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April 04, 2003 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2003-04-04

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, April 4, 2003


House debates cutting aid to

administration tried to shoot down an
effort yesterday by some House
Republicans to cut aid to Turkey, while
the House and Senate debated bills
providing nearly $80 billion for the ini-
tial costs of the Iraq war and other anti-
terrorism expenses.
Trying to fend off a drive to remove
the $1 billion the measure contains for

Iraq's northern neighbor, the White
House circulated letters to lawmakers
from National Security Adviser Con-
doleezza Rice and Richard Armitage,
deputy secretary of state, supporting
the aid.
"Despite recent difficulties, the
president is devoted to maintaining the
strategic partnership" between the two
countries, Rice wrote.

Critics of Turkey were considering
trying to erase the aid, arguing its
refusal to admit a U.S. invasion force
has hindered the war against Iraq. Rice
and Armitage said that with Turkey
allowing U.S. fly-overs, allowing the
passage of supply convoys and limiting
its forces in unstable northern Iraq, it
remained a crucial regional ally.
In the Senate, Democrats pushed

long-shot amendments setting aside
funds for veterans and to counter
bioweapons and missiles fired at airlin-
ers as part of an effort to add billions
to the bill for enhancing safety at
The Senate bill also included $30
million to help prosecute Saddam Hus-
sein and establish temporary U.S.
diplomatic headquarters in Iraq.

Continued from Page 1
servative bloc - Dick Cheney and
Donald Rumsfeld - were not Jewish.
But he went on to say that neo-
conservative ideologies in the Unit-
ed States were quite similar to those
held by Israel and that this was a big
factor in the war.
Ibish stated ADC's position on the
war, saying that that it "oppose(s)
the war but ... support(s) the
troops." He said that this was a fun-
damental mistake in the mindset of

many Americans who felt that oppo-
sition to the war also meant opposi-
tion to the troops.
"When the dust settles, Saddam
will be gone and this is a good thing,
but at what cost?" he said.
Referring to possible spin-offs of
the war in the region, Ibish discussed
how the Iraq war "flirts with chaos."
Ibish addressed how the war "fed
into the already noxious environment
between the Arabs and the Americans
and their role in the Middle East." He
said that the war strengthened the pre-
conceived ideas held by Arabs and

Muslims of the "stereoscopic norms
of predatory powers."
The war also "plays in to the
paranoid and hysteric voice of Bin
Laden (or others like him)," he
Ibish also spoke about how there
was a certain understanding about the
war among the forces in Iraq, stress-
ing that the action was not a liberation
of Iraq. Keeping this in mind, he said
that in the future the world could look
forward to seeing more "Camp
Exxon's, George Bush International
Airports and civilian casualties"

Congratulations to all the award recipients of the
2003 Michigan Leadership Awards

Outstanding Student Leader
Chris Perpich
Cathy Fanone
Aundrea Johnson
Christina Hollenback
Mahshid Pirzadeh
Brain Netter
Konstantinos Ghirtis
Thomas Vazquez
Programs of the Year
Americanos: Latino Life in the U.S.
A Celebration of Unity
Dance Marathon

Outstanding Student Organizations
Society of Women Engineers
Muslim Student Association
The Detroit Project
Graduate Student Community Organization
College Democrats

Outstanding New Member
Lisa Slominski
Amy Borer
Michael Phillips
Julia Farber
The Tapestry Award
Mahshid Pirzadeh
Robbie Menyah
Jeanine Bessette

Advisor of the Year
Steven Abbott
Lee Ann Benkert
Chris Kulka
Taryn Petryk
Thomas Vazquez

Student Legacy Award
John Carter

Please join us in honoring these outstanding individuals and organizations. The Michigan
Leadership Awards will be held Monday April 7, 2003 at 4 o'clock in the Mendelssohn
Theatre. A reception will follow in the Ballroom of the Michigan League.

rather than a stable Iraqi government
and economy.
Farouq and Rabia Shafie, American
Palestinians who attended the discus-
sion, said they thought the presenta-
tion was a "fair analysis of the
situation in the Middle East."
But Sawsan Abdulrahim, a doctoral
student in the School of Public
Health, said the discussion was inter-
esting but wished that Ibish "included
the angle of the U.S. war in
Afghanistan," which she felt was "a
part of the big picture of U.S. foreign
Continued from Page 1
responsible to do it this way."
Republican House members have
not yet proposed specific cuts to
replace the $60 million taken from
the general fund, but Emily Gerkin,
spokeswoman for Speaker Rick
Johnson (R-LeRoy) said they will
"find the money." But, Democrats
are not satisfied with this answer,
saying the size of the budget gap is
too sizable to be corrected easily,
Kolb said.
"There's a gaping hole in the
budget. Sixty million dollars in a
balanced budget is a big problem,"
Kolb said. "You can't just take a lit-
tle bit here and a little bit there."
Both parties agree that the issue
has not been settled permanently
and Shulman calls the vote the first
step in the process. The bill needs
to pass in the Senate before seeking
final approval from the governor.
Continued from Page 1
Gavin said the patient at the Universi-
ty Hospital is still being treated as a
SARS case because of the possibility of
future developments, although doctors
have determined that it doesn't meet the
disease criteria. There have also been
precautions implemented to deal with
potential cases in the future.
"'We will continue to be-vigilantwith
suspected people and cases," Gavin said.
To date, there have been three cases of
SARS reported in Michigan. Two are in
Kent County and one is a New Hamp-
shire man currently at a Wayne County
hospital. "All three individuals are in
good condition and are continuing to
improve," Lahser said.
Lasher said it is likely that state health
officials may have to deal with future
cases. "I don't think we'd be surprised to
see additional cases given the ease of
international travel," Lasher said.
Rackham student Christine Wong said
many of her friends from Hong Kong
are reconsidering travel plans to go back
home for thesummer.
"When I talked to people in early
March, most of them still didn't have
any problems with going back, but
now that the World Health Organiza-
tion has put out such a blanket warn-
ing, a lot of people are thinking about
canceling," Wong said.
Wong said she is concerned about
relatives in Hong Kong and Toronto -
both areas that have been hard-hit with
SARS. "I've talked to my parents in
Toronto and all the places that are usual-
ly crowded with Chinese people are
pretty deserted," Wong said. But she said
her parents don't seem that concerned.
"Actually, just a couple days ago,
my mom went to a Chinese mall
knowing that there'd be less people
there," she said.
Gavin said because of increased
awareness of the disease there have been
calls to the hospitals by people con-
cerned that they might have contracted
SARS. She recommended that students
consult the CDC's website.

Continued from Page 1
government could be held in Iraq with-
in a week, a senior Pentagon official
said last night.
For the first time in the war, large
parts of Baghdad lost electricity.
The cause was not known. Myers
told reporters at a Pentagon briefing
that Americans had not targeted the
power grid.
Tracer rounds lit the night sky and
artillery boomed near the airport a few
miles from the heart of Saddam Hus-
sein's capital. Army units encountered
little resistance along the airport road,
their convoy passing dead Iraqiasoldiers
and piles of discarded military uni-
At one stage, it appeared that U.S.
forces had taken control of the airport
"and then it got more confusing." with

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip
Israeli forces kill 4 Palestinians in raids
Israeli troops looking for weapons-smuggling tunnels raided a Gaza refugee camp
early yesterday, killing four armed Palestinians in exchanges of fire and demolishing
five houses.
In the West Bank, two Palestinians, including a 14-year-old boy, were killed by
army fire.
East of Gaza City, next to the border with Israel, a Palestinian was shot dead and
another wounded as they picked vegetables near the Israeli communal farm of Nahal
Oz, doctors at the city's Shifa hospital said.
In the army raid, soldiers backed by 35 tanks, four attack helicopters and more
than a dozen bulldozers entered the Rafah camp near the Egyptian border. A fire-
fight erupted. Four Palestinian gunmen were killed, including one hit by fire from an
Apache helicopter, and seven were wounded.
The army said the raid was meant to uncover tunnels used for smuggling weapons
from Egypt, and that four houses were razed. Palestinians put the number of demol-
ished homes at five.
No tunnels were discovered but four soldiers were wounded when a bomb went
off under a tank. The militant Islamic group Hamas, which has killed hundreds of
Israelis in attacks, claimed responsibility for the tank attack.
SEOUL, South Korea
S. Korea pressures North to partake in talks
South Korea's president yesterday urged North Korea to take part in talks
amid fears it may pull out of a Cabinet-level meeting next week aimed at
reducing tensions.
South Korean officials have said they hope to use the talks, scheduled for next
Monday to Thursday, to try to persuade North Korea to give up its nuclear ambi-
tions in return for aid and better ties with the outside world.
North Korea called off two lower-level meetings with South Korea last week.
Seoul fears it may also cancel the Cabinet-level talks, Unification Ministry
spokesman Kim Jung-ro said.
"Mutual efforts are important. North Korea must sincerely talk with South
Korea with an open attitude," President Roh Moo-hyun was quoted as saying by
his chief spokeswoman.
The president's comments came shortly after diplomats in New York said
the U.N. Security Council would meet next Wednesday to discuss the crisis
over North Korea's suspected nuclear weapons program. China expressed
hope that the talks will lead to a political solution.

FBI det engineer
suspected of terror ties
An Arab-American software engineer
at Intel Corp. has been seized by armed
FBI agents and jailed in solitary confine-
ment for two weeks without charges,
friends say.
"They haven't even questioned him
once in the entire two weeks," said
Steven McGeady, a former Intel execu-
tive who was Maher Hawash's boss.
Hawash is being held as a material
witness under a federal law that lets the
government detain people expected to
testify before a grand jury.
The government won't give any details
publicly about the case, including when a
grand jury will convene or when Hawash
will appear. His attorneys can't discuss
the matter because of a federal gag order.
His wife, Lisa, won't talk about it
because she fears repercsiqns.
But the man's friends say the arrest
could be related to a $10,000 he made to
the Global Relief Foundation, an Islamic
charity investigated for links to terrorism.
Court to review death
sentences of 27 men
The Arizona Supreme Court said yes-
terday it will review the death sentences
of 27 inmates to determine whether the
men should be resentenced.
The inmates had wanted their convic-
tions and sentences thrown out because
of a U.S. Supreme Court ruling last year
that found Arizona's old death sentencing
law unconstitutional because judges -
not jurors - decided facts that could

lead to a death sentence.
However, the state's high court said the
trials were fundamentally fair and that
the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling didn't
require throwing out all the sentences.
But it said the court must now review
each case to determine whether individ-
ual circumstances require resentencings.
In response to the Supreme Court
ruling, the Arizona Legislature last
summer rewrote the death penalty sen-
tencing law to have juries decide both
the facts that should be considered and
the actual sentence.
State legislatures ore
over beer tax es
With cash tight and bills looming, at
least 19 state legislatures are.iher.eon-
sidering plans to boost beer taxes.or have
already done it.
Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell has pro-
posed one of the heftiest hikes, a plan
that would raise the tax on a gallon of
beer for the first time since 1947, from 8
cents to a quarter. It would add 14 cents
to the cost of an average six pack and
raise $55 million.
At least 23 states have considered rais-
ing beer taxes in the past two years, but
only a handful of proposals have passed,
according to The Beer Institute, an indus-
try lobbying group.
The proposals have generated loud
complaints from brewers who say their
products are already heavily taxed and
from lawmakers who insist that brewers
will pass increased costs down to con-
sumers - who for the most part are
working class families, lawmakers said.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.

++ *t

The Native American Student Association and the Office of
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Sunday, April 6th
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Children (4-12): $5.00
Children (under 12): Free
Family Passes: $25.00
Weekend Passes: $15.00
No group sales at the door.
Call 734/763-8587 for tickets

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