OP/ED The Michigan Daily - Thursday, April 10, 2003 - 5A VIEWPOINT A new birth of freedom Chris Parks:.Reporter/idealist never forgot his mission in life By Loule Moizfish Daily Editor in Chief BY JASON PESICK Today, President Bush and his advisors feel vindicated. After months of receiving criticism - sometimes vicious and often delu- sionally vile - from people around the world, it appears that the war in Iraq will not turn out to be the massive disaster that his opponents predicted. The cheers of Iraqis celebrating in the streets - no matter how often diehard Cas- sandras cry propaganda - are far more powerful than any wacky, coordinated campaign put on by the history's three stalwart defend- ers of liberal democracy: France, Russia and Germany. After slapping Colin Powell around at the U.N. Security Coun- cil on behalf of a brutal dictator and a cruel status quo, French For- eign Minister Dominique de Villepin would be wise to come down off his high horse. It would also behoove the Germans to bite their tongues for a while, as the resemblances between the recent videos in Baghdad's Firdos Square and those of East Germans destroying statues dedicated to the Leninist state in 1989 make their stated position seem slightly hypo- critical. In short, a bunch of neo-conser- vatives and an uncouth Texan are well on their way toward achieving a more liberal end than the world's so-called "liberals" would have ever achieved if they had Bush's job. Denying the emotional power of thousands of Iraqis cheering for U.S. soldiers is cynical, not ideal- istic or liberal. Denying the sym- bolic typology that exists between the events of April 9, 2003 and the events of April 9, 1865, when Con- federate Gen. Robert E. Lee sur- rendered to Union Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, denies the ability of the United States to use its over- whelming power to achieve liberal goals, whether it be emancipating blacks or liberating Iraqis. Comparing George W. Bush to Abraham Lincoln does indeed - and should indeed - give anyone reading this pause. To some, it will seem like heresy. Abraham Lincoln was a great thinker and one of the great writers in U.S. history. He was the first president to under- stand the role that the United States had the potential to play on the world stage. As the public intellectual Paul Berman described in The New Republic, "(Lincoln) knew that, in order to survive, lib- eral democracy needed to arouse among its own citizens a greater commitment than ever before to the Younger cause of universalfdin ger freedom - in eniu fact, an absolute commitment, their gran which could only mean a commit- Greatest ment unto death." Lincoln believed receives that it was the responsibility of Opportun the United States to spread freedom some resp and democracy to t 1 oppressed peo- emselv ples. He dreamed of a day when "the family of man" countries for providing high stan- dards of living for their people while acquiescing to world opin- ion. These countries are relatively weak and stand for no principles, no grand ideals; they have no vision, no hopes, no dreams for the future of the world. From Switzer- land to Sweden, these states have abdicated responsibility for the direction of the world. If history had been in their hands during the previous century, the 6 billion peo- ple on this planet would be speak- ing German right now. Hopefully, victory in Iraq will put the "reverse domino theory" - which supporters of this war from The, New York Times' Thomas I I l An Iraqi Immigrant in Everett, Wash. kisses a picture of President Bush yesterday. Friedman to the chairman of the Americans )f the praise ndparents' Generation have an ity to garner pect for ,es now. newly-resigned Defense Policy Board, Richard Pe rle, espouse - into action, spreading liberal democra- cy across the globe. Either way, our genera- tion will be faced with the would stand together, living in free countries, guaranteed a set of basic human rights. And he knew that this would be impossible to accom- plish without war. The world is full of people - many of them in Europe - who believe that the United States is a danger to the world. They see it as a dangerous hegemon that uses force for conquest. They laud many of their fellow European task of continuing to spread Ameri- can ideals, possibly without the fis- cal resources to do so. The time has come for Generation Y to realize this destiny and to begin working toward creating a world our idealis- tic parents' generation failed to bring to fruition. The sooner we become involved in this process, the easier it will be to achieve such a lofty vision. The potential to change the world in a significant way has not been this great since World War II. Younger Americans envi- ous of the praise that their grandparents' Great- est Generation receives have an opportunity to garner some respect for themselves now. Achiev- ing this outcome will require more than ideal- ism, however. It will require active involve-. ment in governmental affairs. Even though them war.- is progressing as well as could be expected, despite the inevitable, yet tragic casualties, the process of rebuilding Iraq promises to be difficult and long. There remains legitimate skepticism regarding the Bush administration's commit- ment to helping Iraqis create their own, free nation. Also troubling is AP Photo the president's misguided dlers as domestic policy. His attempts to couple an aggressive foreign policy with massive tax cuts at home will be a boon to retiring baby boomers, but the source of major headaches for younger generations stretching for years into the future. In addition, the Bush adminis- tration is sending members of the Iraqi National Congress to Iraq. Many observers are concerned that this signifies an attempt by the administration to gain control over the country's future. According to The Washington Post, the adminis- tration is also considering appoint- ing Daniel Pipes to hold a seat on the board of directors on the U.S. Institute of Peace, a federally- funded think tank. Pipes represents a radical point of view in regards to the Middle East that is hostile to the Arab world. The president's lack of movement on the issue of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is equally disconcerting. There are also worries that he will fail to provide the necessary humanitari- an aid and refuse to provide enough troops to stabilize the country. If the administration han- dles Iraq with the same carelessnes with which it rebuilt Afghanistan, it will do long-term damage to the country's reputation and credibili- ty, ultimately interfering with the goal of spreading democracy across the Middle East. These are many of the roadblocks that could prevent spreading the potential gains in Iraq to the rest of the world. But after yesterday's developments in Iraq, the president deserves a break. He may have sparked the most idealistic move- ment in generations - a movement that we should make our own. Pesick is an LSA freshman and a member of the Daily s editorial board. When I asked LSA senior Becky Parks if she could name any of her father's heroes, only one came to mind: Robert Kennedy. It didn't surprise me, given what I've learned in the past few days about a man I never knew, Christo- pher Parks, a longtime reporter who died last Friday at the age of 51. You may hear the words "liberty" and "freedom" tossed around a lot, but Chris Parks was a real liberal. He had opinions about everything, but he knew how to be objective. And he knew when to stick with what he believed in - even when every- one disagreed. Parks, a Univer- sity alum, was co- editor in chief of The Michigan Daily in 1973, then went on to work for the United Press International, writ- ing and managing things for UPI in Lansing. When his wife said she want- ed to work for the Detroit Institute of Christopher Parks, Arts, he said OK, intemationals Lars even though it died last Friday of c meant giving up his neurologicaldisordi bureau chief's post in Lansing. Before making the move, he insist- ed not only that the Parks family live in Detroit, but that Rebecca and Joshua attend the Detroit Public Schools, because he knew his kids would receive a fine education there, regardless of what anyone said about the city and its schools. And he always rooted for the Detroit Tigers, no matter how bad they were doing, even when they suffered losing season after losing season. Though he wasn't real big on Michigan sports, he was fiercely loyal to the Wolverines, and "when they got rid of Band Day at Michigan Stadium, he was outraged that they would rob the essential college expe- rience away from the band," noted John Lindstrom, a friend and fellow reporter in Lansing. As for reporting and editing skills, his friends say, you couldn't ask for a, better colleague. There were difficult stories to report. When he was the UPI's Lans- ing bureau chief in 1982, 17 percent' of the state was unemployed and one third was relying on the state for some kind of economic assistance. "The way he would attack a story - if you could see him do it, he was always doing something - twirling his hair, he would tap his fingers, tug on his beard, and he'd have this real intense look on his face until he got it done," said Rick Pluta, now a Michigan Public Radio reporter who worked under Parks at UPI. "Having Chris as your editor was A situation you approached with a lot of trepidation because he was always finding something, but there was always a sense of relief when he was your editor because he was a para chute. When Parks got done you knew there would- n't be any holes in : your story. You knew it would be; thorough and accu- rate. ' "He was always asking, 'What about from that angle,; what about fron this angle?' " When the UPI. finally closed its Detroit bureau, Parks moved over to the Detroit Legal, News. To better understand the: United Press issues he covered at g bureau In 1985, the Legal News, he rpilcatlons from a got a law degree from Wayne State University in 1996. But soon after getting the degree,: he found out he had a degenerative neurological disease. It slowly ate away at his abilities. When he could: no longer write and edit, he devoted his time to charity. One of the things he did was fold clothes at the, Capuchin Soup Kitchen in Detroit. Although being a prominent jour- nalist with a law degree, he saw no: shame in that work. After all, "I did- n't know until I was in middle school that it wasn't normal for a dad to vacuum or clean," Becky Parks said. And he continued with the chari- ties until his body would no longer allow him to perform the work. "I think he was a true populist in: the best sense of the world," Pluta said. "He really believed that, given: time and the right information, peo- ple would reach the right conclu- sions, eventually." He believed that, in some way, everyone could work to make the, world a better place. Because if there's nothing to hope for, if people: can't make things better for them- selves and each other, why bother: with journalism? at sity ier. I Iraqis In northern Baghdad cheer yesterday as they encounter and greet U.S. Army sol the soldiers enter the city. As an engineer in FINALS HAVE YOU STRESEP/A then you need .... FINRLS TIfT a SMO[M~SBo[D OF STUDONT FUN 8 p.m. - 10 p.m. POL8MIDD PICTUre OrNe Get a FREE snapshot of you and your friends in front of our funky backdrop the U there . S. Air Force, 's no telling what you'll work on. (Seriously, we can't tell you.) Canca Ur es If your Polaroid snapshot doesn't capture your best side, let our artists draw you a cartoon caricature that will be sure to exaggerate your natural beauty BW(MMM~3 Stressed from studying? 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