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September 11, 2002 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-09-11

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, September 11, 2002 - 8

Webber refuses to adm

By Steve Jackson
Daily Sports Editor
Although he is facing charges in a federal court for
obstructing justice and giving false testimony to a grand jury
in the trial of Ed Martin, former Michigan basketball star
Chris Webber maintains his innocence.
"I didn't lie to the grand jury," Webber said in a brief appear-
ance before reporters at Arco Arena in Sacramento yesterday.
Webber, who had just finished practicing at the Kings'
facility, said he was speaking out because he wanted to show
his supporters that he is not running away from the situation.
The indictment claims that Webber, his father and his aunt
deliberately misled the grand jury by conspiring to conceal
the cash, checks, clothing, jewelry and other gifts that Martin
allegedly gave to Webber between 1988 and 1993.
Each of the three defendants could face up to 10 years in
prison and $500,000 in fines.
Ballot propos

When Martin pleaded guilty May 28 to conspiring to laun-
der money from his illegal gambling ring in Detroit, he
admitted in court that he gave Webber and his family
$280,000 - a statement that Webber vehemently denied.
"I didn't get cars; I didn't get nothing," Webber told
The New York Times Monday night. "I got $20 here
and there, a lot of times. I'll be honest, it happened a
lot. And that shouldn't diminish the seriousness of it.
"Come on. I did not take $260,000 or $280,000. I did
not take $100,000. I did not take tens of thousands of
Martin's indictment also claimed that three other former
Michigan basketball players were given loans: $160,000 to
New Orleans Hornets forward Robert Traylor, $105,000 to
Houston Rockets forward Maurice Taylor and $71,000 Louis
Bullock, who is now playing professionally in Europe.
Jason Rose, a teammate of Webber's at Michigan has also
admitted publicly to taking "pocket money" from Martin.
al eliminates

it guilt
"I didn't lie," Webber told USA'
night. "The truth always comes out. W
a 70-year-old man dressed in hip-hopc
kids and said he loved kids, and I believ
Fifteen people already have been
guilty since the investigation of Martin
The only other defendant in the Mar
with lying to the grand jury, Clarence
Aug.20 to two years of probation and a
No arrest warrant was issued for W
ties expect him to surrender within a w
Gina Balaya, a spokeswoman fo
Office in Detroit, could not give a
beginning of Webber's trial, but she
arraigned, pretrial motions couldF
date in court until next year.
The Sacramento Kings have not com
against Webber. The National Basketba
Cooling off

despite charges
TODAY late Monday written statement: "We will have no comment at this time, but
hat this case is about is we will continue to monitor this situation throughout the
clothes who befriended entire process."
ved him." This is not Webber's first run-in with the law. In 2000, he
charged and pleaded was charged with speeding and reckless driving on Interstate
's gambling ring began. 80. Don Heller, the attorney that successfully defended Web-
tin case to be charged ber against those charges, said Webber's case could result in a
Malvo, was sentenced number of different outcomes.
$2,000 fine. "He could be innocent. A celebrity can be wrongly
ebber because authori- accused," Heller told the Sacramento Bee. "There is a lot of
eek to 10 days. exposure (to Webber) and that could be really tragic.
r the U.S. Attorney's "Typically, these federal cases mean custody time. ... The
specific date for the penalty time could be severe if the obstruction charges stick."
said once Webber is Ed Martin, who will be sentenced Oct. 8, faces 30 to
potentially delay his 37 months in prison. However, his plea agreement with
tle government would allow for a reduced sentence if he
amented on the charges reveals all the details of his dealing with former Michi-
ill Association said in a gan basketball players.

scholarships if approved

By Louie Meiziish
Daily Staff Reporter
A ballot proposal that could poten-
tially endanger the $2,500 merit
scholarships given to in-state stu-
dents was expected to be certified for
the Nov. 5 ballot yesterday after a
ruling by the Michigan Supreme
Proposal 02-4, spearheaded by the
group Citizens for a Healthy Michi-
gan, would redirect 90 percent of the
state's annual income from its tobac-
co settlement to health care and
smoking prevention efforts. Current-
ly, the estimated $300 million annu-
ally is spent on a variety of spending
programs, among them the state's
MEAP Merit Award.
The scholarships are given to stu-
dents who pass a series of academic
assessment tests in high school.
Roger Martin, a spokesman for the
pro-proposal group praised the
court's ruling and refuted allegations
by opponents that passage of the pro-
posal would mean an end to the

scholarship program after this year.
Opponents also say it would result in
the cancellation of any scholarship
monies due after Dec. 31, 2002.
"The Michigan state budget is now
about $9.4 billion," Martin said.
"Certainly if the Legislature and gov-
ernor (John Engler) want to fund it in
the budget they can do it."
Opponents of the proposal say pas-
sage will in fact end the scholar-
ships, considering that the tobacco
settlement is the current source of
the scholarship's funding and the
state is expected to encounter a
budget deficit for the next few years.
Two hundred and fifty thousand
"ninth, 10th and 11 th graders who
now qualify for the merit scholarship
won't get their scholarship" if the
proposal passes, said state Sen. John
Schwarz (R-Battle Creek) who chairs
the opposing group, People Protect-
ing Kids and the Constitution. "No
doubt it's gone."
Martin, however, said state law-
makers could find a way to pay for it.
Referring to events of early 2001,

he said, "These are the same people
who just gave themselves a 40 per-
cent pay raise, so they can certainly
find the money for the scholarships."
The two sides dispute the original
intent of the lawsuit. Supporters of
the ballot proposal say settlement
dollars were originally intended to go
to smoking prevention programs and
health care costs, while opponents
say the money was to recoup past
state spending in those areas and
could go to any program.
In issuing its ruling, the state's
high court rejected a request for a
stay and appeal of a state Court of
Appeals opinion requiring the Board
of State Canvassers to place it on the
ballot, the Supreme Court said. The
canvassers were expected to certify
the proposal last night.
Other proposals on the ballot
include a referendum on a bill elimi-
nating straight party voting, approval
of a $1 billion sewer bond and a con-
stitutional amendment to allow state
of Michigan employees to collective-
ly bargain.

for vigil
by MSA'
U New MSA committee
will advise on campus
parking issues


By Carmen Johnson
For the Daily

LSA sophomore Rachel Lovis relaxes next to the Cooley Fountain
between the Burton Tower and Michigan League yesterday.


Pro-choice group promotes
safe sex tactics and usage

By Jennifer Misthal
Daily Staff Reporter

"Chocolate, condoms. If you're
not prepared you might get caught
with your pants down," Elizabeth
Mahaffy, an RC senior and co-chair
of Students for Choice Vox, yelled
across the Diag over loud music yes-
terday afternoon.
Three beds and fliers covered the
Diag as Mahaffy screamed and dis-
tributed condoms as part of the Stu-
dents for Choice Vox's first
Celebrating Responsible Sexuality:
Bed-In on the Diag.
The beds were meant to encourage
people to bring their private, "bed-
room" issues into the public, co-
chair Clair Morrissey, LSA junior
said. The Diag is the most public
place on campus,,she added. The
beds also served as an allusion to
John Lennon and Yoko Ono's famous
bed-ins more than 30 years ago.
"The beds are really important to
the notion of speaking about private
life in public," Morrissey said. "It
needs to be done.
"A lot of times sexuality or repro-
ductive health issues aren't talked
about. It's OK to enjoy being a sexu-
al person. We want to encourage
people to take control of their sex
life and empower them."
One of the event's goals was to
empower students and inform them
about their contraceptive options and
sexual health, she added.
Students could participate in two

sexually educational games sexu-
al trivia and dildo dressing. The
games educated students about infor-
mation regarding the historic lawsuit
Roe v. Wade, which legalized abor-
tion, as well as the names of impor-
tant women's rights activists and how
to properly put on a condom. Prizes
included water bottles filled with
"It's about feeling comfortable,"
Morrissey said. "We're advertising
responsible, safe sex."
LSA sophomore Mark Wadley
said he agreed with the group's over-
all messages but their tactics, includ-
ing the condom race, were too much
for his taste.
"It was a bit too much for the typi-
cal Michigan student," Wadley said.
"It's a bit disturbing. It's not informa-
tive on what they're trying to convey."
Mahaffy said, "We're passing out
information about our group and try-
ing to register voters. ... We wanted
it at the beginning of the year
because this is when a lot of people
get involved."
Some students, including LSA
sophomore John Burke said he sup-
ported the group's approach to safe
"It's their right to hand out in the
Diag" Burke said. "If it's something
(Students for Choice) believe in, it's
a good way to do it."
The group also wants students to
start off their year with a healthy
start, LSA senior Vera Slywynsky

To commemorate the anniversary
of the terrorist attacks, MSA passed
a proposal last night to provide
$1,000 for the
funding of can-
dles to be distrib-
uted at tonight's
MSA President
Sarah Boot, who ~>
expects about
5,000 students to
attend the vigil,
wants it to be a
p o w e r f l Boot
reminder of the
"The candles will create a solemn
and respectful atmosphere at thi
vigil and make a powerful moment
of silence. We want to bring the
campus together," Boot said.
Offering a voice to the student
body, MSA recruited several student
organizations and
volunteers to par-
ticipate in
tonight's event.
"While the can-
dles will represent
something differ-
ent for everyone,
every one will
leave with a good
feeling. We are
hoping for a good Glassel
turn out," MSA Treasurer Liz Mul-
lane said.
Boot said, "The role of MSA is to
be the moderator for the event with
the help of many volunteers."
Also passed at last night's meet-
ing was a proposal to create the
transportation taskforce. The com-
mittee will deal with campus park-
ing issues, push for increased
transportation availability around
the Rock, located on the corner of
Hill Street and Washtenaw Avenue,
advertise the Bursley Late Night
Ride and work to provide an airport
shuttle to Detroit Metro Airport at
zero or low cost.
North Campus Affairs Chair
Elliot Wells-Reid expects the airport
shuttle to be permanent by Thanks-
"The problem before was no-
shows. With students registering
online and putting down a deposit to
reserve their seat on the airbus, this
won't be a problem anymore,"
Wells-Reid said.
At next week's meeting the pro-
posed tobacco settlement ballot and
ways to encourage students to regis-
ter will be discussed.


Ann Arbor resident Kevin Kandrick passes out condoms from a bed on the Diag yesterday during the first ever Celebrating
Responsible Sexuality bed-in.

Coleman begins interaction with students oleil 1l lli

By Tyler Boersen
and Megan Hayes
Daily Staff Reporters

One year ago, terrorist attacks brought together the
University community in an unprecedented gathering
of students with one voice, asking the questions that
needed to be asked and offering answers when some-
one knew how.
" ... We are again staggered by the shock and the
grief of losing so many, including 18 Michigan alum-
ni," President Mary Sue Coleman wrote in an e-mail
sent early this morning to the University community.

want to meet her before getting into politics," said Law
student Pierce Beckham. "It is important that adminis-
trators have a face."
Members of student groups attended the reception in
hopes of opening a dialogue. "I didn't come here with
the idea that I'd have any meaningful time with her,"
LSA senior Veved Jona said. "Just to say the words to
her gives her the idea that we're here and we're part of
the campus."
As a member of the Michigan Student Assembly
women's issues commission, Jona spoke to Coleman
about her status as the first female president of the Uni-
versity, and the hope that brings to women's rights

groups on campus to get her voice out." Mayer is the
executive director of Dance Marathon. q
Members of The Coalition to Defend Affirmative
Action and Integration and Fight for Equality By Any
Means Necessary capitalized on this first opportunity
to speak with Coleman about the admissions lawsuits
currently under consideration for argument before the
U.S. Supreme Court.
"Playing an out-front and political role defending
affirmative action is extremely important," BAMN
organizer Luke Massey said.
When asked what impact he believes Coleman will
have in regards to the cases, he said, "we'll see."

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