The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, September 10, 2002 - 5
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'U' plans
to reflect,
engage in
Officials warn of
potential threats,
anniversary attack
While the nation directs
attention toward New York,
Washington and Pennsylva-
nia, a number of events are
scheduled tomorrow to
remember the events of
Sept. 11 both at the Univer-
sity and in the city.
The following are a num-
ber of events the University
community has organized to
offer people outlets for
learning and reflection.
The Division of Student
Affairs will host "Our Commu-
nity Reflects" from 9 a.m.-11
a.m. in the Kuenzel Room of
the Michigan Union. The room
will offer members of the Uni-
versity community a place to
write and express memories,
reflections and thoughts.
Representatives from Coun-
seling and Psychological Ser-
vices will also be on hand for
Each residence hall will also
offer places of reflection from 8
a.m. to midnight. For more
information, residents should
check at the front desk of their
At 10 a.m., the Michigan
Bio-terrorism and Health Pre-
paredness Research and Train-
ing Center will sponsor a
lecture, titled "Sept. 11: One
Year Later, One Year Forward,"
in Room 3001 of the School of
Public Health Building I.
The program will discuss the
number of ways in which
resources can be invested to
increase public health. It will
also address public health pre-
paredness and lessons learned
following the events of last
The Ford School of Public
Policy will sponsor a lecture in
remembrance .of Josh Rosen-
thal, an alum who died in the
World Trade Center, at noon in
the Michigan League Ballroom.
The lecture will focus on U.S.
foreign policy and military poli-
cy, featuring keynote speaker
Lt. Gen. Brent Scowcroft.
Also at noon, University
Health System Office of Pas-
toral Care will hold a remem-
brance ceremony in University
Hospital Courtyard. A lecture
titled "Bio-terrorism: The Med-
ical Response" is also scheduled
in West Lecture Hall of the
Medical Science II Building.
To memorialize the 18
alumni who died in last year's
terrorist attacks, a granite
plaque engraved with the vic-
tims' names will be dedicated
in front of the Alumni Center
at 200 Fletcher St. at 3 p.m.
The plaque was designed by
the University Architect's
Office and Plant Department
Staff and given by the Univer-
sity administration and the
Alumni Association.
The International Institute
will sponsor a symposium,
titled "Terrorism and Globaliza-
tion: Looking Back, Looking
Forward," in the Michigan
Union Ballroom from 4 - 6 p.m.
The event is part of the insti-
tute's series on Religion, Securi-
ty and Violence in Global
The School of Music will
present a concert titled "9/11: In
Remembrance" at 8 p.m. in the
Power Center, featuring the Uni-
versity Symphony Orchestra,
University Choir, singers from
the Ann Arbor community and
Workers began their day at ground zero, the site of the World Trade Center tragedy in New York City yesterday. Tomorrow
marks the one-year anniversary of the terrorist attacks.
Nation preas to honor
heroes, remei
The Los Angeles Times
WASHINGTON - Even those who decline to watch the
inevitable replay of planes barreling into buildings will have a
hard time forgetting what day it is tomorrow.
Sept. 11 will stare back from the face of a wristwatch,
the page of a calendar, the bottom of-the computer screen,
the top of the morning newspaper - an anniversary
demanding recognition from a country not quite sure how
to give it. And there will be little rhyme or reason to how
most people choose to remember a date few had the
chance to forget.
An eternal flame will light in New York, bells will peal in
Alaska, porch lights will burn in Kansas. Some neighbors in
a suburb of Washington will march in a parade; in Orlando,
Fla., they'll gather with candles at dusk on their front lawns.
San Franciscans will line up to give blood. SWAT teams in
Indiana will demonstrate their public safety prowess. Buses
and trains will run with headlights on in Atlanta; Charlotte,
N.C.; Houston; San Mateo, Calif.; and Spokane, Wash. Fire
ber tragedy
trucks will blow their horns in Waco, Texas. In Honolulu,
thousands of children will spell "Aloha 9/11" on a stadium
field. And all over the country, Sunday pulpits will stir with
Wednesday morning words of comfort.
"Most anniversaries have a culturally relevant tradition that
tells us the right way to do it - a visit to a grave, a cake for a
birthday - and not a tremendous amount of innovation is
required," said Paul Ofman, a New York psychologist at RHR
International, a management consulting firm. "Here we have
no tradition, nothing to hold on to. As a nation, we'll have to
figure out what works."
Honoring Sept. 11 is a national duty that came with no set
of instructions, a collective bowing of heads with no director:
The observances will move haphazardly through the day,
much as the tragedy did with the ceremonies most sweeping in
New York, Washington and Pennsylvania.
But the eyes of the nation's capital will focus on the Pen-
tagon, the point of impact restored by workers who labored
around the clock for much of the past year, protesting when
government officials ordered them to take Christmas off.
is warning local police and the U.S.
utility, banking and transportation
industries of a steady stream of
threats mentioning New York, Wash-
ington and the anniversary of the
Sept. 11 attacks.
U.S. military bases and diplomatic
missions worldwide are also being
placed on high alert for the week, offi-
cials say. The U.S. Embassy in Jakarta
was closed yesterday because of a spe-
cific threat against it.
The flurry of incoming threats
picked up by intelligence sources is
challenging the FBI to determine
which might be credible. But while
officials say they have no specific
details of an impending attack, the
government is taking no chances.
White House press secretary Ari
Fleischer said yesterday the threat of
new attacks remains a worry to U.S.
"Anniversaries can be - not neces-
sarily always - can be occasions for
heightened terrorist activity," Fleischer
said. "Just given the fact that it's a one-
year anniversary, we're going to be on
our toes."
Last week, the FBI posted a bul-
letin on a website and sent a message
over a private law enforcement bul-
letin system advising a state of alert
on Sept. 11.
The police bulletin was sent
Wednesday, according to a law
enforcement official who spoke on
condition of anonymity.
The website bulletin was posted by
the FBI's National Infrastructure Pro-
tection Center, which assesses threats
and passes warnings to local infra-
structure companies and agencies.
Banks, trucking companies, power
companies, utility companies and
transportation companies are in the
network that the FBI communicates
with through Internet bulletins.
Other events mentioned on the web-
site as warranting heightened aware-
ness include the Sept. 10-20 U.N.
General Assembly session in New York
and the Sept. 25-29 World Bank and
International Monetary Fund meetings
in Washington.
"A large volume of threats of unde-
termined reliability continues to be
received and investigated by the FBI,"
the bulletin said. "Several of these
threats make reference to the events of
Sept. 11, 2001, and to New York City
and Washington, D.C."
The warnings are based on informa-
tion from all U.S. intelligence sources,
from telephone calls to interviews with
detainees at the U.S. Naval Base in
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, according to a
senior law enforcement official.
Information from detainees, most of
whom have been out of circulation for
months, has proven false before. U.S.
officials have said they act on it only
when corroborated through multiple
sources, but believe advising caution
still is necessary.