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March 21, 2003 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2003-03-21

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Mach 1, 2003
02003 The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Vol. CXlli, No. 115

One-hundred-twelve years of editorialfreedom

Light rain
during the
morning with
skies clear-
and winds
from the

LOWl: 33


OEM 1115110100.11

fear rise in
hate crimes
By Maria Sprow
Daily Staff Reporter
Engineering junior Omar Khalil was
walking down the street with a friend
this weekend when someone in a pass-
ing vehicle gave him a shout-out - but
not like the ones exchanged between
"I was walking with a friend of mine,
and we were told to go back to our coun-
try," Khalil said, adding that he did not
think the incident was a big deal - at
first. "My friend and I, we just shrugged
it off. We were both born in the U.S. -
we were in our own country already,"
Khalil said. "But then I got to thinking,
S someone doesn't like me so much that
they don't want me living here. They
don't know me, they don't know who I
am.... It was kind of disturbing."
But like many people of Middle-
Eastern descent in Ann Arbor and
across the nation, Khalil, vice presi-
dent of the Muslim Students Associ-
ation, anticipates an increase in
similar incidents now that the United
States has launched a war against
Iraq. Muslims and those from the
Middle East are not the only ones
expecting a rise in bias-motivated
crimes. The FBI last week released a
memo urging law enforcement offi-
cials to be especially watchful for
hate crimes.
"Law enforcement agencies that
encounter seemingly unexplained
crimes against persons who appear
to be of Arab descent should explore
the possibility that the act was ethni-
cally motivated," the FBI bulletin
states. "War with Iraq or a terrorist
incident is likely to precipitate an ...
increase in crimes against Arab
But local FBI officials would not
comment on the bulletin, and Depart-
ment of Public Safety Director William
Bess said last week that he had not been
given any reason to believe hate crimes
on campus would intensify once the war
started. "We are not anticipating any
increase in bias-motivated crime and we
have not received any notice that there
will be an increase," Bess said.
But Khalil said he is afraid the esca-
See CRIMES, Page 7




U.S. troops
ground a
Helicopter crash leaves 12 Britons
and four Americans dead
The Associated Press
American and British combat units rumbled across the
desert into Iraq yesterday and bombed limited targets in
Baghdad. But military commanders withheld the massive
onslaught that would signal all-out war as U.S. officials tried
to talk the Iraqi regime into giving up.
Coalition forces suffered their first
casualties in a helicopter crash that left
12 Britons and four Americans dead.
"The days of the Saddam Hussein
regime are numbered," Defense Secre-
tary Donald Rumsfeld predicted,
although he also said there was "no
need for a broader conflict" if Iraqi
leaders surrender.
On the second day of Operation Iraqi
Freedom, American officials held out
the tantalizing possibility that Saddam
had been killed in the initial Wednesday
night bombing of Baghdad.
State-run Iraqi television said Saddam survived, and met
with his top aides to counter the U.S.-led attack. "We are
resolved to teach the criminal invaders hard lessons and
make them taste painful punishment," declared the Iraqi nil-
Intelligence analysts tried to determine whether a man in
military garb shown on state-run television was the Iraqi
leader or a double. U.S. intelligence believes Saddam and
possibly two of his sons were present inside a suburban
Baghdad compound when it was struck and that medical
attention was summoned afterward. There was no definitive
word whether Saddam was caught in the pre-dawn attack.
The onset of war sparked anti-war demonstrations across
the country - more than 1,000 were arrested in San Fran-
cisco - and at U.S. embassies around the world. The State
Department warned U.S. citizens abroad of an increased
danger of terrorism.
Rumsfeld hinted that talks with Iraqi military ele-
ments, including some in the elite Republican Guard,
may have been behind a delayed start to a planned
massive aerial assault. "We still hope" the Iraqi lead-
ership can be replaced "without the full force and
See ATTACK, Page 7

Commuinity ci
By Emily Kraack
and Ryan Vicko
Daily Staff Reporters
More than 2,000 people took to the
streets of Ann Arbor yesterday to voice
concern and support for the war in Iraq.
The rallies began in the Diag and grew as
they moved to the Ann Arbor Federal
Building on the corner of Fifth and Liber-
ty streets.
Students on the Diag divided them-
selves into two distinct groups - those
who were opposed to war gathered near
the steps of the Harlan Hatcher Graduate
Library, while those who supported using
military force in Iraq gathered toward the
back of the Diag.

vts/es over opp,,osig
A dozen student groups sponsored the
rally in opposition to the war. The rally I Id: n
included speakers from the Black Student 1
Union, Muslim Students Association and B
the Michigan Student Assembly as well as
a drumming rally. "We're just protesting
the war," LSA junior Lena Masri, a rally organizer and M
organizer and member of the Muslim Stu- ing Editor Ruben
dents Association, Anti-War Action! and Although no
Students Allied for Freedom and Equality, reported, the ral
said. "Iraq is only one part (of this war), tensions betwee
Bush explicitly said this war is going to those opposed to
go on to other places." LSA sophomo
Students supporting military action in member MeganI
Iraq held American flags and expressed ease tensions bet
support for U.S. troops in Iraq. "We're protesters.
going to sit here solemnly and somberly She said she w
to show solidarity for our troops," rally


Michigan Review Manag-
Duran said.
violent incidents were
lies displayed increasing
n those in support and
the current war.
re and Anti-War Action!
Williamson stepped in to
ween a group of arguing
as not surprised that con-
See RALLY, Page 7

Vigil illuminates need
for civilian protection

Senate vote shows
unanimous support
for troops abroad

By Min Kyung Yoon
Daily Staff Reporter
As the war in Iraq continued into its
second day, students and community
members gathered to express their con-
cern for human rights in a candlelight
vigil last night on the Diag. The vigil
was organized by Amnesty Internation-
"The basis for our vigil is that it is a
humanitarian one and not a political
one," Krisha Kinnersley, an organizer of
the vigil and a RC freshman, said.
"(The University's) Amnesty Interna-
tional group is neither condemning nor
condoning the U.S.'s move to war with
Iraq. Instead, we are urging civilian and
human rights be kept as a first priority
and that war be conducted according to
international standards."
The vigil's focus on human rights and
the need for the protection of civilians
rather than the political aspects of the
war appealed to many students.
"Amnesty's policy of not taking a
political stance and prioritizing the

"We are urging
civilian and human
rights be kept as a
first priority.'
- Krisha Kinnersley
RC freshman
rights of the Iraqi citizens is more
important than justifying or condemning
the war," LSA freshman Jennifer Yee
said. "Humanity is more important than
political arguments over the war."
Comparing the vigil to the anti-war
protest held earlier yesterday on the
Diag, LSA freshman Catherine Carman
said student protests should have more
focus on human rights than politics.
"There's a lot of division within the
campus and nation whether or not this is
a just war," she said. "The focus should
be on the human rights that are being
violated by Saddam Hussein in Iraq
See VIGIL, Page 7

WASHINGTON (AP) - With the
first blasts of war, lawmakers on
Thursday largely set aside differences
over President Bush's handling of Iraq
and called for unity in support of
American troops.
The Senate unanimously approved a
resolution in support of the forces. It
expressed gratitude to soldiers and their
families, support for Bush as command-
er in chief, and thanked British Prime
Minister Tony Blair and his government
"for their courageous and steadfast sup-
port." The vote was 99-0, with Sen. Zell
Miller (D-Ga.) absent becaus of an ill-
ness in his family.
House leaders were working out the
language of a similar resolution. Some
Democrats were concerned the word-
ing might indicate they supported
Bush's decision to go to war and that
they agreed Iraq was part of the war on

Despite the differences, the House
resolution was expected to win wide
support, including from some lawmak-
ers who had voted against a resolution
in October authorizing the war.
"When we go into battle, despite our
differences on policy, when we go into
battle, it will be one team, one fight;'
said House Democratic Leader Nancy
Pelosi of California, who opposed that
war resolution.
After Bush abandoned efforts Mon-
day to seek a U.N. resolution for the
war, Democrats combined statements
of support for the troops with criti-
cism of the administration's diplomat-
ic efforts. Senate Democratic Leader
Tom Daschle of South Dakota drew
Republican fire for saying Bush
"failed so miserably at diplomacy that
See SENATE, Page 2

Ann Arbor resident Jeremy Axelrod participated in last night's vigil on
the Diag supporting Iraqi citizens and U.S. soldiers at war.


More Coverage Inside
World opinion on U.S.
military intervention in Iraq
University students debate
moral justifications for war
High school students protest
war with walkout
Page 8.

State authorities raise security measures

By Andrew McCormack
Daily Staff Reporter
With the war on terror now raging in full
force on Iraq and Afghanistan, many students
like LSA junior Laureen Fung are feeling the
real threat of terrorism once more.
"I'm from New York, so it's very close to
home," Fung said. "I think (the risk) has defi-
nitely increased because we're at war and all.
It's not on my mind every time I fly, but it
should be."
"I was in Washington, D.C. over the summer
and I was afraid to go on the National Mall
because I thought there might be a risk - it

was the July 4th right after September 11," she
added. "Only in New York right now have they
increased security. I don't think a lot of other
states take into account the increased level of
But Michigan borders are safe, said Customs
and Border Protection spokesman Greg Pal-
"Right now, what we're working with are
very diligent and seasoned officers - they
know what it takes to secure their country and
have stepped up to the plate. This is the play-
off," he said.
While many of the effects on policy caused
by the "high" alert status cannot be disclosed

for security reasons, travelers will experience
more vigilant security at the border, including
increased car inspections and greater scrutiny of
driver's licenses and passports.
There is, however, no military presence at the
border, but troops can be called at a moment's
notice, Palmore added
"At this point, (military) resources can be
requested, but we are working with the
resources we have. ... It's not only Border
Patrol out there, but Coast Guard too, and just
like everyone else they'll be scrutinizing pass-
ports and IDs," he said. "Right now, everything
is safe and secure."
See SECURITY, Page 7


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