2B - The Michigan Daily - New Student Edition V LETTERS TO THE EDITOR VIEWPOINT Students achieve victory in Law School case Incoming University president will be strongly pro-student TO THE DAILY: I was a little surprised at the article on the Iowa response to Mary Sue Coleman's departure, "Iowans say Cole- man had challenging presidency" (05/30/02). I find it incomplete and cast negatively. While I am not familiar with Students Organizing for Labor and Economic Equality in Ann Arbor, Students Against Sweatshops did get their way. The Daily article did not give the whole story. Coleman did agree to the policies that SAS inquired about in the end. SAS demanded that a delega- tion be sent to the Worker Rights Con- sortium founding meeting. Coleman and Iowa named Ned Bertz, a member of SAS and the Rights Committee, Laraine Nelson, the Nursing School Student Services director and the chair- woman of the Rights committee, and Marcella David, a UI professor of law, would represent UI. SAS found this unsatisfactory, claiming that the UI needed to join. Iowa would like to find out about the consortium before mak- ing a decision. Furthermore, the Daily Iowan reported on May 2, 2000, UI officials agreed with the Rights Committee's recommendation in that they will establish a code for companies licensed to make UI apparel. Coleman will appoint members of an advisory com- mittee to draft the code. Dean Rhodes said the code would force the compa- nies to disclose information about the conditions under which the apparel is manufactured before the UI would license its logo. SAS protested any- way. I am not claiming that SAS's claims were not legitimate. Conversely, I think they informed the public and were mildly successful in their efforts. However, I think the argument that Coleman was naive and non-responsive to SAS's needs is a misperception that needs to be cleared up. Coleman is a great leader, politician and someone that will be missed by Iowa. I want to let those at the Univer- sity know that she does work well with student groups. JASON GARDNER Student, University of Iowa Affirmative action embarrasses the 'U' TO THE DAILY: The University looked stupid, again on a "60 Minutes" re-run, just as it did the first time around. The segment dealt with the University's use of reverse discrimination in its admissions practices. I take particular issue with the televised comments of Law School Dean Jeffrey Lehman, who said a diverse cultural mix in a law school classroom enhances learn- ing, such as when both blacks and whites learn together about injustice by studying racial profiling by police. I think what Lehman means to say, simply, is that the classroom environment becomes more electric when blacks and whites get together to discuss racially sensitive issues. Well, duh! That's hardly news. But classroom electricity is a side benefit to learning, not the reason for it. Establishment of an enhanced learn- ing environment is no excuse for and does not justify the existence of a slanted playing field for students seeking admission. "60 Minutes" reported that the Uni- versity awards a racial minority 20 points toward admission, while giving only 12 points for a perfect SAT score. The program went on to report that, in a recent year, qualified individual white students stood only a two percent chance of being admitted to the Law School while minorities had a near 100 percent chance of admission. To my mind, affirmative action outlived its reason and its usefulness long ago. Continuing such inequities - particularly in a university setting where individual diligence, hard work, a sharp mind, a sense of fair play andsadherence to rules of com- mon sense and justice are all sup- posed to be engendered - just makes the University, its administra- tion and the surly Lehman look just plain stupid. Again! Maybe it's time for the debate to be re-opened at the University once more. Perhaps continuing to shed light on this subject will help some people to find their way. JIM MARINO Reader BY AGNES ALEOBUA, JESSICA CURTIN AND BEN ROYAL In a stunning victory May 14 for pro-affirmative action and pro-integrationist forces in our society, the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the University Law School's affirmative action policy in a 5-4 deci- sion. This decision overturns U.S. Judge Bernard Friedman's segregationist ruling and prevents higher education from being resegregated in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee. This victory is a direct result of student mobiliza- tions organized by United for Equality and Affirma- tive Action, the student intervenor-defendant's organization, and the Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action and Integration and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary. The 6th Circuit decision represents a definitive departure from the 5th and 11th Circuit's anti-affirma- tive action decisions in the Hopwood and Johnson cases. Grutter v. Bollinger is the only case in which students intervenors put on a full case at trial. The strength of students' voices in the courtroom and voices in the street is clearly reflected in a concur- rent decision written by Justice Clay and signed onto by Justices Daughtrey, Moore and Cole. Clay writes, "Diversity in education, at its base, is the desegregation of a historically segregated popula- tion and, as the intervenors essentially argue, Bakke and Brown must therefore be read together so as to allow a school to consider race or ethnicity in its admissions for many reasons, including to remedy past discrimination or present racial bias in the educa- tional system." Clay, along with the student inter- venors, recognizes that equality is the fundamental issue at stake in this case, referring in his opinion to slavery, the Civil War and Brown v. Board of Education. Clay also adopts the intervenors' argument that racism crosses class lines and thus necessitates affir- mative action for middle-class black students as well. Clay writes, "It is naive to believe that because an African American lives in an affluent neighborhood, he or she has not known or been the victim of discrim- ination such that he or she cannot relate to the same life experiences as the impoverished black person." Justice Clay concurs with the student intervenors' assertion that standardized tests are racist and sexist: "Using a lottery for all students above certain thresh- old figures for their GPA and LSAT is in no way 'race-neutral' as reflected in the record. For example, the record indicates ... that performance on tests such as the LSAT and the SAT correlates with an appli- cant's race and gender. In other words, the record indi- cates that LSAT scores are neither race-neutral or gender-neutral criteria for admissions decisions." Finally, Clay sides with the intervenors' long-time assertion that abandonment of affirmative action would result in the resegregation of higher education: "Indeed, on the record before us, any purportedly race- neutral policy could result in a de facto segregated law school, the deleterious results of which have long been known by society and rejected by the Court." The resegregationist Center for Individual Rights has already announced that it will appeal the decision. We will repeat our victory at the coming Supreme Court showdown. Students who have been a part of this movement have already done what we were told was impossible. We have successfully defended affirmative action in the conservative federal court system and prevented higher education from being resegregated in Michi- gan, Ohio, Tennessee and Kentucky. We achieved this historic victory by organizing and mobilizing the forces in our society that stand against racism and believe in the vision of the Civil Rights Movement of an equal and integrated society. The next steps of our movement will be to organ- ize a national petition campaign to collect 1 million signatures and to organize a National March on Wash- ington to coincide with the Supreme Court hearing of the University cases. On May 31 and June 1 there was a Conference of the New Civil Rights Movement which was held at the University to plan the petition campaign and the March on Washington. Rev. Jesse Jackson said he will attend the conference. Please check the BAMN website (www.bamn.com) for con- ference details and updates about how you can become a part of our generation's Brown v. Board of Education and the new civil rights movement. Aleobua is an LSA senior Curtin is a Rackham student and Royal is a graduated senior: The writers are members of BAMN and student intervenors in Grutter The failures of affirmative action at the 'U' BY JUSTIN WILSON I am more than my race, class and gender. In fact, I'd venture to say that my race, class and gender probably play a small role in who I truly am. Yet in the eyes of the University, I'm just another check in a box - another white, mid- dle-class, male applicant. But does a couple of check marks measure what I bring to campus? No, and to think so is to disrespect the very heart of human dignity. We are all much more than just the color of our skin. Yet according to the May 14 ruling, which upheld the Law School's use of racial preferences and the 1978 Bakke decision, that is all I am - a nameless, faceless, white guy. I do not deny that America has a checkered history and I do not deny that enormous social inequality exists. I also believe that something must be done to resolve it, but I don't see how we, as a nation, can reconcile affirmative action and the ultimate goal of a color-blind society, when affirmative action is a program that by definition makes judg- ments based solely on a person's race. How can just ends be achieved by unjust means? Especially when those means do not address the root of the problem or provide the best possible solution. In the '50s and '60s, America decid- ed that judging anyone by their race was inappropriate, and under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, illegal. But that is exactly what the 6th Circuit's decision allows and the University practices. Racial preferences in university admis- sions stand as the last government per- missible measures that judge people by their race. How can this stand as a com- pelling government interest? The gov- ernment is willing to allow unjust means to accomplish just ends. That is, the 6th Circuit feels that patently racist admissions policies are A-ok, so long as they promote the dubious concept of academic diversity. This is an important distinction, insofar that the May 14 decision rejects the use of affirmative action to remedy past social injustices or promote social equality of any sort. Under the Bakke decision, Justice Powell said that racial preference may only be used as one of many "plus" factors in admissions and only to create academic diversity. As a result, the University claims that the necessity of a "critical mass" of minorities, which might as well be a quota system, is a compelling govern- ment interest. They contend that the presence of minorities in a law school positively benefits the entire institution. And they also hold that they must admit a "critical mass" of minorities to pre- vent the others from feeling isolated or lonely. The problem is that academic diver- sity is a sham and only a cover for the University's hidden social justice agen- da. Never once has an administrator uttered a word about affirmative action and social equality. To do so would be legal suicide, as their cover-up might be exposed and ruled unconstitutional under Bakke. Instead, they all toe the diversity line. It is not only disingenu- ous to the community and legal system, but disrespectful to the very dignity of minorities. A Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action and Integration and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary member once said, "Minorities are not like trees - they can't bring us here to make campus a little prettier." But that is exactly what the administration is doing. The diversity defense does noth- ing but use minorities to make campus a little more colorful. The sad fact is that for all the efforts the University has undertaken to create diversity, campus remains largely segre- gated. From separate but equal resi- dence hall lounges to segregated so-called multi-cultural student groups, the University community has failed in fostering true diversity. This raises a much broader ques- tion: What is diversity? According to the Law School, it is little more than an applicant's race, class and gender, but we are much more than that. But the University largely ignores ' an applicant's true diversity, insofar that real diversity runs counter to the hidden agenda of admitting a large number of minorities to promote social justice. There is no other reason explaining why the University ignores so many other factors. In his dissent, Justice Boggs points out that the University complete- ly disregards many other critical factors influencing diversity such as religion, geographic region or political persua- sion, at the same time, Jews, Michigan- ders and liberals are all over-represented. The May 14 ruling supporting the University's idea diversi- ty is insulting and degrading. It is divi- sive and runs counter to the very idea of equality. Wilson is an LSA aduate and forer Editor in Chief of The Michigan Review. Affirmative action is an inappropriate tool for achieving diversity TO THE DAILY: It is now clear to me, as it should be to every other member of the Univer- sity community, that affirmative action is headed for a constitutional show- down in the highest court of the land. The time has finally come to settle this issue once and for all. Is affirmative action constitutional or is it not? I think not! It is obvious that many students and members of the University adminis- tration support affirmative action. They argue that it is the only way to main- tain an amalgamation of diversity. I urge those of you who have made up your mind to give serious consideration that affirmative action may not be the best possible way in which the administration can increase diversity. I beg mem- bers of the administration to reconsider the spending of millions of dollars to defend affirmative action and consider other options. For those of you who have not yet made up your mind, I encourage you to consider the argument against affirmative action. As Pat Buchanan would put it, "the University of Michigan has neither the moral nor the Constitutional authority to discriminate against applicants." This certainly includes reverse discrimination. "A true respect for civil rights requires we put an end to all forms of discrimination, including reverse dis- crimination. This means abolishing set asides, mandatory admittance and quotas." The practice of rewarding extra points on an application for race is an inappropriate way to judge an individual's academic potential and an insult to minority intelligence. The University should abandon race as a factor in favor of a color-blind admissions policy. The University's argument is heavily based on their preference for diversi- ty in the student body. While the administration has made a strong and con- vincing case for diversity, they have ultimately failed to consider other options for achieving this. These options include more classroom space to increase the overall size of the student body to facilitate more minorities, tar- geted outreach programs to encourage minority student interest in the Uni- versity and University charter schools in developing minority areas. It is also a gross misuse of student funds to pursue this unfair policy through the courts. The millions spent and the millions more that will be spent could have been used to reduce the cost of tuition so that more financially disadvantaged students could afford to attend the University - the vast majority of whom are also minority students. It is with this in mind that I implore the University to affirmatively aban- don this policy of reverse discrimination. There is no constitutional basis for a public institution, such as the University to take an active role in influenc- ing our society in this way. Therefore, there is no compelling authority for administrators, regents or the University president to support affirmative action. NICK WAUN Candidate for the University Board of Regents COLEMAN Continued from Page 13 School of Graduate Studies to show her dedication to the social sciences and humanities and to allay any fears'of scholars that they are being neglected. Coleman has a superb model to follow in this respect. Bollinger, alt ough a legal scholar, made the improvement of the humanities and the social sciences one of the central goals of his tenure at the University. At the beginning of his tenure, he made himself accessible to professors. Coleman must seek to balance the dual needs of strong research and scholarship to maintain the University's position at the forefront of every field. Simultaneously, Coleman must recognize the importance of undergraduates. While there is legit- imate concern that Coleman could devote too much energy to the pursuit of research dollars and emphasize research, at the University of Iowa Coleman proposed a comprehensive plan for the university's undergraduate population. She must letter signed by 47 faculty members expressing their concerns with the search. The regents' devotion to secrecy has placed Coleman in a difficult position-when she assumes the presidency. The University commu- nity is unfamiliar with Coleman and she must work quickly to make herself known to both stu- dents and faculty. Her unfamiliarity with campus leaders and administrators will extend the transition period and create uneasiness during this gentle process. THE SHADOW OF BOLLINGER Coleman will be responsible for completing many of the projects that Bollinger organized support for and began. The renovations to numerous buildings on Central Campus, the Life Sciences Initiative and the spirited defense of affirmative action are all projects that will continue to be be associated with Bollinger. Coleman will be constantly judged and com- pared to the former president. Although there were many contentious issues and many faculty and students harbor bitter feelings about the ii ,99