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September 09, 2002 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-09-09

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The Michigan Daily - SportsMonday - September 9, 2002 - 3B

Turpin, Schmieder
get tricky with Jags



By Gennaro UIRc.
Daily Sports Writer
With 20:34 left in the first half, and
Michigan leading 3-0, IUPUI coach
Steve Franklin wasn't the least bit sat-
isfied with Elbel Field's public
address announcer.
"If you're going to announce it, get
the name right. I-U-P-U-I, not I-U-P-
I!" Franklin raged at the scorer's table.
"Jeez, this is ridiculous!"
"Ridiculous" indeed. The Maize
and Blue's 8-0 shellacking of the
Jaguars definitely had an absurd
feel to it.
In Friday's home opener, the
Wolverines dominated play from start
to finish, breaking many records
along the way. Michigan's 8-0 win
shattered the mark for goals in a
game, and margin of victory, which
was at three goals. Six of these goals
came from sophomore Mychal Turpin
and junior Jurgen Schmieder (three
apiece), who scored the program's
first and second hat tricks in its three-
year history. Overall, the Wolverines
play pleased Michigan coach Steve
"We came out and played real
strong," Burns said. "And when this
team is putting it together, it can be a
good force."
The fireworks came early and often
in the first half.
Michigan's offensive assault began
at 4:46 with a beautifully developed
play started by Turpin. Turpin raced
up the left side of the field into the
Jaguars' territory and found sopho-

more Knox Cameron in the 18-yard-
box with a perfect delivery. Cameron
then dropped it to junior Mike White
who blasted a shot, collected the
rebound and fired it home on the sec-
ond chance. This type of team play
especially delighted Burns.
"I really liked the camaraderie, and
the fact that they're understanding that
soccer is a team sport," Burns said.
Although the Wolverines did dis-
play a strong team effort, they had
some key individual contributions.
The Turpin show began at 14:01 when
he xreceived a wonderful kick from
Cameron and converted on the break-
away. Turpin completed his natural
hat trick, scoring two more goals at
18:11 and 28:33, with assists coming
from freshman Adam Bruh and
Cameron, respectively.
Michigan's last strike of the first
half came on a corner kick. Bruh took
the corner from the right side and
served up a line drive. White snuck
through the defense and cut the ball
off with a diving header for his sec-
ond goal of the game.
With the Wolverines holding a
more-than-comfortable 5-0 lead at
the half, Michigan's starters left the
game early in the second. Unfortu-
nately for the Jags, Michigan's domi-
nance did not.
Schmieder saw his first action of
the year in the second half, and
made the most of it, torching IUPUI
defenders with three scores. Sopho-
more Karl Lopata assisted on
Schmieder's first two goals, and the
third came via Ian Hirschfield.

Proportionality is key to

growth in women's


Michigan defender Robert Turpin and the rest of his backfield mates kept close
watch over IUPUI's forwards in an 8-0 Michigan trouncing of the Jaguars.

Burns felt that Schmieder's per-
formance was very important for
the forward's development.
"It helps his confidence," Burns
said. "We've taken a guy out of
Europe, out of a different culture, and
it's going to take him some time to
adjust. He knows that his teammates
have confidence in him. He's learning
to play the collegiate game, which is

different from what he's used to."
Although the Wolverines won big,
Burns still thinks his team has a lot of
room for improvement.
"We've taken a step forward, but
there are probably three or four more
steps to go. To be able to see guys put
it together and score attractive goals,
to defend well and to play a complete
game is where we're headed."

ootie Johnson and the folks at
Augusta National allow
women to play on their golf
course, but as of now, their exclusive
membership is comprised of men and
only men.
In a stubborn effort to maintain
this status, "Hootie and the Red-
necks" have become the hottest band
of bigotry in the country. Every
major newspaper and television sta-
tion has vilified them for their intol-
erance. But before we project every
negative stereotype in the book onto
the members of one of the world's
best golf courses, we need to stop and
look in the mirror.
The vast majority of sports fans
treat women's sports with less
respect. They just don't care as much.
Women's sports in this country are a
long way from equality in terms of
public interest. SportsCenter spends
very little time on highlights for the
LPGA and the WNBA, and most
high school girls teams draw fewer
fans than their male counterparts.
Personally, I have never paid
money to see a professional female
athlete in person. I like the fact that
they can all participate and play at
the highest level, but I'm not letting
them into my exclusive club of
heroes and superstars. I know that
Marion Jones, Mia Hamm and Lisa
Leslie are tremendous athletes, but
they don't command the same enter-
tainment dollar.
Forcing gender equality in the
sports marketplace is just as impossi-
ble as forcing the rich and powerful
Augusta members to change their
minds. No matter how much hype
Nike gives Hamm or any other
female athlete, the sports market will
not be forced into change at the point
of a bayonet.
Instead of pushing for equality in
sports, a more reasonable goal was set
- maximizing the equity between the
sexes at the amateur level. Maximiz-
ing equity means meeting all the
short-term and long-term athletic
needs of men and women. Thirty years
ago, the framers of the famous Title
IX legislation set out to do just that.
But now we have advocacy groups
representing athletes of both genders
that are complaining because the cur-
rent system has failed to serve their
In June, the U.S. Department of
Education set up a commission to

analyze these issues and make rec-
ommendations for how Title IX
should be enforced. That will be no
small task. Even after talking with a
member of the commission for more
than an hour, I have no idea what sort
of changes that the group might
decide to pursue.
Whenever the subject of gender
equity in sports comes up, two major
buzzwords dominate the discussion:
Interest and proportionality.
Under its current system, the
NCAA requires the number of partic-
ipating athletes to be proportional to
the student body, within one percent.
By establishing proportionality, some
experts argue, equal opportunity can
be assured to all athletes.
But the current interest level of the
population may not be composed of
50 percent men and 50 percent
women. In fact, it's safe to say that the
current ratio is quite different, and
more heavily weighted towards male
No major studies have been done
to quantify what the current ratio of
interest is. But even if such data
existed, it could only provide a pic-
ture of interest at a given time.
The proportionality system may
limit opportunities for male gymnasts
at Michigan State or male rowers at
Michigan in the short term, but it will
increase the long-term interest of
women; in all kinds of sports. Any
system based on interest will perpet-
uate the current ratio of interest for
years to come.
On balance, I think that the current
proportionality system has the best
interests of society in mind. Years of
opportunities created by Title IX have
created dramatic increases in the role
that women play in sports.
Some people argue that enough
progress has been made, and now we
are punishing the men unfairly by
limiting their opportunities. The pro-
portionality system can easily be
compared to an illegal quota. Choos-
ing sides in this argument isn't easy.
But if we, as a society, ever want to
reach,.the point where women can
become members in our most exclu-
sive sports clubs, then we must
remain committed to a system based
on proportionality.
Steve Jackson can be reached at

Halftime inspiration propels Blue victory

By Brian Schick
Daily Sports Writer

Whatever Michigan women's soccer coach
Debbie Rademacher said during halftime this
weekend to inspire her team, it proved to be
The ninth-ranked Wolverines (4-0) dominated
the second half in both games over the weekend, a
3-1 victory over Western Michigan on Friday, and
a 5-1 thrashing of Eastern Michigan yesterday.
"We made it clear that we need to start playing
harder and with more intensity (in the second
half)," said Rademacher, referring to her team's
first half performance against Western Michigan.
"We just talked about coming out with the same
fury that we had in the first two games, and we
matched it."
When the Wolverines returned to the field for
the second half against Western Michigan, senior
defender Andrea Kayal scored off a corner kick
from fellow defender Amy Sullivant in the 46th
Against Eastern, the Wolverines opened the half

with two quick shots on the Eagles' goalkeeper
Aryn McCumber in the first minute, and Sullivant
beat her off a blast from 30 yards out.
Despite the slow start in both games, Sulli-
vant wasn't concerned about her team's ability
to step if up.
"We realized what we need to do to stay in the
top 10 in the country," Sullivant said. "The first
game that you play after a couple of tough games
is always a wake-up call. We played two tough
games last weekend, and we did not come out as
hard because we all are a little tired and compla-
cent in our playing."
Michigan's senior corps of defenders - the
strength of its team - scored all three of the
team's goals against Western Michigan. Sullivant,
Kayal and Carly Williamson each notched their
first tally of the season, and Sullivant and
Williamson each had an assist.
"The defense's strength is set pieces and (shoot-
ing) balls from long range," Rademacher said. "If
you have a defense that can contribute that way, it
gives us a lot of options."
Yesterday's Eastern Michigan match featured

five goals from five different Wolverines. Fresh-
man Therese Heaton scored her third goal of the
season as she continues to lead the Wolverines in
scoring. Her goal came midway through a first
half that was mostly played in the Wolverines end.
Michigan junior goalkeeper Suzie Grech faced a
breakaway shot from point-blank range and made
a terrific diving save off the foot of Eastern's Jes-
sica Hupe in the middle of the first half.
Hupe got her revenge in the waning minutes of
the first half off a rebound from a corner kick to
cut the score to 2-1.
When the Wolverines returned for the second
half, they came out on fire, scoring four goals off
eight shots. It appeared as if the Wolverines could
do no wrong when junior forward Stephanie
Chavez dribbled the ball all the way up the side-
line, cut toward the net along the endline, and
squeezed a shot between McCumber and the post
to give Michigan a 4-1 lead.
"I think in both games our second half had bet-
ter focus and intensity," Rademacher said. "We
came out flat in both games, and I was happy we
were able to turn it around both times."

Spikers rally to win home opener

IN M ii

By Charles Paradi
Daily Sports Writer

Saturday night the Michigan vol-
leyball team showed that with expe-
rience comes resilience.
After losing the first game of the
Pepsi Volleyball Challenge to
Cincinnati, the Wolverines went on
to win three straight games against
the Bearcats to win their home
opener 3-1 (24-30, 31-29, 30-20,
Michigan was caught off guard
early by the feisty Conference USA
opponent but was able to rebound
and rally back from the letdown at
the beginning of:the match.
Last year, Michigan had a young
team, starting sophomores and fresh-
man in many of the key positions.
The lack of experience from its
starters hurt the team at times. With
an additional year under their belts
and the experience of playing in
close matches, the Wolverines were
able to claw their way back against
Sophomore Jennifer Gandolph
was one of last season's young play-
ers and one of the keys to Michigan's
comeback on Friday. In the first
three games of the season, Gandolph
recorded consecutive double-doubles
in kills and digs.
Against Cincinnati, Gandolph
was tied for third on the team with
nine digs.
While she had her double-double
streak broken against the Bearcats,
Gandolph's 17 kills, which placed
her second on the team, were cru-
cial to the Wolverines' come from
behind win.
"The first game didn't go very
well, but we really held on," Gan-
dolph said. "Last year we would
lose game one and then struggle the
rest of the match. We turned around
our play very well tonight."
But even with all the experience

"I was worried in game two,"
Michigan coach Mark Rosen said.
"When we were down one to nothing
and we really couldn't find a rhythm
and (Cincinnati) couldn't do any-
thing wrong. There was a point there
where we were saying, 'if things
don't change, we're in trouble.'
"But then our team raised our
defensive level, controlled the ball a
little better, started developing an
offensive rhythm and the next thing
you know, the breaks started going
our way."
Ultimately, Michigan's experience
and poise proved too much for
Cincinnati as the Wolverines took
the final three games without being
. "What I am most proud of is the
way we battled for the win," Rosen
said. "Cincinnati played great in the
first game, but we battled, scratched
and clawed our way back to win. I
haven't had a team at Michigan that
could do that as well as we did
The Wolverines needed to put the

loss of the first game behind them
to have any hope of pulling out a
victory in the match.
"It is really hard to come back
from a deficit in rally scoring, but
we proved that it could be done,"
junior captain Erin Moore said. "We
just had to relax and take it one
point at a time."
Michigan's tenacity was a combi-
nation of leadership and experience,
some of which rests squarely on the
shoulders of Moore.
After leading the team in kills last
year, Moore was tabbed as a presea-
son All-Big Ten selection by the
coaches prior to this season. Moore
is the first such Wolverine to
receive the distinction since Sarah
Jackson was named a preseason All-
Big Ten selection in 1997. Moore
showed why she has earned the
respect of her teammates and Big
Ten coaches as she led the Wolver-
ines with 21 kills on Friday.
"As far as leadership, we all take
turns," Moore said. "If I'm having
an off night, someone will step in
and take over."


The University of Michigan
Department of Recreational Sports
Intramural Sports Program


Entries taken:
Mon, 09/09 ONLY
11:00 AM - 5:30 PM
IM Building
Entry Fee:
$80.00 per team
Manager's Meeting:
Wed, 09/11
6:00 PM
IM Building
Play begins:
Thurs, 09/12
Mitchell Fields
Entries taken:
Mon, 09/09 ONLY
11:00AM -5:30 PM
IM Building
Entry Fee:
$50.00 per team
Manager's Meeting:
Wed, 09/11
7:15 PM
IM Building
Play begins:
Thurs, 09/12
IM Building
3-on-3 Basketball


Entries taken:
Mon, 09/09 ONLY
11:00 AM - 5:30 PM
IM Building
Entry Fee:
$80.00 per team


Manager's Meeting:
Wed, 09/11
8:00 PM
1M Building



Play begins:
Thurs, 09/12
Yost Ice Arena
(Frat, GFS, RH, Ind Men)
Entries due:
Thurs, 09/12
5:00 PM
IM Building
Entry Fee:
$25.00 per team
Manager's Meeting:
Thurs, 09/12
6:00 PM
IM Building
Tournament Dates:
Sat09/14 & Sun 09/15
UM Tennis Center
Team Tennis

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