Michigan border
unprotected, lax
By Andrew M ack
Daly Staff Reporter
The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 12, 2002 -11A
'U' gives staff,
students ways to
remember day
"It's not something I even think about a lot' LSA freshman Allie McGongle
said. She said she feels more threatened in her hometown of Chicago because it
is a more likely target than Ann Arbor for terrorist attacks.
But opinions about Michigan's recently bolstered border with Canada vary.
LSA sophomore Kikora Hosey said, "I go through Detroit often. It is a hassle."
But Hosey added she is sacred of how easily people can get across the borders
that consist of wilderness and water.
Chief Patrol Agent Daniel Geoghegan of the Detroit Sector Border Patrol said
Michigan border security has been improving steadily since Sept. 11.
"The number of agents in this sector has been doubled," Geoghegan said. "The
strategy is forward deployment to deter unlawful entry of persons into the coun-
try." Geoghegan added that the agents detailed are not "fresh out of the acade-
my," but seasoned veterans from states on the southern border such as California
and Texas.
"With the additional resources, I feel better than I did last year, and I am given
to understand we will be receiving additional resources in the future."
The Detroit Sector Border Patrol, which handles all border security for Michi-
gan, Illinois, Ohio and Indiana, has also received a helicopter and better, undis-
closed technology.
For the past year, National Guard units have been assisting the U.S. Border
Patrol, Customs Service and Immigration and Naturalization Service.
"We had 54 troops on duty as early as three days after the attack," said Lt. Gen.
Gordon Stump, adjutant general of the Michigan National Guard. Stump added
that the National Guard's presence on the border was temporary. Its units have
already been withdrawn from the Detroit Sector Border Patrol and INS, and after
mid-October, its deployment in Customs will be reduced to two soldiers.
But Stump stressed that their presence was not intended to be intimidating.
"We were there to help them do their jobs. ... The National Guard is a diverse
force that is flexible and ready to step up to most missions that involve homeland
For more than 70 years, the Ambassador Bridge has connected Windsor, Ontario
and Detroit.
The Detroit District INS has also augmented its presence.
"We have received funding for 105 new positions, a technological upgrade and
an overhaul of our computer systems," said Carol Jenifer, director of INS Detroit
While the increase in security has not caught any terrorists, it has caught many
trying to smuggle illegal immigrants from countries such as China.
Jenifer added thAt they have also managed to keep traffic through Detroit down
to acceptable levels, backing down from the post-Sept. 11 12-14 hour waits.
"Traffic has been moving good for the past month."
However, some have had different experiences in Detroit, experiencing long
lines and extensive searches.
"Going to Canada, I see that it's more thorough," Kinesiology senior Adam
Rabin said. "I don't mind waiting at the border because they are trying to protect
us. It's something I wish more people would understand and appreciate. .. It's
unfortunate that it took an event like Sept. 11 to realize the lack of security."
By Megan Hayes
Daily Staff Reporter
Although classes continued as
scheduled yesterday, University stu-
dents still found time to honor the
memory of Sept. 11 in their own
ways, aided by overwhelming facul-
ty and administration support.
Frank Cianciola, Senior Assistant
Vice President for Student Affairs,
said the University has taken great
steps to support students in whatev-
er way they chose to cope with the
He said events were scheduled by
a variety of organizations and
departments in an attempt to recog-
nize the multiple impacts the
anniversary of tragedy will have on
"It is a very personal moment," he
said. "There is no one right answer,
no one right approach."
LSA sophomore Leah Hangarter
said she noticed a particular feeling
of togetherness on campus which
she said was encouraged by the
active role the University adminis-
tration took in sponsoring various
"They are trying to do what they
can to make this day recognized and
show its importance to students,"
she said.
However, Hangarter said the vari-
ous University events were not the
only way, or even the best way, for
students to spend the day. "It's how-
ever each person feels dealing with
the tragedy will benefit them most,"
she said.
Stephanie Pinder-Amaker, Assis-
tant Dean of Students, said effective
coping is going to mean different
things to different people.
"We know we have a really
diverse community and we want to
make sure people's needs are
respected and that we support
them," she said.
In reference to the continuation of
classes, Pinder-Amaker said, "I
think there can be something very
comforting in that routine during a
stressful time."
"Most people do function more
effectively with structure in place,"
she said.
Families connect with phones, Internet
Many students said they wel-
comed the structure a normal sched-
ule of classes provided. "You want
to continue the sentiment of moving
forward rather than dwelling on it,"
LSA senior Jackie Reitzes said.
"I feel the entire point (of today)
was to move on and reclaim daily
life and routine."
Reitzes said she was encouraged
by the numerous events the Univer-
sity and other organizations had
scheduled for the day, but found
special significance in the symbolic
value of last year's vigil.
"It's a strong sign of commitment
that a year ago we gathered as a
community, as a resistance to what
happened," she said. She added that
she saw last night's vigil as a way to
"remind each other of our commu-
nity ties."
Some students were not as opti-
As he observed students congre-
gating in the Diag, Engineering sen-
ior Michael Solo said he failed to
see many students who were gen-
uinely coping with tragedy.
He admitted there is a need to
recognize and remember, but he
said things have changed since last
Sept. and people have since moved
When asked if he could find any
benefit in the day's events com-
memorating Sept. 11, he said, "The
fad of patriotism has lasted a whole
year - maybe it'll last another."
"I guess there's a benefit in that."
Despite doubts by some regarding
University students' commitment to
this day of remembrance, others
transcended geographic and cultural
barriers to show support for the
Grad student Lena Kuester, who
resides permanently in Berlin, Ger-
many, said she is very happy to be
here in the United States on this day.
Over her heart she wore a pin
depicting two flags side by side -
one German and one American,
which she said bought specifically
to wear this day.
"I want to show Americans I am
from Germany and that Germany is
sympathetic (to America's cause) as
well," Kuester said.
By Karen Schwartz
Daily Staff Reporter
When Nursing sophomore Erica Farrell got out of
class at 11:45 a.m. last Sept. 11, she learned about the
tragedy that struck the nation and started dialing. She
called her parents who live in Lake Orion, tried to reach
relatives who worked in New York and spent hours on
America Online Instant Messenger getting in touch
with friends.
Internet technology allowed her to connect with fam-
ily and friends and having a cell phone made it possible
for her to check in at home before and between classes
on the days following Sept. 11 as she waited for phone
lines to become available.
"I was trying to check and make sure everyone
was safe and at home and nobody had been
injured," she said.
Sept. 11 sent students flocking to computers and cell
phones last year as they tried to connect with loved ones
despite busy signals and servers slowed by the amount
of traffic they were handling.
Kevin McGowan, webmaster for Information Tech-
nology Central Services, said the central e-mail service,
and web-based e-mail programs saw a much higher vol-
ume of traffic on Sept. 11 and in the few weeks that fol-
"They got a lot more heavily used," he said,
adding that more messages being transferred
and a higher number of people online con-
tributed to two extremely busy weeks.
"There was a definite increase as a result of (Sept.
11), but then it went back to normal levels," he said.
But Farrell said Sept. 11 had an impact on the num-
ber of people she keeps in touch with through e-mail
"The initial shock - the tragedy - you realize how
much you take for granted and how people aren't
always going to be there when you want them to be,"
she said. "You realize how much you want to keep your
family and friends closer to you."
The Pew Internet & American Life Project
found in a July survey that 19 million Americans
used e-mail after Sept. 11 to rekindle relationships
with family, friends and others they had not con-
nected with in years. The survey also found that of
those who re-connected with others, 83 percent
continued those relationships during the past year.
Following Sept. 11, scores ofAmerican internet users
are sending more e-mail, getting news and information
online, seeking out government websites and giving
donations via the internet because of the attacks,
according to the survey.
In addition to using e-mail and instant messag-
ing to stay connected, Farrell said her cell phone
usage has increased.
"I definitely use my cell phone a lot more than
I ever have, calling friends and family out of
state," she said. "It's much more convenient to
keep in touch with technology."
John Jabero, owner of Wireless Toyz on
Fourth and Washington Streets, said he has seen
a rise in cell phone business in general, part of
which he attributes to Sept. 11. He added that
affordability of cell phones has also contributed
to the trend.
"I have seen a rise but I think it has a little bit
to do with that - for people to have a cell phone
if something does happen, for them to reach
someone, but some of the plans are a lot cheaper
so people can afford them - so that also, I
think, has something to do with it," he said.
Jabero said caution seems to be a prime concern not
only in the case of Sept. 11, but also for safety and
security of people's children.
'Students move on,
cope without help
By Samantha Woll
Daily Staff Reporter
Though resources were made wide-
ly available for students to reflect on
the historic anniversary of Sept. 11,
many did not feel the need to take
advantage of "Our Community
Reflects" an effort created on behalf
of the Division of Student Affairs to
allow students to express their feel-
Perhaps due to low publicity or
indifference, the community reflec-
tion offered in the Kuenzel Room of
the Michigan Union had considerably
low attendance.
"Our Community Reflects" con-
sisted of staff from the Division of
Student Affairs as well as Counseling
and Psychological Services with
extended hours - 9 a.m. to 11 p.m.
- in an attempt to fit students' busy
schedules and provide an opportunity
for students to come together and talk
about their feelings, thoughts and
memories with respect to Sept. 11.
"We, as a division, wanted to pro-
vide a physical space but also the
metaphor of space on the anniversary
of Sept. 11, a place for students and
for staff to come, write reflections,
memories ..." said Todd Sevig, direc-
tor of CAPS.
Recognizing that this affected peo-
ple in many different ways - physi-
cally, psychologically and
emotionally - Sevig emphasized the
importance of coming together as a
community on this significant day.
Students' reflections, which were
written on a banner laying in the cen-
ter of the room, ranged from, "I don't
know what to say" to "we miss you."
One student captured an underlying
"It was just
supposed to be a
normal day and
guess it was."
- Dustin Oswald
LSA junior
mood of the day when she wrote, "It
was an awful event, but I know our
country can move on."
"I remember on (Sept. 12), of the
first day of grounded flights, one mil-
itary fighter jets were the only planes
in the sky in Ann Arbor, guarding the
territory and they flew so low and
loud they set off all the car alarms in
the neighborhood - you knew who
was in charge," LSA junior Dustin
Oswald wrote.
But despite efforts made by some
to come to the room yesterday, overall
traffic throughout the day was low.
The general ambiance of the room
was quieter than anticipated, though
nobody really knew what to expect.
Several members of the University
community said it seemed odd that in
many ways, the day was just like any
other day.
"It was just supposed to be a nor-
mal day and I guess it was," Oswald
said, echoing the sentiments of many
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