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March 26, 2003 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2003-03-26

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March 2, 2003
©2003The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Vol. CXIII, No. 118

One-hundred-twelve years of editorialfreedom

sunny dur-
ing the day Ho~
with clouds
gathering W 3
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evening. S

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Troops fight fierce
battle near capital

The Associated Press

American infantry troops fought off a desert attack by Iraqis
yesterday, inflicting heavy casualties in a clash less than 100
miles from Baghdad. British forces battled for control of
Basra, a city of 1.3 million sliding toward chaos.
Defense officials said between 150 and 500 Iraqis were
killed in the battle near An Najaf, adding there were no imme-
diate reports of American casualties.
Iraqis launched their attack on a day of howling sandstorms
- weather bad enough to slow the U.S.-led drive toward the
Iraqi capital.
After the sandstorm lifted in Baghdad, coalition aircraft
struck the Iraqi state-run television channel, which U.S. mili-
tary officials wanted to hit in order to cut communications
links between Saddam Hussein and his military and the Iraqi
people. U.S. troops in control of a vast Iraqi air base sealed 36

bunkers, designated as possible hiding places for weapons of
mass destruction.
American officials also issued fresh cautions about the pos-
sible use of chemical weapons by Iraqi troops, although none
has yet been used in the 6-day-old war - or even found by the
invading troops.
As the pace of combat quickened, American and British
officials sought to prepare the public for something less than a
quick campaign, and predicted difficult days to come.
Still, President Bush forecast victory. The Iraqi regime will
be ended ... and our world will be more secure and peaceful'
he said after receiving a war update at the Pentagon.
Saddam saw it differently. State television carried what it
described as a message from him to tribal and clan leaders,
saying, "Consider this to be the command of faith and jihad
and fight them."
See COMBAT, Page 7

Women's basketball coach
resigns after losing season

By Jim Weber
Daily Sports Writer


Photo illustration by TONY DING/Daily
President Bush yesterday asked Congress to allocate nearly $75 billion to pay for the war with Iraq and related costs. The
money will pay for the first six months of war, Bush said.
Bush prsets war bugetas
costs, increase in Iraq conflict

By Lydia K. Leung
Daily StaffReporter

The war in Iraq has already
caused the death of 40 American
and British soliders and the capture
or disappearance of 14 others.
Apart from the immeasurable price
of human physical and psychologi-
cal harm, the war against Iraq will
cost the United States up to $75 bil-
lion, President Bush announced
At the Pentagon yesterday, Bush
said Congress should pass his $74.7
billion war expense package -
which includes $62.5 billion for
direct costs of the war - swiftly to
pay for the first six months of the
war in Iraq.
"That's a lot of money but, I

think it's worth it if we can get
(Saddam Hussein) out," SNRE
sophomore Nels Carlson said. "He's
such a horrible person."
The expenses involved in the cur-
rent war are surpassing those of the
first Gulf war, which cost $61.1 bil-
lion in 1991.
"I think (Bush) is very short-
sighted to send that amount of
money on a war overseas when
domestically we have so much that
need to be done," said Jenny
Nathan, vice chair of the College
Nathan said the government
should focus on easing the pain of
Americans caused by the economic
downturn and spend more money
on education, welfare and fighting

Besides direct war costs, Bush's
price tag includes funding for
humanitarian aid in Iraq, expenses
for increasing homeland security
and aid to Afganistan, Israel and
"It doesn't make sense to me,"
Nathan said.
"We are spending all this money to
go to war, knowing that the war is
going to cause (a greater) security
threat in this country."
As the country engages in a cost-
ly war effort, Bush is also propos-
ing a massive tax cut - reducing
$726 billion in tax revenue over 10
years - in order to stimulate the
flailing economy.
But the U.S. Senate voted yester-
day to halve the tax cut proposal to
See WAR COSTS, Page 3

Michigan women's basketball
coach Sue Guevara resigned Monday '
after a season which the Wolverines
finished tied for last in the conference
(3-13 Big Ten, 13-16 Overall) this
past season.
Last season was Guevara's first los-
ing season, as Michigan finished tied Guevara
for last in the Big Ten (3-13 Big Ten,
13-16 Overall). She is the winningest goals for this prog
coach in Michigan women's basket- have put the pro
ball history, with a career record of that it can be nati(
Class sizes
may grow a
budgetS sriin"s
By Kyle Brouwer
Daily Staff Reporter

"We have had
two consecutive
rough Big Ten sea-
sons and I think
the program needs
a change," Gue-
vara said in a writ-
ten statement.
"I believe we
have accomplished
many positive
gram and I think we
gram in a position
onally competitive."

Guevara could not be reached for
further comment from her home.
In 2001-02, Michigan started the
season 10-1 and was ranked as high
as twelfth in the nation before going
6-10 in the conference.
This past season, the Wolverines
started off 9-2 and again cracked the
top 25 before going 3-13 in Big Ten
Last week, several players anony-
mously voiced concerns they had
about Guevara being too negative dur-
ing practices and a lack of communi-
See COACH, Page 7

Judge orders U' to pay higher
fees in sexual harassment case

By Maria Sprow
Daily Staff Reporter

A judge's decision may help ensure
that the first sexual harassment case
against an institution of higher educa-
tion to be heard in Michigan is not the
only such lawsuit to make it into the
court system.
Washtenaw County Circuit Court
Judge Melinda Morris last week ordered
that the University must pay greater
attorney fees to Maureen Johnson than
her lawyers requested. Morris increased
the fees by nearly $37,000 to encourage

attorneys to take on cases involving the
sexual harassment of students.
Johnson, a former Music School stu-
dent who said she was sexually harassed
by former visiting Music Prof. Pier Cal-
abria, won her lawsuit against the Uni-
versity in April.
Johnson alleged that Calabria repeat-
edly made comments to her that made
her uncomfortable. She complained to
University officials but eventually with-
drew from the University after Music
School Dean Paul Boylan failed to ter-
minate Calabria's contract at the end of
that school year.

The original lawsuit was filed in 1999
and heard in April 2002. The motion to
award attorney fees and costs was filed
in November 2002. In total, the Univer-
sity is now expected to pay almost
$200,000 in attorneys' fees and legal
costs for the plaintiffs, as well as the
$250,000 in damages awarded to John-
son in April.
The attorney fees for the plaintiffs
were originally calculated at $147,725.
The number was based on the hourly
rates worked by Johnson's attorneys,
Miranda Massie and George Washing-
See RULING, Page 7

With University officials making plans to operate under a
lower budget, it seems that students will not be the only ones
cutting classes in the coming years.
University Provost Paul Courant said Monday there
are plans to offer some classes less often in order to
save money. But such a plan would result in more stu-
dents in those classes.
A decrease in scheduled classes, Courant said, would be
done in a way so that the consequences to students and fac-
ulty are at a minimum. He added that no classes would be
simply stricken from the curriculum.
"We have the interest that there be minimal disruption,"
he said. "There is no intention of pulling classes out of the
As the plan currently stands, University deans are exam-
ining their respective departments for classes with continu-
ally open seats, Courant said, adding that these classes could
possibly be offered once in the academic year, rather than
every semester.
"It's a very strong possibility that certain classes will be
offered less frequently," Courant said. "But there will be
ample warning and we will make sure students' programs
aren't disrupted." English lecturer Dan Stein said having
more seats filled would mean more pages to read for the
instructors in his department.
"All of the writing-based classes will have more work
because of grading essays," he said.
See BUDGET, Page 7

Can castle

Recalling days in uniform,
vets split over war protests

President Angela Galardi speaks last night at her first Michigan
Student Assembly meeting, soon after she was inaugurated.
By M$ Kyung Yoon
Daily Staff Reporter
Americans can tune mn to CNN or Fox News to see bombs
lighting up the sky and troops on the move, but images of
aro, due togovernmentcontrol
over whatthe mediacansho
Communication studies lecturer Anthony Collings said
the media's coverage of the war in Iraq Fas been censored,
and not just on Iraqi state-run television.
"On the U.S. side, there is also censorship of a kind,"
said Collings, a former CNN foreign correspondent in
Beirut. "The Pentagon system of 'embedding' journalists
means that we have been able to see unprecedented live tel-
evision coverage of such things as tanks on the move and
guns firing. The problem is that these journalists had to
agree to not bring their own communications equipment
along, so the U.S. military has the power to pull the plug
on them at any time and might do so to prevent negative
stories from getting out."
The main task of the news media is to find ways to pres-
ent as much of the truth as possible to the American public,
Collings said. But he added that the administration's pres-
sure to censor images of American casualties has prevented
the public from getting the full truth.
"The administration has strongly pressured news media
not to publish or broadcast pictures of American war dead,"
he said. "Part of this request may be legitimate, to give fami-
lies time to be notified, but part of it could be censorship to
See MEDIA, Page 5

By Michael Gurovitsch
Daily Staff Reporter

Soldiers are trained to subscribe to a common
set of beliefs during their service in the military.
But as veterans, their seemingly similar experi-
ences as soldiers frequently translate into dis-
tinct views on what conduct is appropriate on
the home front during a war and what legit-
imizes a war.
Recent protests against the war with Iraq have
elicited different feelings in veterans. Ken
Rogge, who served in the military for 30 years,
said he worries that soldiers' morale may suffer
when they hear about anti-war demonstrations,
similar to what happened to him as a soldier in
Thailand during the Vietnam War.
"It was demoralizing. You are over there doing
the job you are supposed to be doing ar ' the
people back home are undermining us. ... All
they are doing is giving Saddam Hussein
strength and encouragement," Rogge said.

Rogge likened anti-war protests to a presiden-
tial election. Once the election is over, he said,
everyone should support the winner - regard-
less of who they voted for.
"I am against anti-war protesters once the war
has started. If you want to protest before the
war, that is OK. But once the war has started,
they ought to shut up and stand behind the presi-
dent," Rogge added.
But, Larry MacGuire, who served in the
Army from 1959 to 1962, recently returned
from a trip to Washington, where he participated
in anti-war demonstrations and teach-ins. He
said no matter what effect it has on troop
morale, hearing about protests is vital for sol-
"The best way I can support the troops is to
tell the damn truth," MacGuire said.
Brave soldiers are assets to America, but when
they are transformed into pawns of a politically and
economically corrupt government, the psychologi-
See VETERANS, Page 7

Members of Alpha Delta Pi, Chi Phi and Lambda Chi Alpha compete in
a can castle-building race on the Diag as a part of Greek Week.

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