LOCAL/STATE The Michigan Daily - Friday, March 21, 2003 - 3 Granholm will speak at commencement Human rights during Asian wars to be discussed State University of New York at Binghamton sociology Prof. Mark Selden will give a talk titled "State Ter- rorism and Human Rights: The United States, Japan and Civilian Victims in Twentieth Century Asian Wars" in the Michigan Room of the Michigan League today at noon. The lecture is sponsored by the Center of Japanese Studies. Seldon will examine the 20th centu- ry efforts to create a regime of interna- tional law designed to protect civilians from the destruction of war and the fact that civilians are nevertheless tar- gets of war on an unprecedented scale. Film festival to celebrate APA independent films The first annual Flicker Film Festi- val will present independent Asian Pacific American films and student filmmakers from the Midwest in the Natural Science Auditorium tomorrow and all-day Sunday. The event is free and sponsored by the Office of Multi- Ethnic Student Affairs. Show to highlight African culture The African Students' Association is hosting a cultural show in Michigan Union Ballroom tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. Tickets for the show titled "African Lights: The Connection" are $5.50 each. Doctors to play hockey for transplant funds University cardiology and surgery ice hockey teams face off to raise money for heart transplant patients at Yost Ice Arena tomorrow at 5 p.m. At "Hearts on Ice Hockey Challenge," University of Michigan Health System teams will be playing alongside alumni and members of the Ann Arbor Police and Fire departments. Tickets are required, and will be included in a raf- fle drawing. Author to address corporate greed Author and political commentator Arianna Huffington will talk about her latest book, "Pigs at the Trough," which focuses on corporate greed and political corruption in the United States. Sponsored by Hillel and University Activity Center, a dessert reception and book signing will follow her discussion. Profs explore women's part in nation rebuilding A lecture titled "Rebuilding the Nation" will discuss the role of women after war in Lane Hall on Monday at 3 p.m. The lecture will be given by histo- ry Prof. Nita Kumar, Notre Dame anthropology Prof. Carolyn Nord- strom, and Business Prof. Cindy Schipani. This lecture is part of a "Women in the Aftermath of War" series. Motivational speaker to inspire student success The Society of Success and Leader- ship is hosting a video conference with motivational speaker and University of West Florida Prof. Joe Martin in the Kuenzel Room of the Michigan Union Monday at 8 p.m. Martin is author of two books, "Tricks of the Grade" and "This Little Light of Mine." Panel to focus on North Korean nuclear crisis A panel discussion sponsored by the Korean Studies Program will be held to talk on the North Korean nuclear crisis in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre on Monday at 4 p.m. Panelists include Selig Harrison, director of the Asia Program at the Center of International Policy, Leon Sigal, director of the Northeast Asia Cooperative Security Project in New York and political science Prof. Mered- ith Woo-Cumings. Renaissance era, Atlantic axis to be topic of lecture By Katie Glupker Daily Staff Reporter The University Board of Regents announced yesterday that Gov. Jennifer Granhohm will give the keynote address at the University's spring com- mencement ceremony April 26. "I am thrilled to be speaking to the class of 2003 at the University of Michigan," Granholm said in a written statement. "These young people are our future. This is the per- fect opportunity to talk to them about how they will impact our world." University President Mary Sue Coleman said she is pleased that Granholm will address the gradu- ates. "I am gratified that Governor Granholm will deliver this year's commencement address - in my first year as president of the University and her first year as governor," Coleman said in a written state- ment. "Governor Granholm represents an example of energetic and dedicated public service that will be of great value to our graduates as they begin the next stage of their lives." In addition to delivering the main address, the Board of Regents also invited Granholm to receive an honorary doctorate of law at commencement. "Honorary degrees are a way the academic com- munity represents achievement and accomplish- ment," said Nancy Connell, director of News and Information Services at the University. "Th1s is the perfect opportunity to talk to (students) about how they will impact our world:' - Gov. Jennifer Granholm She added that it has long been a University tra- dition to confer an honorary degree on the gover- nor. Former Michigan Gov. John Engler was awarded an honorary doctorate of law in 1993. Former Republican state Sen. John Schwarz of Battle Creek will give the main address at the Uni- versity Graduate Exercises on April 25 and will also receive an honorary doctorate of law. Four other guests will also receive hon- orary degrees at commencement - Oleg Grabar, professor emeritus at the Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies; Judith Jami- son, director of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater; Hillel Shuval, Lunenfeld- Kunen professor of environmental sciences at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem; and Billy Taylor, jazz pianist and educator at Uni- versity of Massachusetts at Amherst. My opinion Graduate student instructors will picket today, Monday By Maria Sprow Daily Staff Reporter Hoping to increase campus-wide awareness of several concerns shared by its members, the Graduate Employees Organization is planning an informa- tional picket today and Monday. Approximately 200 GEO members are expected to arrive at Angell Hall today between 10 a.m. and noon. They will be picketing various Uni- versity buildings around campus, but GEO President Dan Shoup declined to comment on which buildings will be included, stating that the spread of the picket would depend on the num- ber of members who participate. Shoup said the two-hour-long picket will focus on two issues - the Universi- ty's use of the private prescription drug company AdvancedPCS and the ongo- ing negotiations between residence hall librarians and the University. University spokeswoman Julie Peterson said the University will respect the students' rights to picket, and that it is not expecting the picket to cause any disturbances on campus. "We expect it to be peaceful, and we do not expect it to interrupt any of the University's normal business," Peterson said. The second picket, scheduled to take place Monday outside various residence halls from 4 a.m. to 1 p.m., will run con- gruently with an expected strike by the residence hall librarians. The librarians voted 9-2 late Wednesday night to strike Monday unless the two parties reach a tentative agreement concern- ing the group's wages beforehand. Though residence hall librarians originally approached GEO about gaining membership in September 2001, the University officially agreed to recognize them as members in October 2002, after GEO contract negotiations ended. Negotiations between the University and the librar- ians started in January. They have been bargaining for higher wages, retroactive pay and better training. Currently, residence hall librarians - who are all graduate students in the School of Information and are required to live in the residence halls they work in - are paid with a $5,500 stipend and free room and board. They are ask- Residence hall librarians make approximately 75 percent of what graduate student instructors and other graduate employees make. ing that the University pay them the same salary given to other graduate student employees, who, because they receive tuition and other benefits, make approximately $18,000 more per year, Shoup said. The University yesterday proposed to pay the residence hall librarians the same salary as other University library associates, who make approxi- mately 75 percent of what graduate student instructors and other graduate employees make. "We are unhappy with the wage pro- posal the University has made to us," Residence Hall Librarian Margaret Bas- ket said, adding that librarians have numerous administrative responsibilities and require special training to perform their work. "For us, it's about the profes- sionalism of our jobs." Basket added that she does not think it is reasonable for the Univer- sity to pay librarians less than what it pays other graduate student employees. "We don't understand why librarians are in the contract at a wage below GSI wages," she said, adding that one theory is that, because women hold the majori- ty of librarian positions, those positions are underpaid. "Librarians all over the world right now are having problems with pay equity." Peterson said she believes negotia- tions between the two parties have been making progress. So far, the University and the librarians have tentatively agreed to four proposals, she added. Those proposals include the Uni- versity's agreement to classify resi- dence hall librarians as graduate student staff assistants for the purpos- es of the GEO contract. Librarians will also receive additional supplies, such as computers, to use in their workspaces in order to help them with their jobs, Peterson said. The parties have also agreed to a plan that would move residence hall librarians out of the residence halls, giving them compensation through tuition instead of room and board. As part of that agreement, the University has set up a plan to provide transi- tional housing options for current librarians who are planning to keep the position next year. "We were really disappointed when the University made the decision that living in the residence halls was not a necessary part of our job, because we feel that being part of the community has been really important to the resi- dence hall librarian program," Basket said. "But we were really glad that they came up with a transitional agreement. It's'late in the year to be looking for housing in Ann Arbor, and housing is really expensive" NICOLE TERWILLIGER/Daily Ann Arbor resident James Middlestadt argues with pro-war demonstrators during a protest on the Diag yesterday. New software helps Internet users cope with pop-up ads U I 0 * 0 0 0 * 0. a . By Sara Eber Daily Staff Reporter "Win a free vacation today!" "Free rate quotes instantly!" For many Internet users, surfing the web can resemble a trip through an old-fashioned bazaar - vendors thrusting products in your face in hopes of attracting you to their display. Potential consumers are bombarded with online advertisements, the most notorious being "pop-ups" or "pop- unders." Heeding the complaints of its cus- tomers, America Online announced last week its latest software addition, "AOL Web Pop-Up Qntrols." Part of the new 8.0 version, it features an icon at the bottom of the user's screen which, when clicked, disables pop-up messages from appearing. While Earthlink and Microsoft recently developed similar services, AOL distinguishes its software by its ability to differentiate between unsolicited pop-ups and those nec- essary for certain shopping or bank- ing sites. LSA junior Scott Meves said AOL's new pop-up feature is a positive response to user demands. "When those ads pop- up, it's just plain annoying," he said. Meves, co-founder and webmaster of EatBlue.com, a popular university website for restaurant discounts and menus, steered clear of using pop-up advertisements for his site. "We knew people would get irritated if we used pop-up ads. Nobody goes to a website to see advertising. We want to give people what they want to see, and if that doesn't happen, they will stop coming back," he said. Business School Prof. Rajeev Batra said the new software was introduced in response to growing consumer "We knew people would get annoyed if we used pop-up ads. Nobody goes to the Internet to see advertising. - Mary Sue Coleman University president Internet ads dividing into two separate spheres, she said. "I think in the future, the Internet will- become a two-headed monster: One set of companies will become more in-your-face and aggressive about getting ads in front of con- sumers, even consumers who don't want to see them," she said. "Another set of companies will get really smart about Internet advertising and work out how to make the ads more interesting and meaningful to people - in the same way the best TV or print advertisers make their ads entertaining to watch," Brown said. Meves said current online adver- tising is not very effective. "Busi- nesses think if people click on an ad it will help them sell their products or increase traffic on their site, but with me, the reverse is true. If I see a pop-up, I'll try to avoid them alto- gether," he said. Yet communications graduate student Nathaniel Poor said AOLs developments will not have a far-reaching effect. "In the end, it's not a huge differ- ence," he said. "It's just AOL users and only pop-ups. So pop-ups will still mostly work with everyone else." LSA sophomore Chad Jones said he questions the necessity of AOL's new software. "It's just clicking. We're ~ ist la7. individua~ls w~ho Ccan't Apple's been taking crazy pills. Free 10GB iPod with a 12 or 17 in. PowerBook. 12 in. Display / 867 MHz / 256MB SDRAM / 40GB / Ethernet / DVD-ROM/CD-RW Combo Drive /3 year warranty & phone support Special Student Price: $1763 You Save: $419 OR 17 in. 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