The Michigan Daily Summer Sublet 2003 - 3B g h I I ISSA PROPERTIES " 1 &2 Bedroom Apts. "3 Bedroom Houses -Furnished -Excellent Campus Locations -Parking Reputable Management Now Leasing for May 2003 and Sept. 2003 Huron Property Management E. Huron 662-4446 5 BEDROOM HOUSE aS 7 eke' 4 BEDROOM HOUSES AUff/CffBIE b Call 734-323-3918 . ,.. m . : _ ;I Food Fun I I -i 4 i_ Friends, Facilities! 1 Housino Co-o s! The Studen I ,_ -- --I I r------ ------------------------------------- , NOW SIGNING?!!1. ;Fall/ Winter 2003/041, Spaces Available!4 8 month contracts Approx. $425/month* r.------------------------------------------------------ , NO W SIGNING!!!' 'Spring/Summer 20031 Spaces Available!! 2 & 4 mo. contracts Appnrox. $120-400/month* I . .. moommumb- S i I vkter-coo' erathve cokvv,O Afford 2bLe Cov vvkv 140 -vj f-or StLdewt L - -- -- ----------------------------------------------4 The student co-ops at U-M11 are democratically owned and operated by their members. Real community at affordable prices since 1932. * Includes utilities, laundry, parking, social activities and all the food you can eat for Fall/Winter