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September 09, 2002 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-09-09

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September 9, 2002
02002 The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan


One-hundred-eleven years ofeditornalfreedom

Mostly clear
skies during the
day, becoming
partly cloudy
late afternoon.
Mostly clear
skies at night.

Wii 93

Vol. CXIII, No. 5

www.michigandaily. corn

l im 1:11milimalislam:
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Cause of

death remains a myste

By Jeremy Berkowitz
Daily StaffReporter
The Sigma Phi fraternity house experienced
tragedy Thursday night when one of its mem-
bers was discovered dead. Brothers of the
house found 25-year-old Anthony Lengas on
the floor of the furnace room in the basement,
around 9:30 p.m.
Lengas had not been seen by his brothers
since 2 a.m. Wednesday, and since he was in
the process of moving out of the house, nobody
thought anything of his disappearance. It was
only Thursday evening, when Lengas' mom
and sister showed up at the house that the
brothers began searching the grounds.

His family requested a room by room search
and four brothers started searching in the base-
ment. They first noticed something unusual
when they saw Lengas' wallet, cell phone and
keys among boxes he was packing up. A few
minutes later, the body was discovered in the
furnace room and the police were called.
Ann Arbor Police Sgt. Richard Kinsey said
the matter of death was suspicious, and an
autopsy was performed Friday. Kinsey said
final results will not be announced for another
two or three weeks when quantitative toxicolo-
gy reports are finalized.
There are already questions about the cause
of death, but Kinsey said he did not believe
violence was a factor.

"We're continuing to investigate the matter,
however we don't believe foul play was
involved," Kinsey said. "There were no signs of
trauma that would have caused his death and it
didn't look like there had been a fight."
Lengas, a former student at Eastern Michi-
gan University, was not enrolled in any classes
this school year.
University alum and former Sigma Phi
brother Perrin Disner said he never thought
Lengas took many credits each semester,
although living in the house, he saw Lengas
studying numerous times.
Interfraternity Council President Joel Win-
ston said although it is very rare, there is noth-
ing in the IFC bylaws or Constitution which

prohibits fraternities from taking members who
are not University students.
"It's not something that usually occurs,"
Winston said. "But we (don't) have a problem
doing it."
Jon Sabol, a member of Sigma Phi's Execu-
tive Board said despite the age difference
between Lengas and the other brothers and the
fact that he was not a University student, he
was not any less of a brother.
"This is a very tragic event, going beyond
talking about brotherhood, to all of us here. He
was our friend," Sabol said.
Disner, who had known him since the fall of
1999, said Lengas was a very outgoing person
who loved his friends and had a very frank

manner about him.
"You had to earn his respect, but once you
had it, there was nothing that he wouldn't do
for you," Disner said. "He was everybody's
friend, everybody's confidant."
' Both Disner and Austin, who were in the
same pledge class as Lengas, said one
favorite memory of him was that he could
never remember the songs the pledges were
supposed to memorize.
"He had no idea of any of the lyrics we
learned," Austin said.
Disner said Lengas only put so much effort
into remembering the songs before giving up.
"(After awhile), he got good at faking with
See LENGAS, Page 2A

'U '

requests extension on

submitting brief to Court

By Megan Hayes
Daily Staff Reporter
The pace with which the case challeng-
ing the Law School's use of race in admis-
sions moves toward the
Supreme Court slowed
Thursday when Uni- r'
versity respondents
requested an extension
in filing an opposition
brief in view of what
they deem "substantial preexisting respon-
sibilities and the complexity of the

They have requested an extension in fil-
ing a brief originally due Sept. 15 in
opposition to the plaintiff's request of the
Supreme Court to hear Grutttr v.
Assistant General Counsel Jonathan
Alger said the University does not antici-
pate any difficulty in having the extension
"(Filing for an extension) is quite rou-
tine," he said.
In regards to the Grutter case in general,
Alger said the case follows the existing

Inside: The Association for American
Medical Colleges is recommending that
medical schools take race into account when
reviewing applications. Page 3A
Supreme Court precedent.- "If the Court
does decide to hear the case, we are confi-
dent we have a strong case," he said.
Curt Levey, director of Legal and Public
Affairs for the Center for Individual
Rights, a Washington-based law firm rep-
resenting plaintiff Barbara Grutter, said
this extension would certainly not be a

Journal ranks
B-School 2nd
best in world

By Shabina S. Khatrl
Daily Staff Reporter

LSA junior Bobby Nooromid takes part In a Rosh Hashanah ceremony organized by the Univerity
Hillel yesterday on the banks of the Huron River.
Students find moany
W s to celebrate

Corporate recruiters ranked the
University's Business School No. 2
in the world overall and number one
for recruiting minority talent, accord-
ing to the Wall Street Journal's annu-
al rankings of business schools,
released today.
More than 2,200 recruiters rated the
top 50 business schools on 26 attrib-
utes, including students' leadership
potential and ability to work in teams,
past success in hiring top-quality grad-
uates, the faculty and the career-servic-
es office.
Business School Dean Robert
Dolan said the past year's challenges,
including the economic downturn
and the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks,
gave the ranking an especially valu-
able meaning.
"We're obviously happy to find our
students are so highly sought after.
Ranks aren't everything, but it's one
element of the reputation of the school
that will really help people know what
we're all about," he said.
The University rose from its previ-

ous No. 4 ranking to beat out last
year's second and third favorites,
Carnegie Mellon University's Graduate
School of Industrial Administration
and Yale University's School of Man-
agement, respectively.
Kristina Nebel, the Business
School's Director of Admissions, said
the University also ranked better than
the "usual suspects such as Wharton
(School of Business at the University
of Pennsylvania) and Harvard (Busi-
ness School)," which placed in this
year's top 10.
"Even though the number one spot
went to Tuck (School of Business at
Dartmouth) again, we're pleased to
have been able to close the gap by
making the results a lot closer this
year," she said.
Business junior Matt Ellish said the
ranking only confirmed his beliefs
about the Business School.
"I knew coming into it that it was
highly ranked. I think it's good to know
that, but that doesn't mean you can just
expect to lay back and get a good job,"
he said.
But the University's rise from its

By Mark Hutchinson
For the Daily

The high holidays will have special mean-
ing for many this year as a result of the events
of last year, including Sept. 11 and the contin-
uing conflict in Israel and throughout the
Middle East. The anniversary for the attack on
the World Trade Center and the Pentagon will
fall on the sixth day of the High Holy Days.
Ben Berger, the Berman Fellow at Hillel
said he will spend part of the holidays try-

ing to come to grips with the events of the
past year.
"The events of last September will be a part
of my thought process throughout the week. I
will also be thinking about how the world is
going to change this year, and how the lives of
my friends and family here and in Israel will
be affected, and even if they will be alive at
year end," Berger said.
Rosh Hashanah is one of the holiest holi-
days of the year for people of Jewish faith and
See HOLIDAY, Page 3A


Classes adjust
following attacks

Early review

Ed Willis, seen here on the third floor of the Michigan Union,
is excited about his new Job as dean of students. He began
work at the University in late-August.
Wilfis: Meeting
many students
1S main prinoty
By Maria Sprow
Daily Staff Reporter
Between moving into his new office in the Michigan
Union and making the hour drive from Toledo, Ohio every
day, the new Dean of Students Ed Willis has been busy
these last two weeks. But he has still found time for Maize
Craze, New Student Convocation, Festifall, Black Student
Convocation, Artscapade and the first home football game.
Willis, who took over as dean of students in late August,
is one of the many new administrative faces around cam-
pus, but he said he is anxious to familiarize himself better
with students.
"The way I do my work as dean of students is that I do
not necessarily wait for students to come to me," said Willis,
the former dean of students at the University of Toledo.
"I'm always looking out for students' well-being."
"I'm trying to get out to as many student events and activ-
ities as possible so people are aware of me and know me,"
he added. "I think people will know who I am once I get out
and about."
Willis is the University's first permanent dean of students
since E. Royster Harper was promoted to interim executive

By Tyler Boersen
Daily Staff Reporter

Following the Sept. 11 terrorist
attacks, students and professors ques-
tioned U.S. for-
eign policy and
their own beliefs..
International poli-
tics suddenly fTy.
seemed to be a
question of life-
and-death conse-
quence, and issues of religious
tolerance and biological threat
increased concern for foreign events,
professors and students said.
"The attacks on the Pentagon and

of understanding world politics," said
Sarah Croco, a Graduate Student
Instructor for an introductory world
politics course. "I think the terrible
shock of (Sept. 11) compelled some
students to take more classes about
world politics, specifically classes
about conflict."
In semesters following the attacks,
enrollment doubled in the history
department's class titled "War in the
Twentieth Century Middle East," histo-
ry Prof. Juan Cole said.
Enrollment has also increased in
other classes of immediate interest,
including the introductory internation-
al politics class and a political science
class on the Arab-Israeli conflict, polit-

LSA senior Ana Vaz reviews her notes yesterday evening on the steps of Angell



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