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September 06, 2002 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-09-06

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A2002 The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Vol. CXIII, No. 4

One-hundred-eleven years of editorial freedom


Slightly humid
and mostly
sunny all day
with a chance
of afternoon
and evening

H1. 85

AATA raises fares, changes schedules

By James Ng
Daily Staff Reporter
Sarah Claud, a School of Public Health graduate student,
will have to dig a little deeper into her pockets to use Ann
Arbor's public transportation system.
The Ann Arbor Transportation Authority raised fares and
made changes to 14 of its 27 existing routes Aug. 25.
Claud takes Routes 6 and 14 daily to get from Industrial
Road to Central Campus and the School of Public Health.
Although she understands that fares have to be increased
due to inflation, she would prefer that they stay the same.
"I buy 30-day passes since I use AATA buses every day
and the increase in fares is a real burden," Claud said.
Under the new plan, Claud will have to pay $1 instead of
the 75 cents previously charged. Fares for students ages 6-
18 and senior citizens 60-64 increased from 35 cents to 50
cents, while fares for riders with an American with Disabili-
ties Act card and for seniors 65 and older, which were free
before, now cost 25 cents. It was the AATA's first fare

increase in 11 years, said AATA Manager of Community
Relations Mary Stasiak.
Stasiak cited cuts in state funding and rising employee
costs among the reasons for the price hike.
"Before the increase, our fares had not kept pace with
inflations," Stasiak said, noting that the AATA still provides
one of the cheapest city transportation systems in the state
of Michigan. "If they had, the basic fare would have been
96 cents."
While no routes were eliminated, some of the changes in
routes and schedules are expected to have an impact on Uni-
versity students, faculty and staff who commute to and from
campus on AATA buses.
"We routinely modify our routes according to ridership,"
Stasiak explained.
Route 1, the Pontiac Trail, no longer covers Hubbard,
Broadway and Traver. Instead, passengers from these areas
would have to take Route 2, which is the Plymouth route,
Stasiak said.
Route 16, from Saline to downtown now only runs twice

in the morning and twice at night. A new route, Route 220
now serves Saline hourly, connecting to other AATA buses
at the Meijer store on Ann Arbor-Saline Road, she said.
Sunday service on Route 22, the North and South Con-
nectors, has also been discontinued, Stasiak added.
Stasiak said she expects the schedule changes made to
Routes 1U and 12U to have the biggest impact on riders on
campus. Route 1U now only runs twice a day and Route
12U, once.
The AATA route changes would have no effect on the
University bus system. University buses will continue to
serve the four transit routes of Bursley-Baits, Commuter,
Northwood and North Campus in the same manner as
"Since the AATA routes are not actually incorporated into
the University bus routes, the recent changes implemented
by the AATA would not affect our routes in any way," Uni-
versity Parking and Transportation Services spokeswoman
Diane Brown said.
The changes were met with some gripes from University

A student waits for the Briarwood Mall-bound AATA bus
outside of the Michigan Union.
"The AATA needs to justify any fare increase with invest-
See AATA, Page 7

agrees to
By Louiele ls
Daily Staff Reporter
The Republican and Democratic
candidates for governor are now set
to participate in two debates, one
more than the two agreed to as of
Wednesday. But GOP nominee Dick
Posthumus is still calling for nine
debates, a claim his opponent's cam-
paign said is disingenuous.
Talks had broken down Wednesday
1 with the appearance that there would
be only one debate. Although the two
debates between the Republican lieu-
tenant governor and Democratic
attorney general
are certain, there
is talk ofa third.
Posthumus and
Granholm are
expected to face
off Oct. 7 on
Grand Rapids'
WOOD-TV and in
an untelevised
debate at the Eco-
Posthumus nomic Club of
Detroit Oct. 15.
P o s t h u m u s
spokesman Sage
Eastman said the
two camps have
agreed to do a
debate on Sagi-
naw's WNEM-TV,
but no date has
been set.
Granholm, the
Granholm front-runner in the
race, yesterday
rebuffed the idea of nine debates. It
has been a long practice in politics of
frontrunners wanting fewer debates
than their underdog opponents.
"That's a joke," Granholm
spokesman Chris De Witt said. "Dur-
ing the debate negotiations, they only
talked about three."
No televised debate is expected for
the metropolitan area, which has the
Posthumus campaign irked.
Granholm "doesn't want to come
to Detroit where most of the voters
are," Eastman said. "And why should
she if she's going to tell them she's
going to raise their taxes."
See DEBATES, Page 7

A matter of perspective


gains new
head lawyer


Novi resident Julie Harp pauses to take in a painting from the Picasso exhibit at the University Art
Museum, which runs through Sept. 15.

Diversity organizations
draw crowds at Festifall
By Shabina S. Khatri
Daily Staff Reporter "'m ild thathphnvv this.hnwaiin if
g .ad that~ they~~WU haveW this~ beas if

Yesterday's colorful campus dis-
play on the Diag, Festifall, gave stu-
dents the opportunity to exchange
interests, display unique talents, shop
for extracurricular activities and col-
lect free stuff.
In addition to the familiar academ-
ic, social, community service and
ethnic organizations, yesterday's Fes-
tifall also offered a forum for lesser-
known groups, such as Dialogues on
Having recently completed two
documentaries on students with
depression and with disabilities,
Ernesto Mejia, the program assistant
for Dialogues on Diversity, said Fes-
tifall gave his organization the
chance to reach more students to par-
ticipate in upcoming discussions and
documentaries pertaining to race,
gender and diversity.
"We're not a new initiative, but
we're not well known yet. We're just
starting to pick up steam with our
housing programs and documentary

they didn't, I wouldn't have known that
85 percent of these groups existed."
- Bridgette Burley
LSA freshman

By Jeremy Berkowitz
Daily Staff Reporter
Although the U.S. Supreme Court
will not decide whether to grant a
writ of certiorari to Grutter v.
Bollinger for at least a month, the
University is already preparing for a
possible argument defending the
Law School's use
of race in admis-
attorney Maureen
Mahoney joined
the legal team
representing the
University as
lead co-counsel
with attorney
John Payton of Mahoney
the Washington
law firm Wolmer, Cutler and Pick-
After interviewing several appli-
cants, the University General Coun-
sel's Office, Law School Dean
Jeffery Lehman and other members
of the University chose Mahoney
because of her familiarity with the
Supreme Court.
"She's a very experienced
Supreme Court litigator and is
widely respected in the legal field,"
General Counsel Marvin Krislov
said. "We think (she) will add some
strength to our team."
Mahoney has worked for the
Washington firm Latham and
Watkins for more than 20 years and
served for two years as a United
States Deputy Solicitor General.
She is an expert in constitutional
and appellate litigation and won 10
out of the 11 cases she has argued
in front of the Supreme Court.

Mahoney also recently won a case
representing the U.S. House chal-
lenging the Commerce Depart-
ment's policy of using statistical
sampling in the 2000 census.
University spokeswoman Julie
Peterson said it is common before a
case reaches the Supreme Court to
bolster legal representation.
"It seems very logical and natural
to add someone who has good deal
of experience at the Supreme Court
level," she said.
Peterson added that Mahoney's
hiring is simply a move of prepara-
tion and not in prediction of
whether the Supreme Court will
decide to take the case.
"Hiring her is not a statement of
probability," Peterson said. "We're
trying to do all the things to make
sure we're prepared."
Mahoney will be in Ann Arbor
Sept. 18 for a forum hosted by the
University discussing the lawsuits.
Presenters, including University
President Mary Sue Coleman,
Krislov, Mahoney and Lehman will
address the forum attendees from 4
to 6 p.m.
Peterson said the University
would like to give members of the
community an opportunity to ask
questions and become more
informed about the recent events
and origins df both the lawsuit
against the Law School and the case
regarding LSA admissions policies.
"We just want people to learn all
the developments that have hap-
pened to find out what it all means
to them," Peterson said.
The 6th Circuit reversed a deci-
sion made by U.S. District Judge
Bernard Friedman, in the case Grut-
ter v. Bollinger. The court declared
in a majority opinion that diversity
is a compelling state interest.
The Center for Individual.Rights,
representing plaintiff Barbara Grut-
ter filed papers Aug. 9 asking the
Supreme Court to hear an appeal in
the case. The University has 30 days
to ask the Supreme Court to deny
CIR's request.

series," he said.
Other seasoned groups chose to
forgo the usual free candy, buttons
and stickers commonly used to
attract students to their tables in
favor of new, innovative tactics.
The Arab Students Association and
the Arab Anti-Discrimination Com-
mittee shared a hookah, inviting stu-
dents to take hits from a long tube
passing through an urn of water that
cools smoke as it is drawn through.
"Our membership list has doubled
in the last hour!" ASA President
Brenda Abdelall said.
Project Community, a community.
service and social action organiza-
tion with an academic component,
passed out bottles of hot sauce as

part of their "Spice up your Sched-
ule!" program.
Sean deFour, the organization's
assistant director, said the hot sauce
was very effective in bringing in stu-
dent interest.
"Buttons and pins are kind of,
lame," he said.
LSA freshman Bridgette Burley,
who signed up for Project Communi-
ty as well as four other community
service organizations, said she
enjoyed the variety of groups present
at Festifall.
"I'm glad that they have this,
because if they didn't, I wouldn't
have known that 85 percent of these
groups existed," she said.

v s S O0f...
Tomor-row, Michigan Stadium 12:10 p.m. ESPN-plus
Western Michigan utilized its aggressive
spread offense in its 48-17 win over Indi-
ana State last week, completing passes to
nine different receivers for 330 yards.
Despite Michigan's pass defense looking
vulnerable last week against the Huskies
- giving up 318 yards in the air - the
Worverines should have no problem with
Philip Brabb's last second, 44-yard
field goal clinched the Wolver-
inpc' im I'1-?9 win nvr Nn

Students wane on Iraq intervention

By Christopher Johnson
Daily Staff Reporter

President Bush's announcement regarding his
desire to oust Iraqui President Saddam Hussein
from his post in several recent speeches has
sparked a variety of opinions among students on
"I think eventually-Saddam Hussein is going to
end up causing world war trouble," LSA junior
Dustin Oswald said. "If they can prevent any prob-
lems before they happen, then I support it. All
those military people are gung-ho about it any-
ways, so there's no stopping them."
LSA junior Adam Haba, president of the Col-
lege Republicans, said war in Iraq may be neces-
"We support what the President and the admin-
istration are doing and we trust that they have the
righ~t cztrntato -nrntor't Ao-,,nrrnr'rzin Amnni "

Despite Bush's argument that Hussein has com-
mitted heinous crimes in Iraq, many students do
not believe that the situation warrants military
action by the United States.
"I don't feel that George Bush has made a good
claim for a war against Iraq," said LSA junior
Lena Masri, chair of the Muslim Student Associa-
tion's political committee. "He has no proof of
nuclear weapons and no support from other coun-
tries. This war is nothing like the first one because
all of the allies who supported us then are not sup-
porting us now."
LSA senior Michael Geske said, "I don't think
there's a threat significant enough to endanger the
lives of American soldiers overseas. I don't think
there's a proven capability for Iraq to the attack
the U.S. mainland."
Rackham student Jennifer Palmer said Bush is
"trying to make up for past deficiencies, which

mitment that might be regretted later."
At a meeting Wednesday with congressional
leaders, Bush called for foreign intervention,
claiming that Hussein is procuring weapons of
mass destruction that threaten the world and that
his administration has caused the Iraqi people to
Bush indicated that he will use force in Iraq, but
will not strike alone: Bush will speak with British
Prime Minister Tony Blair tomorrow and other
world leaders next week.. He will also address the
United Nations on Sept. 12. In addition to interna-
tional support for war, Bush said he wants the con-
sent of Congress, but did not specify whether he
would refrain from military action if he failed to
obtain a formal declaration of war.
"Doing nothing about that serious threat is not
an option for the United States," Bush said
Wednesday. "Saddam Hussein is a serious threat.
e~ is a sinifiant nroblem. And it's something



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