress the "more" part) justi-
fiable than making fun of someone because they are, say, ugly or short. The reason is because
people have much less control over being ugly or short than their control over their obesity
(read: Fitness level). It is a shame that Henretty had to be a victim of that type of ridicule during
her childhood. Kids who make fun of others in that manner likely did not have proper home
training from their parents.
I know of three major types of eating disorders: Anorexia, bulimia and overeating. For the
case of overeating, I feel this disorder can be remedied alone, without professional assistance. It
is similar to not needing to join a gym if you want to get in shape. It can be done without spend-
ing money in that fashion. I am sure Bally's Fitness is glad not everyone thinks like me, other-
wise they would be out of business.
For bulimia and anorexia, these disorders probably require professional help. The "Holly-
wood ideal" is not entirely to be blamed for their existence. For one, the term is ill-defined and
secondly, if a woman was to think obtaining a body like Jennifer Aniston's would be virtually
impossible, they would be mistaken. Would the annual cases of anorexia or bulimia decrease if
Hollywood actresses did not look the way they do? Probably, but the argument is as strong as
saying, "Guns should be banned because the death rate from firearms would go down."
Please do not misconstrue me. I am all for people having high self-esteems, insofar as their
liking themselves is justified. But to not take care of yourself resulting in being 50(+) pounds
overweight is simply having, what I have dubbed, LDS (Loser Denial Syndrome). That is when
people cross over from the "I like myself" mentality into complacency. Complacency is a dis-
ease. Avoid it at all costs!
Graduated senior
Hey BAMN, you're 'a big radical joke.' BAM!
To the people of BAMN,
I enjoy your acronym. BAMN! It is quite similar to the term used by Emeril Lagassi dur-
ing his cooking shows. BAM! I always get a good laugh out of that whenever I hear it. I also
remember it being used during those old Batman shows.
Remember the time when Batman used shark repellent on that shark and the Joker turned
everyone into dust? Man that was great.
What I am saying is you are a big radical joke at this university and your shouting and fear
tactics only make you look more ridiculous. Try logic and reasoning. They make you look less
like a nutcase.
Graduated senior

Reflecting on 9/11

unfairly being
typecast as
supporting attacks
One cannot express enough horror and
disbelief at the events that we have wit-
nessed over the 48 hours post-9-11. How-
ever, I would like to warn of the
repercussions of irresponsible journalism
in the case of the unfolding tragedy in the
United States. Reporting on the fact that
some Palestinians may have been celebrat-
ing the attacks on the U.S. is not represen-
tative and very dangerous. It will only fuel
the backlash and attacks that Arab-Ameri-
cans are sure to face and have already been
facing in the States.
I live in East Jerusalem and have friends
throughout the West Bank who reported
quiet. For the most part Palestinians are
glued to their television sets like the rest of
the world.There were a few Palestinian
youngsters in the streets and that's what the
media has chosen to focus on. I do not
doubt that some Palestinians, who see
American support for Israel as the main
cause of their continued suffering and
oppression, would feel like the United
States was getting a dose of her own medi-
cine. But without attempting to explain the
oppressed mentality that would drive a
human being to celebrate such a human
tragedy is not fair. Myself and other Ameri-
can citizen friends here in the occupied
Palestinian Territories have been receiving
numerous phone calls from Palestinians
concerned about our families apd friends,
and expressing their shock, condemnation
and condolences. Whereas my mother in
Michigan reported a verbal attack at her
workplace and my sisters in university are
afraid of the looks that they have been
receiving from their fellow classmates.
Please be more careful with your
reporting. I ask that you cease referring to
Palestinians celebrating. It is not relevant.
It is not representative and it is most irre-
My prayers are with the victims, their
families and all my fellow Americans dur-
ing this most difficult time.

Tragedy hits
home for
many 'U'

Many of us, from New
York especially, will soon
learn of someone that was
killed or hopefully of someone
that escaped narrowly. To
those of us who already have,
my deepest and most sincere
condolences. I lost an old
karate partner who has known
me since diapers. My friend's
cousin was late for work that
day and was opening the door
to one of the towers as the
plane struck.
In his case, it was better late than
"never." Even those of us from the northern
suburbs and cities on Long Island will soon
hear of tragedies whom we know of only as
"family of that girl we were friends with in
grade school."
For those of us who call Manhattan or DC
home, we responded as if our homes were
trespassed, our families violated and our pos-
sessions destroyed. For those of us who don't
live in those two cities, I sense the general
reaction will be almost as equally passionate,
whether in grief or in anger. This makes me'
very proud, and I find my grief has to share
my heart with something that could very well
be patriotism.
Waking up the day after this cowardly
terrorist act, I had a reaction similar to the.
morning of Sept. 11; I cried. Trying to
understand what moves a man to unabashed
tears, I realized that this is the first time
our generation has banded together for a
patriotic cause. We were really too young
to remember the Gulf War or maybe the
only way that war penetrated our homes
was through the television set. All I know
is American blood has been spilled on
American soil, and while it may be my
backyard that runs red, it filled my eyes
with tears and my heart with pride to see
the bonding of my generation of Americans
at the Diag Vigil on the night of 9-11. I
now understand; my tears do not taste sim-
ply like tears of sorrow; they are symbols
of a patriotic strength, confidence and fear-
lessness I never knew existed.
LSA graduate

Harassment of
Arab, Muslims
students must end
It has been brought to our attention that in
response to Sept. 11's tragic terrorist attacks,
Muslim and Arab students have been harassed
and subject to threatening remarks.
As of right now, we do not know the per-
petrators of these heinous acts and ask the
community not to jump to conclusions. We
urge everyone to keep an open mind and not
to lash out at students who neither condone
nor were in any way involved with these ter-
rorists attacks.
Furthermore, we urge students and com-
munity members to stand together against all
forms of terrorism. All citizens of the world
deserve freedom from fear. Our thoughts and
prayers go out to the victims and their fami-
lies on this tragic day.
Bukstein is chair of IMPAC and vice-chair of the
Hillel Governing Board. Katz is chair of the Hillel
Governing Board. Livshiz and Rollinger are co-chairs
of the American Movement for Israel. Menchik is
chair of the Hamagshimim Israel Fellowship.

citizen living in

Arraff is a US.

The Daily pays tribute to its most faithful reader, alumnus Jesse Jannetta, with his near-everyday responses


Lyle Henretty's "Less Than Zero" column
("Movies that I hate should not be made,"
10/18/01) ... is another example of the unsatisfy-
ing and self-indulgent "venting bile" school of
criticism often found in the Daily Arts section....
It's not particularly illuminating to read that
"Dirty Dancing" is "the cinematic equivalent of
slicing off your nipple and pouring folic acid into
the wound," or that "the Postman was worse then
that time I had shingles." ...
When I pressed "Send" to deliver my letter to
you about Lyle Henretty's column, a message-...
popped up on my computer monitor. The gray
and blue box was titled "Mood Warning!" and it
informed me that: "Your message ... is likely to
offend the average reader. ..." The box also fea-
tured an icon consisting of two red chilis, appar-
ently representing the hot, spicy, controversial
language of my message.
Is this true, or is my e-mail program being
impertinent? Is my letter offensive to the average
reader? ... Seek out some average people, I'd rec-
ommend 10 or so ... and show it to them.... I
think at least six out of 10 would have to be
offended to justify the use of "likely"
... Inspired by David Horn's column ("Nine
things to be happy about," 10/25/01) ... I present
to you 14 things that make me happy.
The Notorious BIG: My favorite rapper, all-
time. He was so good. ... Said the line, "I drop
unexpectedly like birdshit." ...
. P n - i an VPIeto drink. Ireally feel

was a big dumbass before I went.
Queens: The whole world in one borough.
Sometimes reading the letters to the editor
causes me some concern about the rigorousness
with which our University community is thinking
about the current war/crisis/police action/glorious
tax-cutting opportunity. You printed two letters
side by side that caused me to think, "Oh Lord"
("U.S. foreign interests concentrate on American
capitalism," "War punishes many for actions of a
few"). Thus it is that I am reduced once again to
registering my objections to various lines of rea-
soning employed by people published on your
editorial page. ...
When I read your "Sibling Rivalry Gets
Nasty" spread on the sports page, my heart sank.
Don't you realize that this sort of ugly sectarian
dissension is exactly what Osama bin Laden
Michigan and Michigan State students need
to put aside the differences that might normally
cause us to loathe one another.
Once we have engaged in this exercise in
mutual understanding, we can support our
respective teams in their common goal: defeating
international terrorism.
Man, Americans dress like dirtballs. ...
Rebecca Isenberg reminded me of this with her
column ... "You know my steez" (11/02/01).
I recently lived for two years in Armenia. In
that country, like many in the world, people gen-

'doped-up lab monkeys dressed in human cloth-
ing" ("MSA could be run by poo-flinging mon-
The scenario that would be most supportive
of Mr. Osborne's contention is one in which the
lab monkeys are doped up with some sort of
sedative. If this were the case, they could be
dressed up in human clothing (which would have
to actually be specially tailored monkey clothing
modeled after human clothing, otherwise some-
one would surely notice how bizarrely the human
clothing would fit the monkeys). But the fact
remains that few things are cuter than our simian
cousins dressed in our own clothing. Anyone who
has seen a reasonable amount of movies or televi-
sion knows this. Yes, surely the cuteness of the
lab monkey substitutes would be noticed and
much remarked upon, substantially changing the
tenor of the meeting....
Twice each year the student body ... must
endure the deluge of vapidity associated with the
MSA elections. The Daily had a fine idea in rec-
ommending that this exercise occur only once a
year ("They're losers,"11/13/01). In addition to
that, it would be nice to see the parties running
candidates for office try to inject a little more
gravity into the races.
After all ... the biggest waste associated with
MSA are the elections themselves.
I'm not surprised that The Daily found Brit-
ney Spears' new album unworthy of a listen.
Now, let there be no mistake: Britney Spears'
songs are crap. However, only when I lived
abroad did I realize one of the amazing things
about this country: We take crap to another level.
I believe that American crap is better than other
countries' crap.
Tsn' lste t te ats_ Rstev_ Keenta

'Cheap shots' directed at Greek system
I was equally offended and distressed by the Daily's editorial, Sexual assault at U: Greek system
needs to step up (2/19/02). As a member of the Greek system here at the University, I believe it is
unfair to label the initial efforts of the Interfraternity Council to raise awareness about sexual assault
as an attempt "to repair the fraternities' broken image." Similarly, I think it is ignorant to insinuate
that fraternity members are not aware that "sexual assault is, in fact, wrong," and that this "oft-over-
looked statement has unfortunately not permeated the collective Greek psyche thus far." These cheap
shots are unnecessary and unjustified and only serve to further embitter this campus against its own
Greek system.
The organization of Students Acting for Greek Awareness (SAGA) was spearheaded by the IFC
in an attempt to educate Greeks on the importance of sexual assault awareness. The current IFC offi-
cers have done an excellent job in addressing the negative stereotypes that pervade Greek society and
to downplay their first step toward addressing sexual assault as simply face-saving tactics is unjust.
I attended the SAGA presentation at Alpha Gamma Delta with my fraternity brothers and was
impressed by the informational content and comfortable atmosphere SAGA provided.
Fraternity and sorority members were afforded the chance to speak about these important issues
face to face and I know that my brothers came away with a stronger sense of sexual assault issues
here on our campus. I view these presentations as the beginning of a new chapter in the Greek sys-
tem at the University.
Are these presentations a cure-all for the ills that plague our Greek system? Certainly not, nor
were they intended as such. Yet they do represent the start of a new tradition here at the U, a Greek
tradition built upon excellent leadership and a desire to redress past wrongs. Cooperation, not cyni-
cism, is needed to effectively combat sexual assault on our campus.
Education senior
President, Delta Upsilon Fraternity
Devoted Creed fans fire back at The Daily

I wasn't aware that the Arts section of the
Daily has become yet another forum for Chris-
tian bashing. Nick Woomer's Nov. 27 review
("Singlehandedly defining new 'Suckcore'
genre") lacked any recognizable form of musi-
cal criticism but seemed to be written for the
sole purpose of furthering what seem to be his
as well as The Daily's political agenda. The
writer even admitted this early in the article:
"Some might say that the religious under-
tones in Creed's music are what make them so
awful and I'm somewhat partial to this expla-
nation." This is not music criticism, my
friends, but empty propaganda.
Woomer spent the rest of the article
extolling artists like Woody Guthrie, whose

I am very upset with Nick Woomer's
review about the band Creed and their new
CD. In case Woomer didn't know, you need
to listen, to a CD first to give it a review.
Then after that, you should listen to it again
and again.
I personally love their new CD. Now
Woomer is telling me he gave it a grade of
an F. That is the stupidest thing I have ever
heard. If he didn't notice, both former tracks
"Higher" and "With Arms Wide Open" were
and are still great songs.
I suggest someone else on The Daily's
staff review the album. If you look on Bill-
board's charts you will see that "My Sacri-
fice" is ranked the 22nd best song in


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