0 6 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, September 11, 2002 the michigan daily !!!PARKING- DIRECTLY ACROSS from South and West Quad - Immediate Availabil- ity! 741-9300. **PARKING SPACES AVAILABLE**' 665-8825. MITSUBISHI TELEVISION, 42" x 66", 10 yrs. old, good condition. $650.734-347-7200. PARKING SPACE AVAIL. S. Univ. & For- rest $500/sem. Call 734-657-0124 John. PARKING SPACE AVAIL. State & Wash- ington. Call 734-945-4251. WE HAVE A LIMITED NUMBER OF SPACES NEAR THE U OF M HOSfPITAL ON SHUTTLE AND BUS ROUTES AT MAIDEN LANE AND BROA DWAY, STARTING AT $29/ MONTH. N E ED PA RK ING?, CALL 517-333-0937 PINE FUTON FRAME, excellent condition. $100 obo. Email: mgh3172@hotmail.com '96 CIVIC LX. Power windows, 5-speed manual, ed, A/C. $4900. rubenm(CAumich.edu 98 VW CABRIO convertible. 44K, 5 speed, A/C, great shape, 88500. 734-663-5622. FOR SALE: 1983 280ZX. Great Condition. 135K miles. See http:/malthus.micro.med.umich.edu/car.html for pictures.. 3000. Call 657-5925. 3'::': _ ... _ ; y, ... Saab of Troy 888-318-7777 ' > 2000 SAAB 95-Auto, moonroof,CD, full power, leather, only 23,000 miles. Saab certi- fied, 100.000 mile warranty. Only $24,988. 1999 SAAB 93 SE-Auto, moonroof, CD, full power, leather, Saab certified 100.000 mile warranty. $17,988 2001 SAAB 95 SE wagon. Viggen sports wheels, tinted glass, a real head turner. $30,900. 2000 SAAB 93 convertible. Auto, full power, leather. Fun under the sun! Saab certified. 100,000 mile warranty. Only $27,988 2001 SAAB 93 Viggen. Brand new! Save ' $11,000. Lease for as low as $399/mo. 1 !!!ATTRACTIVE ROOM ON Hill & State, male pref. Kitch., ldry., pkg. $395. 995.3276. !*!* OWN ROOM in charming older homes. 3 to 5 blocks to campus btwn. Kerytown & U losp. $435-$565. Includes all utils. Short tenm lease possible. 741-8882/717-3370. *!* AVAIL. NOW Effs. & 1 bdrm. apts. ($665-$785), 2 bdrm. apt. ($975), & 3 bdnn. apts. ($1200-$1675 neg.). In chanming old homes, close to campus. 741-8882/717-3370. *****AVAIL. IMMEDIATELY! I & 2 bdMn. apts. New Furn, A/C. Will offer short tenn lease. 668-1100. *****AVAIL. NOW, SPECIAL discount! modem 1&2 bdnm apts. Near Med. and Cen- tml Campuses. Pikg., A/C, Ldry., Free Heat & H2O, Fum. & Unfurm. 800Fuller. 769-7520. ***NORT H CAMPUS*** SPACIOUS 1 bdrm. apt. with large private balcony and wooded view avail. for immediate move-in. Don't miss out-call Celeste at 368-6489 now! I BDRM. SEMI-EFE Share bath & kitch. v/ 3 grad. students. Near Med. Ctr. $450+elec. 662-9233. 2 BDRM. APT. in a quiet duplex. Free ldry., garage prkg, 2 blks. from stadium. Avail. Oct. I. $950/mo. 610-668-3525. 2 OR 3 BDRM. apt., fully carpeted, Indry.. pikg., remodeled, 12 . lease, in quiet Med. Ctr. area. Great for Grad. Students! $1450 + elec. Find roommates and call 662-9233. 8 BDRM., 6 bdnm, 4 bdnm houses and 1, 2, & 3 bdnn. apts. all availfortal 03. Fum. or un- fum. JM'S Properties 769-70)25. AAHH! NATURE IN THE CITY! l&2 bdrm. apts. on park. Easy access to U-M North and Central Campus. Featuring private entrances, large patios, and spacious modern kitchens; close to downtown amenities, pets welcome. 741-9657. AFFORDABLE I BDRM. apts. near campus Ann St., Packard, S. Division, Pete 323-6937. A P A E T M E N T 3 -Just a few left! -Ask about our great specials!! Swimming pool! -On-site management -24-hour emergency maintenance Hours: Mon-Fri. 9am-6pm Sat.: by appointment only 1099 Maiden Lane, Ann Arbor (734) 665-4331 islanddrive@mindspring.com VARSITY MANAGEMENT Efficiencies 1 Bedroom 2 Bedrooms 3 Bedrooms available immediately 625 Church St 668-1100 Stop in and let us show you your new apartment home www.varsitymanagement.com ALMOST ALL GONE Modern fum. 2 bdrm. in 2 locations both near central campus. One building 4 blks. from Rackham hall. One across from Med. center. Nicely fum., heat, water, on-site prkg., coin ldry. & friendly mgmt. incl. New pricing from S895, going fast. Call for more details or arrange a personal showing with our rental agent. 734-663-4101 AMAZING HOUSES & APTS. www.midtownmanagment.com LEASING BEGINS SEPT. 16. APPROX. 1400SQFT HOME has been reno- vated & updated. All appl. are new & incld. hrdwood firs, valuted ceilings, corian tops, close to expressway, downtown & hospital. $1600/mo utilities Meld. Call 734-604-2762. APT. HOMES - N. Campus - On the River. 2 bdrm. for $899. Wood Floors, ceramic baths. Free heat. Free Parking. (734)996- 4992 or (248)755-7597. ATTRACTIVE RM. IN charming hse, near Geddes & Hill, kitch., ldry., phone, fax, DSL, storage. S500 neg. Call 332-8600 Thomas. STUDIO & 1 , BEDROOM Zi PO 62UNITS. F urnis h ed & un f urn is h ed O ne bl o ck f r om Cam p u s Tower Plaza. 663-1530. AVAIL. NOW NEAR CAMPUS! Great deal. one bdrm. apt. all util. and prkg. incl. 650/mo. close to campus, 327 S. Division. Small eflf 510 Lawrence St. 8475/mo. Single rooms avail. 508 Lawrence. price neg. Please contact Phyllis at 665-5620. AVAIL. NOW! STUDIO near central cam- pus, 3 blocks to Angell Hall: yr. lease with In- temet incl.!! 344 S. Division. S625/mo. + dep. +utils. 734-717-3141 or hyemnjo(aumich.edu AVAIL. NOW: HUGE 3 bedroom bi-level penthouse in prime location. Easily fits 5. Heat & water incl. Prkg. avail. $1599/mo.665-8825. AVAILABLE NOW GREAT locations Im- maculate apt. & houses. 6 bdrms: 832 Brook- wood $2400.3 bdns: 1219 Packard $1350. I bdrm: 1303 Granger $700. Rooms: $500/mo. Call: 327-0529. AVAILABLE NOW! Extremely large unftun. I bdnn. near UM campus with high ceilings, hardwood floors, & French doors in residential area. Phone 944-2405. CUTE 3 BDRM. bi-level house at Washtenaw at Huron Pkwy., across from City park. Lovely yard, 2 car garage, basement, dish- washer, hard wood floors. 81295/mo. 483- 4657. DUPLEX FOR RENT: Newly renovated, Burns Park, 1206 Brooklyn, walking distance to campus. Avail. Now, prkg. & indry. pro- vided. Second floor, extra-large 1 or 2 bdrm. $850 incl. water. Call Joe at 810- 577-6154 or Marsha at 810-395-3097. DUPLEX FOR RENT: Newly renovated, Burns park, 1206 Brooklyn, walking distance to campus. Avail. Now, prkg. & Indry. pro- vided. First floor, extra-large 2 bdrm. w/en- closed porch. $1150 incl. water. Call Joe at 810-577-6154 or Marsha at 810- 395-3097. FOREST TERRACE APTS. 1001 S. Forest. Huge 2 bdrm. Apts. Air, Ldry., prkg., New Fumiture. 668-1100 or 222-9903. FURN. APT. UTfL. inc. prefer visiting pro- fessor or graduate teaching fellows 971p4146. HOUSEMATE NEEDED. I bdmi. w/ bath. Wshr./dryer, A/C, prkg., basement, close to downtown A2. $700/mo. 734-669-6268. IMMED. OCCUPANCY. ROOM for rent. All utils. & food at 1520 Hill. $420/mo. Fe- male pref. cychou@umich.edu, call 834-7997. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY FALL 2002 Campus Area Apartments Wilson White Co., Inc. 734.995.9200 Equal Housing Opportunity. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY! One bdrm. bi-level on central campus. Fully flim. w/ prkg. & water. Call May 260-3610. LARGE FURNISHED 2 & 3 bdrm. apt. on S. State, Near UM bus stop, 5 min. to Michigan Union. Avail. Now, Winter & Fall '03 lease. Heat & wafer incl., 2-sink bath, Intercom/sec. buzzer, New furniture, New appliance, Balc., A/C, Prkg., Ld3y. For 24. 1100-S1600, no smoking/no pets. 734-996-3539 or 734-678-7250, ehtseng(a/aol.com9am.-8p.m. NEAR KERRYTOWN! GREAT LOCATION! Spacious I bdnn. apt. 741-9300. NEWLY AVAIL. IN center of campus: Sin- gle room. fully fum. Bathroom with bath & shower, Share kitchen and Idry. room with 2 females. Prkg. spot incl. $500/mo. 734-347-7200. OLD WEST SIDE. Only minutes from cam- pus. Great 2 bdrm. apts. Furnished or Unfur- nished. 668-1100 for appt. ON CAMPUS, LARGE, fum. I bdnn apt. Division near Liberty. $725, incl. all utils. 429-1498. ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT 8800/month, huge bilevel apartment, new A/C, furmished. On campus. Contact John 368-2763. PARKING NEAR LAW SCHOOL & Union. 734-761-3821. PARKING SPACE FOR a small car. Near S. State & F. Washington. Call 971-3193. ROOM FOR RENT. Move in today. Pay no sec. dep. & no rent for Sept. Lease runs thru 8/03. Off Dewey btwn. Packard & State. Email for more info. Lucidspark@aol.com. ARABIC, ESL, READING specialist tutors avail. PhD. with experience 734-623-2061 CREATIVE BRAIDS! Micro latch cornrows dreads extensions $65-155+Sheila 483-5425. DR. COMPUTER repair, setup, upgrade, tutor, graphics, virus repair, refts) 214-5599. HIFI STUDIO The people to call for service on audio equipment; music service rentals, or to purchase used equipment. 734-528-4434. Fraternities *"Sororities Clubs , Student Groups Earn $1000-$2000 this semester with a proven CampusFundraise r 3 hour fundraising event. Our programs make fundraising easy with no risks. Fundraising dates are filling quickly, so get with the program! It works. Contact Campus Fundraiser at (888) 923-3238, or visit www.campusfundraiser.com MEN'S THERAPY GROUP starting evenings. For further information, call John Wakeen MA LLP CSW 734-214-5400. NECK PAIN OR back pain? Health care in- tro. 4 Chiropractic treatments $75. Near U of M 734-994-5966. BARTENDERS NEEDED. No experience necessary. Eam up to $300/day. Call 1-866- 291-1884 ext. U183. BARTON HILLS COUNTRY CLUB is now hiring for outside services in the golf opera- tions dept. Flex. hrs., great pay, great benefits, for more info please call 734-662-4955. BASKIN ROBBINS- Full and part time positions. Needed for fall semester. Flexible hours. Call 734.222.8041. DIABETES RESEARCH STUDY at The University , of Michigan Hospital. Persons with Type I insulin-dependent diabetes are needed to participate in a study on nerve dam- age and constipation in. diabetes. Men and women, age 18-65, with or w/out constipation and with neuropathy may be eligible. Com- pensation is provided. For more information call Telecare (734) 763-9000 and enter 2202. DO YOU HAVE a break in classes between lpm and 3pm? The National Advertising Co- ordinator position at The Michigan Daily is open for Fall and Winter terms. We're looking for someone who can work 2 hrs./day, M-F. Contact Nancy: neudney@umich.edu or 764- 0431. DREAMWEAVER TUTOR NEEDED short term call Jane at 769-0277 orjpoll@umich.edu EARN $500-$1500/MO. FOR sports trading research. research@tradesports.com. NEED A MATH TUTOR? Qualified tutor for undergrad. math classes Call 665-2857 Kal. GO SHOPPING, Eat Out, See A Movie... r And Get Paid To Do It! Visit www.WorkAtDorm.com THESIS EDITING. Language, organization, format. All disciplines 25 years U-M experi- ence. 734/996-0566 or writeon@bizserve.com I *1 AVAILABLE NOW! GREAT I bdrm. in prime location. Easily fits two. Heat & ter incl. Parking available. 665-8825. apt. wa- !!CAKE DECORATORS FOR Baskin Rob- bins for fall semester. Full & Part time. Flex. hrs. 734-222-8041. $1500 WEEKLY POTENTIAL mailing our circulars. For info. call 203-977-1720. $250 A DAY potential/ bartending training provided 1-800-293-3985 ext. 504. ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR P/T service positions. Flex. hrs., downtown, Asian bakery/cafe. Eastern Accents. 214 S. 4th Ave. (Near Liberty). AEROBIC AND SPINNING Instructors wanted. Call Ali (@)734-761-4440. ANGELO'S & ANGELO'S On The Side ac- cepting applications for full/part time help. Apply M-F btwn 24 p.m. 1100 E. Catherine. Call 663-7222. ANIMAL CARETAKER POSITION avail. for students. Contact Linda @ 764-8553 M-F for information. Only serious inquires please. ASSISTANT TEACHER FOR PRESCHOOL 2 or 3 aftemoons, 2-6 p.m. starting in the fall. Great job for someone who enjoys caring for children and likes sand, blocks and art. Re- quires some exp. working with very young kids. Not on bus line so reliable transportation is needed. Pays $8.50/hr Send resume to or apply at Sunshine Special Children's Studio, 6536 Scio Church, Ann Arbor, M 48103. BABYSITTER WANTED FOR 3 and 6 yr. old. 3 days/wk (M/W/F preferred) 3-6 PM, flexible, must have car. References preferred. $10/hr. Call 734-9944645. BARTENDER POSITIONS! Make up to 8300/shift no exp. req. great college job! call 800-806-0085 ext 1445. GREAT EXPERIENCE BEFORE LAW SCHOOL. PfT transcriber and/or clerk needed for small local law firm Flex. sched. 769-0200. GROWING ANN ARBOR biotechnology company has an opening for a Laboratory As- sistant. Primary duties include maintaining supplies, bulk reagents and equipment. --10-15 rs./9wk., flexible schedule possible. Call Deb at 734-9754000 if interested. GYMNASTIC INSTRUCTORS FOR pre- school thru high school classes. Days & evenings, some gymnastic experience neces- sary. Must have own transportation. Jobs be- ginning Sept. 5. GymAmerica 971-1667. HEALTH CARE ASSISTING chiropractor with patients, billing & typing. $8/hr. P/T flex. 994-5966. HELP WANTED DAYS/NIGHTS flexible work schedule. JT's Dawghouse. 740 Packard. 222-8414. ICE SKATING INSTRUCTOR. 4-6 hrs.wk. Please Call 994-2785 LAB ASSISTANT (Med. School). Wash and sterilize glassware, media preparation, cell cul- ture, general lab maintenance. $8/hr. Thanku at 764-2578 or Margie at 647-0569. LAKY'S SALON NEEDS a P/T receptionist. Call Sarah 668-8812. LAW OFFICE ASSISTANT to perform gen- eral office duties. Must have good computer skills. Send resume and unofficial transcript to elderlaw qiameritech.net. P/T 10-15 hrs. MICHIGAN BASEBALL IS seeking a paid manager for '02-'03 season. Call 647-4550 and ask for Helen. MICHIGAN TELEFUND Now hiring students for flexible night and weekend schedules. Fun work atmosphere and great job experience. Earn $7/hr plus nightly bonuses. Apply online or stop by 611 Church, Suite 4F. www.telefund.umich.edu. 998-7420. OCCASIONAL BABYSITTER NEEDED for infant daughter. References, flexible sched- ule. 995-0494. ACTIVE COLOR LAPTOPS, $379, parts, accessories, memory, IBM factory rebuilt, warranty, & Intemet ready. 662-7193. AFFORDABLE LAPTOPS! DELL PH1 366, 128 MB RAM, 6 GB HD, CD-ROM, $599. 1-800-444-9805 or visit www.laptopsetc.com. AVAILABLE NOW! GREAT efficiency in prime location. Easily fits two. Heat & ter incl. Parking available. 665-8825. apt. wa- Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis ACROSS 1 Considers 6 Kind of water 10 " is the last straw!" 14 Arabian Sea country 15 Tel 16 Seek prey 17 Force out 18 Interstate demarcation 19 Cinders of comics 20 Legend 21 Abrupt with- drawal 23 Hole starter 25 Swears to 26 Camus, by birth 31 Consume 32 Cause of a big splash 34 "Iliad" writer 38 Conceit 39 Livy's land 41 Down Under denizen 42 Reduce. 45 State-of-the-art weapon 48 "Waking- Devine": 1998 film 50 Connector of floors 51 Got into a row 55 Fuzzy stinger 56 Possible title for this puzzle 59 Play parts 63 Kon-Tiki Museum site 64 Fairy tale open- ing 2 Feeling that makes you green? 3 Revise 4 Jackson or Jordan 5 Posed for a por- trait 6 High light? 7 Track shape 8 Singer Ronstadt 9 Mimieux of "The Time Machine" 10 Legalese adverb 11 Clumsy vessels 12 Small bay 13 Doesn't split, so to speak 21 Actor Montgomery 22 TheBeehive State 24 Twisted, as a grin 26 Genesis victim 27 Toy block 28 Incandescence 29 Bitterer-than- beer brews - 30 Performante averages 33 Fall lead-in? 35 Cat call 36 Poet Lazarus 37 July birthstone 40 Saudis, e.g. 43 Fascinate 44 Russo of "Get Shorty" 46 Suitraccessory 47 Expire, with "out" 49 Gobble up 51 52 53 54 57 58 60 61 62 65 Regarding Rodeo rope Doesn't do any- thing Outback dog Bounce Left in an atlas? Pack tightly Seize Twirl Firmament AWESOME 3 BDRM. ranch at Carpenter & Packard. Huge deck, lovely yard, 2 car garage, washer/dryer, dishwasher, finished basement, avail. 9/1, centrl A/C. $1295/mo. 4834657. BIG DISCOUNT FURNISHED 1 bdrm. 8-12 mo. lease. 5550- $750. One 2 bdmt apt. 5800. Call 260-3610 or 260-3611. BRIGHT AND DRY Prime downtown stor- age/work/office space(s). 321 S. Main. 761-6170. CAMPUS-1 BLOCK AWAY! Washington Manor Apts. 418 F. Washington. Beautiful, Furn. I bdnn. apts. Some with new kitch. and dwshr., A/C, bale., ldy. A graduatekstudent's dream apt.! Call 668-1100 to see them. CENTRAL CAMPUS 5 BDRM. house avail. immed. Rent neg. 216-1822 CONTEMPORARY 1&2 BDRM. apts. Re- cently remodeled, covered prkg, easy freeway and U-M access. flex. leases. day 741-9300, eve. 368-6489 www.annarborapartnents.net EFE., 1 BDRM., 2 bdnn. apts. & houses avail. for Fall 2003. Call Mary 260-3610. 925 CHURCH LEASE RE-ASSIGNMENT. I am looking for someone to takeover my 12- month lease. Lease starts Sept. 1. 1-Bdrm. apt. in a building. prkg. incl. fun., incl. dishwasher & A/C Also has a great bale. 1 Block from Campus. Rent: 5875/Mo. Contact: Ted Kan- luen, tkanlueniumich.edu, 734-546-0004. you hirint call 734.764.0557 for more details 0l 0l ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: A D S B E A MIS T I N G E L A C R E P A Y A N E A R A N Y A L E C B A L D W I N M U L T I D R I N K S T S O B L O N G O L D I S H S E A M I L E S E E O F F H E A R O F A E R I E D W A R D G R O B I N S O N B A S K E.D A T P E A C E E S C O R T S O N N E T A B A C R E AIM S N I D E N I C O L A S C A G E M A R N E R V E T I G E R U R N A R E A S S T 1 E S 3 S E xwordeditor@aol.com 9/10/021 Stumped? Call 1-900-226-4413. 99 cents a minute UNIVERSITY TOWERS STILL HAVE A FEW LEFT. RENT AN APARTMENT 9 AND GET FREE* SEPTEMBER RENT, HIGH-SPEED INTERNET AND NO PROCESSING FEE! CALL 734-761-2680 EMAIL UTOWERSMI@AOL.COM OR STOP IN. OPEN TILL 8PM CLASSIFIED AD INFORMATION . phone 734-764-0557 fax 734-936-1054 -~nFi a -p Mon-Fri 9am-5pm * Walk-ins receive 20% discount with valid U of M student I.D. (non-organizational, :. non-business ads only) " All ads must be prepaid unless prior billing privileges have been established. " The liability of TMD for failure to publish an advertisement for any reason, or for pub- ishing incorrect ads in a specified issue shall be limited to publishing in a subse- quent issue and not for more than the cost of one incorrect insertion. TMD will be responsible for classified advertisement errors only if notified by 5:00 p.m. on the first day of publication. Classified Advertising Rates " $3.70/line for the first day, $1.50/line for each additional, consecutive day " Frequency/Bulk contracts available 1day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 2 lines 7.40 10.40 13.40 16.40 19.40 3 lines 11.10 15.60 20.10 24.60 29.10h II 4 lines 14.80 20.80 26.80 32.80 38.80 38 I 39 I 40 41 1 E I