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September 12, 2002 - Image 22

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-09-12

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8B - The Michigan Daily - Weekend Magazine - Thursday, September 12, 2002

The Michigan Daily - Weekend Magazine - Thu

Staying power:
The places
your dad still
talks about
By Davd Enders
Daily Food and Drink Critic

It's almost fal
thing old is
moving ba
worked fast and fu
pouring cement an
the annual influxc
ents). Hell, I even-
And as part of t
(or in many cases,
simply acclima-
tion) students will
soon establish and
reestablish their
favorite places to
eat, drink and
spend their hard-
e a r n- e d
mom, I need more
money!') cash.
And the places
they will find will
most likely be
Cosi, Starbucks
and Mr. Greek's.
Scorekeeper's and
Those parents
who come to cam-
pus will take them
to The Gandy
The only place
my mom and I go
when she visits
Ann Arbor is
Dominick's -
one of the few
businesses that

.1 in Ann Arbor, and every-
new again. Students are
ck. Construction crews
arious a couple weeks ago,

(334 Maynard, open Mon. to Sat. 7 a.m. to 03
p.m., Sun. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.)

d making campus pretty for Frank's is an affordable (nothing runs more
of students (and their par- than six bucks) greasy spoon that still closes
got a haircut. for two weeks every August so proprietor and
he inevitable reacclimation cook Pete Poulos can take a vacation.
Breakfast is
served all day
and daily spe-
cials are offered
"I'm a family
man," the 67-
year-old Poulos
said. "So I treat
you kids like
my own."
Poulos first
worked at
Frank's when
his brother-in-
law (for whom
the diner is
named) opened
it in 1969.
After work-
ing at the diner
off - and - on
under different
owners, Poulos
bought it in
1999. It's a
story most of
the regulars at
the diner know.
Jon Test/Daily Frank's decor
Uke people watching? Stop by the Fleetwood at about 4 a.m. has remained


Even people who work on Maynard St. don't know that Frank's exists.

p.m. Sat. and Sun. 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.)
I recently pulled out some of my uncle's
records from his closet, and found Wazoo
price stickers on most of them.
Wazoo has the best selection of used music
in Ann Arbor, something owner John Kerr
attributes to the store's focus - 50 percent used
and 50 percent new.
"I think because we've been around so long
we've accumulated so many CDs and vinyl,"
Kerr says.
The store opened in 1974, and Kerr bought
it from its first owner in 1978. It's been at its
present location since 1982.
Kerr, who grew up in Ann Arbor, has seen
the makeup of the town shift.
"When I was growing up, the Del Rio used
to be a dangerous bar. There used to be a lot
more shady places. They started getting out
when property values started going up," lie
"The reality is a
that it's the chains
that can afford it.
I imagine that (the
former Olga's
restaurant at the
corner of South
State and Huron)
will probably be a
Gap. That's fine,
if that's what peo-
ple want."
D i g g i n g
through the crates
of used CDs and
vinyl at Wazoo is
a rewarding expe-
rience ('look
mom, I'm saving
money!') and thef
location makes it
perfect for a stop
between classes. Steve's Lunch, located on Sou
The Heidelberg
(215 N. Main, open Tues. to Sun. 11 a.m. to
10 p.m. Fri and Sat 11 a.m. to midnight)

on salsa night last semester I decided that
stopping off here is always worth the walk.
Downstairs is a beer garden with filling
German fare (I didn't know there were so
many kinds of wurst) and real imports on tap.
Upstairs, the Heidelberg also has The Club
Above, featuring entertainment ranging from
stand-up to local bands depending on the
night. The basement is the Rathskeller, a tradi-
tional German-style beer hall.
"Our downstairs bar is the last bastion for
townies," says general manager Michael
Holloway, who has worked at the Heidelberg
off and on since it opened in 1961.
"The police come in, lawyers, doctors,
union workers, restaurant people. ... There
used to be a lot of townie bars, now there's not
that many."
On football Saturdays, the Heidelberg often
fills with alumni looking for a bit of their past.
"Husbands and wives who went to school
here before they
were married
come back,"
Holloway says.
"We swap sto-
(1313 S.
University, open
Mon. to Fri. 10
a.m. to 9 p.m.
Sat. and Sun. 10
a.m. to 8 p.m.)

still remains from
her days as a stu-
dent here 30 years ago.
That's because you can't find places like it
anywhere else. There are a few places that,
like Dominick's, have survived the Deuce's
slow (but increasingly fast) transition to
Anytown, U.S.A. If you can't find an Urban
Outfitters, can it really be a true American
But if you are inclined towards the homier,
friendlier, less polished atmosphere of the
places that have been around since the days
when Hash Bash was considered a serious
political statement, here are some hints.
There are others I'm sure, but these are my
personal favorites, the ones my friends seem
to often reply 'Where is that?' when I mention
them. If you're already aware, you're ahead of
the curve.

l a r g e l y
unchanged since
it opened, sporting booths along with the req-
uisite counter seating.
Most of the regulars sit alone, reading the
paper or preparing for morning lectures.
MCCs (minor campus celebrities) such as
Great Books lecturer and Classical Studies
prof. H.D. Cameron are common.
"There are only a few places like this left -
the change has gone to more upper class,"
Poulos says. "Suburbs take a big toll - shop-
ping centers and subdivisions and develop-
ment takes a lot of the foot traffic from the
central area."
Poulos doesn't advertise Frank's. "It's a
word-of-mouth place," he says.
Wazoc Records
(336 S. State, open Mon. to Fri. 10 a.m. to 6


Steve's Lunch
opened in 1972,
and has served a
combination of
breakfast fare
NY DING/Daily since 1982. The
only seats are the
stools at the
Frank's, the cook is the pro-

uth University.

counter, and like

The owner, Joe Lee, has operated Steve's
since 1995, and pins its success on the diversity

Ever since I wandered into the Heidelberg See STAYING POWER, Page 10 The Heidelberg has been a favorite in Ann Arbor since the early 1960s.

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