LOCAL/STATE The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 14, 2003 - 3A CRIIIE - Man found urinating cited for violating local ordinance According to the Department of Public Safety, a subject was found uri- nating in public at the West Hall Arch early Friday morning. The subject was cited for violating a public urination ordinance. DPS then escorted the sub- ject from the area. Medical staffers play prank with explosives A suspicious incident regarding an explosive was reported at the Medical Science Research Building III on Thurs- day evening. DPS reports state that cus- todial staff members discovered what they believed was a Molotov cocktail, a type of explosive, inside a laboratory. DPS investigated and found that the incident was a prank between two of the office workers. No arrests were made, but the Washtenaw County Prosecutor's Office is currently reviewing the case. Unknown person assults student at Mosher Jordan An assault occurred at Mosher Jor- dan Residence Hall on Friday night. A student reported he was assaulted by an unknown subject inside the residence hall. DPS Sgt. Stacy Richmond said the student did not sustain any injuries and the case is still under investigation. Wallets stolen from purse, lunch bag at hospital Two wallet thefts occurred at the University Hospital on Saturday after- noon. A woman reported her wallet was stolen from her purse, which she had left in a vending storage area of the hospital. The woman said her wallet contained her ID and $70. A second woman reported her wallet was stolen from her lunch bag when she left it unattended in a waiting room. DPS filed separate reports, but has no suspects at this time. Vehicle window is found ,broken at Church carport A caller reported malicious destruction of property at a carport on Church Street on Saturday after- noon. The caller noted that a vehicle in the carport had a broken window. No property was reported stolen from the vehicle. DPS has no sus- pects at this time. Playing around at MLB results in tresspassing An incident of trespassing was reported at the Modern Languages Building on Saturday night. Two sub- jects were fighting in the building, according to DPS reports. Upon arrival to the scene, DPS discovered the sub- jects were merely playing. The subjects were cited for trespassing and escorted from the building. Skaters in Diag recieve violation FoSubjects were cited for skate- boarding on the Diag Friday evening. DPS reports state that sev- eral skateboards were in violation of a local ordinance prohibiting skateboards on University property. The subjects were escorted from the area and given verbal warnings. * Subjects create disturbance at Grad Library Three subjects were arrested on out- standing warrants at the Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library Friday evening. A caller repoited the subjects were creating a disturbance in the library. Upon arrival, DPS arrested the subjects on outstanding arrest warrants. The subjects were also cited for liquor law violations. Stolen computer reported from medical building An incident of larceny occurred at the Medical Science Unit I building on Thursday morning. According to DPS reports, a computer was stolen from the building. An incident report was filed. Just for kicks Experts: State's serious obesity problems not reflected at 'U' By Michael Kan People who have received college edu- National Health and Nutrition Examina- Daily Staff Reporter cation also have a lower rate of obesity at tion Survev showedr 645 5 ercent f Amer- As one of the fattest states in the nation, Michigan's obesity rate has climbed to an appalling 60.4 percent, according to a recent study by the Michigan State Uni- versity Institute for Public Policy and Social Research. Surpassed only by Mississippi and West Virginia, Michigan is dealing with a seri- ous health issue. But obesity in college campuses is not seen as much of a problem according to Uni- versity health experts. "Young people are more active and so they don't have as many issues with health," said University Health Services Director Robert Winfield. Winfield said obesity is more common in older adults because a person's metabo- lism changes. "If you eat the same amount of food as you grow older you will eventu- ally gain more weight." According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only 14 percent of adults aged 18 to 29 are obese. t-auvu a av navya ivwct 'a *c viS t'iy, 15.7 percent compared to adults who have not received higher education, which is 23.2 percent and higher. Marilyn Nakamoto, a University Health Ser- vice nutritionist, said she usually does not see very many patients with problems of obesity. "That doesn't mean it doesn't exist, though," she added. Though these studies show college stu- dents in the age group from 18 to 29 are less susceptible to becoming obese, the statistics also show obesity has risen.in every factor. Currently, 20.9 percent of adult Americans are obese, bringing the total number approximately to 44 million. This marks a 74 percent increase in obesi- ty in the nation since 1991. Obesity is calculated by using the Body Mass index - a formula used to express the relationship between weight and height. The BMI scale was used in conducting the obesi- ty studies by the CDC and does not account for people who are overweight. Furthermore, a study done by the 11V11 a V y blvWA C JT.S jJ p'.11l c L n o mI- icans are obese or overweight, suggesting to some health officials the problem is connected with America's growing lifestyle of eating fast food. In 2000 alone, Americans spent more than $110 billion on burgers, fried chicken and other fast food items, compared with $6 billion in 1970. LSA junior Susanna Shamban said, "A lot of people at the University eat fast food most of the time." "I think generally (University students) are pretty healthy. The guys on my floor all go workout," said LSA freshman Tyler Murphy. But he added that they are not always going to eat the healthiest food. "I think as a country we don't eat well," LSA freshman Mike Trevino said, adding that excerise may not be a priority for all Univeristy students. But weight-related issues still affect many college students. According to the National Eat- ing Disorder Association, 75 to 90 percent of American women hold negative body images. TONY DING/Daily A2 Capoeira Club members and Eastern Michigan University students Allan Edwards and Andrew Standard practice a routine on the Diag yesterday. TUITION CAPS Continued from Page 1A During a speech before the Michigan House of Representatives Higher Education sub-committee, University President Mary Sue Coleman said the University is committed to limiting tuition increases to a reasonable amount, suggesting that a cap would not be necessary to keep rates from sky- rocketing. "We have kept tuition increases as lowas possible over the past sev- eral years, especially in comparison to our Big Ten counterparts," Cole- man said. "Our financial aid increases have kept pace -- and more - with our tuition increases in order to contin- ue to provide access for those with need. This is a principle to which we are dedicated." Nearly all students are concerned about rising tuition, but a legal cap on increases is not something all students support. LSA sophomore Dan King believes the University can be trusted to keep tuition rates moderate. Failure to do so would harm the entire University community by alienating qualified students, he said. "I think the University is working in our best interests,".King said. "You have to give a certain amount of trust to the qualified peo- ple we elected to lead the Universi- ty," he added. "It's a difficult balance between raising rates a certain amount and getting people here who will benefit the entire University." Other students argue that if left to the administration, rising tuition could reach a financially crippling level. "I'm an out of state student, and I think that U of M has one of the high- est out-of-state tuition rates in the country for public universities," LSA freshman Kristen Childress said. "Increasing the tuition would make it even more difficult for peo- ple who don't live in Michigan," she added. Take Back the RALLY Continued from Page 1A LSA sophomore Rachel Robbins said she thinks too many students try to stay away from serious issues like rape for social reasons. "I definitely don't think enough people came," she said. "A lot of women on campus avoid femi- nist issues because feminism has become such a dirty word." Another noticeable aspect about the crowd in Night sparks sy; attendance on Friday was that only a few men came to see and participate in the rally. LSA sophomore David Hoffman said he feels most of the campus' male population think they do not need to show support for sexual violence prevention. "I don't think guys realize the severity of it," he said. "If they think they're not going to rape somebody, they think they don't have to out- wardly support (sexual assault prevention)." Take Back the Night started in San Francisco npathy, resolve in 1978 with a rally of over 5,000 people. The University started the tradition a few months after. This year's rally bore particular signifi- cance because the Ann Arbor area's Sexual Assault Crisis Center has recently lost its fund- ing due to budget cuts in the Washtenaw Com- munity Health Organization. Along with the rally, students petitioned for returning funds to the SACC, a program that has helped respond to an average of one sexual assault every other day. NAKED MILE Continued from Page 1A longer something the team wishes to be associated with," said former Men's Lacrosse team president Greg Walker in a written statement released that year. "It used to be a fun outing, but for the past two years, it has become increasingly uncomfortable and unsafe. We don't want our team to be linked with the circus the event has become,"Walter added. In 2001, the Mile was broadcast live over the Internet by Cyber Management Inc., an Atlanta- based company. Photographers from national media and pornography organizations hovered over South University Avenue in blimps and helicopters. "It's basically become an exploitative event," said LSA senior Mike Panetta, adding that he believes the fear of finding themselves naked on the Internet deterred many students from participating. "I don't want to be looking on the Internet and find some picture of me in my underwear on some trashy website," Panetta said. Ads displayed in residence halls and The Michigan Daily spoke about the "naked truth about the Naked Mile," giving students reasons not to participate, from being groped or arrested to losing job opportunities. "Everyone just stopped running because the school discouraged it so much," SNRE junior Kara Davis said. The Department of Public Safety estimated only a dozen students - down from 400 in 2000 and 800 in 1999 - actually ran in the 2001 Naked Mile, though many others attempted and were stopped by police officers. Several students were arrested, while hundreds of other students organized a sit-in in the middle of South University in protest of the arrests. Other students organized small Naked Mile alternatives for the next night. "I think it's kind of disgusting to see all those people broadcasting and photographing it for the Internet, so I can see why the police cracked down on it," Panetta said. In- an attempt to preserve the campus tradition "Everyone just stopped running because the school discouraged it so much.' - Kara Davis SNRE junior and avoid arrest, the few students who chose to run last year kept their underwear on. But the change disappointed many students. "The point of the Naked Mile is to go naked. Anyone can run around in their underwear any time of the day, it's not a big deal. If you are going to do it, you are going to do it right," Kokoczka said, adding that she hopes the Mile finds another way to revive or replace itself. But students said they don't know if that can or will happen, or what to expect this year. "I think people will still go down to South University on Wednesday and see if anything goes on," Panetta said. WE MAY NOT HAVE AIR CONDITIONING BUT WE DO HAVE GOOD ' IMES. WRITE FOR THE DAILY THIS SUMMER. 76-DAILY FOR MORE DETAILS. I * * 0 0 * '~'____ W 4,,,,:4'.... been taking crazy pills. App le' S Free 10GB iPod with a 12 or 17 in. PowerBook. 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