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September 26, 2002 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-09-26

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A2002 The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Vol. CXIII, No. 18


One-hundred-eleven years of editorialfreedom

Partly cloudy
throughout the
day, turning
mostly cloudy
at night.

.,W' 57


Autopsy: Death by

cocaine overdose

By Jeremy Berkowitz
Daily Staff Reporter
Perrin Disner said he never knew his for-
mer Sigma Phi fraternity brother Anthony
Langas to be impulsive, but rather always
thinking rationally through situations.
"I would consider him, if not responsible,
totally sensible," Disner said. "He would
always think things through."
This is why Disner and some other Sigma
Phi brothers reacted in shock yesterday when
the Washtenaw County Medical Examiner's
office released Langas' toxicology report
saying he died of a cocaine overdose.
Langas, a 25-year-old former student at

Eastern Michigan University, was found dead
inside the Sigma Phi house the evening of
Sept. 5. Brothers in the house said he had last
been seen at 2 a.m. Sept. 4.
Langas was in the middle of moving out of
the fraternity house, so no one thought it was
out of the ordinary that he had not been
around until his mother and sister came to
the house the night of Sept. 5. They request-
ed a search of the house and four brothers
found Langas in the furnace room, off the
basement of the house.
"I myself was shocked," Sigma Phi Presi-
dent Josh Dziurlikowski said. "This was the
Tony that we knew, if this was the case."
Other Sigma Phi brothers said Langas

always drank beer and liquor around the
house, but they never saw or knew him to do
any drugs.
But Disner said brothers in the house were
always joking about drug usage.
He said that while Langas had a lot of
friends outside of the house, the ones he met
did not seem suspicious."None of them
looked like junkies," he said.
But a close friend of Langas, who wished
to remain anonymous, said he was not
incredibly shocked by the toxicology report.
While he never saw Langas do any drugs, he
said Langas used to joke about using drugs
all the time.
He added that Langas had a lot of friends

outside of the house from the Ann Arbor-Ypsi-
lanti area who might have supplied him with
drugs. He said that they were always going out
to different places in the Detroit area.
"It was sort of suspected. Am I surprised
by it? No," the friend said.
Brothers in the house said Langas was
always upbeat and happy. Dzurilowski said
the brothers who saw Langas last said he was
his usual self.
"They said there was nothing out of the
ordinary that would make them think twice
about anything," Dzuirlikowski said.
According to the website
www. hoboes. com/html/Politics/Prohibition/N
otes/CocaineEvolution.html, a lethal dose of

cocaine is approximately 1.4 grams for a 150
pound person.
Donna Tocarczyk, administrative coordinator
for the Washtenaw County Medical Examiner's
office, said it was undetermined whether the
overdose was accidental or intentional.
Dzuirlikowski said there have been a few
memorials for Langas and the fraternity
dedicated a hallway in their house in memo-
ry of him.
He said the fraternity's numbers for fall
rush have been the same as previous years,
and they have answered any questions about
Langas directly.
He added that they are trying not to focus
to much on mourning Langas.

Justice dept. grants Haddad
new deportation hearing

By Loule Meizlish
Daily Staff Reporter

Local Muslim leader Rabih Haddad will be
granted a new deportation hearing, the U.S.
Justice Department announced yesterday, in a
move that prevents Haddad's release in the
coming days.
In the meantime, the department will
appeal a federal court order from last Tuesday
that gave the government 10 days to release
him or grant him a new deportation hearing
with a new federal immigration judge.
But in the statement announcing its plan,
the department also said that parts of the new
hearing may remain closed.
Haddad is currently being held at the Mon-
roe County Jail.
Judge Nancy Edmunds of the U.S. District

Court for the Eastern District of Michigan had
ordered a new immigration judge for the
Lebanon native and Ann Arbor resident. She
said the Justice Department classification of
the case as "special interest" - which
requires closed immigration hearings -
biased Immigration Judge Elizabeth Hacker
against Haddad because the special interest
designation is applied only to cases related to
the Sept. 11 investigations and thereby sug-
gested Haddad is a threat to national security.
Cases designated as such were to be closed
to the public and media, per an order from
Attorney General John Ashcroft, but federal
courts have since ordered that the hearings be
at least partially open.
As it appeals last week's ruling in Haddad v.
Ashcroft, the department said in a statement it
"believes this order represents an unwarranted

intrusion into the administrative immigration
process established by Congress and entrusted
to the Executive both by statue and the Consti-
Immigration proceedings are handled in
administrative courts within the Justice
Department, though decisions can be chal-
lenged in the federal judiciary.
The department said it will hold another
deportation hearing for Haddad on Sept. 30,
although Haddad's lawyer contends the date is
actually Oct. 1.
But, the government said, "the Department
may seek to close those portions of the hear-
ing where sensitive information will be intro-
duced which could prove valuable to terrorists
seeking to harm America."
A group of newspapers, along with U.S.
See HADDAD,.Page 3A

David Sole, president of the Local United Auto Workers 2334, speaks about U.S. Involvement in Iraq and
building opposition to new talks of war yesterday in Angell Hall.
Lecture emphasizes
U.S., Iraq relations

Bush accused of
playing politics
over war n Iraq
WASHINGTON (AP) - Senate Majority Leader Tom
Daschle accused President Bush yesterday of playing poli-
tics with the debate over war in Iraq, and demanded the
commander in chief "apologize to the American people."
"We ought not politicize this war," Daschle (D-S.D.) said
in blunt remarks on the Senate floor less than six weeks
before the midterm elections. "We ought not politicize the
rhetoric about war and life and death."
No apology was forthcoming at the White House, where
spokesman Ari Fleischer said Daschle's attacks misstated
comments Bush made earlier this week.
At the same time, the spokesman declined numerous
times to say whether Bush stood by his remark that the Sen-
ate - controlled by Democrats - was "not interested in the
security of the American people." And Fleischer said Bush
believes that if the Senate does not pass legislation to create
a new Department of Homeland Security, "the security of
our country will not have been protected."
Ironically, Daschle leveled his charge at the same time
Democratic congressional aides were closeted with adminis-
tration officials, seeking a compromise on legislation that
would authorize Bush to use force to eliminate Iraqi
weapons of mass destruction.
Several sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, said
that in the negotiations, the White House had signaled a
willingness to delete language from its initial draft that per-
mitted the use force to "restore international peace and secu-
rity in the region." Some Democrats have objected to the
provision, saying it grants Bush authority that goes far
beyond Iraq.
Additionally, these sources said the negotiations focused
on whether and when Bush would be required to report to
See BUSH, Page 3A

View from the top

By Shamalla S. Khan
and Emily Kraack
For the Daily
Pictures of sick children in Iraqi hospitals
greeted audience members as they walked into
Angell Hall Auditorium D yesterday evening.
David Sole, president of the Local United Auto
Workers 2334, finished a two-part teach-in series
put on by the Muslim Students Association.
The teach-in drew around 65 students and
community members, including members of the
group that Sole took part in which breached the
U.S. trade barricade in 1998 in order to bring
medical supplies to Iraqi citizens and especially
children. Sole spoke on topics ranging from the
importance of civilian activism to capitalist greed
to U.S. neocolonialism, and ended his lecture
with information about the National March on
Washington Against the War on Iraq, to be held
onOct. 26.

Sole commented that he was "Speaking today
about building opposition to Bush's expanded
war against Iraq."
"Support for this war is very thin ... and I've
seen support for wars," he continued. Sole
emphasized the need for student organization
against President Bush's current policy toward
Iraq, using as examples protests against U.S.
actions in Vietnam, which he participated in
while a graduate student studying biochemistry in
Ann Arbor from1968 to1969.
Sole began his political activism during college
in response to U.S. propaganda regarding the
Vietnam conflict. Since then he has been involved
with various civil rights movements, humanitari-
an issues in Iraq and issues of labor organization
and workers' rights. He is currently an organizer
for the International Action Center, an organiza-
tion dedicated to providing information, activism
and resistance to US militarism, war, and corpo-
See IRAQ, Page 3A

LSA junior Lisa Meyers studies for an upcoming organic
chemistry exam at her house yesterday.
Cantor: Diversity
an integral patof

Transfers to LSA from
nursing not uncommon

'U' e
By Megan Hayes
and Nausheen Khan
Daily Staff Reporters


By Carmen Johnson
Daily Staff Reporter

After increased national media
attention on the shortage of nurses and
more active recruiting from the Uni-
versity's School of Nursing, enrollment
went up 12 percent since last fall. But
some students said they still believe
many apply to the school as a back-
door into the University.
Nursing sophomore Erin Tuttle said
she is aware of students applying to the
School of Nursing with the intention of
i t-rnnee;in nit of +he the chnonl ad

"Everyone knows that some people
use the nursing school to get into other
harder schools. There are many people
that are serious about nursing, but I
know some students that had no inten-
tion of staying in the school," said Tut-
tle, a member of the Nursing Honors
Program and Nursing Council.
An LSA sophomore, who requested
to remain anonymous, transferred out
of nursing into LSA this year. She said
some students apply directly to the
School of Nursing because they think
it is easier to be admitted to than other
crhnl -

Echoing sentiments of those in sup-
port of the University in the admis-
sions lawsuits, former University
Provost Nancy Cantor extolled diversi-
ty as "an integral part of the learning
experience" at a lectureship yesterday.
Cantor, who is currently Chancellor of
the University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign, discussed her belief in the
University as a public good at the first
annual Distinguished Lectureship on
Intellectual Diversity.
"We have to. be places intent on
contributing fresh ideas." Cantor said.

cal enterprise.
Cantor used the example of monas-
teries and marketplaces to illustrate the
spectrum along which the incorpora-
tion of diversity in education lies. In
her words, the monastery is a place
where perspectives narrow and people
often become too self-focused. On the
other end of the continuum, the mar-
ketplace of ideas - when unregulated
- is dominated by the most forceful
advocate, the person with the loudest
voice. In order for intellectual diversity
to prosper, the conflict between these
metaphorical places demands a resolu-
tion, which Cantor provides.
"The fault of the monastery and the
market is that they don't allow for


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