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September 09, 2002 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-09-09

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8A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 9, 2002


School of Music puts on
'9/11: In Rememberance'
Choir and orchestra unite talents

By Christine Lasek
Daily Fine/Performing Arts Editor
In memory of the tragic events of Sept. 11 2001,
the University of Michigan School of Music will be
presenting a free concert. "9/11: In Remembrance"
will be taking place at 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept.
11, at the Power Center for the Performing Arts. This
is to be reminiscent of the community-supported per-
formance presented on Sep.14 last year.
During that dismal time, music helped
people all over the nation cope, heal and
unite. With this in mind, several groups 9/1
and individuals from Ann Arbor includ- REME
ing the University Symphony Orchestra,
University Philharmonic Orchestra, At the Po
Chamber Choir, University Choir, fo
Orpheus Singers, School of Music facul- Perforn
ty as well as singers from the Ann Arbor Wednesda
community, are all coming to perform Fi
together for what is sure to be a night of University S
powerful beauty.
The works that will be performed
include two pieces that were performed at last year's
concert; the hymn-like setting of the Star Spangled
Banner by Luigi Zaninelli and the final movement of
Mahler's Third Symphony. There will also be a set-
ting of words by Thomas Jefferson, "The God who
gave us Life gave us Liberty at the same time," by
Randall Thompson, and the Lacryrnosa (tears), a
movement from Mozart's requiem.
The musical selections were chosen by Professor

)r t

Kenneth Kiesler, director of University Orchestras,
and Professor Jerry Blackstone, Director of Universi-
ty Choirs. They chose these specific pieces because
of their spiritual and contemplative qualities, in the
hopes that the music would be a reminder that human
beings are far more alike than they are differences,
and therefore lend hope to the future.
At last year's concert, orchestra musicians as well
as singers from the Ann Arbor area were invited to
perform alongside the many groups
involved in the concert. Because the
concert must be held at the Power Cen-
: IN ter (as Hill Auditorium is under renova-
3RANCE tion), this invitation has been limited out
of necessity to only singers. Any singer
ver Center from the Ann Arbor area interested in
the joining this important event is asked to
ng Arts attend a few brief rehearsals, and can
at 8 p.m. call 734-4726 for more information.
.e "This is not only a concert or a per-
hool of Music formance, which implies some people
giving and others receiving," explains
Kiesler. "We are all receiving some-
thing. And through music, possibly the greatest
expression of the human spirit, we can experience a
deep and meaningful sense of community, together-
ness, and oneness.
"Musicr and musicians have always been there at
significant moments in the history of humankind.
This is such a time.
"Truly, the School of Music lives and breathes for
our community as well as for our students."

The Crystal Method rocking the house left, rocking the house right.
Crystal Method spins at Necto

By Zac Peskowitz
Daily Arts Writer
Capping off a summer that has seen
the likes of Kimball Collins and Mark
Farina, the Necto welcomed The Crystal
Method to Ann Arbor early Friday
morning. The Glendale, Calif. based
duo of Scott Kirkland and Ken Jordan
brought their trademark breakbeats, an
eclectic mix of vinyl and their rugged
attitude to the Necto's intimate main
room for one of the last stops on their
North American tour.
Ljst, every Thursday night at the
Necto, has distinguished itself in the
battle for the best clubnight in South-
eastern Michigan and TCM's appear-
ance was one of the club's largest coups
to date. With the demise of Hamtram-
ck's Motor, the Necto is well positioned

in Case gou 've noted that
the void in gour life is

to create a niche for itself in the region.
After two hours of slowly building
the crowd's energy, opening DJ Kenneth
Thomas let loose with a bombastic
remix of Underworld's "Two Months
Off." The dance floor
coalesced when TCM
took the decks just past.
midnight. Jordan and THE C
Kirkland quickly dis- MEN
pelled any questions as
to whether they are a true At Th
electronic dance music Thursd
act. Although their at 8
smashmouth approach toL
DJing and fiery personas
are often out of place in
the more subdued, blessed-out dance
culture, they are just as comfortable
spinning deep house at a local club as
playing singles from MTV in front of a
stadium audience.
TCM effortlessly mixed some of their
hits from 1997's platinum-certified
Vegas with fresh hits like Felix da
Housecat's "Silver Screen Shower-
scene" in an adventurous and c chal-
lenging set. But despite their efforts to
expand their musical offerings, the
crowd reacted most strongly to the TCM
staples "Comin' Back" and "Keep Hope
Alive." The rest of the set was filled
with miraculous segues from AC/DC to
Michael Jackson to Radiohead that kept
the crowd involved in between the
explosive singles from Vegas.
One of the few sour notes of the
evening were Ann Arbor's arcane zon-
ing laws which prevent DJs from play-
ing past 2 a.m. and have become the
biggest obstacle to a vibrant dance
scene emerging in this city. Another dis-

appointment has been the refusal of stu-
dents to embrace the club. While Ann
Arbor yuppies have made the Necto
their clubbing home, the absence of
the city's student population is a trou-

he Necto
ay Sept. 5

Campus Chiap)tMirnistrc
i , w .campusc6iaile.org

bling trend that should
lead one to question
whether dance music
will ever become an
accepted part of the
Ann Arbor cultural
As the set concluded to
Thom Yorke's wispy
vocals on "Everything in
its Right Place," Kirkland
worked the crowd, "It's a

5una ra services @@II :)o am
UJn4ergrad EUscussion on
Wcds c9 1r,

The HE Fulbright programs support study abroad in over 100 countries, providing grants
for research, study and travel for selected countries, and various other opportunities such as
teaching assistantships.
The competition is open to U.S. students at all graduate levels, and to seniors who will
have graduated by the time the award is to be used. Students need not to have international
experience to be considered. Recent graduates id graduating seniors are not at a disadvantage.
Information sessions will be held in room 2609 of the International Institute on:
Wednesday, Sept. 4, 3-5 p.m.
Thursday, Sept. 5, 5-7 p .
Monday, Sept. 9, 5-7 p.m.
Application materials are available at the International Institute (located in the School
of Social Work Building). The U of M Fulbright Program Advisor is Kirsten Willis.
Contact her at 763-3297mor kbakke@umich.edu.
Deadline for application: September 23, 2002

fucking pleasure to play for real dance
fans" and continued with the bold asser-
tion, "Detroit's got nothing on you
guys." Although it's reasonable to dis-
miss this statement as hyperbole,
Kirkland did show that there is some-
thing amiss when Ann Arbor, with its
history of musical innovators like the
MC5 and the Stooges and its location
just west of the childhood home of
techno pioneers Juan Atkins, Derrick
May and Kevin Saunderson, does not
enjoy a flourishing dance scene.
The Necto has the difficult, ii
enviable, task of single-handedly cul-
tivating the Ann Arbor club scene.
Clubla'nd's most dedicated residents
have little reason to fear with Kim-
ball Collins returning to the Necto in
three weeks and Kevin Yost spinning
this Thursday. The Necto's urbane
European vibe is a great setting to
satiate anyone's rapacious desire fox
thunderous bass lines, pounding
breakbeats and tripped-out melodies.

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located onu block nortk of (L4Twrs "on astenaw Cout



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