March 20, 2003
@2003 The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Vol. CXIII, No. 114
One-hundred-twelve years offeditoriallfreedom
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"The openbig stages of the disannament oftthe Iraqi regime have begun"
- White House spokesman Ari Fleischer
Baghdad awakes
to sounds of war
U.S. missiles strike at dawn
as Bush's ultimatum expires
The Associated Press
The United States launched the
opening salvo last night of a war to
topple Saddam Hussein, firing cruise
missiles and precision-guided bombs
against selected targets in Baghdad.
"This will not be a campaign of
half-measures and we will accept no
outcome but victory," President Bush
said in an Oval Office address shortly
after explosions ricocheted through the
pre-dawn light of the Iraqi capital.
Anti-aircraft tracer fire arced across
the Baghdad sky as the American
munitions bore in on their targets. A
ball of fire shot skyward after one
Saddam's state-run television broad-
cast a message of defiance to Ameri-
cans in return: "It's an inferno that
awaits them. Let them try their falter-
ing luck and they shall meet what
awaits them."
The missiles struck less than two
hours after the expiration of Bush's
deadline for Saddam to surrender
power or face war.
Bush described the targets as being
of "military importance," and one
White House official said the attack
was the result of fresh intelligence that
prompted an earlier-than-planned
opening strike._
One military official, speaking on
condition of anonymity, identified
them as "leadership targets," members
of the regime's ruling group, but said
he was not certain whether Saddam
himself was one of them.
Even so, it was clear from Bush's
words - he called it the opening stages
of a "broad and concerted campaign"
- that the war to topple the Iraqi dicta-
tor and eliminate his weapons of mass
destruction had begun.
Earlier in the day, Bush told Con-
gress the attack was part of a world-
wide war against terrorism, and
American forces launched a raid in
Afghanistan at the same time it struck
in Iraq. About 1,000 members of the
82nd Airborne Division moved into
villages in southeastern Afghanistan,
looking for members of the al-Qaida
In Iraq, an American-led invasion
force of 300,000 troops awaited the
order to strike more broadly. U.S. and
~See IRAQ, Page 9A
Saddam commands Iraqis to
BAGHDAD, Iraq-T) Presi-
dent Saddam Hussein accused the
United States of committing a
"shameful crime" by attacking Iraq,
urging his people in a nationally tele-
vised address today to "go draw your
sword" against the enemy.
Saddam appeared on television,
wearing a military uniform, vowing
that "Iraq will be victorious," about
two hours after U.S. cruise missiles
hit targets in and around Baghdad.
to the evi invaders'
U.S. officials said the strike targeted
Saddam himself and other leadership
The Iraqi leader appeared subdued,
and his puffy face showed signs of
strain. He wore reading glasses -
something he has avoided in public.
He appeared less vigorous than dur-
ing a meeting of his Revolutionary
Command Council last week.
"We promise you that Iraq, its
leadership and its people will stand
up to the evil invaders, and we will
take them to such limits that they
will lose their patience in achieving
their plans, which are pushed by
criminal Zionism," he said.
"They will face a bitter defeat,
God willing," he said. "You will be
able to achieve glory and your des-
picable infidel enemies will be
"This is added to the series of their
See SADDAM, Page 6A
Flashes of light from an explosion are shown above the Baghdad skyline early today in this image from CBS Television.
Lawmakers revise views,
support troops after attack
By Andrew McCormack
Daily Staff Reporter
Many Michigan U.S. representatives and sena-
tors who have long opposed President Bush's war
movement are reevaluating their positions now
that Saddam Hussein's deadline for voluntary
exile has passed and war with Iraq has begun.
"Last October, a majority of both Houses of
Congress voted to authorize the President to use
military force with or without the authority of the
United Nations," U.S. Sen. Carl Levin (D-Detroit)
said in a written statement. "While I disagreed
with that decision and offered an alternative, the
overriding fact is that this democracy functions
through debate and decision. The decision to give
the President wide authority was democratically
arrived at,"
Levin added that troops fighting in Iraq are
enacting the natural result of democracy and
deserve Americans' support for their actions.
Indeed, many legislators like Sen. Debbie
Stabenow (D-Lansing) are adopting similar polit-
ically neutral stances.
"As our men and women in uniform prepare to
.go into harm's way, it is important they know that
we stand united in support of our troops," she
said in a written statement. "I pray that the con-
flict will be resolved quickly and with a minimal
loss of life."
But some, like Rep. John Conyers (D-Detroit),
are still firmly against Bush's war effort.
"What I'm telling my colleagues in Congress
and citizens is that we must continue to protest
this illegal and unconstitutional war," he said.
'U' prepares for possibility
of retaliation via safety plan
By Jeremy Bekowitz
Daily StafReporter
Members of the University community wake up
today to a different world and campus. Although
the University encourages students to remain calm
about the war, safety officials recently drew up con-
tingency plans for a possible attack on U.S. soil.
Department of Public Safety Director Bill Bess
e-mailed deans, directors and department heads
yesterday to notify them of warnings and possible
security increases in anticipation of an attack.
"Emergency plans have long been in place at the
(University) since Sept. 11, 2001, all of us have
become more aware of the need to be prepared,"
Bess wrote in the e-mail. "Plans have been
reviewed and revised, where necessary, to help
ensure the (University) is a safe and secure environ-
ment for our students, faculty, staff and visitors."
The University has established emergency
response protocols including evacuation plans,
security updates at various labs and posted emer-
gency procedure information in many campus
buildings. University officials will soon launch a
website to keep students updated on the latest news
regarding safety and procedures. Bess said the Uni-
versity has worked with other southeast Michigan
Engineering senior Brian Cullinane and LSA senior Paul Gabrail say they both support the war in Iraq. Gabrail emigrated at a young age from
Iraq with his parents. Hanging in Cullinane's room is an American flag which his grandfather and father - who served in World War Ii and the
Vietnam War, respectively - passed on to him after Sept. 11.
Students voice support, uncertain
By Emily Kraack
Daily Staff Reporter
Students gathered in the Michigan
Union fell silent last night as President
Bush announced the commencement of
bombing in Iraq.
But they didn't stay quiet for long,
voicing an array of concerns and mixed
sentiments that leaned toward support
for the war.
person came in with more confidence
about what he had to say. He gave me
more confidence about his decision."
But LSA sophomore Leonid Bronshteyn
said he hesitates to support war because he
has no way of telling whether the Iraqi peo-
ple actually supported war. He asked, "Are
we actually liberating them or just making it
worse for them?"
LSA junior Rachel Katz said she feels
now that war is declared, she has no
"If we go to war, then I
have to support our
troops. I have so much
respect for people who
voluntarily go to the
I .
- Rachel Katz